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Bubba Copeland

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This person is a sick fuck!

They should never be trusted by anyone!

Possible side-effects will include at least one of these:

  2. Bestiality
  3. Cuckoldry

Anyone up for a round of the crying game?

Bubba Copeland is actually a tranny.

     Enjoy your cock!   8====D (_(__)

Lose an iPod?

This page contains an hero.
Lose an iPod to transphobia?

This page contains someone who was Stunning and Brave.
To say I was a stalker would be a bit of an understatement


— Bubba COPEland

He was also very ugly

Fred L. "Bubba" Copeland, also known as "Brittney Blaire Summerlin" was a weirdo, creep, gooner, fat fuck, and tranny and upstanding christian conservative who was elected mayor of some bullshit yeehaw redneck shithole named Smiths Station in Alabama. After years of doing literally nothing as mayor, Bubba was exposed as a cross-dressing faggot. After his whole trailer park goat-fucker community heckled and ridiculed him for dressing up in his wife's clothes, Bubba hilariously an hero'd himself. However, his death was positively received after it was discovered that he was a severe creep, just like any other troon that ever existed.

A supposed "Republican", "Christian" and "Conservative", Bubba followed the Republican practice of preaching about fags going to hell, but also being a huge homo at the same time. We know that most anti-gay Republicans are secretly gay, but this butterball is the most rainbow-covered greasy shemale to walk through the cousin-diddling state of Alabama.


He says it was for "humor", but his Instagram says otherwise

On November 1, 2023, blueberry Bubba was exposed as a crossdresser. The reptiles who work at 1819news decided to find some dirt on the mayor just to get their kicks. They found his secret Reddit and other social media accounts, where he would steal his wife's dresses and take ugly pictures of himself. Some pictures were just typical dresses, but other ones were of women's underwear that barely fit him at all, which is absolutely funny to laugh at. Bubba would upload the pictures of himself, thinking that he was "sexy" and often labeling himself as "curvy", although we all know what the BMI of the average Republican is (Bubba is an example). Hilariously, Bubba also worked as a pastor, which means he would switch between his clerical suit and his dress depending on the day.

Now after 1819news decided to fuck his life over (for lulz), Bubba publicaly stated: "Yes, I have taken pictures with my wife in the privacy of our home in an attempt at humor because I know I'm not a handsome man nor a beautiful woman, either.". However, his humor excuse would crash down on him worse than all the donuts he filled his gut with. His posts on Reddit proved that he was considering "transitioning" into a female (which is impossible), and he would positively encourage taking HRT, thinking that it will magically turn him into some kind of HAWT CHICK.


Bubba would write his own fiction under his gooner persona, where he would steal the names of real life people living in his town to write erotica. That's right, he wrote sexual fanfiction about the actual residents who elected him to do nothing as mayor except eat burgers. In one story, he would talk about using security cameras to stalk random female citizens. It only gets worse from there. One of his writings was about murdering a real life woman in his area, and then assuming her identity. Since we already know the fat fuck is a creep, there's a chance this wasn't even fiction. In fact, it appears every single thing posted online by fatbody was insane, creepy, and often borderline illegal:

  • Bubba found a picture of two random kids, a boy and a girl, and then posted the caption "Take the shots, get implants, become the whore.". Proof
  • He would post pictures of minors to his social media account and muse about them transitioning.
  • Told kids online to get HRT
  • Owned porn accounts, where he would scare off the users by uploading a picture of himself, but he also stole pictures of unsuspecting citizens and then posted them on those porn websites.
  • Bragged about using security cameras to stalk women in his town.
  • The shitty story below is Bubba fantasizing about murdering a real life woman in his area, and then assuming her identity. By the way, he used a real name of a woman living in his area.

