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Rehtaeh Parsons
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Rehtaeh (that's Heather in dyslexic) Parsons was a teenage girl who got fucked by 4 dudes, then decided to cry rape when a picture that was taken during the gangbang started circulating around her school. Nobody believed her, as there was no evidence, so she did what any normal teenager in her situation would do.

—Mackenzie Walker, a classmate, wanting to be applauded for not keeping images of a 14 year old fucking a 15 year old on her cell phone. |
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Uh oh!
It would seem this page is being edited by the loving family members of the deceased! They've made threats to "dox" the creator of the page. Careful guys! We got a live one!
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Four males were accused of gang-raping her, although none are convicted (charges haven't even been pressed) and should be assumed innocent until proven guilty. Anonymous claims that 2 other males were associated with the event mistakenly. The male pictured in the sexual photograph described by media was 14, a year younger than the 15 year old Rehtaeh, in 2011.
Not every person has jumped to conclusions, some explore the possibility of innocence and have a semblance of faith in due process.
—The only sane person on Facebook, naturally this person was attacked and threatened death upon. |
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Feminist backlash
The hatred aimed towards the boys accused of rape quickly turned into cause for mothers to engage in elaborate fantasies about how they would discipline their own sons, who would also inevitably become rapists.
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|I've been teaching my son since age 2 that you respect girls. One day at a park I saw my son, a young age of 4 grab a little girl by her arm. I rushed over in front of everyone screaming " YOU KNOW YOU DON'T PUT YOUR HANDS ON A GIRL."
My son then explained he was garbing her to have her follow him. I then told him he simply needed to ask her to follow and NEVER EVER grab her. A few mothers cried and the father of that little girl hugged me and said "thank you for showing him how to treat girls."
My sons father abused me, held me against my will for years! I vow every day that my son grows into a loving man. A man his mommy will be proud of. I couldn't be prouder of my amazing 11 year old son! I hope More will STOP this with boys and to promote the love of the women of our Feature!|Carey Beard-Smith}}Anonymous
The bullying that continued after Rehtaeh’s death was one of the reasons that Anonymous stepped in to demand that the RCMP charge the boys with something or if their demands weren't met, they would make the four boys' identities public. The hacking group is also organizing a protest outside the police HQ in Halifax this weekend.
April 12 message
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- April 12, 2013 - 12PM GMT
Greetings from Anonymous.
Please be aware of the following facts:
- One of the alleged rapists has made several public statements admitting that he did have sex with Raetaeh on the night in question. He admits she was inebriated at the time, also that she was throwing up during the act.
- During his confession, he names three other boys and admits that they too took turns having sex with Rahtaeh that night as well. The names match with those we have confirmed during our investigation.
- The individual making this confession is the same boy identified in the photograph. He has also admitted to being in the photograph and named the accomplice who took the picture.
- All information, including screenshots of the confession, have been made available to the police.
- Two boys have been implicated repeatedly whom we believe are innocent based on numerous testimonies given by individuals with first hand knowledge of the surrounding events.
- There are multiple witnesses who were classmates of the alleged rapists that can confirm they were shown the photograph of Rehtaeh by them.
- At the very least, there was a house with a minimum of half a dozen underage students consuming alcohol and engaging in sexual intercourse. What happened in this house resulting in the spread of child pornography. This much the police will agree to. No charges have been filed in regards to this.
Why is Anonymous involved in this case? We are involved because the facts above clearly illustrate that several crimes have been committed in Nova Scotia. A 17-year-old girl killed herself because the police failed to do their jobs and charge a single person for any of them.
Is it necessary for Anonymous to be involved in this case? Yes. For a moment lets set aside the theatrics, the masks and the labels. We are group of concerned citizens that have recognized an injustice in the system. We have taken it upon ourselves to point out that injustice to the public and we are asking the police to correct their incompetent handling of this case--a young girl has already died from it.
An image of a 15-year-old girl having sex was viral in Cole Harbour District High School. Neither the school nor the police dispute this. By legal definition that image was child pornography. By some estimates, hundreds of individuals have already seen the photograph, including many adults. The police have seen the photograph. The fact that this evidence was disregarded as inappropriate for any kind of arrest by the police is unconscionable.
What the police are saying to the citizens of Nova Scotia is clear: Having underage students drinking and having sex in your home is not a crime in our community. Photographs of 15-year-old girls having sex is not child pornography, but if it is, the distribution of that child pornography is not a crime. A 15-year-old girl is capable of giving her consent to sex even after she is inebriated to the point that she vomits while hanging out of a window--it is not sexual assault.
