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{{an hero}}
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'''Jeff Weise''' (aka {{lj|user=weise}}) was an honest-to-God [[Indian|Injun]], as well as an [[angsty teen]] from [[Minnesota]]. These three defining characteristics --His Injun-hood, his angsty teen-hood, and his Minnessotan-hood-- formed the greatest trifecta of [[Native American]] [[rage]] since Geronimo, leading to the [[Lulz|Red Lake High School shoot'em-up]]. Like most angsty teens and all High School shooters, Jeff was a massive [[faggot|fanboi]] of [[e-popular|famous]] celebrities [[Columbine|Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold]].

==The [[IRL]] drama==
[[Image:Jeff_weise_school.jpg|thumb|right|Traditional [[emo|native]] headdress]].
{{Ibhead|<big>'''Jeffrey James Weise'''</big>}}
{{quote|I try not to be aggressive in most situations, I'll use force if I have to, but I'm not about to go out and pick a fight. I'm mostly defensive, I'll defend myself if someone tries something but other than that I'm a peaceful person.|Jeff Weise, moments before starting a shoot-out with the [[cops]].}}
{{Ibrow|'''Born'''|August 8, 1988}}
{{Ibrow|'''Died'''|March 21, 2005 (aged 16)}}
{{Ibrow|'''[[high score|Highscore]]'''|{{Hover|Killed 9|Two at home}}, injured 5}}
{{Ibrow|'''Top 50?'''|No}}
{{Ibrow|'''Style'''|FPS, Single player}}
{{Ibrow|'''[[An Hero]]?'''|Yes}}
'''Jeff Weise''' (aka {{lj|user=weise}}) (Aliases: Regret, Blades11, Todesengel, Native Nazi, T o t e n k o p f, '''n'''eo'''n'''ecrosis, verlassen4_20) was an honest-to-God [[Indian|Injun]], as well as an [[angsty teen]] from [[Minnesota]]. These three defining characteristics—his Injun-hood, his angsty teen-hood, and his Minnesotan-hood—formed the greatest trifecta of [[Native American]] [[rage]] since Geronimo, leading to the [[Lulz|Red Lake High School shoot'em-up]]. Like most angsty teens and all High School shooters, Jeff was a massive [[fanboi]] of [[e-popular|famous]] celebrities [[Columbine|Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold]]. Due to Jeff and his people being [[Injuns|non-white]], [[America]] only paid 5 minutes of attention to their story, before fucking off like usual and zoning in on the next major news story. Over a decade after the tragedy, the story is beginning to attract slight media attention, with survivors coming out and doing interviews.
==Background: Early Childhood==
'''Jeffery James Weise''' was a {{Hover|bastard-child|A child born from unmarried parents - an illegitimate child}} born on August 8th, 1988 '''(8-8-[[88]])''' in the city of [[Minneapolis]], [[Minnesota]], to a suicidal father (21-year-old '''Daryl "Baby Dash" Allen Lussier Jr.''') and an abusive alcoholic mother (17-year-old '''Joanne Elizabeth Weise'''). Jeff experienced a tolerable early childhood, but as time went on, he would suffer a nightmarish life. Shortly after his birth, his mother's parents forced her to give Jeff to his father and his family in Red Lake. At the age of 3, Jeff was reclaimed by the mother and they moved to Minneapolis, where he lived until 1999, in a mobile home behind a pickle factory. During his childhood staying with his mother, he experienced ''significant childhood abuse''. His mother dated other men, and one of them was also very abusive to Jeff. '''Shelda Lussier''', Jeff's grandmother, stated that Jeff's mother would often lock him out of her house. Her boyfriend would lock Jeff in a closet and force him to kneel in a corner for several hours. On occasion, Jeff's mother would take him up to the Red Lake Reservation to see his father, whom neighbors described as "a real nice guy ''when he was sober''". His father eventually killed himself during a police standoff.
In his childhood, he was bullied and abused by his mother. Online, Jeff detailed some of the abuse he received-
{{Quote|My mom used to abuse me alot when I was little. She would hit me with anything she could get her hands on, she used to drink excessively too. She would tell me I was a mistake, and she would say so many things that its hard to deal with them or think of them without crying.}}
Jeff also details the tragedy that inflicted his mother-

On March 21, [[2005]], Weise stole [[Guns|2 handguns and a shotgun]] and [[pwned]] his grandparents. He then stole his grandfather's police cruiser, crashed it into his school, and pwned 7 more classmates before [[suicide|self-pwning]]. [[Old media|Newspapers and TV stations]] around the nation immediately jumped on the story and [[fap|masturbated furiously]] to the topic of [[Gore|school-shootings and violence]] for several weeks until, [[I CAME|flushed and weak in the knees]], they finally moved back to the severely more important news schedule of [[Natalee Holloway|arbitrary missing white women]] and [[Lindsay Lohan]]'s latest [[eating disorder]]. Naturally, this brief media frenzy ensured a new round of pointless [[IRL drama]] combined with the [[typical]] routine criticism of [[Music|Marilyn Manson]] and the temporary banning of all [[Hot Topic]] merchandise from school grounds. Somewhere along the line, some [[Concerned Mother|concerned mothers]] probably got involved as well, but that's [[Shit nobody cares about|shit only they care about.]]
{{Quote|My mom got drunk one night and wrecked her car and had to relearn how to tie her shoes, I was too young to fight back or too young to stick up for myself without getting struck down when this was happening.}}

