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Onyx Forepaw

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This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
Onyx Forepaw is an irrelevant lolcow who had long since been milked by the masses.

You can help by finding someone else to pick on, you meen-spirited cyberboolie!


Onyx Forepaw (also Bolts-BIGGEST-Fan, BOLTsBiggestEverFan BoltsOnlyNumber1Fan , DisneyBOLTno1FanEVER , BOLTsTrueNo1FanEVER, Onyx Forepaw DisneyBOLTno1BiggestFanEVER), boltstruebiggestfan (Dear god she won't stop!) [1] is a 28-year old Bri'ish furfag and supposedly the biggest fan of Disney's Bolt ever.

She actually considers Bolt to be her boyfriend. She makes sure to shove this obsession in everyone's face, even IRL. Other than Bolt, she think Ron Weasley is her legit boyfriend since she can't get one in real life, and she makes sure everyone knows that too. What's worse is that she turns Ron into a cat so she can fuck him easily with her fursona. You're not allowed to take her Ron or her Bolt! Her fanaticism has gotten to the point where her mother has banned her from purchasing more Bolt merchandise. She also likes to boast about having the most obese OC in the world. She's a skinny bitch IRL who has some kind of fat furry fetish. Claiming that she suffers under several eating disorders is just a dumb lie. She's so fucked up in her head, she finds it insulting to be called skinny or tall. Call her a skinny whore and get a lot of lovely LULZ! Onyx is currently unemployed. Sitting at home and crying about having no money. But strangely she has enough money to buy art and a fursuit! (Where is the logic?) She is a very desperate furry (forever alone) girl who is always seeking attention from people on the internet. When Onyx is not attention whoring she's searching for her next love of her life (online or at furry conventions. What did you think?). As you can think those "relationships" don't last for too long. After every relationship it normally takes about one or two weeks till Onyx has found the next "true love 4ever". So if she's not searching for a new furry mate, Onyx is crying about her life over facebook, tumblr and weasyl. Always trying to get your attention. Poor little baby. Please just grow up.

You can feel sorry for this furry being or you can just keep on laughing and read the whole article.

How to spot a loser in its natural habitat.

Onyx actually thinks that she can hire an agent and propose her idea for Bolt 2 to Disney, which consists of her self-insert blubbery mammoth of an OC and Bolt having mutant cat-dog babies.

She's also so fanatic over Bolt that she's become butthurt on a number of occasions, always leaving devianTART and making new accounts to 'start over', thinking she can get away from all the mysterious hatedom without changing her attitude.

Onyx is well known for ban evading. She got banned on several sites for harassing, drawing hate art, attention whoring and a lot of other things. Being banned on nearly every site on the internet still isn't enough for her to think about her ugly attitude. So she keeps coming back again and again. Just scroll down to see all of her closed / banned accounts. And dear god, she won't stop ban evading!

Looks harmless, doesn't she?
Even the people in Fanpop despise her.

Reasons Why List and Bolt Merchandise List (TL;DR)

Furries even hate her. There really is no more point in living anymore.

Warning: The following contains strong dosages of TL;DR.
[-+]List of reasons she thinks she is the biggest fan.

[-+]We've saved the best 'reason' for last..

[-+]Merchandise She Owns

Merchandise she thinks people give a crap about About missing Pics
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TL;DR She's a fat loser who wants to bone an animated dog.


Perhaps it's because you're a creepy, obsessive fangirl? No way, that can't be right!

Especially lulzy "reasons" from the list include:

Still think it's a harmless hobby?


What's this? Someone's stealing my Bolt!
Oh wait, never mind! She drew fanart of my OC so that means we're BFFs!

Onyx's biggest rival is MistyWolf97 (BITCH MOVED Look here instead: MistyTheBlueGSD who also claims to be the biggest Bolt fan ever. This causes them to scream and have cat fights with each other all the time, even though they claim to be best friends for life. One of their biggest habits is copying each other and screaming at the other for copying. It's hard to tell who copies who, since they seem to do it at the same time.

However, MistyWolf97 was banned, along with her alternate account, BoltsBiggestFanEVER, because she was underage b&. That is, she was 12 and using deviantART.



Apparently Misty is the reason for all of Onyx's butthurt! It's not that she's Insane and wants to fuck an animated dog, not at all!

