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Marjory Stoneman Douglas School Shooting

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This page is about an attempted an hero.
This person is a sick fuck!

They should never be trusted by anyone!

Possible side-effects will include at least one of these:

  2. Bestiality
  3. Cuckoldry
This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.

The subject of this article is a virgin with rage.

This faggot waits for the child to make the first move in a sexual situation.
You can help by contacting Federal Authorities and alerting Chris Hansen.
Nikolas Jacob Cruz
Born September 24, 1998 (26 years old)
Nationality: 56%  
Highscore 17 killed, 17 injured
Top 50? 41st
Style FPS, Single player
An Hero? No
Motive Supreme Gentleman

The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting or the Valentine's Day Massacre: High School Shooting Edition was a lulzy school shooting carried out in Florida by Nikolas Jacob Cruz, a then-19-year-old (now a 26-year-old) diagnosed autistic ginger incel manlet who did like Cupid but instead of arrows of love it was bullets of love. Nikolas wanted to get revenge on his school for permabanning him from their campus which resulted in seventeen kills, narrowly putting him on the top 50 at 41st above Thomas Hamilton (in injury count only), and dethroning Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold for the most deaths caused in an American high school. Ted Cruz would be proud.

List of fags fragged

This lulzfest took the lives of more than 10 children. Leading to the Official Pedobear Salute of Remembrance.
  • Alyssa Alhadeff, age 14.
  • Scott Beigel, age 35.
  • Martin Duque, age 14.
  • Nicholas Dworet, age 17.
  • Aaron Feis, age 37.
  • Jaime Guttenberg, age 14.
  • Chris Hixon, age 49.
  • Luke Hoyer, age 15.
  • Cara Loughran, age 14.
  • Gina Montalto, age 14.
  • Joaquin Oliver, age 17.
  • Alaina Petty, age 14.
  • Meadow Pollack, age 18.
  • Helena Ramsay, age 17.
  • Alex Schachter, age 14.
  • Carmen Schentrup, age 16.
  • Peter Wang, age 15.

17 + 2

As of March 24, 2019, one former student, big titted Sydney Aiello and an unnamed juvenile since identified as this nigga have become an heroes due to what is speculated as being survivor's guilt.

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Media response

As is typical with all school shootings, the media's response is the usual bawww-fest filled with moralfaggotry and concerned mothers calling for stricter gun control laws, because the one thing all criminals have in common is following the law.

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Online presence

It is speculated that Nikolas had an active online presence although what he spent most of his time doing was wallowing in self-pity and shame, hating all of humanity. This can be seen as he'd mostly visit chan boards like /r9k/ and celebrate Elliot Rodger's success. He also expressed homocidal tendencies, as seen from his Instagram page. It is also possible that he wanted to convert to Islam as leading up to the shooting he expressed an interest in the religion of peace, even asking people more and more about its culture from one of his (possible) friends.

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Cucked by a black guy

Dana Craig and Matthew Rosario

Are you wondering why the virgin Cruz had so much pent-up white supremacist rage against non-whites? Well, the likely answer was provided to us by BuzzFeed in an article you can read here. Cruz had a (very Jewish-looking) girlfriend named Dana Craig, who dumped him for a mulatto named Matthew Rosario. After attempting to get his girlfriend back from another boy (Enea Sabadini) who was close to Craig, Cruz publicly got his ass kicked by Sabadini.

The ADL steps in it

The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith got word of the shooting, and upon discovery that Cruz was a non-white Jew, they became [1] desperate to pin the "alt-right" label to a Jew named Cruz. Unfortunately, the information that Cruz belonged to a local white militia group named "Republic of Florida" came directly from 4chan's playbook which was "eager to play them for fools." The ADL eventually corrected their error, but not before the Southern Poverty Law Center took the opportunity to mock the already failing credibility of the ADL.

Videos of the event

David Hogg and Emma González

Moar info: Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School gun control activists.

The media had interviewed David Hogg, a survivor of the shooting who had trouble remembering his lines [1] [2], raising the suspicions of various conspiracy theorists, who figured there might be more than meets the eye [3], like being a puppet of George Soros for example. Things gets more complicated when he mentioned his father, who is coincidentally a retired FBI agent, and some folks discovered another video of him when he confronted a lifeguard in Los Angeles during the summer of 2017 [4]. As if that wasn't enough some evidence surfaced showing he visited CNN before the shooting [5]. YouTube quickly pulled down the videos which proved something is suspicious about David Hogg, but YouTube should have known better because they created a Streisand effect, and people saved these videos and uploaded them elsewhere [6].

Sheriff Scott Israel

Sheriff Scott Israel stood before the court of public opinion in the form of a CNN "town hall" and claimed the Broward Sheriff deputies "did all they could," and immediately after the town hall he informed the public that at least one deputy, and probably more like four of them, stood outside while the shooter continued his rampage. One deputy quit after being exposed, but Sheriff Scott Israel is still being hailed as a hero by the same audience which watched the CNN town hall as a first step towards the gun grab that is now standard after school shootings.