==On the [[Internets]]==
==Loss of Parents==
[[Image:Punjab.jpg|thumb|Weise updating his LJ profile.]]
Before killing himself, Weise was known for his various activities on the [[internets]]. He made many posts on various [[Nazi]] websites (knowing that Hitler didn't give a fuck about Native Americans and only cared about Germany). Weise also created several [ violent flash videos] on [[Newgrounds]] and started an LJ account, where he made 3 brief posts inquiring about [[cutting]], [[Never drinking again|alcoholism]], [[Grammar Nazi|grammatical errors]], and other [[shit nobody cares about]].
At the age of 8, in 1997, Jeff lost his father during the infamous standoff and suicide, after the father took a 12 gauge shotgun and shot himself in the head- likely devastating the young boy when he received the word, and scarring him for the rest of his life. Jeff's grandfather (Daryl Jr.'s father), '''Daryl Lussier, Sr''' was a police officer and was present at the scene of the standoff. There, he tried to talk his son down from committing suicide, but was evidently unsuccessful.
Two years later, at the age of 10, Jeff's mother, being a severe alcoholic, naturally was involved in a drunk driving accident. The event happened when Jeff's mom and her cousin decided it would be a great idea to get drunk as fuck and go for a drive. They got into a car crash in which the cousin died and Jeff's mom got injured- devastating her and causing permanent brain damage. This resulted in her being put into a nursing home for an indefinite amount of time, which resulted in Jeff Weise being forcibly moved from the city.
Jeff was shipped off to a shitty Native American reservation called Red Lake, hundreds of miles to the north, in the middle of a cold, underdeveloped, miserable environment in the middle of fuckin' nowhere. He spent the rest of his life living with his Grandfather in a lower-middle class house, or in the care of his aunt and her family unit. Jeff had a moderately caring family unit and seemed to have found some semblance of happiness with them, but likely longed to return to the big city and escape the dead end nightmare that was the Red Lake reservation- like many of his peers. When moving to the Reservation, Jeff lived with Shelda Lussier since the age of 9, and had a significantly greater time, with a sizeable family who showed care for him. Jeff shifted homes on occasion.
A year after the car crash, Jeff's mom and her husband separated, with the divorce being finalized in 2004. Their custody arrangements left out Jeff Weise- another example of how little those pieces of shit cared for the child.
During childhood, your surroundings and upbringing will play the biggest role in shaping who you will be for the rest of your life. Victims of severe childhood abuse, such as Jeff, suffer from extremely higher rates of depression, violence, and suicide- a common trait among Native Americans from a reservation background.
==Childhood: Relocation to Reservation==
After the accident, Jeff was left a shattered, broken child. He was placed in the custody of his parental grandmother and left out for the Red Lake Reservation, leaving Minneapolis, his city of 9 years, behind for good. Two of his aunts were involved with his care, with one of the aunts living with her child and her mom- providing Jeff with some social element at home, and opportunity for support and socialization. Jeff's grandmother and her husband were separated, but Jeff grew close to both of his grandparents. In 2003, Jeff's mother recovered enough to be able to work part-time, regaining the ability of basic speech- thus legally providing ability to take guardianship of Jeff. However, there was no way in hell Jeff wanted to put up with his abusive monster of a mother, so he chose to stay with his grandparents- even if it meant staying in the rez.
==School Life & Bullying==
[[File:Redlakescene.jpg|thumb|right|Red Lake Senior High School]]
[[Image:Jeff_weise_school.jpg|thumb|right|Traditional [[emo|native]] headdress]]
[[Image:Jeffweise666.png|thumb|right|Not suspicious at all!]]
Jeff, being from outside of the close-minded, close-knit community, naturally faced opposition and alienation from the residents; especially the youth. This persecution only went on to increase significantly with the flow of time and his development of more macabre interests. Due to his unconventional interests, such as [[Goth]] culture, he suffered from intense bullying from his peers.
Before moving to Red Lake, Jeff attended {{Hover|Pearson Elementary School|located in Shakopee, Minnesota}} from Kindergarten to Fourth Grade, and {{Hover|Bluff Creek Elementary School|located in Chanhassen, Minnesota}} in fifth grade. He attended Red Lake Middle School from the 6th to the 8th grades. However, he managed to flunk 8th grade in [[2001]], due to significant truancy and horrible grades. The school forced him into a [[Special]] education program, the "Learning Center". This fact caused a significant amount of bullying for the boy. A woman named '''Mary Sumner''' recalled seeing children beat up Jeff Weise outside of the middle school on at least six occasions after she picked up a grandchild. "I thought it was sad that he would stand there and take it. He took it out on himself."
Around this time, Jeff started to be bullied to an extreme, which is likely when his homicidal fantasies truly kicked off. He was a heavy alcoholic and stoner, and internet addict during the last few years of his miserable existence. What he didn't realize was that he was one of the most privileged people in his Rez; he at least had a home, intarwebz, and food - enough to become a fatass NEET.
{{Quote|Because of my size and appearance, people don't give me as much trouble as they would if I looked weak.}}
Naturally, the bullying was most intense during middle and high school. He, like many of us, followed the shitty advice that our parents and teachers tell us - to not fight back, and to ignore any taunts. Jeff was 6'3'' and nearly 300 pounds by his mid-teens and his death- he could've easily beat the shit out of any tormentors. If he did, it's almost certain that those little faggots would learn not to fuck with him.
Jeff was able to confide in his counselor, Ron Kingbird, who often informed Jeff's family members of Jeff's situation. His bullying became severe enough to the point where Jeff often ditched school more often than he attended. He would shy away from describing the events of his day, and his families' advice was to simply "Ignore it". Jeff avoided telling his grandma what was truly happening with his life, but other people filled her in with the truth- that he was being persecuted. These cocksucker pieces of shit would often torment Jeff over the loss of his mother and father.
Jeff had a heavy interest in art, obviously seen by his flash projects online. In school, he kept noteboods filled with horrific artwork he drew, one of which was labeled "WARNING: VERY FUCKING OFFENSIVE" which a close friend pointed out to the media. This notebook featured lulzy artwork, often of Nazi-inspired shit, like SS officers mass killing Juden, women, commies, and little kids. As time went on, Jeff developed a goth/columbine style of fashion, wearing a long, heavy black trenchcoat at all times. For several months, Jeff spiked his hair with badass devil horns- as seen in the class portraits. The media reported that Jeff was a fag and used eyeliner, but this was denied by his family.
Few students reached out to Weise or showed him respect, but due to his large stature, he avoided a lot of bullying and torment he would have otherwise received. Weise was able to garner a few friends in real life, and a few girls confided in him with their secrets and qualms. One girl stated, "He was the only one I talked to about my problems. He was trustworthy, and he was always capable of understanding what I was going through". Other girls also expressed similar statements of Jeff's reliability for support. Though Weise expressed online that few in his clique truly cared for him-
{{Quote|I have friends, but I'm basically a loner inside a group of loners. Most of my friends don't know the real me, I've never shared my past with anyone, and I've never talked about it with anyone. I'm excluded from anything and everything they do, I'm never invited, I don't even know why they consider me a friend or I them...|PMs sent to a friend}}
His grandpa asked him about his school life back in 2001, [] to which Jeff replied, "It's not good. I don't go to the real classes. I go to the alternative school. I'm a year behind. I can't be in regular school because kids are mean to me. They punch me. They trip me. In the aftermath of the massacre, over half a dozen school officials, community members, and tribal employees came out to Jeff's grandmother, stating that Jeff was bullied extensively.
