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Anthony 'A-Log' LoGatto

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Anthony 'A-Log' LoGatto is an Epic Lolcow
One page alone is not enough...
A-Log's fellow circle-jerking aspie pals now have their own page!
Why not read A-Log's fanfiction, too?
This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
I find it highly amusing that the new lolcows are actually aspies who keep comparing themselves to retards, trying to look good in comparison. And failing in that. And when you're failing harder than Chris-chan, that's something. And all this without the slightest sense of irony.


—AustralatinaArchive, commenting on A-Log's YouTube channel

There has always been a vocal, embarassing faction of Chris-chan trolling comprised of babyfurs, proud autists, recolor hacks, gamer tossers, tryhard hipster nerds and epic ween eternal summer kiddies whose only goal has ever been to force Chris off the Internet forever.

They believed they'd finally succeeded in driving Chris off permanently, despite having done fuck-all to poke him, and are pulling this lazy bullshit because they honestly define victory as purging the web of somebody who is the perfect mirror into their true natures.


/cwc/ on A-Log and his ilk.

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.


Old aphorism advising those with their own weaknesses to abstain from criticizing others.

Sick fuck from Staten Island who fantasizes about teenage robot sex, in addition to having obsessions with My Life as a Teenage Robot, Sonic the Hedgehog, and other childish manga. He also defends furries.


Urban Dictionary on 'Anthony LoGatto'.

Oh, I am the next Chris-chan!


—A-Log finally admits the truth.

Just to let you guys know; on Friday my sisters and I will be visiting our dad, who is currently living in Wisconsin since May of 2009.

I've been in need of a vacation for a while now, and to get away from the stress of the radio and the trolls who are prank calling me on my shows.


—A-Log's radio show has many fans.

Oh come ooooooon, I'm nothing like Chris!


—A-Log, whining.

What Saddam did in the Gulf War was small potatoes to what Chris has done.


—A-Log, without irony, comparing the silly antics of an Internet lolcow to hideous crimes against humanity.

Are you ready to, once again, see the unseeable? See greatest insult to comedians everywhere?


—Anthony 'A-Log' LoGatto, on himself.

Fuck you guys. I am a normal person.


—A-Log vandalizing his own page, not realizing it never works.

In a place such as the Internet, which is filled with faggotry of all stripes - adult babies, scatmunchers, Internet tough guys, autists, furries - it might be easy to dismiss Anthony 'A-Log' LoGatto as just another unfunny nerd on YouTube.

Anthony 'A-Log' LoGatto
Powerword: Anthony LoGatto
Nationality: American
Gender: Male
Occupation: YouTuber, comedian, voice actor, Neckbeard
Years active: 2008-present
Website: JewTube channel
TwitFace profile dedicated to his voice acting "career"

However, sadly, as with many things on the Internet, closer inspection reveals the true extent of his faggotry.

For, you see, A-Log , as he likes to call himself, is a fat, neckbearded, weeaboo maggot attempting to grow even fatter by feasting on the scraps of the bloated, rotting corpse of infamous Internet lolcow, Christian Weston Chandler.

Followers of the antics of Chris-chan have long noted a recurring trend of faggots, freaks and aspies attempting to 'redeem' themselves in the eyes of the trolling community by pantomiming disgust and hatred of the manchild's activities and perhaps spare themselves the trolling which, as they recognize all too plainly, would be theirs but for the fortuity of circumstance.

Anthony LoGatto is no exception.


I don't mind commentaries on Chris, I've seen a few decent ones. But A-Log is just so fucking annoying how he picks apart every little thing about Chris and wants everyone to know just how much he hates Chris and how bad he is.

I can agree with others who wish to inflict bodily harm on A-Log. He beats a dead horse, then rapes it. Then he goes around to his friends and says, "Hey, did you hear Chris-chan raped a horse?"


—Chris Pickles

A-Log, enjoying a nice warm mug of coffee while wearing a trenchcoat indoors.

A-Log's modus operandi is similar to that of many other basement-dwelling losers looking to score some easy prestige on YouTube - take a pure, unsullied slice of delicious lulzy goodness, in this case, one of Chris-chan's videos, then proceed to piss all over everything that was once beautiful and good by providing a 'hilarious' commentary on it, inflicting his terminally unfunny and boring observations and opinions on his captive YouTube audience.

Childhood cancer! Are you outta your fucking mind? How can a kid get cancer that early? Explain this to me.


—A-Log is a man of unparalleled medical knowledge and immense sensitivity.

As much as I hate to say it, you're more twisted than these two bastards. And that's saying something.


—A-Log, comparing Chris-chan's Internet buffoonery to Robert Thompson and John Venables, two ten-year-old boys who abducted, sexually abused and then murdered a three year old. Some people might say that there's a slight difference between the severity of their respective actions, but not A-Log.

If I would actually be the cause of Chris-chan's death, let alone him actually going to jail, I would actually break out the party streamers because, basically, someone of pure evil is finally gone.


—A-Log, declaring that a fat autistic manchild with a Sonic recolor whose actions in no way affect him is the embodiment of all the pain, suffering and death in the world.

A-Log, like many of his kind before him, buys into the fallacy that if the original clip was funny, that by interspersing his own comments, he can make himself appear funnier and wittier than he actually is by piggybacking upon the humor inherent in the clip. While, in rare circumstances, adherents of this strategy can, for a time, prevail before the stench of fail and AIDS surrounding them becomes obvious, a fat, charmless turd like A-Log stands no chance of ever achieving this and the e-fame he clearly longs for.

The A-Log Guide To Comedy
A-Log at his battlestation, where he films his brilliant YouTube videos - in his mom's living room with a backdrop of her shitty 80's glamor shots and collectible dinner plates she bought off the shopping network at 3.00am.
A-Log, pictured here, ruining top hats for everyone.
Xzibit weighs in.

A-Log's videos are unremarkable and often boring and, as such, nobody has yet been able to sit through one of them in their entirety. However, even after a casual viewing, it will become apparent that they are nothing more than your typical nerd rant, filled with unfunny jokes and overused pop culture references, interspersed with either reaction images taken from cartoons that he is way out of the appropriate age bracket to be watching and gay anime that nobody gives a shit about or, alternatively, footage of A-Log sitting in his mom's basement, looking like a pudgy, unwashed pedophile, with the lights turned down low to try and obscure the room's contents and make the fact that he is an unemployed man approaching thirty, still living with his mom, making videos about losers on the Internet seem less pathetic.

Indeed, A-Log's videos might easily be ignored, were it not for his main choice of target: Christian Weston Chandler.

In this video, a clearly aroused and envious A-Log watches Chris-chan have sex with a blow-up doll.

A-Log attempts to make an over 9,000 joke, but fails because it's not over 9,000. It's exactly 9,000.

For, you see, A-Log is that peculiar kind of person who doesn't understand Chris-Chan, despite pretending to, and becomes obsessed with the woemanbaby because what he really wants is someone to point at, so that other people know that there's someone worse than him out there.

