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Ian David Long

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Ian David Long
Born March 27, 1990
Died November 7, 2018 (aged 28)
Nationality: Americunt  
Highscore 12 killed, 11 injured (1 by gunfire)
Top 50? No
Style FPS, Single player
An Hero? Yes
Motive PTSD, general boredom

Corporal Ian David Long was an IRL Call of Duty veteran, Pretty cool guy and a 2018 contender in the US Mass Shooting High Score Championship. He is also living proof that even being in the US Marines is no cure for being a manlet. After returning to the US from life in Afghanistan, David Long witnessed the horror of what an utter steaming heap of shit 'Murica had become in his absence. Being unable to vent his frustrations by killing Afghan farmers and raeping their goats, Long went into a deep depression.

On November 7, 2018, David Long had finally had enough of California's culture of faggotry and race-mixing. Instead of doing the "normal" thing (moving to Mississippi, becoming a cop, and spending the rest of your life shooting niggers), Long decided to go to the shittiest bar he could find and pwn every cunt he could. After wiping 12 worthless shits from the face of the Earth, David Long realized he only had a pistol and was therefore never going to achieve the US high score. Infuriated, David Long decided that his work on Earth was complete and gave himself unto the Lord. He is now in heaven, shooting sandniggers with a machine gun.

Military Career

Long was rare among shooters in that he had lengthy previous experience in pwning n00bs overseas before attempting to score high back in his own country. Long was in the US Marines, and was involved in their extensive sandnigger-hunting campaign in Afghanistan. Although Long never shot Osama bin Laden, he did kill many hundreds of random people with a machine gun, so many that he received medals for his 1337 machine gunning skills. Why this retard didn't choose the machine gun as his weapon of choice during his bid for the high score is anyone's guess, but theories suggest he was too poor to buy a machine gun, and so a cliché-as-fuck Glock was the cunt's only option.

During his time as a Marine, either prior to or during his tour of Afghanistan, David Long was called ghey by a kid on Call of Duty: World at War. His response became rather well-known:

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the US Marine Corps, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Return to America

After a multi-year spray and pray campaign in Afghanistan, David Long was discharged from the Marines. He then went to live in the best possible place for a patriotic, God-fearing, Bible-raping American veteran: Thousand Oaks, California. The degeneracy he witnessed here, combined with the fact that he couldn't get any woman because he was a cryptofag, led him to carry out the mass shooting. Like most sensible people, Long despised country music, and was forced to suffer as his favorite bar was turned into a venue for this revolting redneck garbage. In 2017, our hero witnessed the legendary Las Vegas shooting by Stephen Paddock, who solved his problem with country music by taking down a total of 60 mealy-mouthed, insipid, shit-kicking degenerates with multiple assault rifles. This inspired Long, who dreamed of becoming a legendary mass shooter himself one day.

The Shooting

On November 7, 2018, Ian bought a Glock 21 and some extended mags. He then went to the country music-playing bar and blew off 12 heads, including a pig's, within about a minute. When he realized he was running out of ammo, Long became an hero. Goodnight, sweet prince.


Class Setup
Item Accessories/Bonus
  • Primary: Glock 21SF
  • Just one pistol for a handgun-only match. .45 ACP, just enough to kill 12 faggots.
  • Perk 1: Marine Corps
  • Good accuracy, superior shooter to cops.
  • Perk 2: Regular Bar Visitor
  • Reduces enemy awareness/alarm/suspicion.
  • Perk 3: Extended Mag
  • Surprises enemies with extended firepower.
  • Spell: Tradition
  • Good for trolling country music fans and other degenerates, extra butthurt for liberals, fourth double digit mass shooting in the US in 2018, second mass shooting in the US targeting country faggots.

Graded Score

Graded Score
Kill count: 12/20 (11 injured) Deadliest by military personnel since Nidal Hasan.
Accuracy: 8/20 According to accurate news, he fired 61 rounds and killed 12 people, not including himself. Howard Unruh killed 13 with 33 shots. Ian did Pretty shit for a US Marine.
Style: 12/20 Points for using handgun-only mode and targeting a country music bar, thus turning Stephen Paddock's legacy into a tradition
Butthurt: 15/20 Points lost for not targeting a specific racial demographic or fags. Points gained for doing it in a shitlib state.
Bonus: 16/20 An hero, cop wasted.
Total Score: 63/100 (D)
Country roads... Take me home... California...
See full ranking

Wanted Level:



Federal Bureau of Investigation

See Also

Ian David Long
is part of a series on
An Heroes

Died Alone

1-14 Jakarta AttackersAaron BushnellAaron HowardAaron SwartzAcidChanAdam LanzaAdolf HitlerAkbarzhon DzhalilovAlan TuringAlexis PilkingtonAmanda ToddAn HaloAndrea PignaniAndrew KehoeAndrew KoenigAnthony WarnerAnton Lundin PetterssonArtyom KazantsevAsa CoonAugust AmesBen VoddenBob8466Brandon CleggBrandon CrispBrandon HoleBrenda WilliamsBrigit GonzalezBroadt LedetBruce PardoBubba CopelandBudd DwyerCandyjunkieArcan CetinCharles BishopCharmaine DragunChloe SagalChris BenoitChris DornerChristine ChubbuckChristopher FosterChris Harper-MercerCho Seung-HuiClay DukeCodey PorterDavid RitchesonDerrick BirdDevin KelleyDustin MichaelsDylan KleboldElliot RodgerEmma JonesEric HarrisEtikaEuler GrandolphoGeorge HennardGeorge SodiniGizgizGleb KorablevHannah BondHeath LedgerHunter S. ThompsonIsrael KeyesJake RobertsJames LeshkevichJarrad WillisJaylen FrybergJeff WeiseJenny GrantJewWarioJiverly VoongJodie Gater and Stephanie GestierJoe StackJohn HouserJonathan Kendrick LewisJosé BettsJosh BallardJürgen ConingsKevin Neil WhitrickKlerckKurt CobainLeelah AlcornLivecorpseLowtaxMario FerreyraMarvin HeemeyerMatthias SchoormannMatti SaariMcSkilletMegan MeierMercedes HerreraMia JaninMitchell HendersonMr. HandsNathaniel BerhowNautica MeloneNghtmrchld26Nikita LytkinNikki CatsourasOldDirtyBtardOtoya YamaguchiPanya KhamrabPaula GoodspeedPekka-Eric AuvinenPetri GerdtPhilip MarkoffQuentin HubbardRachele RuddRehtaeh ParsonsRicardo LopezRichard JeniRina PalenkovaRobert CardRobert HawkinsRobin WilliamsRonnie McNuttRudolph ZurickRyan PalmeterSadie DavilaSalman AbediSam LeesonShane HalliganShaun DykesShawn WoolleyShayShuaibySienna JohnsonSol PaisStephanie Michelle BrownStephen KazmierczakStephen HuffStephen PaddockStiletto oneTang YongmingTatiana the TigerTerry DavisThe An Heroes of BridgendTim KretschmerTimothy HendronTony48219Tyler ClementiTyler DumstorfTyler PetersonVerne TroyerWilliam Atchison


Adf-fuensalidaAhuviya HarelAlek MinassianAmber ButtrumAmy BishopAnton BichivinAriana RaykottoAudrey HaleAydin PaladinBernie MadoffBrandon ClarkBrenda SpencerBrian ClydeBrian ConnorsBrooke HigginsCampo DelgadoCharles ZieseCobanermani456Colonel McBadassCrystal ShinkleDavid GrayDeWayne CraddockDimitrios PagourtzisDmitry VinogradovDylann RoofGabe ParkerGeorge StinneyHugo JacksonIlnaz GalyavievImma-The-DeerJakrapanth ThommaJames HubertyJamethJarrod RamosJeffree MoonJessica EvertJonathan RossJoseph CampJustin-anonLindsay SouvannarathLolo FerrariMamoru TakumaMartin BryantMary BellMichael CarnealMichael GimsonMissyMychal BellNeograntNikkineko333Nikolas CruzNoah EsbensenNuzzieKomaOwen WilsonPikacat39PogoRooRainBoy107Richard ReidRandan FontaineRex FowlerRobert CrimoRobert LongSalvador RamosShaan SinghShinji AobaSirtom93SneakylizardStephen FryTakeShotActionTimur BekmansurovTJ LaneToaster SteveTom PrestonTooDamnFilthyTumbles the StairdragonViper

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Ian David Long is part of a series on Gun Control
Locus in quo:

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Main ideas:

Assault Rifle 🔫 Gun 🔫 Gun Control 🔫 Murder 🔫 Arson 🔫 Bombs 🔫 Mass Shooting 🔫 School Shooting 🔫

Haters gonna hate:

Daisy Hogg 🔫 Killers 🔫 Republicans

Acts of revenge:

Boston Marathon Bombing 🔫 Sandniggers in Paris 🔫 Ariana Grande Massacre 🔫 London Bridge Attack 2017 🔫 Capital Gazette Shooting 🔫 Prosper family murders


Charlton Heston 🔫 James Holmes 🔫 NRA 🔫 Osama Bin Laden 🔫 Republicans 🔫 People planning a massacre 🔫

Pre-2012 Gun Massacres

Columbine 🔫 École Polytechnique 🔫 Dawson College 🔫 Virginia Tech Massacre 🔫 Austin, Texas 🔫 NIU Valentine's Day Massacre 🔫 Hungerford Massacre 🔫 Anders Breivik

Featured article November 24 & 25, 2018
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