{{Quote|My god, they were even pulling clumps of hair out of his head!}}
{{Quote|I don't want to tell you this, but about five kids ran up to him and punched him, beating him up. The kids laughed and ran away.}}
Around ''17 months'' before the shooting spree, Jeff pulled the eraser from a pencil and scraped the metal edge into his arms. This incident caused his doctors to spike his prozac intake, to 40mg/day. Jeff's aunt states: "I just hugged him and said, 'Jeffery, don't hurt yourself!" A while later, Jeff got in trouble and was confined to a cubicle in a suspension room, where he again cut himself with the metal edge of a pencil. This again made the (((Doctors))) spike his prozac levels, this time to 60mg/day. Jeff's behavior began to become erratic, with his family reporting that he began to have bizzare movements, started to hallucinate, and heard made up noises. Probably Satan convincing him to go kill everyone or some shit.
Some bitch named '''Mary Kay Klein''', an attorney for the shitty school district, stated:
{{Quote|There's rumors galore out there. How many of them are actually truthful, who knows? But I can tell you: Jeff Weise's size is not a secret. He was a big kid. [[Bullshit|Students did not bully him]], but then again, that's based on my knowledge. I wasn't in school with him every day.}}
In his Junior year, he stopped attending classes at Red Lake, and enrolled in a homeschool program instead; his last chance to get his education. He was eager for this program due to the extreme bullying he received, but the isolation likely worsened his mood. A friend, James King, states "Going on homebound cut him off from them and gave him too much time to think about how crappy his life was".
===4/20 Incident===
In [[2003]], he got in trouble from doing a [[Nazi]] salute and shouting "Seig Heil" at a school rally, when the rest of the school had their palms to their hearts in song. This alerted his school and resulted in them beginning to actively persecute and stalk his activity. He was sent to the counselor, and like a moron, confessed to his neo-nazi views and love for [[Adolf Hitler]]. He described the counselor as "about as useful as a Billy goat's tit." There was a [[school shooting]] threat called on April 20th, 2004, for the 5th anniversary of the infamous [[Columbine]] massacre, so he naturally got the blame. Luckily, he was cleared of all charges. Not that it matters, as he was eventually kicked out anyways.
=== Home Life ===
His family he lived with remembered him as a polite, intelligent, pacifistic and artistic young man [] who had great potential for the world. They described how Jeff had some interest in entrepreneurship as he wanted to open a video store. Lining up with his history with drawing art and making flash games, they were told by Jeff that he wanted to travel the world to produce films.
==Zero Day==
[[File:Zeroday.png|thumb|right|Zero Day]]
Even though he (like most of us) had a horrible experience with the monstrosity that is the American school system, he managed to make a handful of friends, [[Truth|something 80% of us can't say]]. They were mostly other outcast types, and some of them would often discuss violent acts and school shootings. Just 17 days before the massacre, Jeff and a few close friends watched movies like [ Zero Day] and [ Elephant], two films about school shootings, released in the aftermath of, and inspired directly by [[Columbine]]. After [[old media]] picked up on this, it caused interest and controversy in the two films to surge.
Weise was close to recruiting one of his few friends for his assault, but decided to [[Postal|go postal]] without him. After the bloodfest, the person in question was arrested and interrogated by the FBI over the email conversations he had with Jeff. The young man was eventually set free, but sadly didn't continue Jeff's [[Hatred (Video Game)|genocide crusade]].
==Suicide Attempts==
He attempted to [[an hero]] twice; once by slicing his wrist with a box cutter and creating a massive blood puddle before calling for help. The second time, he wrapped a belt around his neck, pulled it taut, and attempted to hang himself- before being found by a friend, and being driven off to the loony bin, where Jeff, with a raspy, strained and weakened voice, exclaimed: "I need help..." and getting drugged out on ''mass murder pills'' like Prozac, the same drugs that [[Eric Harris]] and countless other school shooters were on. The following month in June 2004, he attempted to an hero again, which resulted in him being hospitalized on a facility outside of the reservation. A week before the massacre, his (((Doctor))) decided it would be a good idea to spike the dosage of Prozac he received, raising alarms with his family. We all know what happened when he attempted suicide the next time. Third time's the charm...
When this was discovered post-massacre, it caused a ''moderate'' shitstorm which ended up getting the FDA to get a warning out stating that the pills did the ''exact opposite'' as intended. To this day over a decade later, many moronic parents and [[jew|greedy]] doctors continue to forcibly poison innocent children with these mass murder pills.
== Red Lake Reservation ==
[[File:DetroitStreet.jpg|thumb|right|Typical scenery in the Red Lake Reservation. As if it was that developed in the first place.]]
[[File:Ruins.jpg|thumb|right|Red Lake Police Department]]
The '''Red Lake Indian Reservation''' is not unlike the majority of [[Injun]] Reservations; Isolated, rural, shitty lands, retarded residents, no jobs, extreme poverty, little tech (such as internet), lots of violence, fuckloads of druggies / alcoholics, and a suicide rate 3x higher than the national average. Red Lake sucks so much that in a 3 month range before the massacre, a few kids on that rez already killed themselves, such as a 14 year old girl who hung herself. The year before, another teenage girl became an hero. A few weeks after the massacre, and another girl, aged 15, hung herself to death with a belt. Like most newspapers, the Red Lake one covered up the deaths in a futile attempt to avoid copycats. Children as young as 8 commit suicide out there.
Red lake has jack shit to do, besides ice fish, boat, go innawoods, or abuse heavy drugs. The nearest city is Bemidji, 30 miles to the south, and with a population of only 12,000. There are no malls, sporting centers, or fast food joints- not even a [[Mc Donalds]]. Red Lake is one of only two closed reservations[]- only members of the tribe can live there, and visitors are often unwelcome. Any whitey who find themselves in injun territory often get scalped and cannibalized. Red Lake is fortunate for one thing- terrain. Instead of inhospitable desert wasteland, like the vast majority of reservations, Red Lake territory is lush in forests and lakes.
The schools are just as bad, with '''Red Lake Senior High School''' only having a graduation rate of .. 15%. Over half of the youth of the rez have seriously considered becoming [[an hero]], and who can blame them? Did you know that in 1996, there was a major gang shooting at the high school? This prompted metal detectors, security guards, and cameras- in order to ensure the safety of the students. This was a total facade, as Weise was able to simply crash into the school and kill everyone anyways.
A 2004 survey conducted by the Minnesota Department of Health and Education found that 9th graders at Red Lake High School: {{Archive|OKsKa|Sauce}}
*Considered suicide at a rate of 43% for males, and '''82%''' for females.
*20% of males attempted suicide, compared with 48% of females.
*(Note: 1/3 of youth in Red Lake aren't even attending school or work)
Statistically speaking, Native Americans are:
*2 1/2x more violent than whitey
*committing suicide at twice the rate of other young people
*Three times more likely to die than any other racial group under the age of 25
*670% more likely to die from alcoholism (due to genetics)
*650% more likely to die from tuberculosis
*318% more likely to die from diabetes
*204% more likely to suffer accidental death
Most of the youth are [[Dindu Nuffin]] types; similar to the common [[Nigger]]. They're addicted to their shitty gibsmedat smartphones, listen to rap, stab each other to death, and hate on duh wite maan. They blame whitey for everything, whilst taking no responsibility for their own actions. Few of them ever make anything of themselves, instead breeding like cockroaches and ensuring the 1% of their tribe with brains never reproduce, further diminishing their collective IQ.