In A-Log's eyes, Chris-chan is not a dopey, childishly naive oaf whose buffoonish antics bring joy to the Internetz, but a hideous monster and the embodiment of all the evils of the world, guilty of the heinous and unforgivable crime of 'giving autistics a bad name'.

The fact that A-Log himself might have have his own numerous and obvious weaknesses and failings, many of them identical to Chris-chan, is immaterial because, to him, Chris represents a foul stain on the reputation of the grorious nation of Aspergia and, in his mind, A-Log is just the man to wipe it clean.

What A-Log fails to realize, however, is that the only reason he has for viewing Chris in this way is the fact that, on some subconscious level, he recognizes that he and the big CWC have so much in common.


It's ironic that 'A-Log', as he calls himself, uploads so many videos to YouTube detracting Chris-chan, when in fact Anthony LoGatto is the next Christian Weston Chandler.


—Urban Dictionary, telling it like it is.

Don't you get it? You're a fat worthless autistic slob just like Chris, only difference is that Chris is entertaining. You're in no position to take the high ground. Enjoy dying alone brah.


—MrBSD91, commenting on A-Log's YouTube channel.

watching some of your Chris reviews, you stated you want Chris-chan to die. Why?

no one wants to really kill him, what would we do without him? go back to messing with Scientology?

you don't understand, Lolcows are what keeps the internet fun. in fact, without Lolcows like Chris and Kuta, you'd have no one to rant on. i'll let that sink in...


—This tartlet gets it, but loses points for so obviously quoting the Joker.

Once again, I'm going toward my target of being Chris-chan!


—A-Log on himself. A good comedian says what we're all thinking, but they never do so unintentionally.


A-Log constantly talks about how worthless and stupid Chris is, never hesitating to inform his audience, in great detail, of just what an awful human being Christian Weston Chandler is, in a way typical of the kind of people who are just a few trolls away from being Chris-chan themselves.

He is forever making comments about how much better than Chris-chan he is and often punctuates his videos with phrases such as "And people think I'M a freak!", "Even I'M smarter than Chris-chan!", "And people think I watch too much porn!" and "Even I could do better!" while seemingly being unaware as to what this implies about him. Indeed, one might catch a precious sparkling glimmer of unintentional humor in one of A-Log's tedious, rambling videos when he'll say something utterly fucking moronic, proving how truly ignorant he is, or otherwise display a shocking lack of self-awareness by revealing a little too much information about himself and his personal habits.

A-Log is not like Chris-chan in any way.
An oldfag CWC troll puts A-Log in his place.
A-Log boasts on his channel page about being partially responsible for driving a retarded kid who likes to play with dolls off of YouTube. Congratulations, A-Log. Write a fanfic where your fursona fucks an aging pornstar to commemorate this accomplishment.

A-Log's first commentary on Chris-chan was in August of 2009 on the infamous video of Chris humping his PS3, which contained over nine minutes of A-Log making fun of Chris' dick size. Since then, A-Log had mentioned quite a few times his wish to physically harm Chris. A-Log has also stated that he wished Chris would either be sent to jail for bogus crimes or be sent to a mental hospital in a straitjacket. Classy guy that he is, A-Log has even said that Chris should an hero.

A-Log is also known to keep track of any updates to Chris' phone number. He stated in a couple of videos his intentions on calling Chris, possibly hoping that he would get a recording of the manchild to add to his YouTube channel. A-Log has called Chris-chan at least once and recorded Chris' voicemail message.

Before A-Log started getting regularly trolled, numerous people tried, unsuccessfully, to get A-Log to stop his faggotry and leave Chris alone. The first known person was A-Log's own sister. However, A-Log just laughed it off and posted a caption on one of his videos where he stated "Fuck that!"

Later, A-Log was contacted by two trolls claiming to be Clyde Cash and BlueSpike. In a display of gullibility highly reminiscent of Christian Weston Chandler himself, he instantly believed them based on nothing more than their word, as trolls are generally a truthful sort, not at all known for their duplicity or willingness to decieve, who have nevar been known to use false names or identities. These two managed to rustle A-Log's jimmies enough to scare him away from making Chris-chan videos for a while, prompting him to make this video in which he claimed that he would no longer be making any commentaries about the Internet's poster boy for autism. The A-Log story could have ended there, however, unsurprisingly, A-Log didn't keep his word and, in typical lolcow fashion, was back to making an ass of himself on YouTube within a month, having learned nothing from his brush with the trolls.

Popular consensus among longtime followers of both Chris-chan and A-Log's retarded flailings on the Internet is that if A-Log were trolled to the extent that Chris was, he would be in much the same position as the esteemed Mayor of Cwcville.

Know that you can help in this endeavor, gentle reader.

I hate A-Log more than I hate Chris, because Chris never tried to profit on an autistic manchild's misery. A-Log thinks he can launch a career in making fun of Chris, something which not even Clyde Cash managed to do.

It's people like A-Log who think that Chris is the Anti-Christ, and want to kill Chris or something that really disturb me. They don't understand Chris, despite pretending to. The Cwcki doesn't tell you everything, as we know.


—Anonymous /cwc/fag.

I think the Chris hate common to A-Log and his ilk is mainly down to ego and projection - They see something of themselves in Chris and they don't like it.

It also creates an amusing paradigm because by heaping scorn on Chris they are saying that this sort of behavior - the very same behavior that they also see in themselves - deserves derision. Amusing because according to A-Log, if he gets trolled for exhibiting these same Chris-chan-esque behaviors, he cannot complain, because this is the reaction that he deserves.


—Armchair psychology from /cwc/.

Ultimately, however, even setting aside the fact that he and Christian Weston Chandler are so much alike, much of the loathing A-Log recieves stems from the fact that he's somewhat akin to the Know Your Meme of Chris-chan trolling - like the greedy Jew that he is, he seeks to use Chris-chan as a means to promote his own shitty stand-up, radio and acting ambitions and profit from something he, himself, doesn't understand, nor have the balls to partake in.

Stand-Up Comedy Career

It would appear that A-Log intends to inflict his terminally unfunny stand-up on a wider audience. Time to tune in!

While A-Log's troll shielding YouTube videos are fail in its purest form, they might, on their own, be a forgivable offense attributed to an unfunny newfag and, thus, forgotten. After all, there are plenty of faggots making shitty videos on YouTube.

However, A-Log's greatest crime unto comedy is his ill-favored foray into the world of stand-up, which takes the winning premise of his YouTube videos, namely, mocking Chris-Chan and picking apart his every fault while simultaneously remaining blissfully unaware of his own numerous failings, and applies it to the concept of live stand-up comedy. Those of you with even a cursory knowledge of comedy traditions will already be able to see precisely why, by putting this plan into practice, A-Log will fall flat on his fat ass.

A-Log, however - either supremely overconfident of his comedic abilities or noticing a gap in the market for fat, virgin retards mocking other fat, virgin retards - didn't let this stop him and stormed (well, waddled) onstage at his local open mic night to treat the assembled audience to his hilarious observations about a series of videos on the Internet that nobody in the venue except him had seen. It went about as well as could be expected.