The following is some stupid rant she feels worthy of making it a deviation. She calls it "Reunion With Hope".

For your trolling pleasure. Sadly, since the bitch bawleeted her dA account, you can has no trolling. No worries! Check out her Sheezyart!

Also copypasta'd here, for archiving purposes.

Drawn by Onyx. You kind of wonder why she whines about getting her fat, pimply ass banned on FurAffinity all the time.

[-+]Reunion of Hope Art Description:

…Onyx the cat was back… for good!

...riiiiiight. She'll be gone in two weeks, amirite.

Also this gem, which she entitles, "Demoralised... but UNDEFEATED".

Go flame the shit out of this. Also copypasta'd here for archiving sake. This one is lost and bawleeted too. Srsly, OP, get a screenshot next time!
[-+]What she thinks is happening.

TL;DR she cuts herself over an animated movie.


Being banned on Deviantart and FurAffinity, where else is she going to turn to? That's right; Sheezyart.

Getting noticed

Unlike Deviantart or FurAffinity, Sheezyart was not impressed by her works and did not pay attention to her until she complained why no one comments on her art or reads her journals. Since the latest journals tend to be bumped up to the front page, of course everyone saw her plea. Naturally, the users of Sheezyart try to set her right. You don't whine and cry if no one gives you views! Unfortunately, she takes them as trolls and haters, so she bawleets the whole journal!


The next thing to do? That's right! Bawl about the haters you just got on Sheezy (even when they're actually just helping you out). She even adds how other users are stealing her poor, little Bolt and Ron Weasley! Don't you dare draw Ron or Bolt together with your OC, or she'll cut herself and eat until she gets fat. Oh wait, she already is.

TL;DR, she's a butt-hurt bitch who makes sure that only SHE gets Bolt and Ron penis.

Sheezyart has been through some dry and boring days, so this drama was perfect to band together and party hard. Dozens of users gave her a spanking, and some trolled her harder. This journal has also been bawleeted.

If you ever have the time, feel free to troll her as much as possible. The bitch has disabled both scoring and comments in her recent pictures, but that doesn't mean you can't troll in her other pictures and her PM box. Use the other sites she roams in to your advantage too!

  • Draw your OC and Bolt snogging each other
  • Draw your OC and her ugly furry version of Ron Weasley snogging each other
  • Draw her OC and Bolt/Ron Weasley breaking up
  • Anything else that downgrades either Bolt or Ron Weasley
  • ???

After Onyx asked why is she getting so much hate, the users gives the most simplest of answers: That she is a stupid bitch who should never, ever offspring

The Adventures of Boltfag! About missing Pics
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TL;DR: Onyx must make a journal apologizing to everyone for being a retarded prick.

In the end, the fat-ass is too proud to do that. She had a day to comply, but instead of making one immediately, she continued her little butthurt bitching. Sheezy was not amused. Many try to reason with her once more, but you know Onyx! The wuss would make sure to ignore them delete them all!

As of October 5th, the lulzcow made a journal apologizing to the community. She was one to two days late of making one when demanded, which we all know because of her horrendous over-sized whale of a body slows her down. Which means we won't be giving a rat's ass about her until she does something incredibly retarded that it has to be recorded. IGNORE ALL OF THAT, SHE'S STILL A GIANT PILE OF FAIL EVEN AFTER APOLOGIZING. Seriously, this girl will never learn her lesson.

Hey Onyx! Tell your mother that SHE RAISED YOU WRONG.

[-+]The 'apology' journal, if you're interested in reading it.


In other news, she's got a 'Sheezy bestie' called SnivyPokemon. Think of her as the new MistyWolf, only not so bitchy. She's totally BFFs with Snivy but treats her like dirt! Why? Because she gets secretly jealous whenever Snivy draws Onyx' bastardized Ron with Snivy's own OC, Rowena. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Apparently, only Onyx can have Ron and only her! No one else! Yup, she's the best friend one can ever have!

How to treat your best friend About missing Pics
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As of October 7th, another Bolt fapper has appeared in the fray, announcing everyone that SHE was the biggest fan of all. Complete with a Bolt icon and two shitty Bolt drawings to boot, you wonder if Sheezyart is about to snap with all these Bolt fans running about. Actually, Sheezyart welcomed the user with open arms, knowing how much more lulz can be reaped! Just as planned, this angered Onyx. She immediately warned the challenger that Sheezy was a trolling site where everyone stalks your every move and knows about your past.