Dangerous Obsession by Bubba Copeland

Chapter One:

I wanted her life! Staring at her on the latest Social Media
Application, all I could think about was how amazing it must be to be
her. Now! I realize that no one's life is perfect however from all her
internet post she portrayed the life of perfection! At 29 years old,
married, and due to gastric bypass surgery had lost a lot of weight, she
looked on top of the world. Blonde hair perfectly styled, incredible
makeup, one would think she could grace the cover of any magazine. She
wore the latest in trendy boutique clothes and shoes. Heels, Ankle
boots, thigh high boots, flats, and Sneakers. Fashion was her "game,"
and she was great at it. Married for six years, they were examples of
the perfect American couple. She was everything I wish I could be!
Sadly, as a 32-year-old male computer nerd, I was left with nothing more
than my dreams.

Across town; Sydney Summers sat waiting on her next client. She thought
"If people only knew how being late to a hair appointment, can disrupt
the beautician's whole day." She scanned her phone looking and scrolling
in hopes to pass the time. "I haven't eaten all day," however since her
surgery, she always seemed hungry. Snapping a selfie to post, she was
aware that the forty pounds she had lost in the past three months, she
was cautious to eat anything. Image was important to Sydney, for years
she had struggled with her weight, before last year every picture that
she took reminded her of her flaws.

In my cubicle I scanned her page. "She posted a new picture!" Excited I
screenshot it to add to my ever-growing collection. To say I was a
stalker would be a bit of an understatement. Every post she made I
studied it, analyzing and taking notes of her daily routine. What she
ate, what she drank, from her favorite coffee to her favorite alcoholic
drink. Her life had become my obsession.

Taking a sip of her coffee, the customer spoke, "Girl let me tell you!"
Sydney listened to the latest gossip as she worked patiently putting
foil in her hair. She thought, "The best part of my job is, being the
hub for all the latest gossip!" The young lady in the chair had just
shared, that she had been having an affair with her boss for the last
three months, and she wasn't sure how to keep it from her husband.
Sydney finished the fantastic cut and color, grabs her phone and takes a
picture with the customer.

Finishing up my work for the day, I close my laptop and head home. Like
always I ride by her Beauty salon "Sydney's Shoppe of Beauty" in hopes
that I can see her through the glass. The shop is a cute little Boutique
and Salon. Painted a perfect teal and pink. The clothing part was on the
left side of the building packed with all the latest fashions and
jewelry. "No luck" another wasted trip, "O well, maybe tomorrow morning
when I head to work."

"Business is great," she thought as she looked at the Six chairs all
full of women getting their hair cut by one of the girls in the salon.
Each one had their different personality. Most beauticians were unique,
to begin with; however, her girls were like family. All dressed in the
latest fashions complimented with a personalized monogrammed apron for
each one. A must! "If you work at Sydney's." The stories she heard
inside these walls would make a sailor blush. Tales of swinging couples,
girls experimenting with each other, and even the occasional sorted
affair. Yes, her shop was the place to be! And Sydney loved it.

Being a loner with nothing to do, I called a friend and invited her to
dinner. Arriving early at a local Mexican restaurant, I sat down and
ordered a Margarita, and enjoyed the Chips and Salsa. People watching
has always been a joy of mine. When people come and go I wonder about
their lives, "is that his wife!?" Or maybe "it's his girlfriend?" Or
maybe "why in the world would someone wear that in public?"

My friend Hanna showed up fashionably late as always, walking in like a
tornado she flopped down took my Margarita and took a huge swallow.
"Whew, what a day!" Hanna was an up and coming real estate agent, and in
high demand. "The market is on fire and between closings, open houses
and client meetings I am having the hardest time keeping up!" feeling
her frustration I said, "I can imagine." "Some days I just think if
there were two of me, I could get so much more done." Her words hit me
like a ton of bricks! "If there were two- if there were two, why can't
there be two?" I thought. "Surely I can recreate myself and become an
exact twin of Sidney's "That's it!" I will transition to become Sydney

After dinner, I rushed home to devise and work on my plan. I knew one
thing about myself, "If I put my mind into something, nothing can stop
me from making it happen." It was not going to be easy but "people
transition every day." After a quick Internet search and studying
several Reddit messages, I found out how to purchase a feminization
hormone regiment. Opening a secret file on my computer, I gazed at my
enormous picture collection of her, and begin to take detailed notes on
the girl I was about to become.