[[Image:Jeff_weise_shitty_art.jpg|thumb|center|If the best you could do was [[shit|this]], you'd be pretty [[emo|upset]] too]].
==Assault: the [[IRL]] drama==

==Graded Score==
<div align="center">
{| style="{{roundy|18px}}{{gradlinear|red|orange}}box-shadow:0 3px 6px gray;padding:1em;margin:0 auto 1em auto;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" border="0"
{|class="wikitable" width="40%"
!colspan="2"|Class Setup
|-<!-- DONGS NIGGA-->
! colspan="2" style="{{roundy|9px}}background-color:red;box-shadow:0 3px 6px orange;" | <big>Graded score</big>
*'''Primary''': Remington 870
*A common, cheap and extremely powerful shotgun. '''65~155 Damage.'''
| colspan="2" style="height:9px;overflow:hidden;" |
*'''Secondary''': Ruger MK II
*A pistol chambered in weak .22lr caliber. '''8~14 Damage.'''
! style="text-align:right;" | Kills:
*'''Secondary''': Glock 23
*A standard police-issue glock, chambered in the powerful .40 caliber. '''24~40 Damage.'''
! style="text-align:right;vertical-align:top;" | Accuracy:
|15/20<br />
*'''Perk 1''': Injun Rage
<center>[[File:Fire Pit Crew.jpg|50px]]</center>
*30% Aggro bonus. 15% Damage resistance bonus while in PVP.
! style="text-align:right;" | Style:
|18/20 ''bonus for looting armor & gun from guard''  
*'''Perk 2''': Naziism
! style="text-align:right;" | Butthurt:
|17/20 ''Caused a moderate shitstorm. No[[dead|body]] [['Missing_White_Woman'_Syndrome|was white so noone cared.'']]
*30% Damage bonus against all non-whites. HEIL HITLER!
! style="text-align:right;vertical-align:top;" | Bonus:
|18/20<br />''Stopped his [[emo|suicide attempt]] and saved up his angst for [[School_Shooting|greater things.]]''
! colspan="2" style="{{roundy|9px}}background-color:orange;box-shadow:0 3px 6px yellow;" | <big>Total score: 77/100 ('''C''')</big>
===Level 1===
[[File:Me and my hand gun by efilvega.png|thumb|right|Introductionary Tutorial]]
March 21st, [[2005]] was the day Jeff would finally succeed at suicide- bringing 9 others with him to Hades' realm. Jeff stole a [[Gun|Ruger MK II .22lr pistol]], which he used to kill his grandfather as he slept- shooting him twice in the head and ten times in the chest. Somehow, the gunshots didn't alert anyone. Apparently, Jeff had access to this gun for up to a year. Jeff stole a .40 caliber [[Glock]] 23, and a generic Remington 870 pump-action shotgun from his grandfather, along with body armor- all common issue tools utilized by American [[police]].
===Level 2===
Jeff shot and killed Sigana with two well-placed shots to the skull, whilst she carried laundry up the stairs. He prepared himself for the bloodbath, using the gunbelt to holster the weapons and magazines, and left the house. He stole his grandpa's cop car to the high school, arriving around 2:45 PM (CST). Jeff approached the main entrance, and encountered two unarmed security guards whom manned the metal detectors. Immediately, Jeff shot and killed Derrick Brun, but the other security guard was able to escape. Unchallenged, Jeff entered the school, ready to get the [[High Score]].
===Level 3===
[[File:Gun Control - Dang.jpg|thumb|right|The greatest obstacle Jeff faced was a "Gun-free zone" sign. However, he was able to overcome this obstruction]]
[[File:Adidas New Ad Campaign.jpg|thumb|right|GAME OVER]]
During the final level of the game, Weise entered the school, knowing that he had precious little time to do his sick deed. He walked through the red painted walls and lockers, peering through classroom windows and opening fire, until he found his way to an English Room. It is here that he immediately opened fire on the students, managing to score 3 headshots. The teacher, 62 year old Mrs. Rogers, cried out for god- "God be with us...", which prompted Jeff to execute her. Notably, he [[Columbine Copycats|copied off the Columbine killer, Dylan Klebold]], by asking one of his victims "[[Do you believe in god]]?". Like with Columbine, conflicting reports exist in which a student answers yes and is killed, or a student answers no and gets ignored.
A student, Ashley Lajeunesse, was sheltered by Chase Lussier, a boy murdered by Weise. One of the students, Jeffery May, shanked Weise with a pencil, which was able to divert enough time for other students to escape. Jeff May was shot in the face but miraculously survived (albeit with a huge facial scar), and went on to become a national hero.[] He would receive hundreds of thousands of dollars which attracted new "friends", but when the money ran out, he was left a heartbroken man. Alica White, one of the fatalities, was a girl he was in love with, and planned to marry.
Survivors noted that Weise had an eerie smile on his face during the rapage. After several minutes of turning the classroom into his personal execution chamber, Jeff returned to the main entrance at 2:52 PM. He was spraying bullets randomly, but spotted students staring him down through the winder of a Biology class, where he spotted two people, one of whom was a good friend, Carter Hart. Jeff smiled at hart, but scowed at thumder, firing a round at him and grazing his hip.
A student rushed to keep the door locked, but Weise continued to fire at the lock, unable to break it. [[Nobody cares|Note: Most locks are designed to be bullet resistant- only specialized shotguns can break locks.]] As students fled, the rebel yelled "Run! He's coming! Just FUCKING RUN!!" He spotted a group of students and opened fire, pwning 2 and getting hit markers on two others.
After 10 minutes, the difficulty was upped from casual to hardcore, when the pigs began to spawn outside of the school and zerg rushed it. Weise was caught by two pigs, who shot at him and injured him in the hip and leg for 13 and 16 damage respectively, causing the "Cripple" status aliment, resulting in -1 STR, -3 Agility and -1 Perception. Unable to find any Stimpaks on him, Jeff bitched out and went back to the classroom he turned into a bloodbath, and tried (but failed) at the [50 Speech] check- screaming how he had hostages. Sadly, he didn't injure any more students, but chose to bitch out and escaped to a vacant classroom, where he ragequit the game by putting his shotgun under his chin and emulating [[Kurt Cobain]]. Game over.
{{Notice|See: [[Jeff Weise/Reactions]]}}
[[Old media|Newspapers and TV stations]] around the nation immediately jumped on the story and [[fap|masturbated furiously]] to the topic of [[Gore|school-shootings and violence]] for several weeks until, [[I CAME|flushed and weak in the knees]], they finally moved back to the severely more important news schedule of [[Natalee Holloway|arbitrary missing white women]], [[Terri Schiavo]], and [[Lindsay Lohan]]'s latest [[eating disorder]].
Naturally, this brief media frenzy ensured a new round of pointless [[IRL drama]] combined with the [[typical]] routine criticism of [[Music|Marilyn Manson]] and the temporary banning of all [[Hot Topic]] merchandise from school grounds. Somewhere along the line, some [[Concerned Mother|concerned mothers]] probably got involved as well, but that's [[Shit nobody cares about|shit only they care about.]]
When the [[FBI]] took over the investigation, they stole all of Jeff's shit, netting a fuckload of drawing tablets, journals, and notebooks, his computer, and 3 hard drives. Jeff's family kept a refrigerator magnet with a Christmas picture of Jeff Weise. The police and feds took several family photos of Jeff, never to be seen again. Over 100 people attended the funeral of Jeff Weise, and many teenagers left messages of support for Jeff and his family.
Literally like a week after the massacre, and the entire nation collectively forgot what happened. The injuns on the rez were eager to ignore the tragedy, having blocked media from accessing their lands since the 80s. Thus, it took nearly a decade, and the extensive shilling of a [[William Atchison|specific EDiot]] who wrote 99% of this page, for there to be any media attention given to the story after its 15 minutes of fame were up.
===Weise Memorial===
Immediately after the shooting, makeshift memorials were erected along the prison-fence surrounding the school. The shooter was paid no attention or love, considering his crime. However, weeks later, somebody paid tribute to Jeff Weise.. A poem stood alongside countless prayer symbols and photographs of the casualties-
<center><code>Cold as winter, strong as stone
He faced the darkness
All alone
A silver god, a reflection
not his own …
He stares down at a shattered youth
A shattered mirror shows
The shattered truth.</code></center>
===Little Braids Like Horns===
Keith Rock, a Native Amercian from across the nation from Red Lake, was the man who made the Jeff Weise Documentary that runs for 10 minutes, as a school project. That video is the only documentary about the event. Keith wrote a poem from the viewpoint of Jeff's mind:
<center><code>Little braids like horns,
this flesh born bone leaves sores.
Little horn is born, sworn to the blood
in all that implies after being on the frontlines
of the hidden genocide;
Time to turn the tide,
take the guize of a genocidal genius.
Feels like none of the people can see this.
Depletion with depletion,
seeking the solution,
but there are no easy answers,
for this classroom execution.
Born on a plane that is not the same as their mind,
I am the weak, the sick, the one left behind.
God damnit I'm sick of their kind!
Pieces of shit don't even know what they are;
in their little cliques, laughing and smiling with their friends,
passing judgement on everything they see-
I know they're laughing at me.
I am an angel in disguise,
sent to either be nurtured or denied.
I am an angel that fide, so as punished with this life.
My feathers have not changed,
I still blame god for making me this way.
That is my nature, the true test was for you
to nurture a soul you could see needed structure.
For all of your talk of tradition, you never taught acceptance;
of the benefits of being receptive.
Instead, you took my beauty as a commonality,
of a word you didn't hesitate to call me.
Reinforcing old war wounds, you made me legion.
Here to bring your ruin, and the changing of reason.
Trapped in this physical body, I can only see one way to be free.
I will change this fucked up world, by making sure everyone knows of me...</code></center>
==List of Noobs PWN'd==
* '''Daryl Allen Lussier''', age 58, police officer and Jeff Weise's grandfather. [[File:Pedo_bear_too_old.png|45px]]
* '''Michelle Leigh Sigana''', age 31, Lussier's girlfriend. [[File:Pedo_bear_too_old.png|45px]]
* '''Derrick Brian Brun''', age 28, security guard for Red Lake High School. [[File:Pedo_bear_too_old.png|45px]]
* '''Neva Jane Wynkoop-Rogers''', age 62, English teacher. [[File:Pedo_bear_too_old.png|45px]]
* '''Alicia White''', age 15, student. [[File:Pedobear_mourning_small.png|45px]]
* '''Thurlene Marie Stillday''', age 15, student. [[File:Pedobear_mourning_small.png|45px]]
* '''Chanelle Rosebear''', age 15, student. [[File:Pedobear_mourning_small.png|45px]]
* '''Chase Albert Lussier''', age 16, student. [[File:Pedobear_mourning_small.png|45px]]
* '''Dewayne Michael Lewis''', age 15, student. [[File:Pedobear_mourning_small.png|45px]]
* '''Jeffrey James Weise''', age 16, student/perpetrator. [[File:Spinning 666 Star.gif|75px]]
==On the [[Internets]]==
[[Image:Punjab.jpg|thumb|Weise updating his LJ profile.]]
[[Image:Jeff_weise_shitty_art.jpg|thumb|right|If the best you could do was [[shit|this]], you'd be pretty [[emo|upset]] too]]
Before killing himself, Weise was known for his numerous activities on teh [[internets]]. He registered several accounts, on sites like Newgrounds, Livejournal,, zombie fanfic sites, along with others. Weise had an internet presence as early as the [[1990s]] to [[2001]], when he was a tween.
Weise [ had a LJ] that he created on December 24th, 2003. Months before his death, he only published a few entries; 3 brief posts inquiring about [[cutting]], [[Never drinking again|alcoholism]], [[Grammar Nazi|grammatical errors]], and other [[shit nobody cares about]].