We urge the RCMP to act like guardians , set the proper example for the young men of Nova Scotia and send a clear message: This behavior will not be tolerated in our communities. The women and young girls of Nova Scotia should not have to live in fear or be forced to hide evidence of a rape because they will be called whores.
As we have previously warned, the identities of these individuals have already began to circulate online independent of our own actions. We have done our best to keep those names from being released. Two young men are being implicated in a crime we know they did not commit. Is it illegal for us to release their identities and let the world know that they are innocent? What justice will be made available to them once their names are slandered throughout the world and for all time?
It is not for the police to decide the facts presented here do not constitute a crime. That is the responsibility of a jury. A claim of sexual assault has been made. There is photographic evidence of it. There is an admission that child pornography was distributed throughout the community. One of the individuals who should be charged hasn't even disputed these facts. We are asking--no, we are demanding: Let a jury decide. Follow your own procedures and protect the innocent.
We do not seek vigilante justice. If those who we believe are guilty are exonerated in a court of law, Anonymous will disappear from Nova Scotia.
If we decide to release the names a deadline will be declared at least one week in advance.
Jon Blanchard
As interviewed by CBC:
- Nova Scotian Telecomix AncientFag Jon Blanchard explained that many different Anonymous Communities were working together.
- Blanchard condemned his government's handling of the Parsons case as reminding many Telecomix Anon's of neglectful bureaucracies in the developing world.
- Blanchard explained the case has attracted the collective's attention because of a perceived lack of official concern.
- Blanchard explained that specific crew leading #Op hoped that Rehtaeh’s legacy might be to bring about change.
- Telecomix: Anon Plumbing NerdFags
Some facebook accounts using Guy Fawkes masks as their images also attempted to represent anonymous' opinions, although whether or not they represent consensus or not remains to be seen. The loose grasp of grammar and floating towards religious wishing reflects poorly, if so.
—Devin Hernandez |
—Fred Botman |
—Jyoti Walia |
Assertions versus facts
- Parents assert that Rehtaeh was raped, although this was merely an allegation that was never proven in court.
- Vomiting during sex doesn't mean it was rape, it only implies that they were drunk (or gluttons who ate too many Lays)
- Being shunned by classmates doesn't force you to change schools, lots of people don't even have friends and get by.
- It isn't necessarily "trolling" to debate popular opinion on the internet, as long as the criticism is honest in nature and doesn't involve lying.
- Even bullying and harassment aren't trolling, so long as they're done with honest intentions. Uncovering the truth may hurt, but it's not a lie.
Biased reporting
Daniel Bates throws out 'allegedly' here and there in his reporting, probably for liability purposes, but frequently omits it, clearly taking Leah & Rehtaeh's side of things and presuming the boy's guilt.
- "a teenage girl who hanged herself because a picture of her being raped was sent to all her friends" assumes she was raped
- "Parsons also revealed that the boy who allegedly raped her daughter then circulated the picture of the assault has admitted to her that he sent it to his friends because he was just ‘bragging’." "Picture of the assault" isn't coupled with a repeat of 'alleged' use
- "killed herself after allegedly being gang-raped and then bullied" allegedly not repeated for bullied, assumes bullying
- "He also denied being a rapist even though the photo shows him smiling as he has sex" apparently smiling as you have sex makes you a rapist
- "It was on November 12, 2011 that the rape is said to have taken place" alleged not repeat before rape
- "The boys clearly had what they thought was good time - along with the picture of one of the boys allegedly raping her upstairs, the 14-year-old ‘was smirking and had his thumbs up’ after taking advantage of her downstairs." Alleged precedes raping but not 'taking advantage' which assumes she was 'taken advantage of'.
- "Miss Parsons was actually contacted by the boy who raped her daughter. He wanted a face to face meeting but she refused." Allegedly not used here, implies he did rape her, which was not concluded in court. Could be innocent person wanting to face their accuser.

The April 13 edition of the Toronto Star finally reported that her boyfriend was 20 year old Mike Wells.
—Mike Wells, who knows girlfriends never mislead boyfriends about their sexual past. |
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B friend

—Sherry Annand |
One of her friends' names begins with "B" and has only been shown getting along with her, unlike some others, like the one who appears to have spiked Rehtaeh's Pepsi with Captain Morgan Rum.
