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This person is a sick fuck!

They should never be trusted by anyone!

Possible side-effects will include at least one of these:

  2. Bestiality
  3. Cuckoldry

DrossRotzank, known in the underground world of vloggers simply as Dross is the monicker of a latino Internet "character" created by Ángel David Revilla Lenoci, a pseudo journalist and drama whore. Although Revilla has other characters, the most pernicious and insidious is, without doubt, DrossRotzank. Everytime he posts a video on youtube, he really thinks he is doing it for the Lulz, but he's not. He really is an Attention Whore and a manchild.

This faggot waits for the child to make the first move in a sexual situation.
You can help by contacting Federal Authorities and alerting Chris Hansen.
He is 42-years old by now and he still remains as a virgin.
DrossRotzank is an irrelevant lolcow who had long since been milked by the masses.

You can help by finding someone else to pick on, you meen-spirited cyberboolie!


With Spics,
Do not mix!

This fucktard hates the Kiwi Farms, but why?
This fucktard hates the Kiwi Farms, but why?
Ángel David Revilla AKA DrossRotzank. A bigot fucktard

DrossRotzank is a cocky, charlatan, failed attempt of a troll, internet tough guy, pathological liar, pseudoatheist and promoter of fallacies and misinformation. He is also a harassing, defamatory, liar, idiot, lame, abominable, revolting, manipulative and unscientific jerk of Venezuelan origin that currently -and- for the suffering of honest and hardworking Argentineans, resides in Argentina.

Lately, Rotzank thinks of himself as the embodiment of justice on the Internet, which is far from being a reality, unless defamation and derision are considered regular procedures. Is perhaps for this reason that, although he has more than 20 million subscribers on his channel -full of intellectual hogwash garbage- he is one of the loneliest youtubers in all of the Internet.

Even to this day, Revilla has never shown any sign or proof of having some sort of girlfriend or romantic partner, it's obvious why this is happening.

He has admitted to being pansexual.


Dross' history goes back to when he started working as a pseudo writer and pseudo critic in areas like video games in and He was expelled from these web portals because he was fond to disturb, defame and harass other users. Meristation banned him because he posted walktroughs, blatantly plagiarized from other sites like Gamefaqs.

Since Revilla was no longer permitted in these communities, he decided to open his own blogs to show to the public his current right-wing idiot humor, sexist and fascist alignments (always hiding behind his "character").

He is a pathological liar, and there are many reasons to substantiate this. He calls himself a journalist, but he has not written a single article of importance or worth remembering. He has never shown a degree or accreditation to certify him as a journalist.

Nobody knows one single publication in his journals. You will not find a single newspaper he has worked in, not a single collaboration, not even a letter to the editor. His books, Luna de Plutón (Pluto's Moon), Festival de la blasfemia (Blasfemy's festival), La guerra de Ysaak (Ysaak's war) and Valle de la Calma (Valley of the calm) are nothing less than hogwash.

Currently Revilla likes to stay on Twitter, where he shows his inner manchild attacking SJWs while acting as a "based chad" at his 42 years of failure at life, however...


Yep, someone made a thread on him on the Kiwi Farms internationale clique subforum, and he HATES IT, going so far to even support the tranny groomer known as Keffals on his retarded #DropKiwiFarms campaign.

The infamous and deplorable pedophile texts

DrossRotzank shows his micro-penis to a minor.

Some texts discovered in his blog (on Tumblr) have become a real headache for Dross, especially now that his shitty book has been released for sale. Although the texts had been in private for a long time, following the release of his tome, he and his henchwoman Seicka the "baboon woman", took the terrible, terrible decision to put them into light.

Opponents of this MoFo found two separate texts in which it is mentioned, that he had fellatio with a 12 year old native of Mexico City, while in another text he illegally published private messages exchanged with a minor, where an erect penis is showed.

Several opponents groups to Dross decided to send links of his texts to anti-pedophile organizations in Facebook so they can give their opinion. Others sent those links to "Planeta de Libros", the publisher responsible for publishing the book of Dross.

