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So Need a Cute Girl....

It's no big news that a certain embarassing and vocal minority exists within the troll community, autistic virgin weebs that seek to compensate their own failure in life by becoming epic trolls. These people, ironically, have much greater potential as lolcows than they ever had as trolls. One such invidual is Inuboy1000 (Powerword: Brandon Kennedy),an autistic virgin weeb that seems to pop up all over the place bragging about his trolling superiority. His obsession with getting into the "inner circle", trying too hard, and all-around naiveness brings up more parallels to Chris Chan than a master troll.

Early Years

Inuboy thinking Grand Theft Auto invented prostitution.
Even wikipedos trolled him.
Inuboy wanting everyone to know he got trolled big time.

A little is known about Inuboy's early years before his extremely successful career as an epic troll. In typical aspie fashion Inuboy was (and is) obsessed with video games, but to the point it's bordering on sickness. To put this into correct proportions, his wikipedia account's contribution history has 13 pages of edits about nothing but his favourite games. He was member of SonicCommunity and Xbox Republic, and apparently got regularly trolled by his fellow gamer manchildren. It is widely known that the Sonicfag community consists mostly of butthurt closeted furries and recolorists and thus they often become target in YouTube and DeviantArt. Inuboy got rectually anguished because of the torment of his noble brethen by a certain troll and went into tardrage, ranting on a now closed ZETABOARDS site.The nigger troll in question appeared on the site, smelling the delicious butthurt and potential lulz, and soon users started flooding on the site to feed on Inuboy's tears of rage. The tardwar halted only when the USI infected admin took down the site when users dared to mistake Inuboy for the site owner.

A neurotypical person would have sensed a good chance to vanish at this point, as a last attempt at saving his own face, but not Inuboy. He carried on the tardrage outside of the site for months, and when even the trolls got bored with him, he declared himself the winner and returned to YouTube for the 1000th time.

Trolling Extravaganza

I would remove the "Law" of the "Friend Zone", because I feel that it is just wrong to not even attempt to have anything beyond friendship, especially if the man and the woman are both comfortable with each other and are close.




I hate mostly everyone there because they are jerks



I am very shy in approaching the girls, for I FEAR that they are all already paired up with some JERK!



Inuboy1000's career as a troll begun by him making pwnage videos of pepole much more popular and successful than him, that always went unnoticed by the people he tried to pwn. Not that his autistic logic and unrelated anime reaction pictures crudely edited together would have pwned anyone in the first place or made him look much better. But then he, perhaps on some subconscious level, understood that if he wants to "pwn" someone successfully, it has to be an aspie of biblical proportions. Thus begun his career as an epic troll.

Inuboy thinking Chris's trolls will give free hands with Chris to an autistic lolcow.

Christian Weston Chandler. Most of the people who troll Chris view him with a mixture of curiosity, horror and amazement, and do not wish him any real harm - however a few rather overdo the sentiment, going so far as to profess to hating Chris. Unsurprisingly, Inuboy is one of these people. It is very easy to draw parallels between these two people, both have autism, both are mad at more successful males aka "jerks", both love Sonic, both are virgins begging for a girlfriend, both are mad either counsellors and both are obsessed with video games. But interestingly, autism completely destroys one's self-awareness, so the irony of him feeling superior to Chris went entirely unnoticed by him. He made, and at the time of writing, still makes super amusing Windows Movie Maker videos making fun of Chris. Chris of course hasn't seen any of them, but this doesn't stop Inuboy from considering himself a crème de la crème troll.

Aspierating to become Chris's biggest troll, king of all trollkind and an internet legend, he registerated to CWCki, a wiki dedicated solely to Christian Weston Chandler and kept churning out videos with increased speed. This can be considered his biggest and critical step into lolcowdom. Wanting to look cool and successful to his fellow trolls, he claimed he had trolled Chris and that he had gotten a response from him. Though it was painfully obvious bullshit to everyone else on the site, his faggotry was tolerated until he started spamming the site with shitty and unfunny edits and being a newfag with wikis, cluttered up the Recent Edits. Then the admins of the site called him out, and very straightforwardly said that he has failed and told him to make a new account or he will most definitely cause a major shitstorm with his newfaggotry.