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The challenger has not made his/her move yet, and we're all waiting in anticipation. Nothing has happened and nothing ever will except that we have reaped a good amount of lulz from here.

LOL, the fat bitch is banned from Sheezy now, too.

Yes!! The plan worked, the plan worked!! :D My plan to get banned from SheezyArt worked, and it's all thankies to that dumb fantard Rowena!! Aha she had no idea the was going along with my plan! :D


October 11th 2011, the day was marked holy by all Sheezy artists.

Boltfag was banned for making one final hate-art against SnivyPokemon, and SA banded as one once more against her.

Unfortunately, OP was fucking asleep and wasn't able to get a screenshot of what was happening or the picture in question that raised this hell-fire. :(

Her reaction? She made it look like she planned this all along. She spread her word at SumoPaint and FurNation. She also continues to bully the shit of out SnivyPokemon as if she were PMSing 24/7.

Outside of Sheezy, more trouble brews About missing Pics
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A letter she wrote, yet thinks Bolt wrote and agrees with this.

Since Boltfag has been banned from SheezyArt, the place has been celebrating like never before. However, for those who wish to continue her legacy of hypocrisy and such, you may find her at Furnation. Furnation is a blasphemous shithole that's a combination of Facebook and FurAffinity. It can't get any worse!

Link to Boltfag's Furnation account SHIT HER NAME IS FUCKING LONG

A warning though; You must make an account before you can get to peek into anyones profile there. Also, everyone is a fag there and acts like everything is sugar-coated in the site when actually everyone is a crybaby whore.

Onyx and FurNation About missing Pics
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DisneyBOLTno1BiggestFanEVER: DEAR GOD! SHE FUCKING MADE ANOTHER ACCOUNT AFTER THAT OTHER SHITTY ASS ONE WAS DELETED. Looks like she deleted the account or banned there for stealing another user's work without permission to post on that shitty site.


No doubt we have pictures of your favorite obese cat! She's bigger and more horrendously horrifying than Garfield!

Like most tartlets, she thinks her art is the shit and brags about how her schoolmates think she's the best at drawing/drawing Bolt. Unfortunately this is not the case: her art sucks ass. Keep in mind that we're talking about a sixteen year old. SIXTEEN.

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Watch the obsessed fangirl scream and cry at other Bolt fans! Watch the fatcat amazes you with threats to kill herself for you mocking an animated fiction movie! Only SHE can be Bolt's number one fan and ONLY HER!

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No doubt we are fairly amused of how the mind of this obese cats works! We've made some delicious fan-art to show how much lulz we milked from her.

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

E.D Page Awareness

Ever since the butt-hurt drama she caused in Sheezyart, she became aware that ED has been watching her every move once again for all your lulzing needs. Instead of changing her ways to be a better human being, she decided to stay retarded, including nuking (aka bawleeting) all comments from users who try to tell her to improve her attitude. Way to go!

Apparently, she's more eager for her OC to 'fit in' in Sumopaint than to turn over a new leaf. How perfectly sensible. She also tries to cover it up as if she's proud of her own article.

Well, go on guys. Make her day.


Being Bolts Number One Fan is hard work. Not to mention that Onyx has made a story for Bolt 2, in hopes that she can propose to Disney. How can you show how much work you put into this? You make a MyFolio account.

According to the website, MyFolio "is a free art sharing website where you can upload your videos, images, audios & files. Thousands of members are creating their profile & portfolio here and connecting with other artists, employers & the general public. Offering dozens of free tools & features, artists are finding a home at MyFolio. No matter what kind of artist you are or how many years of experience you have, you will find within all the tools & features to meet your goals!"

tl;dr, It's an online portfolio that you go to post your shit and show your future boss what you can do.

For your lulzing needs and documentation, you laugh at what she thinks is a legit portfolio.

Does she think she can get a job through this? About missing Pics
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Here, Boltfag decided to continue her work of traumatizing her best friend, SnivyPokemon! I mean, it's what every best friend should do right? After the Bolt Fapper's stay in Sheezyart, Snivy was highly influenced by Onyx's art style, so she used Onyx's art as a reference. No doubt about it, Snivy was improving in miraculous heights. Many praised her for her improvement, but Onyx was not so happy. Why? Because Snivy was getting better!