In the aftermath of the shooting spree, the LJ account attracted a [[shitstorm]] of comments, which prompted the LJ admins to shut down the comment section on the blog to [[lie|save up]] much needed bandwidth. There are rumors that the journal had more than 3 entries, but any info validating these claims is lost forever... He had numerous online friends, many of which were obviously mentally ill. Many chatlogs they had with him have yet to surface, but we can probably speculate that it involved a lot of emo dribble and other nonsense. His chick friends on LJ still baww about his death to this day...
<code>Bio: I'm nothin' but your average Native American stoner. I'm mellow half the time, mostly natural, but mostly drug induced as well. I'm not a junkie, or an alcoholic, MJ is my gal' of choice. Enough about that though, I don't know why you're readin' this anyway. I'm gonna roll this joint so I'll c'ya later...</code>
<code>Interests: classic rock, hippie era mentality, history, mary jane, some other stuff..., world wars</code>
{{Notice|We have all of his content mirrored [[Jeff Weise/Flash|Here]]!}}
On [[Newgrounds]], he had two accounts; [ Syko666], and [ Regret]. Syko was an older account made in 2003 that produced only a handful of flashes, all of which featured plenty of violence that [[trigger|worried]] some pussies in the comments sections.
The flashes were [ Gangland], [ Pigeon Hunter], and [ The Hitman]. Syko666 was briefly suspected of being Jeff's account, which you'll see if you look through the reviews. However, this knowledge was lost for a decade before being rediscovered sometime in [[2016]]. Combined, Jeff's three flashes under the Syko666 account have only managed little [[over 9000|over 30,000]] views.
His other Newgrounds account, Regret, was created in August [[2004]]. Why he decided to start another account we will never know, but he created two more flashes under Regret; the most disturbing of them all. One was titled [ Clown], which depicted some teenager (who looks a lot like Jeff) walking up to some badly drawn clown, who proceeds to freak out, lift the teen up, and bite his head off.
If you have a good eye, you might've noticed it actually shows the clown devouring the victim for just a single frame. The other flash is perhaps the most imfamous flash in the entire history of Newgrounds. This flash was called [ Target Practice], and features a lone gunman taking aim and shooting a bunch of people before committing suicide. To this date, it has attracted half a million views, and over a thousand reviews.
A user posted the following on Clown: '''Was that like a warning message? Hmm dude you need help badly'''
To which Jeff replied: '''You obviously can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Don't try judging my mental health based upon a simple animation, capisce?'''
In only a few months, Weise would commit one of the deadliest [[school shootings]] in the history of this sorry ass nation, only serving to prove the commenter right.
For several years, Jeff's flashes remained the most notorious works on the site, even surpassing the creator's columbine parody "Pico's School". One glimpse at the comment section on Jeff's flash animations reveal that more people continue to bring it up, often crying and being little bitches. The occasional Red Lake resident pops up on occasion to BAWWW.
As more interest poured towards the neglected, decade old tragedy, Newgrounds was a vastly different place from the experimental, juvenile den of lulz and creativity that it was throughout the late 90s and 2000s. Now, it existed under the control of SJW and marxist mods and an idiotic lame community of gen z fags. These freaks are hell-bent on deleting / banning anything even remotely offensive. Jeff Weise's content has been shut down one at a time around the late 2016 area. Fortunately, we here at Encyclopedia Dramatica maintain an archive of all of his content that you can reach [[Jeff Weise/Flash|here]].
[[Newgrounds/BBS/Members|Click here]] and click on '''"The Disturbed Loner"''' for more info from ED on Weise's Newgrounds activity.
He made many {{Archive|xnw2z|posts}} on various [[Nazi]] websites, knowing full-well that [[Hitler]] didn't {{Archive|oJvSF|give a fuck}} about Native Americans and only cared about [[Germany]]. These sites he posted on have long been shut down, but words of his still survive to this day. One of the sites he was on was (defunct), a site calling its self the "Libertarian National Socialist Green Party". Here, Weise made several posts, under the alias "Todesengel", which is german for "Angel of Death"-
{{Quote|The Natives you've known to be sympathetic to the cause are probably ones who've experienced firsthand what kind of problems cultural and race mixing can cause. As a result of cultural dominance and interracial mixing there are barely any full blooded Natives left. Where I live less than 1% of all the people on the Reservation can speak their own language, and among the youth wanting to be black has run rampant. Under a National Socialist government, things for us would improve vastly... That is, if we haven't already become too soft from the way this materialistic life-style has made us, and that is why I am pro-Nazi. It's hard though, being a Native American National Socialist; people are so misinformed, ignorant, and closed-minded it makes your life a living hell.}}
Within 24 hours of the massacre at Red Lake, the media discovered Jeff's connection to the site, which prompted the neonazis to issue an official {{Archive|WNMkI|response}} on March 22nd, 2005. Atem, a forum admin for, stated "We knew [Weise] briefly through 34 posts he made on the forum. He expressed himself well and was clearly highly intelligent and contemplative, especially for one so young. In total, Jeff made 34 posts to the site.
===Home Page Of The Dead===
Jeff Weise was a frequent member of [ Homepage Of The Dead], an old ass site that existed since the mid 90s, where members discuss everything relating to [[zombies]]. Jeff was believed to have been an active member since the early 2000s and made an impression (to an extent) on several members, who still remember him to this day. Some members described Jeff as a weird and mentally ill bloke, whilst others described him as cool.
Sometime in 2003, the HPOTD forums went offline temporarily, when "" shut its forums down or some shit. So some of the members (along with Weise) sought refuge, on [ The Writer's Coven], which they kept active for a few months. Here, Jeff wrote a (now infamous) story called [[Jeff Weise/Surviving The Dead|Surviving The Dead]] [], using his [[OG]] alias, '''Blades11'''. He used the alias "Blades11" as [ far back] as 2001.
Jeff was also a {{Archive|V9CmE|member}} (since October [[2001]]) of other zombie forums on yuku, registering with the email '''[email protected]''', where he posted 772 times. {{Archive|yiSUk|#}} Even more shit's been [ dug up] about this dude. Jeff was a user of "Rise Of The Dead", where he was moderately known by other users, such as the admin of ROTD. Jeff used the email '''[email protected]''' for his Syko666 account on Newgrounds, and for his account on Home Page Of The Dead.
===[[Above Top Secret]]===
[[File:Ats Terminator.gif|thumb|right|Jeff's avatar on the ATS Forums]]
Jeff Weise was also [ an active member] of [[Above Top Secret]] where he described his failed [[emo|suicide attempt]], along with words of wisdom from his elders, spotting bigfoot in his area, cursed owls and other shit nobody cared about. After trying to seek compassion from revealing his suicide attempt, he was only met with ridicule and humor by the other users. Unfortunately (or rather fortunately for us at ED) he picked one of the least effective means of suicide - wrist slitting, which has a 2% success rate, thus keeping him alive long enough to aim for the [[High Score]]. After freaking out and seeking medical attention, he was drugged up on the same type of counter-productive mass murder pills as [[Columbine|many]] [[Pekka-Eric_Auvinen|other]] [[Asa Coon|school]] [[Cho Seung Hui|shooters]] in history.
*[ Click here] for more info from ED on Weise's ATS Activity.
[[File:Jeff weise msn.jpg|thumb|right|MSN account]]
Like most [[millennials]] in the mid [[2000s]], Jeff had a MSN account, using the email '''[email protected]''', the same email used for the Regret account on Newgrounds. His profile revealed relatively few warning signs, until he changed it in the months leading up to the attacks, in which it was painfully obvious he was planning a school shooting. Weise describes his location as "endless scrutiny, Minnesota" and his occupation as "Doormat". His interests were "Military", "High Schools" and "Death & Dying".
*A Little About Me: 16 years of '''accumulated rage''' ''suppressed'' by nothing more than brief glimpses of hope, which have all but faded to black. I can '''feel the urges''' within slipping through the cracks, the '''leash''' I can no longer '''hold'''...
*Favorite Things: ([[Sic]]) moments where control becomes completely unattainable...
**times when maddened psycho paths briefly open the gates to hell, and let chaos flood through...
**those few individuals who care enough to reclaim their place...
*Hobbies and Interests:
*Favorite Quote:
**"We are little flames, poorly sheltered by frail walls against the storm of dissolution and madness, in which we flicker and sometimes almost go out." -Wehrmacht Private Paul Baumer, All Quiet on the Western Front
Obviously, the details expressed on his profile were definitive red flags, and that he was a genuine threat to society- but none of his friends thought it a good idea to snitch him out. Did you notice the avatar? That's a scene from {{Hover|Elephant|A film about a school shooting}}, featuring the two shooters (modeled after the Columbine fags). Two days after the attacks, and [ Newgrounds fags] made a topic about this.
[[File:Weiseyahoo.png|thumb|right|Yahoo profile]]
Weise also used yahoo, with his ID being verlassen4_20, german for "abandoned- 4/20" []. His nickname, T o t e n k o p h, was a mispelling of totenkopf, a german word meaning the infamous nazi/fascist skull symbol.
==Jeff's Quotes==
{{frame|{{morphquote|mqtest3|background-color:#ffffff; width: 700px; height: 210px;|font-weight: bold;
|I try not to be aggressive in most situations, I'll use force if I have to, but I'm not about to go out and pick a fight. I'm mostly defensive, I'll defend myself if someone tries something but other than that I'm a peaceful person.
|Jeff Weise, moments before starting a shoot-out with the [[cops]].
|The instrument of my resurrection was supposed to be my freedom. But there isn't an open sky or endless field to be found where I reside, nor is there light or salvation to be discovered. ... I don't know, but what I do know is I'm a retarded (expletive) for ever believing things would change for me. I'm starting to regret sticking around, I should've taken the razor blade express last time around. ... Well, whatever, man. Maybe they've got another shuttle comin' around soon
|Thankfully, he stuck around to put himself to use - killing nearly a dozen inferiors and cleaning up the genepool.
|So fucking naive man, so fucking naive. Always expecting change when I know nothing ever changes. I've seen mothers choose their man over their own flesh and blood, I've seen others choose alocohol over friendship. I sacrifice no more for others, part of me has fucking died and I hate this shit. I'm living every mans nightmare and that single fact alone is kicking my ass, I really must be fucking worthless. This place never changes, it never will. Fuck it all.
|From his LJ
|There were a lot of signs of real trouble. He was confined to a computer all the time, and he had said last year that he was going to kill himself. But somehow I was never scared of him. I don't know why not. He never really showed that it could be directed this way.
|T'Anna Hanson, 21, who knew Mr. Weise and was the cousin of one victim.
|Some students said Mr. Weise had shown them elaborate, disturbing drawings he made in his notebook, some of them depicting people with bullet holes in their heads, of half-living people with blank stares, of skeletons. None of the students interviewed said they reported the drawings to school officials. They said they had viewed them as the odd but harmless doodlings of a strange boy
|Article about him LOL