"I absolutely love these!" she said holding a pair of metallic gold
Sandals. "How much?" Sydney asked the clerk. "One Hundred and fifty
dollars." she knew money was not an option when it comes to fashion, she
replied, "I'll take them!" Sydney had a problem; she is what you would
call "high maintenance." From her Audi R8, to her designer handbag she
worked hard for her money, and she drove it, wore it, and spent it.
"Caramel Macchiato, with skim milk and sugar-free whipped cream,
PLEASE," Sydney said to the barista. Being a little "extra" was her
thing, with a sweet personality and a side of bitch she gave off the
Aire of a confident socialite.

Chapter Two

The package arrived as expected, and I couldn't wait to get started! As
my favorite quote goes "today is the first day of the rest of your life"
quickly I opened the package spilling the contents out on the counter
top. Organizing the two prescriptions into distinct piles, I examined
what laid before me. An anti-androgen plus an estrogen pill, and I knew
this was the first steps to becoming "Sydney Summers."

"White?" I didn't know White, is a fingernail color? I quickly searched
Amazon and found the exact brand OPI brand, "Chiffon on my mind."
Nothing missed my eye, when it came to detail! I had already ordered the
last seven outfits she wore, along with shoes. My diet consisted of
salads, and very little more; in an effort, hopefully, to get down to
her size. At 5'9" I wasn't sure how I was going to match her 4'11"
frame, but that was relative at this point, my only focus was becoming
as close as possible.

"Beep, beep, beep" Sydney rolled over to the sound of her alarm. Wiping
honey colors tresses out of her face, she turned over and banged the
alarm clock, wishing for ten more minutes. Lying there thinking of all
the things on her to-do list, at this moment she just didn't have the
will to do it. As the covers Rustled next to her, she quietly rolled
over and slid her petite frame next to her husband. Rubbing the little
hairs on his chest, she slowly worked her way down his stomach, reaching
into his boxers finding the prize she wanted! Her husband's magic stick!

I wonder does she take a shower or a bath? Does she shave every day? Do
her panties and bra match all the time? These are thoughts that plague
my mind. Being a relatively good hacker, I had to figure out a way to
install some code or Spyware on her devices. Quickly scanning Reddit and
a few other message boards I had found my answer. I could offer to build
an app for the shop. “Suggest” that it would be a way for her customers
to access an appointment calendar, and find daily deals on fashions from
her boutique. By writing the code, I could install a camera and location
hack that would allow me access to anyone that would download the
application “Especially Sydney.” Sending off a quick email to her main
shop address, I offered my services "at a highly discounted rate." Then
waited for her to take the bait.

Panting after an incredible orgasm, she fell back into her pillows
grabbed her phone and began to check emails, and social media. “nothing,
nothing, OH that outfits cute! What is this?” "Dear Sydney's Shoppe of
beauty, I am an app developer in the area, and noticed that you did not
have an app, I would be more than willing to develop an app to help you
promote your business. Sincerely Jacob Johnson." Always wanting an app
to go with her turn key operation, her interest was peeked. Until this
point, it was just way too expensive. Reading the email once again, she
thought, "For Seventy-five dollars, it's a no brainer." But she was a
little scared of just going off an email, rattling off a return email,
she jumped out of bed and headed quickly to the shower. Throwing off her
over-sized Pink T-shirt, thinking, “I'm going to be so late."

“Ding” My phone beeped notifying me that I had received an email.
Nervously, I swiped to see that the email was from her. "Dear Jacob, I
am extremely interested in your offer. However, I would feel much more
at ease if we were to meet face to face. Please feel free to stop by the
shop sometime this week, and I will be sure to take five minutes, to
work you in my schedule. Hugs Sydney." “YESSS...” My plan may work,
after all, there is no way I can go today, that would make me look too
aggressive. I will just have to wait a day or two, swing by and sell her
my genius idea.

Several days later I swung by the shop, to give my best sales pitch, I
had the hardest time focusing just being in her presence. After dazzling
all the girls in the shop with all the bells and whistles I could add to
the app, it was easy to get Sydney to agree to let me build it. After
two days, I had the app up and running available to download on any
mobile device.