Apparently, Onyx the Fag thinks that 'referencing' equals 'copying', so she uses this excuse to downgrade Snivy. She might as well be copying millions of Bolt pictures and claiming them as her own art! Click here to see her perfectly sensible mind at work.

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Personal Information

Real name: Jazz Gibson

Age: 16

Birthday: July 8th 1995 (You can either curse this day or send her a bountiful amount of Bolt pornography. Either one will send her bawling.)

Location: Bournemouth, Dorset

Country: United Kingdom

Nationality: British

Profession: Being a skinny bitch who's fapping to Bolt porn + seeking a new furry boyfriend (RUN little boy!!!)

Faking Her Own Death

The stupid cunt faked her own death! (Even her "friends" are posting her death was a fake. What a loser)

Furfag told everyone via facebook she had been hit by a car and died. Because she's stupid as HELL she was active on her youtube account AFTER announcing her own death. What a FAIL.


Boltfag somehow managed to get a boyfriend who isn't a fat bastard like herself but as thin as a twig. How she managed to get a catch like that, no one knows. She probably caught the poor bugger using a KFC box. The relationship didn't seem to last long due to being with him since she made that weasyl account. She made a journal about it, baawwwing about him on how much she misses him and want things to be back the way they were before he went to get a new pair of spectacles. After complaining about being single for about two days, she manages to fall in "love" yet again and claimed this boy was her "soulmate", until that boy dumped her for being a prick. She is now on her third boyfriend. (Dumped as of December 2013, because she was immature and clingy in the relationship and was caught, by said ex, flirting with another furry during a fur meet as she was not allowed in the venue as she was not 18)

Journal To Say, No Longer Bolt's Number 1 Fan

This is the quote from her journal, which you can view here on her Weasyl account.

So everyone is wondering why I've given up being the #1 BOLT fan. If you didn't know that's what's happened, now ya do. I'll try and make this brief as I really don't think it's something I should be mourning for ages because heck, it's a new stage in life y'know?

The title I took when I was young meant a lot to me yes, but it's because I had nothing else. The Bonyx pairing was a symbol of my loneliness, as I feared I would never find anyone that would truly love me, hence inventing a fan pairing to try and fill in the romantic space that was aching in my heart. The title was a fight for power, dominance, I wanted to be above the rest in something because I compelled at nothing else and I wanted to feel there was SOMETHING I had going for me - and at the time, it was that title. This was 2009. I was only 12 / 13. It's 2013 now, I'm almost 17 years old, and things have changed. I don't want to cling to symbols of power and loneliness anymore, because now I have Joe, my true soulmate for real instead of a fake pairing, yes people can still support Bolt and Onyx as an OC x Canon pairing but I would prefer it if everyone shipped me with my REAL one true pairing, the one I actually live for real perfectly now, something I didn't have before when I invented such things. As for a fight for power? Who needs it! I was the 'top' of what was essentially kids and young teens who were fans of a Disney film. What was that being the top in power and charge of anything? That attitude doesn't suit me anymore, I want to blend, I've had enough of this spotlight and 'fame' for something that's really not worth it. Also, I find it's a symbol of childhood. Like when Andy gives up his toys as he's moving on to college now y'know? I'M at college now, passing down my title to another kid who thinks they can uphold it, doesn't matter which as it's not my problem anymore. I was tired of the fighting, it seemed quite immature towards the end. Fighting with kids I had never even met before, quite a few years younger than me, over a title which may or may not actually exist etc, basically, everything the trolls told me on dA years ago when I was still too young and blind to listen to them. Trolls, you're no longer trolls. SURE you could have put it a little nicer... But your point was evident none the less, and I've moved on now. I understand now. I'm in a committed relationship, studying for diplomas in a college course, making an income, getting towards moving out of home and starting a life with my loved one, it just seems too much to handle with my stress-filled life now. The younger children have more time for things like this now, and they're welcome to it because I'm gladly handing it down now. It's all people ever knew me for. I'm far more attached to my Furry side now - I would much rather be known for my stereotype as the friend who is the chubby dog, with glasses, who's forever hungry and enjoys feasts of food and even eating other Furries too, I would even prefer my Furry side of me to be my main reputation, than this. Try and make an effort to talk with this new reputation of me in mind, BOLT is not my entire life anymore. Take note of my PERSONALITY, not just my old main interest... You can still consider me the #1 BOLT fan in your hearts, but don't attack those that try and claim it, as it's theirs now if they so wish. My bad days of getting throngs of white knights to 'support me' are over, they really are, that was very childish of me. You can still think this in your mind, and you can still support my BOLT pairing, but it's not my thing anymore - I'll still always love the film and I'm not giving up loving the film or the character, and NO WAY HOZAY am I selling ANY of my merch as I love it all to bits, I really do - I just, I don't wanna claim it as a thing anymore. I don't wanna try and like, push that as my owned property, I just wanna blend and be just another big fan of BOLT like the others. As I'm older now, my #1 fan faze is officially passed. I've inspired many with my story apparently, with my four+ years of keeping the title, and the moral stands, 'Always stand up for what you believe in, because it's your opinion.' But if it's becoming a nasty thing, and it seems silly, then stop - they're entitled to their opinion too, and I've learned that now I've grown up and I have more going on irl, and I have more of a future planned out, I just don't see a place as being a #1 fan in it anymore. Not worth the fights, not worth the hassle, not worth getting me banned from any more sites, not worth me getting bullied by people anymore. I mean on this topic, look at how many sites I got banned from for this! Look at the internet reputation I got from it! It was just not worth it in the end. I AM NOT THE SAME JESS GOLDEN YOU KNEW THREE YEARS AGO, ENCYCLOPEDIA DRAMATICA. You can leave me alone now, I'm through with that. I'm a changed fur. I'm working on editing all of my websites to revert to a regular me, a me that just fits and blends as apposed to a me flaunting a title I don't want to uphold anymore, this change won't be immediate and will take time as there's a LOT to fix here. Four years worth to fix.