After realizing the error, and under Dross' orders, the text pages were removed from public view. As a matter of fact, he pulled some strings in order to get the pages removed from Google's cache. However, one thing that Dross did not think was that there are archival services on the Internet. It's in one of this pages where you can see those texts in full -as seen below:

Surprisingly Planeta de Libros, the publisher of his manure with pages, has decided to publicize a dirty and perverted subject that suffers from coprolalia.

DrossRotzank claiming that a 12-year old girl sucked his dick.

Rotzank's monickers

Rotzank has the dubious honor of being the Youtuber with the most derogatory nicknames on the entire Internet. There is no record, nor a reward, but all the nicknames are addressed to him based on the way he behaves towards his fanboys and other users of Youtube, Facebook and Twitter.

He's ben called Drozz Blockzank (because of his tendency to block users and comments), Dopey Dross, Shitzank, the Dark Lord, The Queen/Queer of Youtube, the Youtube Diva, SandyZank, The Lord of the rat kids, the "Princess of Youtube", "Oldman Rat" among other, but very descriptive names based upon video evidence of his conduct. These videos can be found on Youtube.

Other users in Youtube have called him: the "Oldman with glasses", the "Grandfather Dross", the "Slanderman", the "Aged virgin", the "Pimp hatted idiot moron", the "Living Fossil", "Pig son of a thousand whores", etc.

Lately, he has been called the "Master of Puppets" for his tendency to manipulate his subscribers (mostly rat kids and fanboys) in order to go and bully other users. He also has the bad habit of asking other users, in an unethical way, to go and unsubscribe from any channel he doesn't likes (eg MarginalMedia, one of his critics).


Dross is considered to be a controversial person, but it's not because of the nonsense he publishes on video, but for his very person and behavior, more like of a spoiled, idiot child, than an adult and mature person.

X-ray showing the brain of Dross.

He knows that garbage sells and that is what he gives to his audience. "Saying stupid nonsense is not controversial, is to be simply stupid", said one of his former followers when he realized the deterioration in the quality of the content of Dross' videos.


"Fuck! Am I what!!!" Real depiction of a shitty man.

Dross is known to be an irascible, choleric and vengeful jerk. He is a also a renowned slanderer who does not hesitate to create bad reputation to other users of social networks. He likes to threat users who oppose to his views to the extent of requiring his fanboys (Rat Kids) to find out the IP address of his enemies to find where they live or to know their true identity.

Also, Dross is an idiot who encourages his audience, mostly underagers, to visit the Deep Web, as if anyone would ask a child to visit a McDonalds restaurant. Serious Youtubers consider these actions as a profound irresponsibility, coming from a guy who thinks of himself as an opinion leader.

One day Dross posted a video speaking about a live game being developed on the Deep Web and invited all his underage public to visit that page. In another video he asked his stupid audience to go to 4chan to witness how a user was posting photos of dead women. That day Dross managed to hinder an FBI investigation.

Intolerant to criticism

Dross when you criticize him.

Dross is also known for his exacerbated hatred to any sort of criticism. Although in his videos he always requests viewers to write in the commentary box only things that have to do with his videos, when shown the slightest correction or a critic point of view, the author of the comment is immediately blocked... not only the comment is blocked, but its author too.

Enemies/Victim List

Dross is known for being intolerant to any criticism, so it's only natural for him to have feuds with various other people.

-Mexivergas: his most famous enemy, while he's not his main headache this is the one that most people know, a self proclaimed troll/youtuber who every time he can throws shit at dross, while he makes good points against dross they are overshadowed by his annoying mannerisms and a retarded way of talking.

-DrJode: Another one of the earliest enemies of Dross as a youtuber, another try-hard troll who commited the serious crime of taking down a video of dross for copyright infringement (obviously a fake one), later Dross as a revenge doxxed him, he turned out to be a 15 years-old, Dross humiliated him and made a deal with him, that he must never appear on the internet again or the entire chat of MSM between the two would be leaked, only god knows what kind of sick things Dross made him to do. This incident was the first time that Dross used the "pedophile" argument against someone.