From this point forward anyone that downloaded the app would give me
access to everything on their phone. Calling Sydney; Hey Syd the app is
ready for download... “Great thank you so much, please be sure to email
me the invoice, and I will make sure you are paid” not fifteen seconds
later the first person to download the app was? You guessed it...
Sydney! Within 30 seconds I had full access to her phone.

Chapter Three

Staring in the mirror, I could tell a huge difference in my body.
Between the weight loss and hormones, I was developing a great figure. I
began yoga and light cardio to sculpt a more feminine frame. All my
dedication had rewarded me with beautiful little breast; I was now
sporting a cute little B cup.

One night I carefully broke into her shop and Installed a malware
tracker on her personal notebook. I could now view all her credit card
purchases, and email traffic. Following her online shopping habits, has
enabled me to figure out her favorite lingerie, perfume, makeup, and
hair products. While there I successfully hacked her video feed as well,
which has allowed me to pick up on her personality, body
characteristics, and voice.

Entering this new world allowed me to find out just what kind of person
she really was. Customers thought she was the perfection of a southern
belle, always happy and pleasant. Smiling and complimentary to every one
of them. However, to the girls in the shop, she was nothing more than a
tyrant! She expected a level of professionalism, and she got it.

Any girl that went against her found themselves without a job! Chair-
rent was to be paid on the first of the month, late by the fifth and if
the girls were past due, Sydney would cancel all their appointments. “In
the boutique,” it was no different the girls had to be young, energetic,
and photogenic. Daily social media fashion shows were a must in the
boutique, and if any girl didn’t do their part she was gone! Sydney only
hired girls with a thousand or more social media followers; they had to
live up to the image she wanted to create.

Chapter Four

Sydney sat in the dermatologist chair discussing Botox and fillers,
after sixty total pounds of weight loss, tummy tuck and breast implants
she was now ready to enhance her facial features. “approaching 30, I
will do anything to keep my youthful appearance.” Dr. Bob and she both
decided on two CCs of Juvederm to be placed into her upper and lower lip
enhancing her overall appearance. A few more injections in her laugh
line and forehead made for a perfect youthful look.

In the office, my changes were beginning to draw attention, so I devised
a plan and made an appointment to talk with my boss. Entering his
office, I hoped he would agree to my elaborate plan. Working from home
is the only way I could continue my feminization.

The hormones have done an amazing, under my shirt an ace bandage held my
C cup breast. Everyday keeping my hair pulled up into a man bun, I felt
that I was about to cross the line and would cause serious problems at
work. Beginning to plead my case “Mr. Lansdon, I firmly believe I could
save the company money and be more productive if I worked from home.
Surely cutting the cost of my office and secretary would save us money
on the bottom line, I firmly believe this move will prove to be
beneficial.” Leaning back in his chair... “I have had HR run the numbers
on doing what you are thinking, and data shows that you may be correct.
"To see just how it works, I will let you do a Six-month trial run.”
Beginning the first of the month, we will start the “work from home
study” and see how it works.” Doing my best to hide my excitement, and
not wanting to appear unprofessional I said: “Thank you, sir!”

Things began to move quickly from this point. With an appointment to get
my breast done and liposuction in the next two weeks, I began to
research any surgical procedure that could reduce someone’s height.
After an extensive internet search, I found an experimental surgery
performed by a doctor in Germany. His Web page said his method would cut
the patients femur and remove several vertebrae in the back thus making
he or she any height they desired. Being an experimental surgery, I was
nervous but emailed his office anyway, in no time I received a reply and
began my plans to become four feet eleven inches.

“No turning back now!” Holding a mirror between my legs as tears rolled
down my face I looked at my new man-made vagina. Just six hours earlier
I was asked if I was 100% sure, I wanted to go through with this?
Without hesitation, I said: "Yes, absolutely!" Now another step closer
to being her, my heart was happy. “Sure” it is going to be a long road
of healing, but it "so" worth it!