Leo Lessard
—Leo Lessard, sticking it to the mourners for their hypocrisy while himself being hypocritical by default-assuming the boys to be guilty of rape without even considering Rehtaeh could also be guilty of false accusations. |
Lisa Grant
Lisa Grant is a concerned Facebook poster who knows exactly what to say.
—Lisa Grant |
Lisa showing us how a lady should be treated.
Lisa doing posture exercises
Lisa providing a rolemodel to the next generation.
Lisa getting behind the movement to stomp out rape.
Lisa ~thinking in dis pic long and hard of my next move maby kill my sistas baby daddy dont know yet lol.....maby just might or wait an put him on the list wit da rest and when im 100 then start to ping them all off wit my 9 milly lol lmfao.....~ September 3, 2012 at 7:09am
- "Miss Parsons thinks that Rehtaeh did not mean to hang herself in the bathroom of the house they shared, and said it was an ‘impulsive’ act that went wrong."
The 17-year-old was put on life support after she hanged herself at her home on April 4. Her parents turned off her life support machine three days later, on Sunday April 7.
—Glen Canning, April 10th, pretending he didn't just co-operate in killing his daughter so that her organs could be harvested, pretends she actually made a choice to 'gift' them to others while in a coma. |
—Nova Scotia Premier Darrell Dexter, using the funeral as an excuse to skip the Montreal NDP policy convention |
Politicians were quick to capitalize on the media frenzy so as to make them look caring, to win votes in the next election.
—Darrel Dexter |
—CBC News |
The family's religious views may be why Leah insists on viewing the suicide as accidental, since in Christianity, if you an hero, you can't repent that sin and can't get into heaven. I guess god forgives you if you are only trying suicide to get attention, even if you accidentally do it for reals.
Leah Parsons and Glen Canning...The Twat and the Troll

In the months and years since Rehtaeh's death; her negligent, self-righteous "parents" Leah Parsons and Glen Canning rode the media cock carousel for fifteen minutes of fame. It seems her father, Glen, just wanted to ride it a little harder.
Then seventeen year old Rehtaeh Parsons was high on drugs and truant when she had a fight with her twenty-three year old boyfriend... and raced to her "mother's house" to hang herself. A contrived and false story of rape, and persecution was not even a contributory factor in her self demise...Rehtaeh Parsons was a drug addict, promiscuous and uneducated. Her parents uneducated criminals.
These two criminals have with great alacrity have tried to shut up people with differing opinions, shut down blogs, threaten women at work with violence and disseminated soft core pornography. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you...the twat and the troll!
Glen Canning
In the public spotlight: he's portrayed as a grieving father, a SJW, a poster man-boy champion of feminism. This internet white knight media whore is actually a vicious, donkey-punchable internet troll who polices public opinion and tries to manipulate the most gullible ranks of Anonymous to do his fuckery for him. When even those busybody morons wanted nothing to do with his idiotic attempts to stop some old fart from talking about him. It has since then escalated to him impersonating people on the internet and then tweeting out a former MSVU instructor's dick pic to keep his name in the newspapers.
Called Out By The Mad Shangi
After being criticized for policing public opinion, Glen Canning trolled the comments section under the moniker "Vengeance" in a lousy attempt to intimidate/silence his critics. As detailed here in a blog post entitled "A Response From Mr. Vengeance: Glen Canning's Dark Alter-Ego"
—The Mad Shangi, A Response From Mr. Vengeance: Glen Canning's Dark Alter-Ego |
Called Out On The Jake Pentland Show
During an interview on "The Jake Pentland Show" (a shitty podcast starring Roseanne Barr's son), Glen was called out for his Gestapo tactics. Specifically using Anonymous to go after his critics. The Mad Shangi called in and was promptly muted several times.
Exposed As A Pervert
While impersonating one of his critics on the internet, a blogger named Phillip Rose traced several aliases to Glen Canning's IP address where the blogger found Glen Canning's net-model page with some very interesting glamour shots. So this is what the deadbeat dad was doing while his wayward daughter was getting gangbanged at house parties. This wannabe Lothario has got some seriously creepy Roman Polanski-ish vibes. Can't be a responsible dad when you're too busy trying to get into the pants of barely legal teens. Naughty boy, Glen. It's pretty clear why young Rehtaeh would engage in such reckless and promiscuous behavior. The wayward teen tried to fill the void of paternal abandonment with as much cock as she could get. She just wanted Daddy's attention, but Daddy was just too busy trying to make art American Beauty style.