<center>'''Maybe if you were white someone would care..'''</center>
|Alright, before I get flamed for being a [[Neo-Nazi]] white (sic) supremecist, I'd like to make the fact that I am a Native American clear. I do not condone the actions of the Third Reich, or any form of Genocide. My people themselves were [[pwn|ethnically cleansed]], so I'm not going to raise doubt on the Holocaust or anything like that.
|Pro-nazi and yet anti-genocide?

|Recently though, (the past few years), I've been feeling a strong connection towards Nazi Germany, and it's not Necessarily the most pleasing thought, though I can't help it. I feel like in a past life I was a German soldier during [[WW2|ww2]], I feel a strong connection to it for some reason. Now, I'm not a skinhead, or a neo-nazi, or even a white supremacist, but I feel like I like I really was a German soldier...
{{cg|Gallery|Weise001|center|<gallery perrow="4">
|Aryan at Heart
|The only one's who oppose my views are the teachers at the [[high school]], and a large portion of the student body who think a Nazi is a Klansman, or a White Supremacist thug. Many of the Natives I know have been poisoned by what they were taught in school. They (teachers) don't openly say that racial purity is wrong, yet when you speak your mind on the subject you get 'silenced' real quick by the teachers and likeminded school officials. I'm living every mans nightmare and that single fact alone is kicking my ass, I really must be ... worthless. This place never changes, it never will.
|Ironically, despite the [[liberal]] faggotry described, Red Lake actually bans non-injuns from their grounds. A fascist policy, the opposite of what liberals chant for.
==Horrorcore Connection ==
Shortly after Jeff Weise went postal, it was discovered that he listened to a obscure genre of rap music called ''Horrorcore''. This genre of music is populated mainly by lame-ass [[wigger]] kids from the suburbs who muddy up the (already-shit) genre with horrible songs such as [ this]. The aftermath of Red Lake was very similar to [[Columbine]] and other [[School Shootings]] in the sense that the media immediately blamed music, video games, goths, and everything else '''but''' the shooter. Due to the shooter and "victims" not being white (except for one teacher) it was only natural for the massacre to be ignored by society. However, the reputation of horrorcore and its rappers were permanently damaged due to the media's chimpout against them. "Artists" like [[San Francisco|MARS]] and Jimmy Donn got 15 seconds of fame because of this kid- but also got a shitload of death threats by the psychotic morons from the rez.
<!-- <youtube>MggLyHhmEf4</youtube> -->
==Weise Saved Red Lake!==
''The following comment was left on the wikipedia discussion article by a random red lake citizen. How he or she was able to afford internet is a mystery, but pandora doesn't go back into the box.''
This kid did more to ''clean up'' the Red Lake Reservation than any politician, law enforcement officer, or legal eagle ''ever'' did. He alerted these people to a '''grave''' mistake in their way of thinking. He showed us how flawed the "old ways" were. We were a people stuck in a fantasy we had created to help us forget the humdrum lives we led. The "Indian" way killed ''more'' of my people than ''this kid'' ever did.
Thanks to this kid, we ''now'' have a ''working'' police force. We now have a ''real'' corrections facility. We now have a judicial system that hands down ''actual'' sentences for crimes that are legally policed. We ''never'' had that before. All we had were fat locals who wore uniforms and confiscated beer. Today, they investigate crimes. You can file a report and it's taken ''seriously.'' '''THIS WAS NOT THE CASE 10 YEARS AGO!!'''
This is a change that Jeff Weise made for us. I seriously wish we'd put up a statue for him. He '''changed''' this reservation ''more'' than any other person in our history. He modernized us.
After 11 years, someone finally got around to making a proper documentary about the massacre. Sadly, its just another [[Injun]] directing it, so it's likely to go unnoticed or not show up on TV; further keeping the isolated massacre from the minds of the masses.
{{frame|{{fv|VIDEOS|background-color: #fff;|font-weight: regular;
|<youtube>_TcULXeFA6E</youtube> <br> <center>'''Red Lake Documentary'''</center>
|<youtube>y7cPwpntbHw</youtube> <br> <center>'''Examining the flash projects'''</center>
|<youtube>zo0XqvzUA9Q</youtube> <br> <center>'''News Footage'''</center>
|<youtube>iVrrOhOJu2I</youtube> <br> <center>'''Jeff Weise's animation redone''''</center>
|<youtube>G6owKTvjm5Y</youtube> <br> <center>'''Target Practice''' </center>
|<youtube>M5vkOtMYvYI</youtube> <br> <center>'''Clown''' </center>
|<youtube>ERIXxHPP71s</youtube> <br> <center>'''Memorial vid to all the n00bs pwn'd.'''</center>
}}|border=#fff|background=#fff; margin: .5em auto;}}
{{Center|[ Moar]}}
===Jeff Weise===
Photographs or shoops of the killer.
{{cg|'''Jeff Weise'''|blades11G|center|<gallery perrow="5">
File:Yearbook.jpg|Jeff Weise in a Freshman Class' portrait.
Image:Jeffweiseclassroom.jpg|Another class portrait take
Image:Jeff_weise_cake.jpg|Delicious [[cock|cake]]! Also [[exploitable]].
Image:Jeff_weise_cake.jpg|Delicious [[cock|cake]]! Also [[exploitable]].
Image:Jeff_weise_msn.jpg|Grimy injun attention whoring.
Image:Jeff_weise_stoned.jpg|Going into diabetic shock.
Image:Jeff_weise_stoned.jpg|Going into diabetic shock.
</gallery>|<gallery perrow="4">
</gallery>|<gallery perrow="5">
Image:Jeff_weise_lj.jpg|[[BAW|Deep contemplation]].
File:Jeffweiseyearbookshit.jpg|Yearbook photo
File:Jweise1.jpg|In his early adolescence
File:Spikeyhead.jpg|Ban assault hair
File:Jweise2.jpg|Morality: Chaotic Evil
File:GymPhoto.jpg|Not suspcious..
File:JeffWeiseFanArtLOL.png|Made by a DeviantArt fanboy
File:Jeffweisefreshman.jpg|Freshman portrait?
File:Jeffweiserare101011.png|Rare pic of Jeff and his family
File:Jeffweise832j238.png|Rare pic of Jeff as an infant
File:Jeffweisechild.png|Rare pic of Jeff as a toddler
File:Jeffweiserare823812.png|Rare pic of Jeff as a young boy
File:Jeffweiserare83482342.png|A pog or something
File:Jeffweiserare28382.png|Jeff inside RLHS with his "goth" clique
File:Jeffweisepepefrog.png|Jeff Weise as a rare [[Pepe]]
Image:REGRET.png|Shitty photoshop
Image:Jeffweisegook.png|[[Cho Seung Hui|Nothing compared to the blazn azn]].
Image:Jeffweisegook.png|[[Cho Seung Hui|Nothing compared to the blazn azn]].
Image:Jeffweisetrollface.jpg|[[trollface|trollface weise]].
Image:Jeffweisetrollface.jpg|[[trollface|trollface weise]].
Image:Nativenazi.jpg|Somehow someone made fanart of him!
Image:JEFGOST.png|Deepdream + Weise = this
Jeff's internet activity online, or relating to it.
{{cg|'''Intarwebz'''|Bladess|center|<gallery perrow="5">
Image:Jeff_weise_lj.jpg|[[BAW|Deep contemplation]].
Image:Jeff_weise_msn.jpg|Grimy injun attention whoring.
Image:weise21stct.jpg|A notable post of his in response to critique on his flash.
File:Jweisechat.jpg|Records of some of his chat logs from the early [[2000s]]
File:Jeff weise lj.jpg|His infamous livejournal.
</gallery>|<gallery perrow="5">
File:JeffWeise2014Forums.png|Members of that zombie forum remember him, 9 years later.
File:JeffWeiseTroll2016.jpg|Then a troll comes along.
Image:weiseresp.png|Some random chick reflects.
Image:weiseprofilejewgrounds.png|His j00grounds
Image:Jeffweisefriend01.png|One of his e-friends, wallowing in pity, 6 years later.
File:Weiseyahoo.png|Yahoo account
File:Jeffweiseartikkel.gif|Excert from his yahoo
Jeff's [ posts] under his original Newgrounds account, [ Syko666].
{{cg|'''Newgrounds'''|JeffNG|center|<gallery perrow="5">
File:Syko666Charisma.png|Charisma, The NG Stick Mascot.
File:Syko666ClockSlayer1.png|Clock Slayer (1/4)
File:Syko666ClockSlayer2.png|Clock Slayer (2/4)
File:Syko666ClockSlayer3.png|Clock Slayer (3/4)
File:Syko666ClockSlayer4.png|Clock Slayer (4/4)
</gallery>|<gallery perrow="5">
File:Syko666Grandma.png|Animators and Voices, need help!
File:Syko666HowDoI.png|How do I.... ?
File:Syko666Kurt.png|Kurt Cobain.
File:Syko666NoobFAQ1.png|Super Informative NOOB FAQ (fixed) (1/2)
File:Syko666NoobFAQ2.png|Super Informative NOOB FAQ (fixed) (2/2)
File:Syko666ClocksMustDie.png|W.A.C. (1/6)
File:Syko666WAC1.png|W.A.C. (2/6)
File:Syko666WAC2.png|W.A.C. (3/6)
File:Syko666WAC3.png|W.A.C. (4/6)
File:Syko666WAC4.png|W.A.C. (5/6)
File:Syko666WAC5.png|W.A.C. (6/6)
===Jeff's Art===
Shit he drew.
{{cg|'''Artwork'''|JeffART|center|<gallery perrow="5">
Image:weisekill663.png|From "Target Practice"
Image:weiseclown011.png|From "Clown"
Image:weiseclown012.png|From "Clown"
File:Weiseclown1.gif|From "Clown"
File:Jeffweiseavatar.jpg|Photoshop of himself he did
</gallery>|<gallery perrow="5">
Image:weisegangland1.png|From "Gangland"
Image:weisegangland2.png|From "Gangland"
Image:weisegangland3.png|From "Gangland"
Image:weisegangland4.png|From "Gangland"
Image:weisegangland5.png|From "Gangland"
Image:weisegangland6.png|From "Gangland"
Image:weisegangland7.png|From "Gangland"
Image:weisegangland8.png|From "Gangland"
Image:weisegangland9.png|From "Gangland"
File:Weisegang02a.gif|From "Gangland"
File:Weisegang1.gif|From "Gangland"
File:Jeffweisemaxresdevault.jpg|From "Gangland"
File:ClockSlayer.jpg|Created under Syko666 alias
Evidence or other pics not sorted above.
{{cg|'''Misc'''|Misc88|center|<gallery perrow="5">
File:Redlakescene.jpg|Red Lake High School
File:Redlakefrags.jpg|[[noob|noobs]] pwn'd
File:Red Lake Shooting Simulation Comments.jpg|Some guy recreated the shooting in Gmod and uploaded the footage on YouTube. This is the result kek
File:Jeffweise312847328423.jpg|Gun control works..
File:Jeff3848387373.jpg|OMG EVIL NAZI BIGOT!!!
</gallery>|<gallery perrow="5">
File:Redlakememorial744.jpg|Memorial dinner
===Before and After===
Moral of the story: Seek out a psychiatrist. Don't drink and drive.
File:Homelessnative.jpg|His dad then
File:Drinking.jpg|His mom then
File:Fatal crash 9 From Charonboat.jpg|now
==Graded Score==
{{GradedScore|9| |15| |20|Bonus for looting armor & gun|17|Caused a moderate shitstorm. Nobody [['Missing White Woman' Syndrome|was white so nobody cared]]|17|Stopped his [[emo|suicide attempt]] and saved up his angst for [[School Shooting|greater things]]|78|C|Maybe if you were white someone would care}}
Someone actually copied it! After 12 years, Red Lake was finally copied by ED sysop [[William Atchison]]! He shot up his (probably) [[Injun]] school he previously went to with a Glock pistol (similar to Jeff's Glock, but 9mm instead of .40) and [[Epic Fail|killed 2 and tried to enter a classroom but was stopped by a sofa]]. He pretty much wrote this entire fucking article, if you were wondering why we decided to add him here when he obsessed over pretty much every single school shooter in existence.
== See Also==
* [[Jeff Weise/Surviving The Dead|Surviving The Dead]] - A short story written by Jeff Weise
* [[Jeff Weise/Flash|Complete mirror of his flash works]]
* [[Jeff Weise/FOIA]] - Information pertaining to a [[FOIA]] request sent to the FBI regarding Jeff's case.
* [[Newgrounds/BBS/Members]] - Refer to Disturbed Loners section for additional detailed information on Weise.
* [[High Score]] - he was close to making the top 25!
* [[School Shooting]] - the infamous act
* [[Minnesota]] - where shit went down
* [[Columbine]] - what he obsessed over
* [[Kimveer Gill]] - another goth school shooter
* [[La Loch School Shooting]] - another school shooting perpetrated by an injun outcast in the middle of fucking nowhere
* [[Chris Harper-Mercer]] - also asked people if they believed in god
* [[Dmitry Vinogradov]] - another drunk shotgun berzerker
* [[Livecorpse]] - Another Newgrounds user who became an hero and caused a lot of e-drama

