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Only YOU can prevent fat people from buying camcorders!

PissedOffVideoGamer / PissedOffAngryGamer (Powerword: Eric Abramov) is an morbidly obese lolcow and Russian immigrant that looks like an IRL Dragomike. He is like the Angry Video Game Nerd if he were to go on an endless eating rampage at a local Ponderosa. As a person from the old country, the PissedOffVideoGamer managed to hone his gaming skill by playing a lot of third rate knockoffs such as Super Bolshevik Bros. and Epic Fail Guy. Unfortunately, the old country did not have treadmills, as he weighs no less than one metric ton at the ripe old age of 24.

You came to the wrong neighborhood motherfucker.


PissedOffVideoGamer is best known for his video game reviews on YouTube. In them, he proceeds to review a video game or system by yelling for no apparent reason whatsoever. He also feels the need to poke at things with a stick in lieu of his laziness. He also exercises his l33t Windows Movie Maker editing skills by superimposing red eyes over his own to prove that he is the angriest gamer you've ever heard. He clearly does not understand the concept of audio balance, so every time he yells (which is 99.9% of the time), your ears get raped by ugly static. To top it all off. he splices in footage from the Angry Video Game Nerd, the Angry German Kid, and that guy who gets pissed off at Halo to prove that his anger is serious business.

In short, the common rule for his game reviews is if he cannot eat it, then it is a piece of shit and must be destroyed for tempting him and his gluttony. Hence his common references to food in his reviews include comparing the Nintendo Gamecube game to a chocolate chip cookie and the Playstation 3 to a bucket of Popeye's Fried Chicken.

Newcomers will believe that he is only a skilled troll, but upon further investigation, the PissedOffVideoGamer thinks of his reviews as serious business, which only makes him that much greater a lolcow. He is so fucking fat that he needs to breathe for like 10 seconds between each word making his videos ten times longer than if he actually were to speak like a normal person. In some of his movies he shows his video game collection which consists of countless rasslin' games and in general shitty games, it appears for some strange reason that he has to read on the back of the box on each game to determine if it's a good game or not because he probably hasn't ever played them, only bought some shitty games to show everyone online that he has them. He abandoned the video gaming scene in the late 2000s, and has returned in 2015 as a devout and grammatically-challenged Catholic evangelist, where he would frequently speak against the sin that is pornography while posters of porn stars are visible in the background.

Notable Videos


In the following video, the fat fuck believes that repeatedly saying the word 'shit' is the funniest thing since rape, and that by using his outstanding thought inducing simile of likening the Gamecube disks to cookies, he is going to earn himself a lot of fans. Unfortunately, all he achieves is a mildly entertaining video, and horrified faces from anyone who knows the devestating health effects of chronic obesity. The video also happens to include special effects worse and less believable than Justin Bieber's claim of hetrosexuality, plus the elephant saying 'fucking piece of shit' in slow motion. True dat.

Lolcow or epic fail? You decide!

Reaction to the Haters

You couldn't make this stuff up!
Cookie Monster IRL.
Bad. Ass.

Many of the people who watch his videos comment on how fat he is and how he should try and exercise for great justice. Due to these sayers of truth, the PissedOffVideoGamer has constantly deleted and reuploaded his own videos to say these words...

You Can Diss Me And Threaten Me And Make Fun Of Me Call Me A Retard Or Any Other Bullshit That You All Want Say My Videos Suck Me Personally I Just Dont Give A Fuck Because Im Gonna Continue Making and Uploading Videos Woooooooooooooo



Where the fuck did the "Woooooooooooooo" come from? Who knows. Most likely it was gas escaping. Then again, he plays shitty WWE roles so he was probably blowing his hero Ric Flair.

His grammar is a source of fail, as it is made of capital letters and misspellings (And clearly contains no form of punctuation, thus angering the Grammar Nazis) although this is understandable, as he was a valedictorian in the old country.

God help us when he decides to collaborate with the Numa Numa Guy. The world will collapse due to the epic amount of fat in one sitting.





The ultimate fate of the PissedOffVideoGamer.
Eric would like to perform a certain amount of blowjobs on Hitler.
Yet another confirmed pedophile.

Fatty McEatsalot then decided that he could stand the flames no longer, and became an YouTube hero by closing his account. However, Eric has since relocated to sites such as Facebook, where he shares the same fucking photo of him and Hulk Hogan again and again. This act robbed us all of laughing at his videos, and only his review of the Nintendo Shitcube remains. DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS

Angrypissedoffvideogamer stars in: A Fridge to Far!

Watch one mans struggle as he attempts to walk to the refrigerator. Equipped only with his pointin' stick and sloth like reflexes watch him make an "incredible journey" as called by Roger Ebert, to his kitchen. You will feel the emotion with quotes like "one cannot simply walk in to kitchen" and dis....looks like a.... fucking.... chocolate chip kookeh. NY times calls it simply breathtaking. Coming to a drive-in near you!



External links

See Also

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