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Happy Madison Productions

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Meet Adam Sandler, the creepy pedophile who along with his butt-buddies helped create Happy Madison Productions

Happy Madison Productions is a production company created by a manchild known as Adam Sandler. All of Adam Sandler's movies are geared towards manchildren that love to see a full grown man act so immature.


Adam Sandler first started off by making a few appearances on The Cosby Show and a year after that he starred in his first movie "Going Overboard" which not even the biggest obsessed fans aren't familar with. Sandler also has a few other obscure roles before he got famous. Then in 1995 Adam Sandler got to be on Saturday Night Live and his performance was a big hit. later that year he starred in the film that made him famous, "Billy Madison" in which the plot revolved a grown up man who has to repeat every single grade over again in order to prove that he's not a complete buffoon, but the truth about about the movie is that it was made in order for Adam Sandler to be around kids. The following year he was in his most popular film "Happy Gilmore" which was the first time he was with his manchild director Dennis Dugan. Dennis Dugan would later direct many of Adam Sandler's Film. Then in 1999 Adam Sandler decided to make his own production company dedicated to manchildren known as Happy Madison Productions based on his two most popular films Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore.

The Happy Madison Audience

The audience for Happy Madison movies are bronies who think that a guy cursing and making fart jokes is so hilarious. They will laugh at anything that Adam Sandler pulls out of his ass. In "Eight Crazy Nights", the manchildren laughed at the part that the deer were eating shit. Toilet humor is what Happy Madison movies tend to go for but they will also make unfunny sex jokes just for shits and giggles.

Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill is considered to be the number 1 worst movie of all time. It involves Adam Sandler playing both a man and his sister. Al Pacino was tortured to be a co-star in this movie. The film was so critically panned and has a 3% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The film often gets on the same level of bad as Troll 2, The Room, Plan 9 From Outer Space, Master of Disguise (another Happy Madison Movie), Manos: The Hands of Fate, The Beast of Yucca Flats, Jaws the Revenge, Battlefield Earth, The Garbage Pail Kids Movie, Superman IV: The Quest for Peace, North, Showgirls, Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2, Batman and Robin, The Neverending Story III, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Movie 43. Al Pacino really regrets this movie and wants it to be forgotten about, but he was forced to be in the movie after Adam Sandler and Dennis Dugan were watching Scarface and decided that he needed to be in one of his movies.


  • He made the movie "Bedtime Stories" so that he could have a film for his children to see
  • The Nostalgia Critic really badly wants to destroy Happy Madison Productions

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