==External links==
==External links==
* [ Weise's LJ account]
===Jeff's Internet Footprints===
* [ Weise's Newgrounds profile]
* [ Weise's LJ account] {{Archive|qa3p0}}
* [ Libertarian National Socialist Green Party (his site of choice)]
* [ Yahoo profile] {{Archive|AFKBs}}
* [ his first flash; 500,000+ hits lots of drama]
* [ Weise's Website] {{Archive|uR4j9}}
* [ "Target Practice" parody]
* [ 10th Anniversary Celebration]
===Jeff's Newgrounds Content===
* [ Good article on it]
* [ Newgrounds: "Regret" account] {{Archive|z0ro}}
* [ Steam fanclub group]
** [ his halloween flash, "Clown"; 160,000+ views] {{Archive|1fNSA}}
** [ his first flash, "Target Practice"; 500,000+ views, lots of drama] {{Archive|E6vM}}
* [ Newgrounds: "Syko666" account] {{Archive|6fB0H}}
** [ Syko666 posts on Newgrounds] {{Archive|sS14p}}
** <strike>[ "Gangland" flash]</strike> Shut down by jewgrounds {{Archive|52mpH}}
** [ "The Hitman" game] {{Archive|HrG02}}
** [ "Pigeon Hunter game] {{Archive|tAmNF}}
===Other Links===
====Useful Information====
* [ Jeffery James Weise Obituary] {{Archive|TTMdH}}
* [ archive] {{Archive|UtBOI}}
* [ Pearltrees directory of Red Lake articles] {{Archive|lxxpf}}
* [ Documentary of him made by another native american] {{Archive|lJHlF}}
* [ Jeff's Murderpedia section] {{Archive|9FYYV}}
* [ acolumbinesite's page] {{Archive|RS8zM}}
* [ "Target Practice" parody] {{Archive|t6q6d}}
* [ Jeff's page on] [[Find a Grave]] {{Archive|mTRus}}
* [ Anybody Remember a Former Poster Here? (Jeff Weise)] [ Page 2] {{Archive|362VU|1}} {{Archive|Gy2xW|2}}
* [ Old Members] {{Archive|rK4Eq}}
* [ 10th Anniversary Celebration] {{Archive|5vLHy}}
* [ Steam fanclub group] {{Archive|42rTo}}
* [ Online history] {{Archive|Htljv}}
* [ Forumers discuss this shit] {{Archive|6Irqn}}
* [ Jeff Weise tribute by Clive Python] {{Archive|X4SIM}}
====News Articles====
* [ What happened at Red Lake?] {{Archive|eetgW}}
* [ Red Lake 10th anniversary followup] {{Archive|95W7r}}
* [ Who was Jeff Weise?] {{Archive|0mDC}}
* [ Gothic Subculture and Fashion] {{Archive|FLViZ}}
* [ Weed causes school shootings!] {{Archive|gtNYr}}
* [ Neo-Nazi Angel of Death] {{Archive|vi6O2}}
* [ Good article on it] {{Archive|SG6uS}}
* [ Survivors of 2005 Red Lake shooting pass plaque on to Newtown, Conn.] {{Archive|BVLNF}}
* [ Tales Of School Shooting Bravery] {{Archive|yFiXX}}
* [ Teen had tried to befriend Minnesota shooter] {{Archive|GA6s6}}
* [ Disturbed youths need attention sooner] {{Archive|DiHgJ}}
* [ Conspiracy page] {{Archive|TdHc1}}
* [ Alex Jone's take] {{Archive|Go10l}}
* [ School Killer's Favorite Bands Included KORN, MANSON And RAMMSTEIN] {{Archive|ma47d}}
*<strike> [ Libertarian National Socialist Green Party (his site of choice)]</strike> Shut down by the [[JIDF]] {{Archive|PXzWY}}
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Revision as of 14:46, 22 March 2024

