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The subject of this article is a lolcow, and is currently ripe for milking.
You can help by trolling the shit out of them whenever you see them, then laughing at their lulz-inducing theatrics.
Vailskibum94 looks like it was written by pseudo-intellectual 13-year-old boys.
Look out for unfunny Uncyclopedia bullshit, boring in-jokes, and angsty teen-ery.
You could also add in actual humor.
This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
Powerword Unknown
Born March 16, 1999 (26 years old)
Nationality Americunt  
Occupation YouTuber
Gender Male
JewTube Vailskibum
Years active 2013-present

Vailskibum94 is some 26-year-old nobody from California who is yet another spawn from the depths of YouTube's cartoon commentators. While this person is might seem different from all the other cartoon spergs, believe us when we say he isn't different.

'Cause he isn't.

How he began

In the year 2013, Vail began his journey on cartoon commentary. He gained notoriety for his constant talk and lore about Gravity Falls. After it ended in 2016, Vail said "fuck it" and decided to focus on other cartoons.

How to make a FailskiCuck94 video

So, you want to make a video similar to this faggot, huh? Well then you'd better start following these steps and you'll be successful make anyone near you want to die in no time. we'll do a gaming related video for an example.

  1. Hire the shittiest video editor you can find.
  2. Find the lowest-quality backgrounds possible, especially ones related to the thing your talking about.
  3. Show off a thing that everyone already knows about (i.e.: the Jak 3 fly glitch or the Super Mario Odyssey jump-rope glitch)
  4. Capture the footage in 144p
  5. Monetize it for the jew gold
  6. Follow the same steps someone else did in their own video
  7. Repeat endlessly because only 13-year-olds will watch you and not criticize you.
  8. ????
  9. PROFIT!!!!!!!111

How Vail takes criticism

Like almost everyone in the cartoon community, Vailskibum94 (by no surprise) can't take criticism unless it from a fan of his. Every response of Vail's goes like this: Find video, don't bother watching the video, make a 57 paragraph response, forget the video, repeat with every video hating him. Its very clear that Vail is trying to copy his senpai, Mr. Enter because without him, Vail wouldn't be anywhere close to popular.

People's opinions on him

Enterbots eventually caught on to Vail, and called him out for being just a prissy man, just like Enter. Vail has received a lot of criticisms from fellow YouTubers due to how his videos are being claimed misleading, short and of bad quality.

How Vailskibum is similar to other cartoon community members

  • He copies Enter, which makes the Enterbots hate him (but they give PhantomStrider a pass).
  • He speaks in a generic/edgy voice, making his already unwatchable videos even more unwatchable.
  • He is always concerned about kids having morals in cartoons because delusional cartoon fags like Vail think that children are retarded enough to not know the difference better fantasy and reality.
  • He talks about stuff that other cartoon spergs have already covered.

What he frequently talks about

See Also

External Links

TheMysteriousMrEnter Spergfest Bandwagon


The Man Himself

Enterbots: Meta527IIMatrooko11PhantomStrider8TommypezmasterAntony Aguilar03bgoodDLAbaoaquAnimatedJamesMatthew DavisTheMissingMysteryVailskibum94NostalgiaJazzAdmirerThe Rise and Fall of NickelodeonwwwareaToonEGuyToonKriticY2K

Enter Haters and/or Former Fans: Professor KuhtoonsQuinton ReviewsThatKidDouglasClay ClaymoreThe Kiwi Kidz KlubNZDROWCartoonFreak666SaturnDOSEmpLemonInvisible Cranecartoonlover98SonofOdin29GurigorloXSir WulfingtonPie Pivotmontier-OJoe Crusher PicklesEmer PrevostTurkey TomRebelTaxiStarGiantProductions

Vailskibum94 is part of a series on Dying Alone

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Aaron BushnellAcademy ManiacsAdam LanzaAlbert EinsteinAlexander SlavrosAmber ButtrumAndy KaufmanAnthony 'A-Log' LoGattoAspies for FreedomAspierationsAssburgerBaldi's BasicsBambifan101Barron TrumpBart-ToonsBeefraveBenny_the_SnakeBenthelooneyBen ShapiroBill9929Bill GatesBlocklandersBlueCatRioluBodyXPoliticBonziWORLDBoris MalagurskiBourg ProductionsBram CohenBrandon SmithBrownsquirrelCameron W. CowanCansin13ChibiyimaChris-chanChris Harper-MercerClay ClaymoreCyndilovespiccoloDan CilleyDarrDarius McCollumDarviela MaravaronaDavid CleggDaxFlameDellordev-catscratchDiogo MendesDisneyFan01DLAbaoaquDodgerofZionDragonfandrp1zzaEddie WiseEdenHeroineGirlElliot RodgerEmpLemonErik RibsskogErin AnthonyEvan GraggFlaglerchatFlardoxFucklewithshuckleFUNImation2002GachatardsGalaxyRailways2199Gary McKinnonGeosheaGlitchedbloodGoFagsGrantMGraykatGreg MazujianGreenyfagsHannah CappsHeed My WarningHozupindahows00sInmendhamInuboy1000IronholdsJack Gilbert GrahamJared MiltonJahi/4444Javi SuzumiyaJINXDROWNEDJoekerJohn Patrick RogersJoseph8276JustinandDennisJustinRPGJoey The AutistKeegan SalisburyKawaii KitsuneKawaiiKittee88KelseyaliciaKevin HavensKingMasterReviewKirbysloverKloeriKongzillarex619KothorixKphoriaLaaiti EkenstéenLane DavisLeafyIsHereLogo KidsLordelthibarLougaraLukas PietschLyndsay KirkhamLynn AnnM. ChaosManlytearsMar9122Marcus PotterMarioMan7890MarioMario456Mark ZuckerbergMascotGuyMatthew DavisMatthew NicholsonMDetector5Michael GimsonMinefagsMisha SilenostiMissyMix HyenaMonica PunkMumkey JonesMutescreamMylarBalloonFanNate SpidgewoodNemo HanaNeuroNichole337Nick BravoNicky ReillyNikolas CruzObjectcucksOlinkalexOnigojirakaijuOnyx ForepawPacificoceanasiaPhantomStriderPhonefagsPMDrive1061PopcornPrince JeremyRandy Robert StairRavenNGRobert Clark YoungROtardsRootbrianRoss LumbusRyanSammyClassicSonicFanSaturnDOSSebastien LevesqueSeunghwan LeeSeleryShane LeeSiriusOrionisSolidMarioSONYFANBOYSperginStarbladeStarkiller88SteAndKelSuperMarioLoganSuper Minecraft KidTablecowTGcomixTheAmazingAtheistTheDOSFagThe Eclectic EspeonThe rEactorTheme Park ReviewTheMysteriousMrEnterTherealagerbonThe JuggernautThe Unknown AutobotTheVeganStudentTimboxToby J RathjenToKeNTom SersonToonEGuyToshTrigglypuffTylerthDragonUlillilliaVailskibum94Varg VikernesWaymuuWeatherManKevinWeDoALittleTrollingWeegeeisgoingtokillmWerechuWetflamewillg8686William AtchisonWilliam FreundWim CrusioWolfAdvocateWolfeedarkfangwwwareaYouZS3


Vailskibum94 is part of a series on YouTube.

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YouTube Ranters

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