A-Log later uploaded this video to YouTube, but later removed it due to butthurt after trolls stated how utterly awful it was.

Below we have another example of A-Log's stand-up fail. Those of you with weak constitutions may wish to skip this video as it is so bad, so execrably awful, so painful to watch that it makes the Pain Series pale in comparison.

This stand-up comedy appearance was at the Emporium sports bar on Staten Island on New Year's Eve, 2009, as part of a contest to win $300. Unsurprisingly, he did not win.

Ugh. I tried watching it and skipping through it and just... Goddamn. God. damn. Shit is so fucking painful. You ever get that feeling when you watch something that's so bad, you feel embarassed, FOR them?


—Anonymous, upon viewing this video.

Furfaggotry, Robofaggotry And Other Assorted Sickfuckery

I love your artwork; it makes beastiality look normal.


—A-Log, art critic.

That takes care of the prejudicial side of things, but we will go into something that is considered even worse; sexism! Now don't get me wrong, I don't find sex to be evil; as a matter of fact, I love sex. I don't even mind pornography (except for the illegal ones) since it's mostly scripted and not real. However, I am against the fact that women are forced to be looked upon as objects with no brain cells or thought process whatsoever! Women are more than just T & A, as feminism purely states! (Despite the fact that there are pro-sex feminists as well, but even they would be insulted.)

One of the biggest examples would be National Geographic. The magazine is well known as a documentation of different countries and their peoples, but it is also known for one other trait: masturbation fodder for beginners. With it's portrayal of topless African tribeswomen, many have used the magazine as more of a sexual outlet than one for educational purposes. The use of black women over the supposedly more pure white women would be seen as an obvious clue for this choice.


—A quote from one of A-Log's anthropology mid-term essays in which he announces to his college professors that he faps to topless African tribeswomen in National Geographic magazine.

As well as his shitty YouTube rant videos and his stand-up that is more tragedy than comedy, A-Log's activity on deviantArt and other sites also reveals that he is a flaming furfag, attracted to species from all walks of the animal kingdom, including elephants, dogs, bears, pigs, ducks and even toads, as can be seen here...

This is what A-Log faps to.
Nothing is safe from A-Log's perverse attention, not even an innocent Combat Amphibian.
A-Log faps to goddamn scarecrows.
Sexy, yet still able to kick some ass. Perfection!


—A-Log, on an anthropomorphic Battletoad.

Indeed, a few of his YouTube videos even feature artwork of A-Log's fursona, a red fox who is, ironically in typical furfag fashion, noticeably a lot thinner than the real, human A-Log, wearing A-Log's glasses, leather jacket and trademark gay fat guy hat that he wears in most of his videos and stand-up performances in a misguided attempt at looking cool and covering up his bald spot.

It is also very telling that 99.5% of A-Log's favorites on deviantArt depict highly sexualized interpretations of female cartoon characters in various states of undress. No doubt that this collection also doubles as A-Log's fapfuel.

However, it would seem that A-Log's perverted appetites are not restricted solely to the furry, the feathered and the scaly, as he is also the founding member of 'teen-robot-club' on deviantArt, a fanclub dedicated to My Life As A Teenage Robot, a children's cartoon show cancelled in 2007 due to unpopularity. A-Log has a particular perverse fondness for Vexus, the main villain from the show, and to date, A-Log has produced numerous works of fanfiction about his mechanical waifu, as well as his original character Trinako and various other characters from the show.

Another taste of the My Life As A Teenage Robot/Cluster lemon pie from me! This takes place a week or so after the events of "Why I Hate You All!". In it, Trinako asks Vexus a favor, which may seem a bit uncomfortable the first time around.

NOTE: So far, this will be the only chapter with no sex whatsover.


—A-Log on one of his many My Life As A Teenage Robot fanfics. Note that, so far, THIS IS THE ONLY CHAPTER WITH NO SEX WHATSOEVER.

Vex-20: (meekly) Please say that you're done now.

Touga: We're not. We just want to introduce you to a little friend of mine.

Vex-20: What do you mean?

(on cue, a covering opens up on Touga's crotch area, releasing a smooth, metallic penis that is shaped like a rod, and stands at 6". Vex-20 is shocked at this sight.)


—As we shall see, six inch penises are a recurring theme in A-Log's fapfiction.

Touga: Ah, yeah... that's a nice little slut-unit you are... oh...


—A-Log has such a way with dialogue.

(Vex-20 whimpers as she gets on all fours. She feels Touga go up behind her, and press a button near her crotch, thus opening her vagina.)


—And such extensive knowledge of female anatomy, too. You'd never guess he was still a virgin.

Her breasts have a foam outing, yet the machinary and wiring inside are like that of a human's breasts.


—Them titties have all sorts of complicated shit inside them.

She gets interrupted as she suddenly feels something push into her vagina. It's Touga's metallic member being inserted in, and when it goes all the way in, oil starts to pour out, as this broke her robotic hymen. This pressure causes her scream.


—OK, fuck this shit.

Trinako: But still, what is the problem that your creator fell upon you?

Vex-20: (struggles not to cry) Well, my creator had created me for an experiment on robot copulation and birth with three other male robots.

Trinako: And I suppose those robots treated you well, yes?

Vex-20: They have... until the night of the experiment.

(Trinako continues to listen to Vex-20's ordeal)

Trinako: What happened?

Vex-20: Well, it started out like a date and everything was going fine. That is, until one of the robots asked me for a kiss. I originally thought against it, but I figured it wouldn't hurt. And... and... and that's when it began. That's when they began to rape me.

Trinako: Raped you?

Vex-20: (tears are now showing) Yes. (holds herself in self-comfort) They violated me in the most horrible ways imaginable! All the oil coming from my hymen breaking, to the lubricant they sprayed me with, it was the most embarrassing event I've ever been in! And worst of all... I became pregnant because of those ruffians and that scum that was my creator!

Trinako: (surprised) I'm surprised that he wanted you to be pregnant after all this.

Vex-20: (wipes away some tears) Well, that was his whole plan. Why was I so gullible to trust a human like him?! Why?!


—From Chapter 4 of A-Log's My Life As A Teenage Robot fapfic, 'Why I Hate You All!' in which Vex-20 tells someone she has literally just met about her violent and highly traumatic gang rape.

This fic is rated NC-17/XXX, and should not be read by anyone under the ages of 17 or 21. This fic features graphic sexual situations and scenes that cannot be put into the slightest piece of context. None of this is actually happening; it's cartoons. No identifiable minors were used in any of the graphic scenes depicted herein. Also, please perform sex responsibly, as not to harm yourself or your partner. To put it another way, please don't try or read any of this at home. Enjoy.


—Not to be read at home. Should only be read under the guidance of a trained professional.

The character of Vexus was voiced by singer and actress, Eartha Kitt, and when the raspy-voiced old negress died in 2008, A-Log produced the following video - a very tasteful, touching YouTube tribute to the woman who voiced the children's cartoon character he'd had countless sweaty fap sessions over.