... When I said I was gonna make it brief I lied Oops >->


Will the bitch change her spots? Will her 2nd 3rd current boyfriend runaway like the last one did? (Looks like he just did). Will she ever lose weight? Find out next time on Who Will Claim The Last KFC Chicken?

See Also

External Links

*Active accounts:

*Bawwwleted and abandoned accounts:

You can also call it the list of shame

    • Furnation Account: She is ACTIVE! You have to make an account to view her shitty gallery and other crap. Also, made her profile friends only.....WHAT A PUSSY! Bawwwww, looks like her account got lost in a server failure. Never bothered to make a new one as she is too lazy to get off her lazy fat ass while stuffing herself with KFC!
    • Her sumopaint Though no longer uses, it's there as a document to show how much people she managed to manipulate to her boltfag ass pairing.
    • Her 'portfolio' HAHAHA.
    • She got a tumblr AGAIN! Take advantage of that Ask box!, Bawwwleted.
  • VK Account:


  • The Legendary Sheezyart Account:

  • The legendary Furaffinity account hopping! Onyx LOVES to ban-evade!
    • Bonyx-BOLTsBiggestEverFan LOLBANNED, we have no idea why yet but you can still see her shitty artwork. About 2 pages.
    • BOLTsOnlyTrueBiggestEverNumber BANNED FOR BAN EVADING and posting shitty artwork. This one has the most boring galleries.
    • BOLTsOnlyTrueBiggestEverFan BANNED FOR BAN EVADING TWO ACCOUNTS. Feel free to read her description there for lulz
    • BOLTsTrueBiggestFan_Photos Photos to compliment previous FurAffinity link. Also banned and boring.
    • A-Fat-Cat-Named-Onyx BANNED FOR BAN EVADING A FUCKING GODLY AMOUNT OF ACCOUNTS. The mods are getting the hang of it too - Onyx didn't even had the chance to upload anything here!
    • haiitsonyxagainlol BANNED FOR wait a minute, she just made this account to whine and spit at her haters. Wow.
    • anonymousfatcat LOLPERMA-IP-BANNED FOR FUCKING BAN EVADING EVERYTHING, but you can still check out her pathetic excuse of a gallery. Contains most of her disgusting vore porn.
    • overweightcaninetechnerd REALLY NOW? DOES SHE EVER FUCKING LEARN?
    • ilikechickenwings OH MY. Banned again. But the fugly girl announced to create a new one. AGAIN. Why doesn't she learn? Perhaps it's the missing brain.NEW
    • jetthewhitewolf Because she lost her job (I bet you really didn't see that coming!) she has now plenty of time to create new accounts on FA and spend money on stupid shit! Banned AGAIN.
    • fatcorgi WHY???? Why does this creature not start getting a life? NEW

Thanx for showing everybody that you are unable to learn ANYTHING, dear J. Gibson aka "Onyx"!