From Glen Canning's Net Model Page: [1]
— Blake Hunsley, Frank Magazine |
Called out by Frank Magazine For Being A Dick-Doxxer
The downward spiral for Glen continues when (in another pathetic attempt to get his name in the newspapers) he tweeted out private X-rated photos of Michael Kydd; a former business-ed MSVU instructor who was fired for having an affair with his 40-year-old student. The woman, who was an adult and knowingly got into a relationship with a married man, turned to Captain-Save-A-Hoe Glen Canning for help. What this petty bullshit has to do with his daughter, or his crusade against cyberbullying is a fucking mystery Sherlock Holmes couldn't solve. SOLVED: IT'S BECAUSE HE'S A FAGGOT.
So of course Glen is all butt-hurt now, spending considerable energy trolling Frank Magazine with fake Twitter accounts that are obviously him. Most of the time you can even confirm when it's him, because the idiot never changes his IP address, even when he's really trying so hard to make you think it's a completely different person that also happens to be obsessed with defending Glen Canning from online criticism. No, you dumb shit, we know it's you. Why you crying?
— Blake Hunsley, Frank Magazine |
— Blake Hunsley (really PWNing the fuck outta Glen), Frank Magazine |
Leah Parsons
Blamed everyone in Halifax, the School Board, the Police, The Crown Prosecutor's Office for Rehtaeh's suicide committed a full two years after Rehtaeh's alleged rape that two separate police investigations could not substantiate or lay charges.
Rehtaeh's reality was, she was well on the road to her own self-inflicted demise long before what her "killer parents" described "as that fateful party."
Over two years hence, a seventeen-year old Rehaeh was co-habituating with a well past twenty-something young man. She had not attended school for years yet her "family" didn't know it. In fact after Rehtaeh hanging herself, the Canning / Parsons crime family tried to assign blame to the Halifax School Board for failing to "help" Rehtaeh. They told "the family" and the media that, indeed they did have programs that would have helped Rehtaeh...but she hadn't attended school for years.
On the day Rehtaeh hanged herself in her "Mother's" bathroom she had a row or fight with the young man Leah still claims Rehtaeh found "love with." She raced to her "Mother's" home and hanged herself. The unhappy end, of an unhappy and entirely wasted life.
"This is my cute face~~~"
"This is just a little selfy XD"
"Me and my cat duckfacing the camera >=3"
"Here's a pic of me and my daughter sticking our tongues out!!! XP"
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External Links
- April 10 4:14 pm GlenCanning's blog
- April 11 18:57 GMT DailyMail "Agony suicide gang rape teen mother reveals daughter trolled hanged herself" alternately titled "Rehtaeh Parson's mother reveals utter humiliation, drove angel suicide" or "Mother of girl, 17, reveals how utter humiliation drove her 'angel' to suicide after 'bragging rapist' posted picture of ordeal online unleashing a torrent of abuse that continues even in death" in full
- April 12 9:17AM 'Anonymous' won't release names of Rehtaeh Parsons suspects (probably because they don't even have it)
- April 12 4:29PM Rehtaeh Parsons case to be reopened by police
- April 13 9:39AM Friends, family, dignitaries attend Rehtaeh Parsons funeral
- April 17 4:42PM Posters go up supporting boys in Rehtaeh Parsons case
- April 17 4:48PM Rehtaeh Parsons’ family upset by ‘harassing’ posters
- April 18 10:01AM Family upset over posters supporting boys in Rehtaeh Parsons' case
- April 18 RCMP worried posters in Rehtaeh Parsons case could incite vigilantism
- Upsetted parents of Rehtaeh Parsons and Amanda Todd joining Harper at some forum to talk about cyberbullying • CBC News (CA) 05/09/2013
- "Angel Rehtaeh" Facebook-endorsed remembrance page.
- RIP Rehtaeh Parsons
- Includes garbage from feminists such as rape culture
- The REAL Rehtaeh Parsons page on Facebook was taken down, but
there was a cache.the cache was taken down as well.You don't fucking rely on Google to distribute your sleuthed info.
Rehtaeh Parsons' Twitter photos
- Archive link needed for "Speak the Truth" Facebook group, had almost 130 members, taken down by curator Monday April 15.
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Rehtaeh Parsons is part of a series on Visit the Whores Portal for complete coverage. |
Rehtaeh Parsons |