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This is how mudsharks love their BDSM - guns, cocaine n' gangbangs

Mudshark (Also known as: Snow Bunny, Coal Burner, wigger woman, Snow Ho, Art Major, Nigger Trophy, welfare recipient) is commonly mistaken for a person practicing a form of zoophilia which is incorrect since a Mudshark herself is a wild female vertebrate animal with severe vitamin D deficiency in human form. She will only breed with anyone exotic and brown out of her race; the darker - the better. She also speaks Ebonics and other forms of broken english. However the worst thing about the Mud, is not who she dates but her own personality.

The mudshark scene

“There are three reasons why the [white] women come here,” explains Wayne, one of the black men who are here to be “appreciated”. Wayne has just come out of a playroom, and has barely bothered to put his clothes back on – his flies low, shirt open, and tie hung nonchalantly around his neck. He’s a good-looking guy, with a toned physique and neatly twisted locks.



— Wayne Brown

“One [reason is], black men have bigger penises.” That’s a stereotype, I argue. “It’s not a stereotype!” he replies. “Black men are built differently. You have to acknowledge nature."



"Number two,” Wayne continues, “black men have better rhythm in bed. That’s also a fact. And thirdly, they are just more dominant. You know, a lot of these women are not satisfied by their husbands, who want them to do all the work. They want to feel a strong man inside them, dominating them. They want an alpha male. That’s what they get here,” he smiles at me, knowingly.


—It's all downhill after this. Source


Many believe that Mudsharks are a millennial epidemic created by the Jews, but in fact they have existed since the beginning of prostitution itself, the most ancient profession. 69,000,000 BC the first mudsharks of the emerging homo-sapiens rebelled against human evolution by exclusively fucking lesser monkeys and friendzoning the nice guys who could make fire and cook.

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Mating Habits

Mudsharks breed relentlessly
A wild mudshark specimen. When in heat, her body temperature rises to high levels, making her running either naked or half naked pursuing the nigger cocks

The Classical Mudshark knows that the mate she desires so strongly is naturally attracted to physical features and style of females of his own species. She will try to trick him into believing she can also be as ratchet as the average Negress. This she will do by going wigger mode; Copying the Negress by outfit, behavior and some physical features. However, she will keep her white skin and white girl hair to show that she is still special and exotic compared to the Negress.

Mudshark is desperate to pollute her genes with aids and produce caramelized offspring; when in heat she will expose her mammalian glands and puff up her buttocks with junk food or artificially inserted jelly beans. The puffed buttocks are meant to attract the attention of a potential black mate from afar.

Once she spots a potential black mate in the area she will arch her back towards him and shake her buttocks to further draw his attention to her. Once the nigger gets close enough for direct observation she will begin the mating ritual by dancing around and do more twerking. If she manages to get him interested he will show it by dry humping her from behind.

In a relationship with her black mate, the Mudshark will show off her newfound black gold to other Mudsharks in public places, often using social networks to proclaim news of her enhanced status.

Mudsharks competing during the mating season


Mudshark Sunglasses, a diverse point of view

Do not be fooled by the typical representation of the "victim Mudshark" who is portrayed as a misguided brainwashed girl who just made a mistake and ended up battered or killed.

Mudshark is an aggressive-dominant type, a feral animal who will go for someone even more feral, dominant and aggressive: the typical nigger. After the mating honeymoon is over she will begin testing her mate for dominance to see if he is still worthy of breeding. She will shed her submissive image and chimp at him, challenging his dominance. This tension will eventually lead to physical combat between her and her mate. The nigger will usually win this match as he is much more muscular and aggressive. The traditional pair of Mudshark Sunglasses are a message that the male is still dominant. The Mudshark will then see him as a worthy father to her intended brood, until the day she starts to doubt his dominance again - but the buck will try to prevent this by punching her once in a while to suppress further insubordination. Weaker bucks will breed with the Mudshark until they sense the mating honeymoon is over and then run like hell - probably the real reason why many Mudsharks end up as single moms.

Mudshark is a territorial and possessive creature; She will show her teeth and growl at any female glancing at or coming too close to her exotic partner. The teeth are meant to warn and scare away competition, when challenged the Mudshark will attack immediately[2] as she has very low impulse control. If beaten in a fight by stronger female or male she will crown herself as the victim to gain sympathy from fellow Mudsharks and niggers in the hope of forming an attack pack to attempt revenge.

Mudsharks compete for mating rights

It's better to keep a safe distance from a Mudshark as she can become mercilessly physically violent at the slightest offense; especially during the mudshark mating season where she will need to compete with rival mudsharks for impressing mates.

About 50% Of The Rape Cases Are A Lie

Mudshark is no defenseless animal and is too proud to lose with honor. when at conflict she will strive for victory at any cost. As a mudshark often can't use rational arguments due to her inferior IQ, she will attempt to compensate through other means. These include, but are not limited to: empty threats; playing the victim card (whether of not it's true); blaming others; making excuses; gaslighting; shameless self-righteousness; and exaggerated or false accusations to demonize her opponent.

Most mudsharks are superficially charismatic, competitive, controlling and drawn to adore antisocial behaviors, fighting dirty is their favorite. Mudsharks are highly manipulative, however their manipulation is on the level of a 12 yearold girl therefore can't be used to progress in life.

Mudsharks bullshit profusely, and like to accuse innocent guys of rape or threaten to falsely report them for rape just because she's upset with them or wants them to do something against their better judgement. Mudsharks are often too confident in their speech, even if it's nonsense.

In reality mudsharks sometimes participate in rape cases by sending their horny ratchet homies to their ex female friends, telling them the girls are interested.