As of 2017, A-Log is currently working on a shitty voice dub for a shitty fan comic based off the shitty Nick show. Anything to keep them crappy ol' cartoons alive

"Well, first-off, I notice that he has, like, the Playboy fold-out of Marge Simpson in the background. Is he still trying to tell us, again, that he's straight? Besides, I have a lot better, uh, pictures of Marge Simpson, y'know, lookin' sexy and in the nude myself. On sites like the WWOEC and in my personal collection."

"And people think I'M a creepazoid! I mean, basically, certain people have their certain fetishes, but hey, at least some are honest about it!" (A-Log, desperately trying to validate his attraction to Sonic characters.)

A-Log is also a prolific poster on that wretched hive of scum and furfaggotry, WWOEC, where he can regularly be found bothering various furry fanartists with requests for Rule 34, often of the most obscure, forgettable, one time characters. Also notable is A-Log's rather dubious interest in straight shotacon - Chris Hansen would doubtless be interested in sitting down with him and asking a couple of questions.

A-Log visits the WWOEC Forums every day and has over 500 posts to his name at the present time, achieving the noble rank of 'Legend' - an enviable title amongst those who fap to cartoon characters. When he was getting trolled, A-Log attempted to use the WWOEC forums as a hugbox, but since the only thing people go there for is badly drawn cartoon porn, nobody really cared.

A-Log is also a member of the social group 'Toon MILF Fans' on the WWOEC Forums.

Lulzy Posts By A-Log On The WWOEC Forums About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

UPDATE: A-Log's newest masturbatory idol appears to be Peacock, one of the playable characters from that crappy 2-D fighting game that nobody likes, Skullgirls.

He has made several posts about her on the WWOEC Forums and claims to be replacing his usual gay Lucky Star reaction images that he uses in his videos and commentaries with some from Peacock, instead. However, since A-Log is currently hiding from the trolls and hasn't made any new videos for the best part of a year, this has yet to be seen.

A-Log's Fanfiction

A-Log's fursona and the star of much of his fanfiction.
Bitches are entirely disinterested.
The motivation behind A-Log's fapfics.
A-Log fantasizes about giving one lucky tomgirl a good, hard six inch foxdicking.
Even ADF-Fuensalida loves the taste of A-Log's six inch foxdick.
A-Log's original character Enchantra. Not unlike Sonichu, her design is also based on two previously existing copyrighted characters, Amy Rose and Sailor Mars.
An artist's impression of A-Log's foxdick. Not actual size - the real thing is much, much smaller.

As is perhaps unsurprising for a fat, socially awkward nerd with no job, no girlfriend, no friends and no obligation to leave his bedroom who wastes his life watching children's cartoon shows, A-Log is also an avid writer of crappy fanfiction.

Most of it is posted on his account and his deviantArt page, including 'What Have We Learned?', his especially lulzy story about the 9/11 terrorist attacks, as told through the eyes of various cartoon characters including Dick Dastardly and SpongeBob SquarePants. No, srsly...

A-Log's magnum opus, however, is his series of 'erotic' fanfiction, The World's Luckiest Guy - which he has produced a prodigious amount of.


These stories are TL;DR self-inserts, featuring amazingly weird, awkward dialogue which would sound out of place even in the most poorly acted of porn films, in which A-Log's Mary Sue fursona yiffs his way through various unrealistically appreciative porn stars, actresses, cartoon mother figures, anthropomorphic mother figures and other cartoon characters with his trademark six-inch foxdick. The earlier stories in the series have a screenplay style format, complete with stage directions, while the later instalments switch to a more traditional, third person narrative.

The earliest story in this series dates from the year 2002, indicating that even in his teenage years, a time when most people are out socializing, trying new things and losing their virginities, A-Log was still a sad, forever alone social outcast who spent his time alone in his bedroom fapping over cartoon dogs. On July 11th, 2012, the final chapter of The World's Luckiest Guy was discovered by trolls and was nothing short of an orgy of furfags and faggots.

In the spirit of this series of horror, and the ineptitude of the author, in October 2011, A-Log composed a marathon run of fapfiction in celebration of the Halloween season.

Welcome ghouls and ghosts! Welcome to the month-long set of erotic stories called "31 Tricks, 31 Treats". This set is very special because it features several women that are A) dressed in costume or B) monster babes. All month long, I'll post a chapter each day (God forbid if I'm late, I'll post them up posthaste.) and we'll see what you think. Enjoy the first one so far! All of these chapters will have a Halloween theme with a side of horror as well. Besides, who doesn't want to see actual Vamps getting it on?


—A-Log on his new thirty-one chapter long fapfic

This soon-to-be classic bible of erotic literature has A-Log's fursona yiffing the likes of Elvira: Mistress Of The Dark, Mewtwo, Rouge the Bat, assorted mother figures and his own ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL Nina Quacketta - an anthropomorphic duck policewoman among others.

By reading just a few of these, the most tolerant and depraved fappers can notice many recurring trends and personality flaws. Here are just a few, so you can be spared from the horror.


Our foxy, yet nerdy, casanova, Anthony LoGatto (better known as A-Log) is helping out someone with decorations for a Halloween costume party. Now we all know that A-Log is many points shy of a pimp, player or playboy, but his niceness and personality has garnered many a women as the usual lover.


—A-Log on failing with women.

She can feel how warm his foxdick is, making her boobs like a security blanket.


—A-Log on his mommy issues.

“Now let me release that little beast,” she says, now sitting up and reaches to pull down his boxers. She is then surprised to see his large, six-inch penis standing erect in front of her. Her eyes go wide in astonishment; surely Enchantra wanted Elvira to be surprised when she saw this. Mission accomplished.

“Holy crap!” Elvira said in amazement. “I seem to recall the wolfman being well hung, but not a fox boy like you!”


—A-Log on having an (exaggerated) average-sized penis.

“Pick a place to cum, baby!” she screamed to him. “Cum anywhere you like!”

“Please,” he says. “Let me cum on those gorgeous tits!” “That's my boy!” she says with pride.


—A-Log on his mommy issues. Again.

“Nothing much, sweetie!” Amy says in a sing-song voice. “I just need a little help shopping at the mall today! There's a huge sale that I cannot miss!


—A-Log's view on women is shockingly similar to Chris-chan's.

“Oh yeah, baby...” Anthony moans in satisfaction as Rouge treats him right orally. “Keep on suckin' my cock, you sexy witch...”

Rouge stops for a moment and says, “Oh, you're gonna love the spell I'll put you under, baby!” and continues sucking his cock.


—A-Log on extremely lame puns.

Anthony takes off his shirt and hat and placed them on the couch, thus showing his normal and average body; not too muscular, just normal.


—A-Log on his physique.

A-Log can see both her ass and her stinger in full glory as she sets her pussy down repeatedly before the decides to arch her back, letting him thrust upwards into her pussy and letting her stinger rest on his chest; thankfully not poking him to the point of accidental death.


—A-Log on the perils of having sex with giant anthropomorphic bees.

“Oh yes, A-Log! Yes! Yes! YES!!!” she shouts in erotic joy. “Drive that foxdick further into my pussy! Drive that big, massive foxdick into my sweet, succulent pussy! You know you want to!”