Chapter Five

The worst thing possible has happened! After successfully working from
home for the past six months, my boss wants to see me in his office! I
am in huge trouble; my perfectly curled blonde hair is now down my back,
I have also had several surgical procedures. There is no way I can hide
this body under by any male clothes. Without a doubt, I was about to
lose my job. Left with no choice, I emailed my boss and made an

Waking early the next morning I showered, shaved my legs, and took time
contouring and highlighting my face. Making an extra effort in making my
eyes look dramatic, I added lash extensions to complete my makeup.
Picking out the cutest knee length floral dress, and nude pumps, My
appearance was perfect. Glancing in the mirror, “looking back” was a
beautiful woman! Not the woman I was to become, but closer than I have
ever been. “In for a penny in for a pound.” If Mr. Lansdon wanted to see
me, he was going to get the very best of the new... me.

Well, that didn’t take long! After the initial shock wore off, Mr.
Lansdon politely told me that he felt the company was going in a
different "direction" and let me go. Thankfully I was given a severance
package, it and my 401k would have to tie me over until I could take
over her life.

Chapter Six

“OMG,” I am in pain! “Nurse! Nurse!” I was encased in a full body cast
with my face bandaged. Left with nothing but time after being laid off,
I was taking my next steps to becoming “Sydney's” twin. Body shortening
surgery was first, and while being in the operating theater, I decided
to go ahead with my facial feminization. The doctor warned me that
having so much done at one time could be taxing on the body. "However,"
with nothing left to lose, I was a determined woman!

The bandages come off today, and after being completely immobile for two
weeks, I was more than ready to get on with my life. The doctor began
cutting gauze and casting material off my body. “Young lady, you have
healed very well, it looks like the surgery has been a success.” In the
next couple of days, I want you to work on getting to the bathroom on
your own, and then as your strength improves walk down the hall.”

The first thing I noticed was everything was much taller! Just getting
out of the bed, I could tell my feet hung a good foot from the floor.
Noticing as the nurse helped me out of bed, she was a giant next to me.
“How tall are you?” “Five feet six inches,” smiling she said, “your new
height will take some getting used to."

As we made our way to the bathroom, I sat down to find my feet didn’t
touch the floor there either. Well, I thought “One step closer to
completing my dream.” Looking in the mirror, I could tell my face was
nothing like before. However, with the bruising and swelling it would be
a while before I could tell how close I resembled my "muse." Making my
way back to my bed, I performed a quick internet search to find beauty
school classes back home. If I was to pull this off, I had to learn the
hair and beauty trade as well.

Chapter Seven

Looking at my pictures "Head to toe" I was the spitting image of Sydney
Summers, the bitchy hair stylist, and boutique owner. Half way through
beauty school, my skills were amazing, I had perfected my ability to
recreate modern hair styles and was a wiz at matching a color. Applying
my Sydney sweet... personality, friends came easy, and I was enjoying my
new life.

After a late dinner and gossip session with my new friends, I started my
daily research into what Sydney had been up too? A new video, three
selfies, hundreds of texts-to and from friends, just her regular daily
activity. Looking at her credit card receipts, she had also purchased
several outfits and shoes. Quickly I jumped on the shopping website and
ordered the matching "lot."

“I have to move on to the next step!” It’s time to put my disguise to
the test. Data gathered from every girl that worked in the Shop,
accessed after they downloaded the app... my plan was to make an
appearance in a couple of places where they would be. Cautiously I made
sure to watch Sydney's location as well, I "definitely" didn’t want us
showing up somewhere at the same time.

Several of the younger girls made plans to go to a club Saturday night.
The plan was set, putting a cute outfit on, I headed out. I watched from
my car; you could see they had been drinking before coming downtown.
Hopping out of the car I walked straight towards them. Once we were
within earshot, they saw me, “SYD!” one of the girls screamed! “HEY” I
rushed to kiss each one on the cheek, being so short they towered over
me. They each wore heels and looked perfectly amazing. “What are you
doing down here?" one of the girls asked. “I've been to dinner with an
old friend and was heading back to my car.” Hoping they would not ask a
lot of questions, the tall Brunette said, “We're headed to club 30, you
have to come!” Doing my best at acting like I wasn’t sure, they grabbed
my hands, and I we headed off. Tucking my perfectly styled hair behind
my ear, I smiled. “Perfect! Just perfect!”

