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—Donald Trump on the violence of Democrats |

Antifa (short for Autistiche "Arsecheek" Aktion) are a bunch of kike cocksuckers endemic to Germany and the surrounding areas, which quickly spread their autistic disease to wherever one can find over-reacting purple-haired leftists. Naturally they found a foothold within the George Soros✡-funded political groups inside of the United States of America, such as Black Lives Matter and By Any Means Necessary.
Antifags think it is their moral obligation to physically assault anyone who is not as far left on the political spectrum as Che Guevara or Joseph Stalin. Basically, they're longhaired faggots who use the constant battle against "fascism" as an excuse to indulge in their violent urges. They see themselves as the last bastion of humanity, fighting against so-called Nazi oppression and the pigs who won't let them spend all their days smoking weed in houses they have occupied for the people.
Their pastimes include the following wholesome activities: Throwing rocks, shit and their own urine at innocent bystanders, playing with infantile objects like "adult/stress-reliever" coloring books, being cucks, hating America, watching children's shows, while pretending it's the same thing as reading Marxist literature, attacking innocent civilians by punching random people, and generally being useless fucks.

They often live in hives called 'squats', where they spend their days LARPing as ideologues, drinking alcohol, sitting in their own piss and talking about politics they don't understand. This makes them absolutely no different from the skinheads they claim to hate, who do the exact same thing. This is because all of them are pussies, shaved or not.
When they're not busy being social rejects, they are also known for their fascist-hunting tendencies.
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Political philosophy

Since basically nobody calls themselves a fascist nowadays, Antifags will claim that any person whose political views they don't personally approve of is a fascist, and deserves a good beating. Their understanding of communism isn't much better, and consists mainly of third hand accounts of Das Kapital, the cartoon release of Animal Farm, and GDR-Picturebooks.
In general they're just lazy middle-class kids who pretend to be anarcho communists, yet think society should take care of them, while letting them do whatever they please. Antifags believe they are preparing to fight in a great communist revolution, which will never come. If they were to be placed into an actual communist society they would all be lined up against the closest wall and shot in the vagina.
They seem to think that their gratuitous violence will somehow prove to people that we don't need a government, despite doing exactly the opposite.
Also, ponies.
Rise of the Alt-Knight
Moar info: Kyle Chapman.
As with any movement, there will be people who hate you. At UC Berkeley, when Antifags attacked, the Alt Knight was filmed gloriously breaking a 2x2 over the head of one of them. He was subsequently 'immortalised' in The_Dongald as the IRL Capn' Amerikkka.
Punch Nazis Meme

On January 20, 2017, half of America watched the inauguration of the next Fuhrer, prompting riots and helplessly screeching. While all this was going on, Richard Spencer was busily providing interviews to anyone gullible enough to listen. While giving an interview to an Australian news program, Antifa saw their chance to bash the fash by providing a limp elbow to Spencer's ear, hand delivered by a literal shit-eating cuck named "Slave" Ray Bailey. Having experienced a long series of failures, the left pounced on this and decided that an elbow to the ear from an elderly pervert somehow qualifies as a punch. Animated .GIFs were made, and the Twitter left celebrated the removal of the barrier between thought-crimes and violence.
In this brave new era where Donald Trump is "literally Hitler", those who are butthurt over the millions of Russian hackers Americans expressing their racism, sexism and Islamophobia by voting for Trump have found themselves on the horns of a dilemma: Is it okay, or even heroic, to #PunchNazis, including our very own Fuhrer in Chief? Naturally the racists etcetera who voted for Trump have decided that it is not okay, and that it might even be criminal. The left has decided that it's complicated because all that "love" and "tolerance" shit they espouse does not apply to people who do not share their views of a society free of race, borders, and hate, and the only way to change the minds of those who dissent is to punch them.
Despite the still raging debate whether it is alright to assault those who are perceived as Nazis, Richard Spencer remains the only "Nazi" to have been punched, partly due to the weak musculature and couragelessness of those who have decided that this is acceptable. We here at Encyclopedia Dramatica eagerly await the day when one of these pasty white trustafarians decides to go after the main Nazi, so that we may write a shitty article on their death or imprisonment.
How to troll the Antifa