—A-Log on why he's using his right-hand

Anthony is currently dressed as an emperor of ancient Rome. Judging from the much younger looking appearance, he is not dressed as Julius Caesar, but Marc Antony, who took Caesar's place after his assassination.


—A-Log on Freudian allegory and how he wishes to overthrow his father and have sex with his mom.

“I'm sure it was before Locke and I divorced-- oh!” she says but nearly messes it up. “No offense to what happened to your parents, by the by.”

“None taken,” he says. “It's been a while, but we're still adjusting without him.”


—A-Log, on how he's nearly thirty and still not over his parents getting divorced.

“Get ready to ride the broomstick!” A-Log says, rubbing his cock on her pussy.

“Yeah baby,” Rouge says erotically. “Hit me with that magic stick of yours! Fuck this sexy witch!”


—A-Log on sexual assault.

At one point, A-Log lets go of one ass cheek to reach over and fondle one of her boobs. The combination of fucking and fondling drives Quacketta over the edge as she quacks and screams in erotic joy on this October night.


—A-Log on overly verbose language.

Vampi moans even louder than the wolves as she feels his tongue going in and out of her vagina.


—A-Log on how to pleasure a woman orally.

“Oh God, baby!” she screamed in erotic joy. “Shove that foxdick deeper in to my ass! It's been so long since I felt good down there!”

“Damn straight!” he said.

“I want you to cum on my ass!” she shouted. “I want you to squirt that hot love juice all over my heroic ass!”


— A-Log on failing at descriptions.

“How do you like getting stabbed by my pork sword, lass?” he says.


—A-Log on raping someone while dressed as a pirate.

“Well, Wynmacher always promised me anything when it comes to perfection,” she says as she sits on the side of the bed. “He tries so hard to satisfy me, but I still go for the simpler things in life.”


—A-Log, not realizing that he just called himself 'simple'.

“Suckle my teats, dear Marc Antony!” she says erotically. “My milk has given my soldiers strength, and so will you!”

“I'll gladly drink to that, my dear!”


—A-Log on his mommy issues. Yet again.

“Wanted to look conservative and hot at the same time, eh?” he teased.

“In a way, yes,” she says as she's massaging his cock with her G-Cup tits. “That's the only good thing I've learned from that nut from Alaska.”

Sarah Palin?”

“Yes,” she says. “But what about that porn star that impersonated her?”

“You mean Lisa Ann?” he said. “Personally, in the terms on mental capacity, I would do her more than the real deal.”


—PROTIP: If you think a politician is stupid, working this criticism into a fapfic probably isn't a smart idea, especially when you've admitted to having gone to a school for retarded children.

"You'd be surprised on how much I've learned from the Internet regarding sex and sexuality!"


—A-Log on Internet pornography being educational.

To the disappointment of all, however, A-Log never completed his lofty goal of thirty-one chapters for his Halloween fapfics, throwing in the towel at only the seventeenth chapter. It is thought this is due to a number of factors:

  • The overwhelming reaction on the other losers on the WWOEC Forums being a resounding 'meh'.
  • Trolls bombarding his YouTube channel, mocking his awful writing and requesting to see his six inch foxdick.
  • Aspie laziness.

Needless to say, nobody laments what might have been.

A-Log's stories can be read in their entirety here, but one should be sure to have a sizable quantity of brain bleach on hand before doing so...

A-Log On The Airwaves

Nice, professional-looking logo, man.
A-Log flips out about possible alterations to his radio show's schedule, resulting in a two-week suspension from the radio station. Note that even when talking about something totally unrelated to Chris-chan, he still feels the need to point out how much better than him he is.

File:A-Log and Weird Al.jpg

Perhaps recognizing that his grotesque appearance might limit his ability to get reliable film and television work, A-Log also hosts a shitty college radio show, A-Log On The Airwaves, that is broadcast on WSIA 88.9 FM every Thursday afternoon from 1:00 to 4:00, which nobody ever listens to except him.

A-Log On The Airwaves is generally seen as something of an embarrassment to the station by the rest of the staff who, understandably, regard it as a tacky radio show with no soul or talent behind it. Similarly, A-Log himself is generally unpopular with the rest of the staff at WSIA and because of his complete inability to conduct himself publicly has been suspended from the station on numerous occasions for various reasons including insubordination, making racist statements, cursing while live on the air (resulting in the station narrowly avoiding a fine from the FCC by saying that they had suspended A-Log indefinitely), damaging expensive studio equipment through negligence and, in one case, being caught browsing cartoon porn while at work by the program director, Andrew Dilorenzo.

A-Log's radio show's content is much like A-Log's YouTube videos and stand-up - that is, the sound of a man talking to himself about things that only interest him and laughing at his own jokes, occasionally playing a song, allowing him to sneak back to the clammy embrace of the WWOEC Forums to fap to some sweet, sweet, cartoon ass.

Tune into the faggotry here.

A-Log's radio show playlist is mostly composed of joke songs and, like most unfunny nerds, his favorite artist is Weird Al Yankovic. He also has a massive hard-on for Dr. Demento and has inflicted his presence upon the good doctor on two occasions, as well as constantly bombarding the poor man with demo tapes for his awful parody songs and break-ins.

A-Log pays tribute to ED's favorite grandpa, Fred Phelps.

A-Log On The Airwaves is regularly trolled during call-ins, which causes A-Log stress. You can help by doing just that.

A-Log's On-Air Request Line

(718) 982-3060


2800 Victory Boulevard Rm 1C-106

Staten Island, New York 10314

Voice-Acting Career

This is what that cute, anime schoolgirl you just fapped over looks like IRL.
A-Log feels butthurt because the anime, One Piece, will not be dubbed in New York, claiming that, not only have his dreams of a part in the show been shattered, but that New York will be attacked by terrorists in reprisal. Because Al Qaeda are fucking serious about their anime.
Please don't take this the wrong way or anything, but like some people, I watch hentai. It's not just for the sex, but I like to hear what the English voices sound like.


—A-Log, on why he can't fap to that Jap shit.

I am doing the voice of a villain from the 1991 sentai show, Birdonic Squadron Birdman. I am providing the voice of the main antagonist, Lord Radiguet; I am credited under my nickname of A-Log.

Despite the fact that I won't get paid (it is a fan-dub after all), this is almost a good way to stick it to my dad for referring to my voice-over aspirations as a childish pipe-dream.


—From A-Log's LiveJournal. You can watch the dub in question here.

Certainly. I've got two aliases that would fit well - Sheldon Slugg and Basil Cleese. Another one, Wally Blanc, I'll save another time.


—A-Log, answering the question, "Would you voice act in a hentai?"

I know most people would say, well, "Oh, it's, uh, it's all about rape! It's all about rape!" Well, not... Well, that's kinda like the 90 to 80%. But the other percent, it has, at least, some amount of plot to it.


—A-Log, describing his love of anime.

