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Bikerfox hopes to be famous someday.
Bikerfox's lies are extensive: an even better bike flip invented over 20 years ago by BMX pro Brian Scura.
I want to be a celebrity. I want other people to see me...I can't wait to be a star all over the world. I know it's going to happen.


Bikerfox, on his dreams. [3]

Bikerfox (Powerword: Frank P. DeLarzelere) is a creepy 50 year old white trash lolcow and self promoting douchebag with an extreme case of USI. In recent years this skulleted old man (a shady used car part salesman from Tulsa IRL) has become known OTI purely for very extensive online faggotry. A pathological liar, he's about as desperate as they come, attempting to milk every ounce of e-fame he can from his asinine claims - spamming forums, MySpace, writing his own Wikipedia article, crashing bike expos and annoying pedestrians and drivers alike on the streets of Tulsa, Oklahoma - all in some deluded pursuit to become an e-celebrity. In addition to this, Frank is also known as a loli hunter amongst the citizens of Tulsa as a result of his overt fixation with jailbait. Bikerfox's is one of the primary examples of how to fail hard at the internets, his galleries of faggotry are extensive, and unfortunately many young minds have already been scarred for life by Frank's online antics.

Internets "Fame"

Anything for fame. Also pictured: Emilio Estevez.
Not gay
Bikerfox enjoys long walks on the beach, fancy restaurants...and getting fucked in the ass

It is important to note that Bikerfox's entire existence as a supposed e-celebrity has always been, and continues to be, solely the product of his own surgical machinations to promote his own name. Bikerfox's irl claim is that he is a "mountainbiking expert" who holds a Guinness Record as the first person ever to do a front-flip off of a mountainbike. It has become sweet irony that the entire platform for the supposed "e-fame" has been revealed to be an outright lie (you will not find the record in the Guinness database). A clear case of a mid-life crisis, he has attempted to promote himself in any way possible. He has consistently sought to portray himself in the manner of a "wacky" rebel, but comes across as creepy, over-the-hill, 5th rate Tony Robbins, spewing plagiarized life philosophies he read off a bumper sticker as if they were his own like some wannabe guru. Frank's social ineptitude, strange behavior around young women, lack of any self-conscious restraint, and extensive history of online faggotry, tend to suggest an appropriate denouement.


Some question whether Frank may in fact be some manner of uber troll - ED assures you that he is in fact one of the most shameless megalomaniacs on the internet. Frank enjoys playing the victim any chance he gets and has continually attempted to play off any criticism he receives from others, both online and IRL, as just some form of friendly teasing in good fun. The term unwarranted self importance truly fails to adequately describe Bikerfox since, for all intents and purposes, Frank's only apparent talent is his ability to spread his lies to the public. Frank is a prime example of how the "I don't care what people think, I'm gonna be who I want to be" life-philosophy tends to be a common mantra of people who rarely consider whether they in fact should.

Who Is Bikerfox?

Please don't know what this is doing to us
Bikerfox called out on his IRL faggotry. Apparently he's learned nothing from it.
Bikerfox showing his skillz...or lack thereof (Tonight Show audition tape lol)

A Bikerfox "Tribute

Self Promotion Faggotry

Bikerfox is also fan of lolsuits

Yes...he wrote his own TOW article.

EDiot research revealed that Frank wrote his own TOW article [4] Deleted. Being warned about TOW's auto-biography rules didn't stop him of course as he continued to edit and promote his own article (through a shitload of sockpuppets). He even tried to bribe tow admins (see below) to keep the article from being deleted (note admittance of writing his own article).

Upon its deletion Bikerfox provided even more lulz in his attempts to keep the article by claiming he was about to become a "superstar" and "I'm a multi-millionaire". Unfortunately for Frank, none of it worked (see one of his sockpuppets talk pages for moar). His level of megalomania would almost be impressive if it wasn't so pathetic, seeing as few have ever attempted to promote so much from so little.

UPDATE: His TOW article is up for deletion (again)  DELETED!.

Lulzy Attempts to Keep His Article

An attempt to bribe the Wikipedia admins. Also a good example of his delusion (1st nomination for deletion [1])
Bitches don't know I'm a multi-millionaire

IRL Pedo

Frank loves him some loli

Bikerfox is a very creepy old man. But not only this, he's displayed some disturbing tendencies IRL as well. One visit to any of his websites and something will jump out at you immediately. Frank spends suspicious amounts of time pursuing very uncomfortable looking underage girls and coercing them to take pictures with him every chance he gets. This is to the point that he posts every picture he can get with on his webpage(s) with any girls who happen to have had the misfortune of meeting him, most likely to try and convince people he is popular with the opposite sex. He demonstrates the similar disturbing behavior on his Myspace(s) as well, a large number of the girls on his friends list being underage as well, several being only 14 or 15 years old [5] [6]. It is important to note that this man is nearly 50 years old.