Trial & aftermath

Shortly after being v&, batshit crazy Columbiners began sending Cruz love letters in jail. They got so bad that the jail had to cut off all correspondence from Cruz effective immediately, after a couple jailbait whores sent pictures of their tits to the jail. However, Nik already chose a mate; a British girl named Miley, who reportedly was the creator of a Nikolas Cruz Fanclub group on Failbook (they also released some scans of the letters Cruz sent to Miley. Full pdf here). Why anyone would be a fan of a literal retard is anyone's guess but you know who doesn't have a fanclub? William Atchison.

Jailhouse assault

BAAAAAAW - Nick spergs out in court


Realizing his ass is going to be pounded in prison by Bubba and his gang of prison nigras for the rest of his life, Nicky had a meltdown in court during his trial jury selection for chimping out on a prison guard. His lawyer being an expert in tard wrangling came prepared. He handed Nick some colored pencils and a coloring page of Pikachu to calm him down. The judge was not having any of that zoomer shit in her courtroom so she took away the tard's coloring material. Nicolas Cruz, the sperg who pwned seventeen kids because he got cucked by a nigra, then proceeded to cry harder after. Just a reminder this wasn't even the Parkland shooting trial.

Graded Score

Graded Score
Kill count: 17/20 17 injured
Accuracy: 10/20 50%
Style: 20/20 In and out before the cops arrived
Butthurt: 20/20 Florida, pussy denial & ass whoopin'
Bonus: 20/20 Holiday bonus (Valentine's Day)
Total Score: 87/100 (B)
See full ranking

Wanted Level:

S.W.A.T. Team


Class Setup
Item Accessories/Bonus
  • Primary: AR-15
  • Typical school shooter gun that causes massive lulz when used.
  • Secondary: Smoke Grenade
  • Blinds foes so you can sweep in for the kill.
  • Perk 1: Ghost Pro
  • Invisible against Spy Planes.
  • Perk 2: Sleight of Hand Pro
  • Reduces reloading time for all weapons.
  • Perk 3: Tactical Mask Pro
  • Immune to the effect of Nova Gas.
  • Perk 4: Columbine Copycat
  • Double damage against kids and adults, triple if they are in an academic institution. Intelligence stat cut in half.


[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]


Videos found on his phone

Footage from the whole shebang

Interrogation 1

Interrogation 2

Interrogation 3

Interrogation 4

Interrogation 5

Interrogation 6

Interrogation 7

Interrogation 8

See also


External links

Marjory Stoneman Douglas School Shooting is part of a series on Aspies. [Back to your happy placeSperg out]

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Marjory Stoneman Douglas School Shooting is part of a series on Education

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Marjory Stoneman Douglas School Shooting
is part of a series on
Elliot Rodger

Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger
Followers Ben MoynihanChris Harper-MercerWilliam AtchisonNikolas CruzAlek MinassianDimitrios PagourtzisBrian Isaack ClydeTobias RathjenArmando HernandezJake DavisonMauricio Martinez GarciaNatalie Rupnow
Predecessors Mutsuo ToiRobert Benjamin SmithMarc LépineGeorge HennardFlemming NielsenDylan KleboldCho Seung-HuiTomohiro KatoGeorge Sodini
Traits Assburgers syndromeBatshit insaneMisogynyVirgin
See Also Beta UprisingIncelIncelcoreLove-shynessMGTOWMumkey JonesNice guys/r9k/World of Warcraft

Marjory Stoneman Douglas School Shooting
is part of a series on
The New Right Reich

[Stop bullshitStart bullshit]

[Stop shooting!Pull the trigger]
Marjory Stoneman Douglas School Shooting is part of a series on Gun Control
Locus in quo:

Abilene Alleyway Shooting 🔫 Capital Gazette Shooting 🔫 Chris Dorner 🔫 Christchurch mosque attacks 🔫 Colorado Theatre Shooting 🔫 David Long 🔫 Dayton shooting 🔫 El Paso Walmart Shooting 🔫 Elliot Rodger 🔫 Gilroy Garlic Festival Shooting 🔫 Jacksonville Shooting 🔫 Kyle Rittenhouse 🔫 Marjory Stoneman Douglas School Shooting 🔫 Pulse Nightclub Massacre 🔫 Randy Stair 🔫 San Bernardino shooting 🔫 Sandniggers in Paris 🔫 Sandy Hook Elementary Massacre 🔫 Santa Fe High School Shooting 🔫 Shoahdown at the Synagogue of Doom 🔫 Las Vegas shooting 🔫 Texas church shooting 🔫 Umpqua Community College Shooting 🔫 Virginia Beach Shooting 🔫 Washington Navy Yard shooting 🔫 Youtube shooting 🔫