A-Log is also an aspiring voice actor and a member of several anime fandubbing communities that succeed on being even worse than the Anime Voice Acting Alliance - of which he is also a member.

Of course, as should come as no surprise to anyone, A-Log fails just as hard at voice-acting as he does at everything else.

In this video, A-Log performs 100 impressions. Sadly, the only one he's any good at is that of a man with no talent.

In this video, we hear A-Log, a native New Yorker, actually failing to do HIS OWN ACCENT.

A-Log auditions for the role of a French character... Or is it Irish? Or Jamaican?

Even Howard Stern thinks A-Log's impressions suck.

A-Log auditioning for the new BioWare game, Dragon Age: Inquisition.

PROTIP: Before auditioning, learn how the title of the character you are voicing is actually pronounced.

Turn the background music up high enough and nobody will be able to tell how awful your Australian accent sounds! Genius!

As is perhaps unsurprising for someone so fat and unappealing, he has expressed a keen interest in making his own hentai dub, providing him with the closest thing he will ever have to actual intimacy with a woman. That is, the two of them, seperated by two panes of soundproof glass, in two seperate recording studios, saying awkward dialogue and mimicking the sounds made by two human beings experiencing a physical love that A-Log himself will never know.

Remember that, next time you want to crack one out to some English-dubbed hentai.

Reporter For


What A-Log was doing at the New York Anime Festival when the cameras weren't rolling...

In 2008, A-Log attended the New York Anime Festival, where he acted as a roving reporter for the now (unsurprisingly) defunct website,, presumably chosen over countless better qualified and considerably more competent applicants.

A series of videos of A-Log reporting from the festival were discovered online and later crossposted to /a/ and /cwc/, much to the amusement of the trolls, as these videos provided a rare glimpse of A-Log interacting with normal people... Well, as normal as people in attendance at an anime convention can be, anyway.

In scenes reminiscent of The Onion's 'Autistic Reporter' sketch, A-Log waddles around the convention center clutching a plushie of Kirby, bumbling and stammering his way through several extremely awkward interviews, perving over hentai games, pornographic manga and the attractive female cosplayers in attendance, generally making a nuisance of himself.

It has been argued that these videos are possibly even more awkward than A-Log's stand-up comedy routine.

A-Log is every social faux pas rolled into one man. In a single conversation he can offend, annoy and confuse everybody present, completely unintentionally, and then just walk away thinking, "Hmmm, that went well."



Similarities Between A-Log And Chris-Chan

Hmmm... This reminds me of someone...But I can't think who...
Nope... Can't think who...
Unlike Chris-chan who eventually managed to get some (albeit from a hooker), A-Log is a hopeless permavirgin.
Troll artwork depicting a battle between A-Log and his loathed nemesis, Chris-Chan.
Another depiction of the battle, this time with Chris cast in the role of Batmanchild, fighting his arch-nemesis, A-Log, the clown prince of crap.
A-Log knows how to rock out.
A-Log and his pal, Sonic.
Please enjoy his presence on this very page, as he makes friends to fill his lonesome heart.


—From A-Log's MySpace

I am a good man who needs a female sweetheart to soothe my pains from loneliness.


—From Chris-Chan's Facebook

So, as we've seen, despite being vehement in his loathing of Chris-chan, A-Log, nevertheless, has a lot in common with the manchild.

Here's a compiled list, for the convenience of those of you keeping score at home.