Most disturbingly though, he also enjoys recording underage highschool cheerleaders and putting the footage on his website without permission. This seems to be a common pattern of behavior with Bikerfox and since he remains unv& it would probably be a wise thing to keep your kids away from him. Srsly, can you explain all this Frank?

IRL Pedo!
Take a seat, Bikerfox
Take a seat, Bikerfox

File:BikerLulz.jpg Another attempt at getting kids to fall in love with him. Pedo? Yessum. Homo? Indeed. What kid is going to know the fucking meaning of 'Cogitate'? It sounds too much like masturbate. Subliminal messaging = WIN; Bikerpedo = FAIL.

Bikerfox gonna rape your daughter
Bikerfox gonna rape your daughter

Bikerfox Arrested!

Bikerfox's recent mugshot. it'll only be a matter of time before he's charged for more serious crimes. Also, for some reason, he looks like Riff Raff.
The sex offender database isn't far off.

Bikerfox was arrested in October, 2007, for "Bike Rage". Apparently, he became quite angry and threw his bike at a motorist who had been trying to do the world a favour by putting Frank out of his misery. Frank is, of course, praying that he will be found guilty since a prison sentence would in fact mean plenty of daily powerbottom buttsecks and the steady diet of protein necessary for him to perform at a consistently high level.

Bixerfox, the self-hating homosexual, tries to make light of his october mishap.

Reality TV?

At the moment, Bikerfox is also trying to get his own Reality TV show launched as well. We shit you not. This makes sense though because, really, who wouldn't want to watch the day to day life of an over-the-hill, balding, mulleted, talentless, 50 year old, poser, cosplay, pedophile...amirite? Biker Fox also recently became a true shoe on head advocate setting up several webcams in his home/workplace, lol he sells used car parts IRL. (IE only. username: bikerfox, pass: bikerfox).

Dubious Business Practices

..Its spelled "schmuck" Frank

As noted, Frank is a used car part salesman IRL under the business names Billions and Trillions', and Recent research has also revealed that Frank is known for extortionate price gouging and unscrupulous business practices. He even tried to rip off a dirt poor soldier in Iraq despite having championed himself as a patriotic right winger in the past - please see proof of his scandals here.

Moar Faggotry

Bikerfox recently decided he wanted to be as popular as the Danish.
Your daughter is relevant to his interests

Frank recently appeared on a Swedish TV show called "Hundra Höjdare" wherein Fredrik and Filip, two IRL trolls, who regularly seek strange people to investigate, interviewed Bikerfox at his home. Frank proceeds with his wacky fucktardedness, attempting to impress viewers by dressing up as an old lady (see: Norman Bates), screaming like an aspie for no reason, falling off his bike...essentially the same faggotry as always (apparently Frank doesn't treat his employees very well). The interview starts with the announcer calling him the ADHD Man (Used in Sweden as an insult meaning hyperactive/annoying/obnoxious). Throughout the interview, the interviewers keep making fun of him,talking behind his back and so forth.

Interviewer: "What's the difference between Bikerfox and Frank?"
Bikerfox: "Well, Frank's more of a serious business man, and Bikerfox is this kid who likes to play out in the street."


Currently Bikerfox is still displaying his man-wares at various underage girls on MySpace. However, recently it seems there was an outbreak of common sense by his local PD. Bikerfox was arrested, yet again, this time for assaulting a police officer. Essentially, Frank was fucking with a Tulsa county officer who promptly pwnd his over-the-hill ass with a swift beating.

"I was beat up choked and hurt by the Tulsa Police Yesterday. The hate of one Tulsa cop could bring down the Whole Police force. The other cops are sitting around laughing. The news reporter from channel 6 was laughing. She thought it was funny the Police assaulted BF, see kids the Police are not your friend. Why? Because most of the other cops support the haters in the Force. The good cops support the hate of the bad cops. Go figure?" - from his whiny blog about the incident

Basically, lulz.

Bikerfox posing with 2 young girls, and he appears to be smuggling a Mexican in his tights.


Biker Fox is not as bad as you would think, I would know, I am his Publicist


"FoxyPublicist," Bikerfox's publicist, ...soon to be raped by him.

self-es-teem \,sel-fe'steem\ n. 1 : a proper satisfaction with one's own worth 2 : an inflated opinion of one's own worth.


—Bikerfox's website


Gallery of Homosexuality About missing Pics
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External Links

Now on les tubes
His other Myspace pages:


See Also

Bikerfox would love to meet your kids
Bikerfox would love to meet your kids


For a motivational speaking presentation like no other you have ever seen, including bike tricks from the most extreme speaker in the United States whom can actually relate to high school students, please call Bikerfox Frank DeLarzelere (918-744-0888).



Bikerfox is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal
Bikerfox is part of a series on
V& Pedophiles [-+]
UnV& Pedophiles [-+]
Related Topics [-+]
Bikerfox is part of a series on Dying Alone

[DeadCry yourself to sleep]

Featured article August 18, 2008
Preceded by
Church of Fudge
Bikerfox Succeeded by
LOLympic Games