Psychology & Behavior

Scientists and psychiatrists have yet to learn whether the root cause of Mudsharkery is nature or nurture. What we know so far is that Mudshark's reptilian brain and mammalian brain are the only functional contents in her skull, while the primate brain is completely shut off. This explains why rational talk is useless, the Mudshark's tendency to act before thinking, and her total inability to learn from past mistakes. Time passes faster than average in Mudshark's brain, making her impatient and pursue pleasures of the moment.

Early Life

Beginning as a young girl, the Classical mudshark's sexuality develops earlier than that of an average kid. At the Elementary School stage, she will form packs with other mudsharks, typical niglets and spoiled rich kids. She will have orgies with the thug lyfe boys in her school to widen her holes thus preparing herself for the glorious big black dicks she will receive one day. (This may have a protective purpose, since it marks her as undesirable for most pedophiles.)

As her hormones rage she will look for any excuse to pick up a fight; whether it's over a poster of a celebrity or hunting down the nerds of the class. The Mudshark is allergic to IQ, she thinks studying is for losers; but will lash out if you dare to call her out for what she is: "Dumb". The Mudshark will project her dominance already at primary school which she strongly sees as the jungle-ruled arena: she will attempt to reassert her superiority to everyone by playing the latest most explicit gangsta rap music out loud on her smartphone or tampon shaped radio. She will show off her new bought skimpy clothes and criticize anyone who doesn't have fashion sense as awesome as hers. As mudshark hates any authority besides the one given by black thugs, she might sometimes throw stuff at the teachers, hiss at her mom, and open up a porn site during computer class to show how cool and hardcore she is.

At Middle School the mudshark will keep being the same bitch. In addition she may dispose any of the toys she has; replacing them with cigarettes, drugs, alcohol and more fake gold jewellery. She will almost certainly brag to her mudshark friends about how many boyfriends she had/has to gain further approval.

Untermensch gives tutorial on how to mud

At Highschool stage she will start to dress in an even more slutty manner, and be busy enjoying sex with as much niggers as school as she can get. At this stage some of the Mudsharks drop out and go work for minimum wage.

When a Mudshark reaches maturity stage; her adolescent hormones will start drop down. At this stage half mudsharks would even soften with their behavior (unless: mating season or offended).

Mudshark Kit

File:Serena Beuford.jpg
On the left: A pathetic excuse for a human being [1]

Mudsharks can be recognized just by their looks alone as they like the emos, goths, gangstas (etc...) have their own code of dressing; they will try to copy the Negress uniform as much as they can.

Typical Mudshark outfit consists of:

  • Ridiculously wide earrings (by this the she reveals the status of her vagina tightness to scare away white dudes)
  • Shiny clothes with fake diamonds and sparklings
  • Short skirt/pants or very tight yoga pants
  • Swag hat
  • Shiny jewellery out of plastic or real metal (as the hunters of the savannah are known to be attracted to shiny objects)
  • Skimpy and tight sports outfit
  • Golden Grills
  • Cheetah Dressings
  • Fake Fur
  • Shitty keds; typically pink and purple
  • Obnoxious Tramp Stamp Tattoos
  • Pink and purple clothes
  • Tan - Some mudsharks will go further with their mating ways by tanning themselves everyday in a human toaster machine.
  • Basically anything that helps her look like an expensive prostitute

Sub Species

There is a literal graphic documentary about the Flying Mudshark type!
  • Classical Mudshark - Purest specimen. The most vicious and ratchet with zero remorse and ability to learn from past mistakes, no redemption of black cock addiction and bitchiness.
  • Media Mudshark - Is a mutant created by federal government in Illuminati laboratory to spread propaganda to teenage girls that black cock is the best, the biggest, the most delicious and expensive![3]
  • Flying Mudshark [4] - Typically old horny women with 20 inch long tits who abandon their whole normal established family [5] to go on a wild sex tourism to exotic places around the world searching for young muscular black man who will come home with them and love them for who they are. To be considered a flying mudshark one has to be over 40 years old.
  • Hippie Mudshark - Would excuse her behavior for being diverse and non racist. This type would vote for Africans invading her country and staying there no matter what.
  • Mudwhale - A lazy morbidly obese woman who wants only a manly muscular man while sitting on her ass eating lots of cakes. She finds herself to be only interesting in the eyes of the black dudes, and once she goes black - she never goes back. Their typical first date goes in KFC.
  • The "I Hate My Dad" Mudshark - Typically teens or young adults. As Mudshark being a wild female she resents her white father's authority for constantly telling her what to do and who she should date; So she decides to surprise him with black boyfriends to show he has no authority over her. Some of those will end up being kicked out of the house and beg for donations over the internet[6].

As this type grows older she will remain a mudshark because: Due to her limited intelligence she will assume every white man she meets is like her father and also because of the simple rule: Once you go black, you never go back.

  • SandShark - Breeds only with Sandniggers. Will tan herself till she gets cancer and just like classical mudshark will have racial identity issues. But unlike the Muddie, her mating ritual is a little different: she will perform belly dance instead of twerking to impress her mate. This type is known to typically convert to Islam, run far away from their homes with a new found lover and join a terrorist Organization.
  • MuscleShark - or Mudshark 2.0/Squat-minator is basically your average mudshark on steroids. A slowly emerging species.
  • VodkaShark - A mudshark of russian/ukrainian descent who dates only tan skinned hairy men from countries like Georgia, Tajikistan, Chechnya, Armenia, Turkey, Tent Bedouins and other arabs/muslims. They have the typical mudshark outfit and antisocial attitude.


"Here's mud in your eye"

A mudshark provokes rival males to compete for mating rights

"Black cox is best yo"

You can find them at whore houses where African tourists visit

A Warning From History


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See Also

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