- Tell them Waleed Aly is a Muslim apologist, backed by the Muslim Brotherhood.
- Tell them that Japanese anime/manga/Japanese video games were inspired by American cartoons/comics/American video games, and that America wasn't so bad after all.
- Tell them that Unit 731 is a Manchurian bowling alley with a food bar and video game arcade!
- Host a "Mobile Device Destruction Depository" where Antifa can throw their BS mobile devices into a garbage pail that looks like a hungry happy tiger.
- Then secretly dump the discarded devices into a meat grinder.
- Tell them their Pali-Scarfs are made by hungry Third World children.
- Tell them Marx and Engels were gay lovers and Communism could only be understood in the context of love between two men.
- Tell them that the Nazis were secretly gay and that fighting homosexuals is a noble antifascist undertaking.
- Tell them you too support the refugee invasion cause you want to convert to Islam and marry four women.
- Ask them to help out a fellow anti-fascist with a couple of bucks, if they refuse, call them capitalist scumbags.
- Tell them that you support the revolution and a state like North Korea were the working class rules the country, led by a benevolent leader.
- Ask them if they are pro-Trotzky or pro-Stallone.
- Pose as Muslim and tell the women to cover up cause you are offended.
- Pose as Muslim, praise Hitler for killing the Jews.
- Pose as Antifascist, tell them the NSDAP was a socialist party which was taken over by bad people, but which wasn't wrong about the Jews.
- Tell them they are filthy capitalists and not worthy to take part in the revolution because of their parents not being working class.
- Tell them that Che loved to kill gay people (true) and ask them about their preferred method of homo-cide.
- Ask them why they support Islam, which was an ideology in support of Hitler.
- Tell them that Palestine is a nation of terrorists who would rather blow up their children than accept a Jewish state.
- Tell them the Rebel Alliance are not below killing loyal informants affiliated with them to keep important information hidden.
- Tell them the Blues Brothers only wanted the unreliably fictionalized neo-Nazis out of the way for them to continue the community service mission for God and not as the radical liberal's personal antifawke buddy army.
- Against the antifa defamation claim on ED's defensive support of neo-Nazism and as such should automatically give them the right to label its accused users as fascists. Unbiasedly remind them this place allows the freedom speech of writing on it such as the libtard Donald Drumpf article.
- Tell them that the term person of color was in fact used by the Ku Klux Klan a hundred years ago.
- Remind them they're no different from the actual fascists they claim to be "fighting" against.
- Support the work of our Primarch of the 1st legion, Ivan Throne The DarkTriadMan. Tweet his twitter posts and join the fight at
his website. It'll help get shit done taking out those antifa pansies.
- Send
this list of illegal items, Antifa cannot bring to your local law enforcement. Watch as the low life cuck rage ensues globally on the news.
- Call them a white supremacist group, no different from their "sworn enemies," the KKK.
- Call any niggers in Antifa "uncle toms", "Hershey bars" or "race traitors".
- Point out that America already had a fascist and racist president who was more extreme in his racist views than Donald Trump.
- Point out the hypocrisy of them not supporting Israel despite they call out antisemitism. Give them chocolate coins and latkes -laced with anthrax or strep - as gifts.
- Remind them that they were in an actual right-wing fascist state they would already be summary executed. Moreover, tell them the same thing work happen in the USSR.
- Point out the state of socialist countries of Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea as reasons why Communism will never work in today's society.
- Kindly host free viewings of "Mad Max" and "Brave New World" for $1 a seat at a local nature park. Serve anthrax-laced treats and drinks for Antifa members.
- Ask if they want to go on a free helicopter ride
Unmasking Antifa
Many Antifa terrorists hide behind the mask and inside their parents basement to prevent from being exposed. And many who are unlucky have been unmasked and identified, mostly police arrests and Anonymous exposing them on the internets for the lulz. For your viewing pleasure here's a gallery of exposed Antifa terrorists and supporters.
Eric Clanton from Antifa's Berkeley raid.
Jovian Salak (with a feminist hambeast) from Antifa's Sargon of Akkad raid.
Godfrey Elfwick (
RealElfwick) from Antifa's Lewis & Clark Law School raid.
25 arrested in Portland May Day march. Minus 3 who are little 14 and 17 year olds returned to their parents for serious grounding time.
Antifa supporters from corporations.
Paul "Luke" Kuhn the assaulter for Antifa exposed as a pedo and arrested for plotting a butyric acid attack in order to attack the DC Trump inauguration party.
Shawn Patrick Breen (Don_Chump) the Antifa troll and
Restoring The Honor blogger having a flabulous day at the beach.
Christian Michael Exoo (
ChristianExoo) of
Weave News(dead) and Antifa hacker offers free anti-Antifa shirts to the far-right.Turns out it's a trap!
Zoe Quinn, self-claimed Antifa field medic.
This soyboy member of Antifa enjoying his cup of soy latte after vandalizing ambulance trucks as "Nazi Pigs".
Molly (
socialistdogmom) is a known Antifa e-celeb for attending at Antifa events and yelling at cops while
babysitting Cville.
9 Antifaggots arrested in Portland.
And 7! 7 Antifaggots arrested in Portland! LOL LOL LOL!
Joseph "Chepe" Alcoff, an Antifa leader

