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William Atchison

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"AlGore" redirects here. For the politician, see Al Gore.

The subject of this article is a virgin with rage.

This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Oh wait, this is AlGore. Never mind.
Say whatever the fuck you want, lol.
Lose an iPod?

This page contains an hero.

NEVAR!!!! This user was willing to die for the lulz... and did.

He's not only a cowardly loser that probably never got laid, he was evil incarnate.


—San Juan County Sheriff Ken Christesen

#CouchCrew2k15 #TangoDown

This loser never scored.
William Atchison
Born March 18, 1996
Died December 7, 2017 (aged 21)
Nationality: Americunt  
Occupation ED sysop, basement dweller
Highscore Killed 2 (did worse than Randy Stair)
Top 50? Not even close
Style FPS, Single player
An Hero? Yes, self-pwnd after being thwarted by a couch
Motive Encyclopedia Dramatica

William Edward Atchison (also known by his uncreative aliases AlGore, Vance Stone, Lance Stone, FuckYou, MrApophis, HeartofGold and SatanicDruggie) was an Encyclopedia Dramatica admin and pasty-faced little runt of a manlet, edgelord, and Freckle Chan's suspected cousin who shot up a school in Aztec, New Mexico on December 7, 2017. Atchison presumably aimed for the high score, but was only able to drop two noobs before becoming an hero.

Bill's long, slow descent into madness began when he joined Encyclopedia Dramatica at the age of 11. Fast forward to a decade later, he was so drained of the will to live or accomplish anything that he decided to carry out a school shooting, just like the many he had obsessively worshiped and cataloged in ED articles. His dreams of attaining immortality were tragically shot down by the fact that he was a useless pussy who couldn't even get past a sofa barricade held by an elderly woman, just as he had secretly feared all along. Thus, this article is entertaining in a way Bill didn't want, but definitely deserved for pulling such a failed stunt.

Let's hope that there's WiFi in Hell so William can read this.


Amazingly, this photo is not from The Onion.
I want to cum inside, but the couch's in the way.

Having been born on March 18, 1996 in Aztec, it is likely that William grew up in a trailer with a white trash background just like every other white devil in the state. In high school, he was a loner, wearing a trenchcoat to school everyday just like his idols, and inevitably got picked on for wearing a trenchcoat in the hot ass desert shithole where he lived. Too dumb to graduate from high school, he ended up working at a gas station, and frittering away his meager Jewgolds on buying FPS gaymes, Doritos, and poor quality drugs. He certainly never saved up enough to lose his virginity to one of the state's many affordable, fuck-for-a-buck, Mexican or Injun whores, which no doubt increased his fears that he was deeply homosexual. Or perhaps he didn't save up for a ride because he knew his pindick wouldn't respond, exposing him to further humiliation.

On the other hand, or Willy's other girlfriend as it came to be, he did display some initiative by managing to scrape together enough from his pocket-money wages to buy a Glock from a licensed dealer some time in 2017 (not that it makes much of a difference seeing guns are as accessible in New Mexico as alcohol and STDs). A new 9mm Glock costs at least $400 and probably more like $550. That's half a grand that Atchison could have used to improve his life. Some IT studies to bolster his résumé? A second-hand car, to widen his job prospects? A reasonable whore and half-a-dozen points of chang, with change left over for Taco Bell and a wasted weekend on the beer?

Eventually, he gave up completely on trying to have a meaningful life or find a girlfriend/hooker, and instead settled for becoming a sexless fedora-tipping brony/furfag who shitposted on /pol/, eventually becoming a sysop on ED.

Almost V&

A frequent visitor to Steam game discussions, our boy Willy was first investigated by the feds, both local police and FBI, back in 2014 or 2015 (by his account) when somebody reported his profile to fuck with him. There was hypocrisy here, as he frowned upon people saying the most depraved shit for shock value, but he participated in the same things he whined and bitched about others doing it himself.

In 2016, the dipshit made comments to other online gamers about carrying out a school shooting and which assault rifle was best suited to the task. Because of course, telling unknown numbers of complete strangers what you are planning is the perfect way to keep it secret. Unsurprisingly, the Feebs were on his doorstep pretty much immediately. Also unsurprisingly, Atchison pussied out of it by telling the G-Men that he was just trolling. Since he didn't have a gun of any kind, the lawmen decided he was just some stupid kid and posed no threat to anyone.

Ali David Sonboly

Moar info: Munich Massacre.

Will wasn't a completely friendless loser, he had a sand nigger friend named Ali Sonboly; who went postal a year before he did. The two were in some edgy Steam groups together which led to die Polizei looking into their relations after Willy's failure of a mission. Ali was born April 20, 1998, a year to the day before the CoLULbine fags went NBK and his hero, Adolf Hitler's birthday. He pwned some sixteen year old girls at the local Mickie D's in Munich, Germany before logging off life forever. The retard considered himself Aryan despite being a dirty Iranian who would be put to work in das konzentrationslager with the Polacks and Jews quicker than you can Sieg Heil.