Chapter Eight

I kept my pattern the same for the next several months. Randomly showing
up places the girls were. Birthday parties, Weddings, Girls night outs.
I covered the entire circuit, not once did anyone question if I was the
real Sydney. Always careful to never be in the pictures, I sure didn’t
want my secret out before I could put a plan in place to take over.

Could you imagine the conversations had at the shop? Confusing
conversations about fun nights with the girls, meanwhile Sydney saying;
"I wasn’t there?" and the girls saying, "Sure you were!"

My ultimate test came one-morning several weeks later. Following her
daily patterns, I knew every Saturday she would get coffee and go
antiquing with a friend. After her car pulled out, I quickly entered her
house, Quietly I found my way to the bedroom, careful not to wake “our”
husband up. Cautiously getting undresses, I slid the Pajamas on she had
worn the night before. Pulling my hair into a top knot, I climbed into
bed with our sleeping husband.

He spoke softly, “I thought you went out." “I did but, changed my mind,
because I want you!” Rolling over grabbing around my waist, he began to
kiss my ear. Pulling my shirt off, he sucked each breast as my nipples
grew rock hard. I put my hand inside his boxers and began stroking him
ever so softly up and down. Until this point, the only thing that I’ve
used on my vagina, was a few toys and a dilator.

To say a female orgasm is incredible would be like saying the Grand
Canyon is a hole. Wave after wave of intense pleasure came over me as he
fucked me in several positions. Missionary, Doggie Style, Reverse
Cowgirl, the pleasure just didn’t stop. We were both sweating, out of
breath, and spent from our love making. Falling into each other's arms,
“I had just passed the ultimate test.” He rolled over to sleep, as I
quickly eased out bed making sure to return everything as I found it.
Satisfied that I had left no trace, I bounded out the back steps.

Chapter Nine

“I must take over her life, and do it now!” Quickly I am running out of
money and with very little room left on my credit cards I had to speed
things up. Turning ideas over in my head, I logged into her phone
scanning for information of any plans. I discovered that she was making
plans to take several girls, on a cruise as an employee appreciation
gift. Right then I made up my mind what I had to do. With the last bit
of room, on my credit cards, I booked the smallest economy cabin on the
exact ship the girls were to go on.

Packing as a female is a whole lot different than packing as a male.
"Especially when you are as High maintenance, as I have become." Careful
to pack her favorite outfits along with beauty products, I couldn’t
afford to screw up now. Several suitcases and travel bags later I loaded
everything into the car and headed south.

Driving always allowed me time to think, “This was really about to
happen!” Everything I have worked so hard for is about to become a
reality!” What am I losing? “Nothing,” My mother and father had long
since passed away, with no job and no girlfriend, I was about to leave
this lonely life behind, and step into being the woman of my dreams.

Chapter Ten

Leaving my car in the ship terminal parking lot, I left the keys in the
seat there was no sense in worrying about that piece of Junk anymore.
Paying close attention to what I was wearing when boarding the ship, I
wanted to be as incognito as possible. Huge Sun glasses, oversize
hoodie, and a baseball cap; made up my ensemble, just in case, I ran
into the girls. Fortunately, I didn't see anyone I knew as I made my way
quickly to the cabin.

Hanging up all the clothes, and putting my shoes away, I set up the
little desk in my room as surveillance central. Quickly I turned on all
mics, cameras, and GPS to the girl's phones, carefully writing down
plans they had for the trip. Each night they partied, drinking and
dancing with as many guys as possible. Sleeping late every day, they
would skip breakfast, then waste the afternoon away sunbathing on the
top deck. One interesting thing I discovered about Sydney's behavior
was, for the past three nights she would slip out and stand on the top
rail of the ship. She would stand there Staring off into the darkness,
literally for no reason, just a simple reflective stare. Closing my
laptop, I decided “tomorrow night would be the night!” as soon as she
takes her evening stroll, I will be waiting!