On December 18th, 2018, The Daily Caller News Foundation post an article about revealing an influential Antifa leader to push more violence and terrorism in the US. That's right folks. Antifa has leaders. And one of the big moldy rotten soy cheese of Antifa is revealed to be a 36-year-old long necked soyboy named Joseph Alcoff. According to research, Joseph Alcoff is a Washington D.C. congressional activist, Smash Racism DC organizer, radical communist, and Antifa leader with a huge grudge boner against Fox News host Tucker Carlson and Ted Cruz. Joseph goes by the aliases of Jose Martin to make public appearances to promote socialism, once calling for a society without police. The other alias is Chepe, a ridiculous nickname his mommy gave him, to advocate for violence to achieve his goal of eliminating capitalism and the U.S. government, despite American medicine doing a great job on repairing his harelip. Joseph also wants to kill rich and wealthy people with fire because like all indie scam artists, he's too lazy to get his ass up and get a real job to make real money.
- The Daily Caller - Revealed: Antifa Leader Relied On Anonymity To Push Radical, Violent Communist Agenda
- '
Joseph's Kiwi Farms thread'

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Le Antifa Revolution Face
Be afraid of these badass revolutionaries. Be very afraid.
Gallery of Antifa "art"
This is what Antifas do when they're not defending your freedom.
Graffiti left behind after an Antifa riot. They aren't even pretending to be liberals anymore, which is how communists usually blend into liberal societies.
We stab niggers in MAGA hats
How to properly deal with Antifa
Not so tough against 4000lbs of Dodge Challenger
ANTIFAggot gets BTFO
Antifa chick meets an Aryan
Armed Antifa soyboy meets Rufio Panman of the Proud Boys
Give Antifa a grenade to blow its hand off.
Related articles

- Adf-fuensalida/Ahuviya Harel – Typical Antifag.
- Art School
- Battle of Berkeley
- Black Lives Matter – The nigger version.
- Brianna Wu – Antifa supporter.
- Communism – Their favorite ideology, next to Anarchy.
- Daniel Sieradski✡
- George Soros✡ – Funds them.
- Hippies
- Homosexuality – A mental illness which afflicts almost every Antifag.
- Kyle Chapman
- Laurelai
- Leftard
- /leftypol/ where they hang out on cripplechan.
- Liberalism
- Liberal Butthurt Syndrome – What they suffer from, especially after the 2016 United States Presidential elections.
- Moldylocks
- NAMBLA – Supporters of their child raping ways.
- Pedophilia apologia: By default of their NAMBLA funding, they're okay with pedophilia.
- Sargon of Akkad
- SJW – Natural Antifaggot ideology.
- Skinhead – RASH and SHARP are ideological allies of Antifa.
- Stormfront – Mortal enemies.
- Terrorism – Their favorite pastime.
- Tumblr – Their other home.
- Twitter – Their usual residence where Jack Dorsey lets them run free reign.
- Zoe Quinn – Claims to be a field medic for Antifa.
External links
- It's Going Down
Antifa (KYM) – They got memes
antifascism.org hacked – Not really though
antifascism.org "hacked by the alt-right" – Fake hacking
List of Antifa members who went to the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville VA on August 12 2017 - Total: 650
Antifa Hotline's YouTube channel - A cringed Antifa YouTuber
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Antifa is part of a series on Visit the Social Justice Portal for complete coverage. |
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Antifa is part of a series on Visit the Faggotry Portal for complete coverage. |
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Featured article January 25 & 26, 2017 | ||
Preceded by Richard Spencer |
Antifa | Succeeded by Kiwi Farms |
Featured article August 12 & 13, 2017 | ||
Preceded by Mike Pence |
Antifa | Succeeded by Best Korea |