  • Both are male.
  • Both are autistic.
  • Both are fat to the point of being morbidly obese (although it's generally accepted that A-Log is actually fatter than Chris-Chan).
  • Both wear glasses.
  • Both are virgins Nope, not anymore. As of April 2012, Chris-chan has lost his virgin with rage status. A-Log, however, is still a virgin.
  • Despite being virgins, Chris and A-Log nevertheless both claim to be experts when it comes to sex.
  • Both Chris and A-Log consider pornography to be educational.
  • Both are in possession of an impressive set of man-tits.
  • Both make retarded YouTube videos - the only difference being that Chris' videos are actually funny, albeit for the wrong reasons, whereas A-Log's are just boring and irritating.
  • Both are ronery and friendless.
  • Both are spoiled and coddled.
  • Both are unemployed - no, A-Log, that shitty radio show of yours does not count as a real job.
  • Despite having lofty ideas about their ideal occupations - in Chris' case, comic books, and in A-Log's, voice acting - both have demonstrated extreme reluctance to actively seek work in those fields expecting instead for their dream jobs to just come to them.
  • Both are grown men still living with their mothers.
  • Both were academically unsuccessful.
  • Both have done nothing with the academic qualifications they studied for - Chris has a CADD associate's degree and A-Log has a bachelor's in dramatic arts.
  • Both have no sense of fashion.
  • Both were born in the 1980s.
  • Both are Christians.
  • Both are sexist.
  • Both are racist.
  • Both are homophobic.
  • Both have a complete inability to spot contradictions in their actions.
  • Both are lazy, slacking off on their work and demonstrating a complete inability to keep to deadlines.
  • Both bitch and whine about their trolls.
  • Both bitch and whine about ED.
  • Both are ridiculously paranoid about their trolls.
  • Despite said paranoia, both fall for the same troll plots and schemes, believing everything they read and taking everything at face value.
  • Both were victims of a guido troll with an alliterative name.
  • Both of them, rather than accept responsibility for their own actions, instead choose to blame their predicaments on external tormentors.
  • Both have entire wikis dedicated to following and cataloging their fail.
  • Both have had or continue to have an unkempt goatee which serves only to highlight their fat, flabby faces.
  • Both are balding.
  • Both are EXTREMELY socially awkward.
  • Both have an inflated sense of their own cleverness, wit, self-importance and entitlement.
  • Both believe (wrongly) that they are handsome.
  • Both try to cultivate an image of being the lovable nice guy, when in reality they are quite the opposite.
  • Both try to play down their negative and undesirable personality traits by claiming that at least they are 'honest' about them.
  • Both are intellectually on a par with a horny ten-year-old boy.
  • Both think everyone wants to hear their views.
  • Both have enormous persecution complexes about their baaaawtism.
  • Both seem to lack empathy for other people.
  • Both are completely self-interested, believing the world to revolve around them.
  • Both hold ridiculous beliefs about how the world works.
  • Both have stated that they believe that the world would benefit from a holocaust of groups that they consider to be dangerous - Chris wants all gay people to be vaccinated against homosexuality or reprogrammed by the state, but A-Log is more bloodthirsty, believing that every single racist and bigot on the planet should be killed so that race wars will never happen.
  • Both insist on referring to themselves by their full names, Christian Weston Chandler and Anthony 'A-Log' LoGatto.
  • Both experienced developmental delays as children - A-Log didn't speak until he was five, whereas Chris went through a period of silence where he wouldn't speak at all for many years.
  • Both do not know what editing is.
  • Both fail when they intentionally try to be funny.
  • Both are known to repeat their own material, seemingly in the desperate hope that it'll be funnier the next time they tell it.
  • Both own a PS3.
  • Both were born on a Wednesday.
  • Both laugh in the same, stilted, emotionless fake way. "Ha ha ha!"
  • Both stress sigh and gesticulate in very similar ways, including the use of The Claw Of Fail.
  • Both suffer from B.O. and use AXE body spray to try and mask their stench. In A-Log's case, people publicly complained that he smelled.
  • Both are known to mock and ridicule those they view as inferior in order to make themselves appear better, up to and including exhibiting a prejudice against against those with lower functioning forms of autism or other mental handicaps such as Down's syndrome.
  • Both are often the victims of prank phone calls.
  • Both are known to make ridiculous threats when they feel that they have been disenfranchised.
  • Both are cowardly.
  • Both have disrespected the memories of those who died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
  • Both have spoken on behalf of dead celebrities that they had never met, using the deceased as a mouthpeice for their own self-serving agendas and interests.
  • Both write awful fanfiction with lots of unnecessary author-service sex scenes.
  • Both were rightly bullied at school.
  • Both created highly derivative Sonic fan characters during high school to cope with the stresses of teenage life. However, whereas Sonichu was created to be the best friend Chris never had, A-Log's character, an echidna-succubus named Enchantra, was designed primarily as fap material for the young A-Log and to help him deal with rejection from girls.
  • Both of their original characters are defined by their utter lack of personality.
  • Both of their original characters liberally borrow elements from other, previously copyrighted characters.
  • Both create rule 34 of their own original characters, albeit in different ways - Chris-chan draws, A-Log writes.
  • Both took their moms to their high school prom as their date.
  • Both still hold grudges against their high school to this day.
  • Both blamed a figure of authority from their school days for their current predicaments in life.
  • Both still wear and highly value their high school rings, despite having long graduated from high school.
  • Both freely offer their personal information to the Internet at large with little regard to the consequences.
  • Both spent their 25th birthdays at home, alone, making videos for YouTube. This is doubly ironic as, in a previous commentary about Chris-chan's Future Message video, A-Log mocked Chris for this behavior and stated that he would be doing something a lot better for his 25th.
  • Both enjoy and by enjoying, ruin for everybody else, typical staples of nerd humor such as Monty Python and Weird Al Yankovic.
  • Both hope to become famous and/or recognized and are taking the path of least resistance in the hopes of acheiving it.
  • Both watch and enjoy programing that they are far too old for - including Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokémon, Sailor Moon and the Samurai Pizza Cats.
  • Both masturbate over cartoon characters - including Marge Simpson - and apparently see nothing wrong with this.
  • Both have a fixation on a character from Family Guy - in Chris' case, Meg, in A-Log's case, Lois.
  • Both have a fixation on a character from Sonic the Hedgehog - in Chris' case, Amy Rose, in A-Log's case, Rouge the Bat.
  • Both have the same Pokémon poster in their rooms.
  • Both are unashamed gag thieves, stealing jokes from other media that they enjoy and trying to pass them off as their own.
  • Both do not understand what a parody is.
  • Both are known to make references and comparisons to characters, things and events from obscure niche media that they enjoy (cartoons, professional wrestling, old video games), expecting everybody else to automatically understand and get the joke because they get it.
  • Both have an odd, slightly Norman Bates-esque fixation on their mothers.
  • Both disagree with their fathers politically.
  • Both voted for Obama.
  • Both have used their mothers' credit cards to purchase things that would please them and them alone.
  • Both greatly overestimate the size and influence of their YouTube fanbase.
  • Both have implored their audience on YouTube to contact the authorities and have them arrest somebody they personally disliked.
  • Both have wished God would smite people they personally disliked.
  • Both have been the subject of Q&A sessions with trolls conducted by their former friends who had grown tired of their shit.
  • Both play with LEGOs.
  • Both own plushies of Sonic the Hedgehog.
  • Both have had material they have submitted published in magazines, in Chris' case Nintendo Power, in A-Log's case, Operation: Three-Legged Dolphin.
  • Both suck at doing impressions and accents.
  • Both suck at singing (although it has been argued that Chris, despite being tonedeaf, is actually a technically better singer than A-Log, possessing more range).
  • Both usually (but not always) begin their videos with a certain phrase, A-Log's being "Greetings and salutations to all..." and Chris' being "Captain's Log..."
  • Both frequently stammer and stumble over their words.
  • Both are known to overuse discourse markers when speaking (This is never more evident than in A-Log's overuse of the word 'basically').
  • Both have been known to make up their own curses and use them in place of normal swear words.
  • Both have compared themselves to God.
  • Both are obsessed with entering contests.
  • Both appear prematurely old due to their slovenly lifestyles, bad dieting and poor wardrobe choices.
  • Both sometimes use mangled Spanish.
  • Both have no talents, skills, self-awareness or future.
  • Both will die alone.


A-Log, willingly showing this ED page to people, hoping to explain the 'HI A-LOG!' comment left on his Facebook.

A-Log's notoriety as Chris-chan's most vocal and pathetic hater eventually spawned a popular catchphrase on the various forums and boards where the manchild is discussed. HI A-LOG.

Whenever a newfag or troll shielder ventures into such discussion and posts venomously about how Chris-chan is an abomination, the worst human being since Hitler, how he makes unemployed, autistic, Sonic and My Little Pony fans who still live at home with their parents look bad and how they would like nothing so much as to slowly, sadistically and, perhaps, sexually murder him, blah blah blah, they can look forward to a resounding chorus of HI A-LOG!

The intimation being that said poster, by being legitimately enraged and personally offended by Chris-chan's existence, rather than simply laughing at him as a harmless Internet retard, must be similarly as pathetic as our old buddy, A-Log. Because everything has to have a specific label in the world of Chris-chan trolling, such behavior is known as A-Logging, after Mr. LoGatto himself, and those that practice it are known as A-Logs (plural) or mini A-Logs.

CWCki Forums even made their own 'HI A-LOG' emoticon depicting our tubby hero, to make saying 'Hi' to A-Logs even easier   - a sensible measure, as everybody knows how many A-Logs lurk there.

It is thought that the earliest use of the phrase 'HI A-LOG' in this context was when the actual A-Log attempted to post anonymously on /cwc/, but due to his distinctive and ferociously anti-CWC rhetoric, as well as his incredibly autistic posting style, ended up being identified and outed by the regular /cwc/fags almost immediately. The phrase 'HI A-LOG' has apparently become of considerable annoyance to the real A-Log, likely because from now on, he can never be sure if someone enthusiastically hallooing him in public is actually a dang dirty troll from the Internet getting a cheap laugh at his expense.


In A-Log's mind, a troll posting 'JULAAAAAY!' on his deviantArt profile is such serious business that it warrants posting on Facebook for all to see.
A-Log's house.
I'm only releasing my real name to authors I can trust. My mom's worried about me being killed from an online stalker.


—A message from A-Log posted on It is worth pointing out that A-Log still managed to drop his full name into this message TWICE.

Like the manchild he so cheerfully ridicules, A-Log is a naive moron who namefags fucking everywhere on the off, desperate chance that he'll be recognized by someone who'll give him the high-paying television or radio job he clearly longs for.