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Main ideas:

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Haters gonna hate:

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Acts of revenge:

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Pre-2012 Gun Massacres

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Marjory Stoneman Douglas School Shooting is part of a series on Are You Ready? [GAME OVERInsert Coin] Go!
Single Player Elite Hall of Fame

Abdulkadir MasharipovAdam LanzaAnders Behring BreivikAndrew KehoeBaruch GoldsteinBrenton TarrantCampo Elías DelgadoCho Seung-HuiDevin Patrick KelleyDong YanglingGabriel WortmanGeorge HennardJack Gilbert GrahamJakrapanth ThommaJames HubertyLouis Michel Rieul BillonMartin BryantMohamed Lahouaiej-BouhlelMutsuo ToiOmar MateenPanya KhamrabPatrick CrusiusSalman AbediSalvador RamosShinji AobaStephen PaddockTed BundyTian MingjianVladislav RoslyakovWilliam UnekWoo Bum-kon

Single Player Amateur Division

Aaron AlexisAlexandre BissonnetteAkbarzhon JalivovAli David SonbolyAnderson Lee AldrichAndrea PignaniAnton Lundin PetterssonArtyom KazantsevAudrey HaleBrandon Scott HoleBreda Highschool MassacreBreitscheidplatzBrenda Ann SpencerBruce Jeffrey PardoCapital Gazette ShootingCharles Whitman's TumorChris Harper-MercerConnor BettsDallas Police ShootingsDarrell BrooksDavid KatzDavid KozákDavid Malcolm GrayDeath to Traitors, Freedom for BritainDerrick BirdDeWayne CraddockDimitrios PagourtzisDimitrious GargasoulasDmitry VinogradovDylann Storm RoofElliot RodgerÉric BorelEuler Fernando GrandolphoFlemming NielsenFort HoodGabe ParkerGeorge SodiniGian Luigi FerriIan David LongIlnaz GalyavievJake DavisonJames Alex FieldsJames HolmesJared Lee LoughnerJason DaltonJason RodriguezJaylen FrybergJeffrey DahmerJeff WeiseJesse OsborneJiverly VoongJoe StackJohn Russell HouserJohn Wilkes BoothJonathan SapirmanJosef FritzlKhalid MasoodKimveer GillKip KinkelKongsberg Bow and Arrow RampageLam Kor WanMamoru TakumaMarc LépineMark BartonMark EssexMartin PeyerlMatthew de GroodMichael CarnealMichael Kenneth McLendonMichael RyanMikese MorseMr. SaariNathan GaleNghtmrchld26Nikolas CruzNoah EsbensenOrlando HarrisOtoya YamaguchiPatrick PurdyPayton GendronPekka-Eric AuvinenPeter ScullyPetri GerdtRamadan Van ManRandy Robert StairRichard SpeckRobert BalesRobert BowersRobert CardRobert CrimoRobert HawkinsRobert LongRobert SteinhäuserRuslan AkhtyamovRyan PalmeterSantino William LeganSatoshi UematsuSayfullo SaipovStephen KazmierczakThe Twinkie ManThomas Matthew CrooksThomas Watt HamiltonTim KretschmerTimothy HendronTimur BekmansurovTJ LaneTobias RathjenTrystan Andrew TerrellTyler PetersonUnabomberWade Michael PageWalter SeifertWellington Menezes de OliveiraZhao ZeweiZug Massacre

Multiplayer Co-Op Mode

1-14 Jakarta AttacksAcademy ManiacsBoston Marathon BombingCharlie HebdoColumbineCrocus City Hall MassacreHiroshima and NagasakiISIS Paris Attack 13-11Jews did WTCLondon Bridge Attack 2017Medianeira School ShootingPearl HarborSan Bernardino ShootingSri Lanka 2019 Terrorist AttacksSuzano School ShootingTimothy McVeighZhaodong Massacre

Civilization and Great Prophets

Adolf HitlerAugusto PinochetAum ShinrikyoCharles MansonHeaven's GateHolocaustJonestownJoseph StalinKim Il-sungMao ZedongOsama bin LadenPol PotSaddam HusseinWacoWorld War II

Banned From Scoring

Alex HribalAnthony WarnerAnton BichivinAsa CoonBen MoynihanBilly MitchellBrandon CleggBrian Isaack ClydeCharles BishopClay DukeDillon CosseyFaisal ShahzadFrank JamesHayden JagstHugo JacksonIlya IvanistovJohn EarnestKyle RittenhouseLaaiti EkenstéenLindsay Kantha SouvannarathLogan ClarkMAGABomberMikhail PivnevNasim AghdamNicky ReillyPhilip ManshausRichard ReidRyan RouthSam HydeSebastian BosseSol PaisStephan BallietTodd RogersWillem Van SpronsenWilliam AtchisonYou

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The Loud House
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