Chapter Eleven

Watching her walk around the top deck, now was the perfect time to take
over her life. I quickly removed the scarf covering my hair, which I had
carefully put up in a fishtail braid just like hers. Then I Removed the
bulky, oversized sweater covering the exact size, and style of floral
romper she had on. Checking to make sure my stack of bracelets was all
in place; I approached her!

"Hey Syd," I said in my male voice. She gasped! She had just come face
to face with her exact twin.

She had heard several times that everyone has one or two people that
look exactly like them, but this was different! This imposter had the
"exact" same outfit and even smelled like her. Head to toe, this
doppelganger looked just like her, and she was scared!

I saw the bewilderment on her face, I spoke again in my old voice,
Remember me? “NO!" And why would I? and why do you look exactly like
me!?” "I'm Jacob... Jacob Johnson, the guy that designed the app for the
store." Sadly... there is nothing left of that man, just a carbon copy
of you.

The look of anger and uncertainty was evident on her face. Using my
Sydney's voice, “I have spent everything I have and every waking moment
to become you." “Seriously this is sick!” she yelled.

“No, no mimicking her voice, this is the greatest compliment anyone
could ever give to another person” For a moment she just stared. Every
movement of the head I mirrored her, every eye movement, hand motion I
followed her, it was almost like a game, but after years of practice, I
was a professional. You could see, she had become lost in her thoughts,
so I decided to continue the conversation.

Well, Syd, it seems we have a conundrum, there can’t be two of you
walking around... "So, with that said; I know you won't be OK with me
having your life, so it seems one of us have to go” “What do you mean?”
with fear in her voice. In my best impersonation of her, I said...there
can only be One Sydney Summers.

At that moment, I quickly grabbed her by her arm guiding her to the
rail! The loss of height and weight made me quickly realize that this
was not going to be easy. Grabbing her by her left hand, I had to get
one last piece of her to complete my plan. Doing her best to fight me, I
had to get her wedding set! Those two rings had become the object of my

I quickly got the wedding band off; putting it in my mouth, not to lose
it. I had to get the engagement ring! That three caret thing of
beauty... was all I wanted. We both fell to the ground; rolling over and
over wrestling for the one thing each of us wanted. I am sure it was a
sight to see, two beautiful women looking exactly alike flopping around
on the ground. However, in the darkness of the night, there was no one
there but the two of us. "FINALLY," the engagement ring slipped off her
hand, and I placed it on my perfectly manicured hand.

"Screaming" she was yelling for help! But with the sound of the wind and
propulsion from the ship, no one was going to come. Quickly I ran
grabbing her by her hair and the hem of her romper. We headed towards
the rail, 13 stories up on one of the biggest cruise ships in the sea,
we both looked over the rail into the darkness. Reaching down I kissed
her. "Enhanced lip to enhanced lip; then whispering in her ear. “Thank
you for your life.”

No one heard a thing. As the real Sydney hit the water, Lost forever!

Smiling, I Looked around searching the deck for any sign of struggle.
“nothing” rushing to the nearest bathroom to collect myself and check my
makeup, I Looked at the beautiful face I had created and spoke, “Hi I’m

This life is all I have ever wanted, and finally, it was all mine!

Hearing Purple Rain playing in the 80's themed bar. I quickly headed
back to where the real Sydney left her entourage, half an hour ago. The
girls asked, "what took so long? Where have you been?" Faking a touch of
stomach nausea, I grabbed Sydney's signature Vodka and cranberry.
Holding it up to all the girls calling for a toast, saying “Just because
the past didn't turn out as you wanted it to, doesn't mean the future
can't be better than you ever imagined.” "CHEERS."

An hero

After seething too hard about being exposed as a tranny, Bubba killed himself. He was malding over a police car following him on the road, so he decided to walk out of his own car and blow his small brains out with a handgun. He has now joined the 41% of trannies who kill themselves. Bubba's family knew that the town would piss on this creeps grave, so he was cremated. However, the cremation process probably took a long time since he was approximately 300 lbs of lard.

See Also

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Homosexual Deviants

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