I strongly recommend you get your act together or else you're going to be the one getting trolled and as I'm a nice guy, I'd rather not see that happen.


—CWCki Admin's prophetical words

If Inuboy will ever have sex, he will probably think of Chris through the act.
"You have no reason to be made aware of this knowledge, yet I feel compelled to give it to you. You being a man that has made it fairly clear you find me and my antics foolish and may intend to embarrass me to some degree."
"Girlfriend feeling sick after sex?" I bet it's because she likes me and my colossal cock pounded her cervix although we didn't feel it.

Inuboy was quickly contacted by trolls, who pointed out his similarity to Chris, his failure as a troll and his obvious autism. Shitting his pants, he came up with a lie that he has a girlfriend, and as if it wasn't obvious in the first place, his comments soon made it very clear his dick is yet to get wet. Perhaps to make his story more believable or get more sympathy, he started pouring his heart out about his problems with his girlfriend to the very trolls who bashed him.

Inuboy1000 pops up at 5:08 in this video from the CWCVille Library about clueless spergs who've messaged the trolls thinking it was Chris.

Virginity chatlogs

Moar Info

Inuboy was invited into DeviantArt chat (he didn't know how to use Skype or IRC) by two concerned inviduals who wanted to try to help him solve his girlfriend problem. The chat itself is both sad and amusing read. Sad, because he desperately piles lies upon lies as he tries to look like a normal person with healthy sex life, and amusing because he is ignorant of the entire sex act. Inuboy makes many comments promoting himself as a great lover and brags about his colossal penis. Ironically enough, Inuboy considers Bluespike gay and fail for having sex talk with Chris, but had no trouble doing the same himself. But the crowning irony is that he uses the smug non-argument "Oh yeah, do women find you hot? Have you had sex?" in his commentaries, though it is painfully obvious he suffers from the same condition as his fellow Sonicfags he is trying to "pwn".

I have a gf. Obviously. I got one actually last week.


—Inuboy on YouTube


7 times I made her orgasm 0.o



"It feels really huge"-My gf during sex



She says I have the biggest dick (aside from one guy) out of all the guys shes been with






Trolling Plans

Inuboy's Original character.

Well, you ask now. Since he so hard wants to become part of troll Inner Circle and feels he can call Chris's true trolls fail and fags, surely he has thought of some epic mindblowing plans for Chris the trollkind has never seen before? You bet. His first plan included one of his autistic obsessions, Star Wars. He called Chris, pretending to be Darth Vader, a fictional character. Inuboy reasoned that someone who hasn't displayed interest in Star Wars starts, when prank called, contemplate the social status of a fictional character in the context of his fictional world and compare it to his own. Did we already mention he's autistic? We did? Alright then.

Because sadly, no one answered, Inuboy came up with another trolling plan, this time even more epic. A troll pretending to be part of the Inner Circle and a famous troll contacted him, and told Inuboy he gets to join their cool kids club. Inuboy believed this, and was happy to share his trolling plans. This time, he would pretend to be Chris and tardrage at the camera and Chris would get so mad. And if this wasn't EPIC already, he would also make a rant about Chris. Just imagine the lulz.

Taking Down ED

Like many lolcows before him, he too attempted to get his page removed with sophisticated tactics. And predicatably, being equally successful with them.

Perhaps deep down realizing it is the only way to make anyone ever care about him, he resorted to another tactic, turning this very page into his personal blog and whining about his problems with girls. Needless to say it got cleaned.

After being played over 1000 times by women and only having dated three of them it seems Inuboy has given up on dating completely. Stating that women are trouble and that he wants to be single, unfortunately according to him when he decides to not date, those whores (his word describing all girls because they all try to play him) attempt to play him some more. Also Inuboy is being stalked by one girl online, causing Inuboy to ignore her completely and be rude to her when she comments 24/7 on his page.


—An example of Inuboy's shameless attention whoring.


External Links

See also

Inuboy1000 is part of a series on Aspies. [Back to your happy placeSperg out]

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