-MarginalMedia: An old guy who praised Dross for his work on one video, but later, when he made another review of his channel a year latter that showcased negative aspects of Dross and his new content, made him an enemy in Dross' eyes, he's one of the only persons who said the truth about Dross, but giving how Dross had 6 million subscribers at the time no one believed him, Dross has been going on an autistic crusade against him, trying to destroy his life and to get him in jail for any reason possible, he tries to get him down with illegal tactics and manipulation of facts, Dross has tried so hard to put him down, but Marginal knows what he's doing and every move that Dross made against him got turned into a weapon against Dross, if Dross lived on USA he would be in jail by this point.

-Magnus Mefisto: A rapper who is now long forgotten, it all began when Dross said that he did not like rap music defending his position with shitty arguments, Magnus didn't liked this and he made a parody of Dross saying how he was a copy of the AVGN and the Nostalgia Critic, later it became a battle between parodies of themselves, however he was forgotten by Dross when Necrotemante appeared.

-ElAntiCristo2007: The earliest enemy of Dross, dating back to the 2007/2008 period, Dross accused AntiCristo2007 of stealing his content (something that was not true giving how this user only talked about things on Mexico and Dross at the time lived on Venezuela.) and the two began a war where in the end Revilla got his ass whooped.

-PensamientoEscéptico / Pochocloen3D: An user who disagreed with Dross with his view on Pope Francis, the critic itself had good arguments and was very respectful, however it doesn't matter if you are very respectful with your opinion, if it is against Dross be sure to pray that he will just delete your comment and block you, or he will begin to stalk you online as it happened on this case, he also manipulated the facts YET AGAIN. It wasn't enough to humiliate him on his main account, he also began to use many sockpuppets just to harass him.

-Badabun: A mexican enterprise that is very controversial and hated in all of latin america for many shits they did, equivalent to T-Series. Dross had many discussions with Badabun during the years 2018-2019 where he incredibly managed to humiliate them, although that wasn't that difficult.

-Necrotemante: His nemesis, the fact that Dross can't get his personal information made him his most hated enemy to date. NOT ANYMORE LOL.


Dross's life in a nutshell.

Or rather the circlejerk that take turns sucking his dick in exchange of fame.

-ForeverPain: A Mexican fat fuck whose content is the exact same shit that Dross does with the only difference that he also makes videos where he swallows the cum of Dross. Oh wait, Dross makes that kind of videos too.

-DalasReview: A spanish youtuber who is obsessed with seeing some other youtubers like "Auronplay" and "Wismichu" burn.

Revilla is an enemy of those two dudes now lol.

His only current friends aka "slaves"

-Emmanuel Danann (Powerword: Manuel Jorge Gorostiaga): Very similar to Revilla, a failed rocker and fucktard who likes to doxx his haters and threat them with lawsuits that never happen. Produces shitty podcasts that nobody sees on his channel where he supposedly "humiliates people in debates". He is from Argentina. He is also known as "Mierdanann" online.

-Gerardo Bloomerfield (Powerword: Mauro González Hummerich): A bald and fat jew who writes retarded books and novels that have never ever been sold. Along with Revilla and Dannan, he likes to doxx their haters, even making websites for Revilla where he can write all his autistic shit without being bothered. He comes from Uruguay.

-Miguel House (Powerword: Carlos Alberto Santillana Sipan): A peruvian and literal nigger who thinks he is the fictional character Doctor House. He is the main admin of Revilla's website known as Fracanautas. Funnily enough he was originally a hater of Revilla who doxxed his mother, but everything changed after Necrotemante abandoned him for being a brainless peruvian monkey.


He usually uploads god-awful videos talking about "spooky" subjects that only the misinfo agents at /x/ would believe, like a real journalist would, however he discourages anyone from debuking his content, he goes so far as to call idiots to anyone who does it under the false premise that "it's entertainment and that he is an actor".


Dross blatantly plagiarizes information from other websites without giving credit. He also steals images from various pages so he can use them on his video-garbages.

Revilla thinks that 4chan (The imageboard where he plagiarizes everything for his videos) is an "intelligent site".

How he attacks

One of his primary ways of attacking an opponent is by accusing him of pedophilia. Likewise, he always claims that the user in question possesses child pornography. Thus, his army of Rat Kids will attack that user on masse. Most of the times putting the channel out of commission, another method he likes to use when the channel is small is the typical false copyright infringement, it's ironic he suffered from this on the past.