As such, it is frighteningly easy to locate his dox after even the most casual of Google searches. He has also cheerfully dropped his own dox on numerous occasions - why don't you show him your appreciation?

A-Log's Mom

"Vhy don't you lay down on ze couch, Herr LoGatto, und tell me about your mahzer?"

/cwc/fags came across (and then CAME across, no doubt) some pictures of A-Log's mother and, rather than the mummified, Agnes Skinner off of The Simpsons-esque hag you would expect to have spawned someone with as many obvious failings as A-Log, she's actually kind of fappable, if you don't mind your MILFs a bit on the rough, leathery side and can ignore the fact that twenty-seven years ago, she expelled from her vagina a bloated tardbaby who is presently fucking up YouTube with his cancerous and unfunny video commentaries.

A-Log expressed some appreciation for this straight shota doujin on the WWOEC Forums. It might shed some light on his innermost fantasies...

Some argue that A-Log's mom might be the source of his MILF fetish and that, by fapping to cartoon MILFs, A-Log is actually attempting to assuage his guilt about fapping to his own mother, making him even more of a sick fuck than previously thought.

Once again, you can help this article by adding MOAR pictures of A-Log's mom.

A-Log's Mom Has Got It Goin' On About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

From what little information can be gleaned about her, we know that A-Log's mother's name is Margo Bornstein LoGatto, she is 57 years old and appears to work as a lawyer of some sort, much like A-Log's best buddy, Spax3's mom.

Margo gave birth to her son, Anthony on the 8th of May, 1985. Likely knowing from the early days of A-Log's development that her water-headed son wouldn't amount to much, Margo chose to enroll him in a private school for other retards like him, Legacy High School, where A-Log spent his formative years among other precious little embarrassments to their parents, drooling, wearing a helmet indoors and reading books with chewable covers until he was eleven so that he couldn't bother the normal children with his faggotry. It was also revealed that she escorted the young A-Log to his high school prom as his date. Whether or not he got any that night is unknown.

It is worth noting at this point that Christian Weston Chandler, the manchild that A-Log so vocally despises, was mainstreamed all through his education, thus making him LESS retarded than A-Log.

A-Log's Nakama

  Moar info: Friends of A-Log.

A-Log desperately seeks validation from others to convince himself he's not a total failure and little more than Chris-chan 2.0.

To this end, the fat fuck surrounds himself with a winger-dinger circlejerk of permavirgin Internet friends, all of whom, like himself, possess varying levels of autism and are all almost as pathetic as he is. They can be spotted on A-Log's channel page or in the comments section of his videos, hungrily and enthusiastically sucking on Mr. LoGatto's stubby little e-cock and sometimes even appearing in his shitty videos in unfunny cameo appearances bitching, with an unsurprising lack of self-awareness, that Chris-Chan and various other tards are giving autism a bad name.

Unsurprisingly, most of these individuals proved to be little more than fair-weather friends and were quick to abandon and/or betray A-Log when they too came under attention from trolls.

Related Subpages

External Links

See Also


Anthony 'A-Log' LoGatto is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal

Anthony 'A-Log' LoGatto is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.

Anthony 'A-Log' LoGatto is part of a series on
The Lulcow Board


Anthony 'A-Log' LoGatto is part of a series on Lolcows [JULAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYI'M PRESSING BUTTONS]


Anthony 'A-Log' LoGatto is part of a series on
Sonic the Hedgehog



  Anthony 'A-Log' LoGatto is part of a series on Aspies. [Back to your happy placeSperg out]

Aaron BushnellAcademy ManiacsAdam LanzaAlbert EinsteinAlexander SlavrosAmber ButtrumAndy KaufmanAnthony 'A-Log' LoGattoAspies for FreedomAspierationsAssburgerBaldi's BasicsBambifan101Barron TrumpBart-ToonsBeefraveBenny_the_SnakeBenthelooneyBen ShapiroBill9929Bill GatesBlocklandersBlueCatRioluBodyXPoliticBonziWORLDBoris MalagurskiBourg ProductionsBram CohenBrandon SmithBrownsquirrelCameron W. CowanCansin13ChibiyimaChris-chanChris Harper-MercerClay ClaymoreCyndilovespiccoloDan CilleyDarrDarius McCollumDarviela MaravaronaDavid CleggDaxFlameDellordev-catscratchDiogo MendesDisneyFan01DLAbaoaquDodgerofZionDragonfandrp1zzaEddie WiseEdenHeroineGirlElliot RodgerEmpLemonErik RibsskogErin AnthonyEvan GraggFlaglerchatFlardoxFucklewithshuckleFUNImation2002GachatardsGalaxyRailways2199Gary McKinnonGeosheaGlitchedbloodGoFagsGrantMGraykatGreg MazujianGreenyfagsHannah CappsHeed My WarningHozupindahows00sInmendhamInuboy1000IronholdsJack Gilbert GrahamJared MiltonJahi/4444Javi SuzumiyaJINXDROWNEDJoekerJohn Patrick RogersJoseph8276JustinandDennisJustinRPGJoey The AutistKeegan SalisburyKawaii KitsuneKawaiiKittee88KelseyaliciaKevin HavensKingMasterReviewKirbysloverKloeriKongzillarex619KothorixKphoriaLaaiti EkenstéenLane DavisLeafyIsHereLogo KidsLordelthibarLougaraLukas PietschLyndsay KirkhamLynn AnnM. ChaosManlytearsMar9122Marcus PotterMarioMan7890MarioMario456Mark ZuckerbergMascotGuyMatthew DavisMatthew NicholsonMDetector5Michael GimsonMinefagsMisha SilenostiMissyMix HyenaMonica PunkMumkey JonesMutescreamMylarBalloonFanNate SpidgewoodNemo HanaNeuroNichole337Nick BravoNicky ReillyNikolas CruzObjectcucksOlinkalexOnigojirakaijuOnyx ForepawPacificoceanasiaPhantomStriderPhonefagsPMDrive1061PopcornPrince JeremyRandy Robert StairRavenNGRobert Clark YoungROtardsRootbrianRoss LumbusRyanSammyClassicSonicFanSaturnDOSSebastien LevesqueSeunghwan LeeSeleryShane LeeSiriusOrionisSolidMarioSONYFANBOYSperginStarbladeStarkiller88SteAndKelSuperMarioLoganSuper Minecraft KidTablecowTGcomixTheAmazingAtheistTheDOSFagThe Eclectic EspeonThe rEactorTheme Park ReviewTheMysteriousMrEnterTherealagerbonThe JuggernautThe Unknown AutobotTheVeganStudentTimboxToby J RathjenToKeNTom SersonToonEGuyToshTrigglypuffTylerthDragonUlillilliaVailskibum94Varg VikernesWaymuuWeatherManKevinWeDoALittleTrollingWeegeeisgoingtokillmWerechuWetflamewillg8686William AtchisonWilliam FreundWim CrusioWolfAdvocateWolfeedarkfangwwwareaYouZS3

Anthony 'A-Log' LoGatto is part of a series on Dying Alone

[DeadCry yourself to sleep]