Onyx Forepaw is part of a series on Dying Alone

[DeadCry yourself to sleep]

Onyx Forepaw is part of a series on Aspies. [Back to your happy placeSperg out]

Aaron BushnellAcademy ManiacsAdam LanzaAlbert EinsteinAlexander SlavrosAmber ButtrumAndy KaufmanAnthony 'A-Log' LoGattoAspies for FreedomAspierationsAssburgerBaldi's BasicsBambifan101Barron TrumpBart-ToonsBeefraveBenny_the_SnakeBenthelooneyBen ShapiroBill9929Bill GatesBlocklandersBlueCatRioluBodyXPoliticBonziWORLDBoris MalagurskiBourg ProductionsBram CohenBrandon SmithBrownsquirrelCameron W. CowanCansin13ChibiyimaChris-chanChris Harper-MercerClay ClaymoreCyndilovespiccoloDan CilleyDarrDarius McCollumDarviela MaravaronaDavid CleggDaxFlameDellordev-catscratchDiogo MendesDisneyFan01DLAbaoaquDodgerofZionDragonfandrp1zzaEddie WiseEdenHeroineGirlElliot RodgerEmpLemonErik RibsskogErin AnthonyEvan GraggFlaglerchatFlardoxFucklewithshuckleFUNImation2002GachatardsGalaxyRailways2199Gary McKinnonGeosheaGlitchedbloodGoFagsGrantMGraykatGreg MazujianGreenyfagsHannah CappsHeed My WarningHozupindahows00sInmendhamInuboy1000IronholdsJack Gilbert GrahamJared MiltonJahi/4444Javi SuzumiyaJINXDROWNEDJoekerJohn Patrick RogersJoseph8276JustinandDennisJustinRPGJoey The AutistKeegan SalisburyKawaii KitsuneKawaiiKittee88KelseyaliciaKevin HavensKingMasterReviewKirbysloverKloeriKongzillarex619KothorixKphoriaLaaiti EkenstéenLane DavisLeafyIsHereLogo KidsLordelthibarLougaraLukas PietschLyndsay KirkhamLynn AnnM. ChaosManlytearsMar9122Marcus PotterMarioMan7890MarioMario456Mark ZuckerbergMascotGuyMatthew DavisMatthew NicholsonMDetector5Michael GimsonMinefagsMisha SilenostiMissyMix HyenaMonica PunkMumkey JonesMutescreamMylarBalloonFanNate SpidgewoodNemo HanaNeuroNichole337Nick BravoNicky ReillyNikolas CruzObjectcucksOlinkalexOnigojirakaijuOnyx ForepawPacificoceanasiaPhantomStriderPhonefagsPMDrive1061PopcornPrince JeremyRandy Robert StairRavenNGRobert Clark YoungROtardsRootbrianRoss LumbusRyanSammyClassicSonicFanSaturnDOSSebastien LevesqueSeunghwan LeeSeleryShane LeeSiriusOrionisSolidMarioSONYFANBOYSperginStarbladeStarkiller88SteAndKelSuperMarioLoganSuper Minecraft KidTablecowTGcomixTheAmazingAtheistTheDOSFagThe Eclectic EspeonThe rEactorTheme Park ReviewTheMysteriousMrEnterTherealagerbonThe JuggernautThe Unknown AutobotTheVeganStudentTimboxToby J RathjenToKeNTom SersonToonEGuyToshTrigglypuffTylerthDragonUlillilliaVailskibum94Varg VikernesWaymuuWeatherManKevinWeDoALittleTrollingWeegeeisgoingtokillmWerechuWetflamewillg8686William AtchisonWilliam FreundWim CrusioWolfAdvocateWolfeedarkfangwwwareaYouZS3

Onyx Forepaw is part of a series on


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Onyx Forepaw is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.

Featured article October 14, 2011 & October 15, 2011
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