However, his favorite method of attacking is doxxing his opponent and making over 9000 post about him in his shitty stalking websites:

Main logo. was a stalking website made by Gerardo Bloomerfield and administered by Angel David Revilla and other people of his circlejerk like "Akagi" and "Mumm-ra", this web was full of coprophilic montages and unfunny memes using the face of his haters. Revilla later claimed that his website was ran by "vigilante trolls".

Revilla and his circlejerk were so retarded that they didn't even knew the real identities of most of their enemies, and attacked many innocent persons in the website, NOT EVEN ACTUAL CHILDREN AND INNOCENT FAMILIES WERE SAFE FROM THIS STALKING SHIT.

This was published by Akagi and allowed to remain by DrossRotzank and Gerardo Bloomerfield.

Revilla surely has a coprophilic fetish.

This website thankfully closed down to god's grace at the beginning of 2020 after Revilla got humiliated by various youtubers, mainly DalasReview, JaviOliveira and TurboPlant, exposing his sick mind to everyone on Youtube. It is known that Revilla actually cried to a TurboPlant's video, and said he wanted to contract a hitman to go to kill Necrotemante.

And btw, Revilla later denied having any sort of connection with this site, but he's too retarded to realize that everyone at this point had already seen these three images:

Spamming his coprophilia-filled website to his 13-year old fanboys.
"I bet this picture is edited", said a rat kid.
He's such an idiot that he even hosted the web page on his own server, where everyone could see it.


Main logo.

Sadly, not all good things last forever, and the stalking website returned shortly thereafter, now renamed to "Fracanautas." This website is just the same thing but with another name: Cophropilic montages, unfunny memes about his haters, and you already know the rest. The only main difference is that this website now claims that his main administrator is the peruvian monkey known as Carlos Alberto Santillana Sipan, but absolutely everyone knows that this is just a facade to cover Revilla's ass.

Sipan and Revilla.

After many, many months, something actually good and lulzworthy would finally come from this retarded website:

Necrotemante gets rekt

His obsesion for years with his biggest troll (And A-Log) Necrotemante finally led to Necro being doxxed and pwned, this is Necrotemante (Powerword: Jimmy Emmanuel Cruz Ortiz), he is 42-years old, lives in Guatemala, is morbidly obese, a complete NEET who still lives with his parents at that age, and had an account where he drew lolicon and toddlercon known as ArtJimix / Jimix Cruz. Necrotemante is also known to stalk underage female users and fantasize about having sex with his neighbors.

No, this pic is not edited, he is really that fat.

And Revilla actually paid some people to go to vandalize his house and neighborhood just for the lulz.

After all this humiliation, Necrotemante uploaded a video where he said he would stop trolling Dross, however he has been still alive on the internet so far. Necrotemante has been since then sunk into a paranoid nightmare where he always claims that everyone that attacks, contradicts or mocks him is an alt-account of Carlos Sipan. He also likes to produce like ten memes and drawings about Carlos Sipan per-day that nobody except him and his sockpuppets on   twitter see.

Jimmy Emmanuel Cruz Ortiz
What would happen in an actual battle between Necrotemante and his loathed nemesis, DrossRotzank.

IRL, Necrotemante is just another loser, pedophile, manchild and basement-dweller just like DrossRotzank. He became what he swore to destroy.


Rotzank is just another sojourner with a camera and an Internet connection looking for easy monetization by misleading the public with already refuted issues, which makes him a despicable and dishonest scum. He is also a dirty manipulator of rat kids, and an arrogant and vindictive slanderer.

The real problem, according to serious youtubers, is not that the scum Rotzank makes stupid videos, but that the Rat Kids consider him as a "role model", and believe the stream of stupidities that are put on both channels he has created.

DrossRotzank always dreamed about having his own article in Wikipedia, but as for now, he must be happy to know he has one on Encyclopædia Dramatica.

He has one now, but that doesn't change that he is butthurt about having an article here (It is known that Dross is one of those weirdos who like to google their names to see what people write about them on the internet, that's how he knows about his Kiwi Farms thread).

Dross and Chango Forever both lynched after being caught for pedophilia.

External Links


DrossRotzank after discovering that his ED article was updated with even more info about his sicko mind.
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