The hero couch

The shooting

School used COUCH! It's super effective!
Work sucks, school sucks, life sucks. I just want out of this shit.


—Suicide note, completely avoiding any responsibility for his own shitty situation and ripping off another failure. Note that the dutiful prole literally planned to work until the day he died (see note above).

The shooting happened on the 7th of December, 2017. Atchison (known on Blockland as Sephiroth) entered Aztec High School disguised as a student and made his way to a 2nd floor bathroom where he was literally caught with his pants down by an actual student, causing Atchison to panic.

With his plan jeopardized by the child in front of him, he shot and killed the student and ran out into the hallway, desperately searching for another victim. After picking off a second stranded target he sought out a classroom to hold hostage, but got cucked when he discovered a sofa was placed in his path.

I know you’re in there.


—Will while being cucked by a couch and shooting at a wall.


He rightfully killed himself in shame as the police surrounded him and he came to the realization that he was actually more pathetic of a manchild than Randy Robert Stair.


He never foresaw the militarization of couches. GG.
AlGore's arsenal
Item Accessories/Bonus
  • Primary: Glock 19 Gen 4
  • 761 hours experience in CS:GO.
  • Thrown: Backpack
  • Perk 1: Ghost Pro
  • Invisible against Spy Planes and Substitute Teachers.

Online presence

Wikipedia got it right! The truth is out!
Making random death threats was Willy's way of shaking hands with people online.
AlGore's POV

Suffering from the tism and never able to make friends irl, Atchison spent the majority ALL of his time running around online constantly screeching "FUCK YOU", "NIGGER", "KILL YOURSELF" and all sorts of other tired, unimaginative nonsense. Even in more pedestrian level forums, the "shock" value of his pedantic alt-right wannabe parroting always wore thin pretty quickly.

He was not liked by anyone and his presence was only ever tolerated when he could be put to work as an online janitor, cleaning up wiki pages like ED. That was really the only useful purpose he ever served online and it was his one outlet of self-importance and he felt a great deal of virtual control by editing wiki sites like ED and as such routinely abused his position of imagined power by uploading thousands upon thousands of unironic white supremacist propaganda and meandering hate screed against niggers, Jews, SJWs and pretty much anyone not of the overly cuntservative cracker ass persuasion. Once this began to booze on out of control, several ED admins took to the forums to voice their concerns with the way he was basically fucking up everything on the site.

On Steam, Atchison would befriend Ali David Sonboly (and consequently contributed to his ED page more than anyone else) in between leaving edgy reviews on video games such as Wolfenstein and Hatred, getting himself v& for cheating in online matches.

Meanwhile on Kiwi Farms he was also a largely unknown poster. He attempted to get in good graces with the staff, probably hoping he could get sysop on their own wiki much as he did here on ED. One of his last few posts involved thirsting after fellow failed mass shooter, Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath.


William left a lot of evidence for people to find after he killed himself, including his numerous online profiles. The following are publicly-known as of June 2019:

Forum Posts

  • Stuck in a Rural Redneck town - Self-explanatory post, whining about the town he lives in, himself, and his family. (Archived: 1 2)
  • Entry #16 - A 2016 Newgrounds post saying his goodbyes and once again, complaining. (Archived: 1 2)



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We'd thought it'd never happen... he's got a fangirl

Who is she? The internet detectives of Encyclopedia Dramatica are on the case!

Bill's opinion of such fangirls

As for the Serial Killers and Mass Murderer aspect, an excellent example are the bizzare group of freaks known as "Columbiners" who worship the fags who did that attack. They're mostly mentally ill teenage girls on dumblr so It should come as no surprise how degenerate they are. But even freaks like the sandy hook kid have hundreds of fangirls.


—Willy pretending like he doesn't want it

Most these fangrils are tumbler users, so nuff said. Theres actually dozens if not a few hundred of fangirls for even ugly ass freaks like the sandy hook shooter, that faggot piece of shit who murdered 20 kids and 7 hoes (or was a lizard reptile cia crisis actor if you're really exceptional). Seriously even that construct of genetic failure had (sometimes actually hot chicks) lusting after him.


—Seething with jealousy

Graded Score

Graded Score
Kill count: 2/20 Did worse than Randy Stair
Accuracy: 5/20 Shot at a wall for two minutes
Style: 7/20 Disguised himself as a student to get inside
Butthurt: 1/20 School shootings are so common now that nobody noticed
Bonus: -2000/20 For being Couch Cuck
Total Score: -1985/100 (ة--------------------------)
Couch cuck
See full ranking

Wanted Level:

This faggot doesn't even deserve a wanted level.

See also

Confirmed: Satanist and Freemason

External links

William Atchison
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An Heroes

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