The subject of this article is a virgin with rage.

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Jeffrey James Weise
Born August 8, 1988
Died March 21, 2005 (aged 16)
Nationality: Americunt  
Highscore Killed 9, injured 5
Top 50? No
Style FPS, Single player
An Hero? Yes

Jeff Weise (aka weise) (Aliases: Regret, Blades11, Todesengel, Native Nazi, T o t e n k o p f, neonecrosis, verlassen4_20) was an honest-to-God Injun, as well as an angsty teen from Minnesota. These three defining characteristics—his Injun-hood, his angsty teen-hood, and his Minnesotan-hood—formed the greatest trifecta of Native American rage since Geronimo, leading to the Red Lake High School shoot'em-up. Like most angsty teens and all High School shooters, Jeff was a massive fanboi of famous celebrities Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Due to Jeff and his people being non-white, America only paid 5 minutes of attention to their story, before fucking off like usual and zoning in on the next major news story. Over a decade after the tragedy, the story is beginning to attract slight media attention, with survivors coming out and doing interviews.

Background: Early Childhood

Jeffery James Weise was a bastard-child born on August 8th, 1988 (8-8-88) in the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, to a suicidal father (21-year-old Daryl "Baby Dash" Allen Lussier Jr.) and an abusive alcoholic mother (17-year-old Joanne Elizabeth Weise). Jeff experienced a tolerable early childhood, but as time went on, he would suffer a nightmarish life. Shortly after his birth, his mother's parents forced her to give Jeff to his father and his family in Red Lake. At the age of 3, Jeff was reclaimed by the mother and they moved to Minneapolis, where he lived until 1999, in a mobile home behind a pickle factory. During his childhood staying with his mother, he experienced significant childhood abuse. His mother dated other men, and one of them was also very abusive to Jeff. Shelda Lussier, Jeff's grandmother, stated that Jeff's mother would often lock him out of her house. Her boyfriend would lock Jeff in a closet and force him to kneel in a corner for several hours. On occasion, Jeff's mother would take him up to the Red Lake Reservation to see his father, whom neighbors described as "a real nice guy when he was sober". His father eventually killed himself during a police standoff.

In his childhood, he was bullied and abused by his mother. Online, Jeff detailed some of the abuse he received-

My mom used to abuse me alot when I was little. She would hit me with anything she could get her hands on, she used to drink excessively too. She would tell me I was a mistake, and she would say so many things that its hard to deal with them or think of them without crying.


Jeff also details the tragedy that inflicted his mother-

My mom got drunk one night and wrecked her car and had to relearn how to tie her shoes, I was too young to fight back or too young to stick up for myself without getting struck down when this was happening.


Loss of Parents

At the age of 8, in 1997, Jeff lost his father during the infamous standoff and suicide, after the father took a 12 gauge shotgun and shot himself in the head- likely devastating the young boy when he received the word, and scarring him for the rest of his life. Jeff's grandfather (Daryl Jr.'s father), Daryl Lussier, Sr was a police officer and was present at the scene of the standoff. There, he tried to talk his son down from committing suicide, but was evidently unsuccessful.

Two years later, at the age of 10, Jeff's mother, being a severe alcoholic, naturally was involved in a drunk driving accident. The event happened when Jeff's mom and her cousin decided it would be a great idea to get drunk as fuck and go for a drive. They got into a car crash in which the cousin died and Jeff's mom got injured- devastating her and causing permanent brain damage. This resulted in her being put into a nursing home for an indefinite amount of time, which resulted in Jeff Weise being forcibly moved from the city.

Jeff was shipped off to a shitty Native American reservation called Red Lake, hundreds of miles to the north, in the middle of a cold, underdeveloped, miserable environment in the middle of fuckin' nowhere. He spent the rest of his life living with his Grandfather in a lower-middle class house, or in the care of his aunt and her family unit. Jeff had a moderately caring family unit and seemed to have found some semblance of happiness with them, but likely longed to return to the big city and escape the dead end nightmare that was the Red Lake reservation- like many of his peers. When moving to the Reservation, Jeff lived with Shelda Lussier since the age of 9, and had a significantly greater time, with a sizeable family who showed care for him. Jeff shifted homes on occasion.

A year after the car crash, Jeff's mom and her husband separated, with the divorce being finalized in 2004. Their custody arrangements left out Jeff Weise- another example of how little those pieces of shit cared for the child.


During childhood, your surroundings and upbringing will play the biggest role in shaping who you will be for the rest of your life. Victims of severe childhood abuse, such as Jeff, suffer from extremely higher rates of depression, violence, and suicide- a common trait among Native Americans from a reservation background.

Childhood: Relocation to Reservation

After the accident, Jeff was left a shattered, broken child. He was placed in the custody of his parental grandmother and left out for the Red Lake Reservation, leaving Minneapolis, his city of 9 years, behind for good. Two of his aunts were involved with his care, with one of the aunts living with her child and her mom- providing Jeff with some social element at home, and opportunity for support and socialization. Jeff's grandmother and her husband were separated, but Jeff grew close to both of his grandparents. In 2003, Jeff's mother recovered enough to be able to work part-time, regaining the ability of basic speech- thus legally providing ability to take guardianship of Jeff. However, there was no way in hell Jeff wanted to put up with his abusive monster of a mother, so he chose to stay with his grandparents- even if it meant staying in the rez.

School Life & Bullying

Red Lake Senior High School
Traditional native headdress
Not suspicious at all!

Jeff, being from outside of the close-minded, close-knit community, naturally faced opposition and alienation from the residents; especially the youth. This persecution only went on to increase significantly with the flow of time and his development of more macabre interests. Due to his unconventional interests, such as Goth culture, he suffered from intense bullying from his peers.

Before moving to Red Lake, Jeff attended Pearson Elementary School from Kindergarten to Fourth Grade, and Bluff Creek Elementary School in fifth grade. He attended Red Lake Middle School from the 6th to the 8th grades. However, he managed to flunk 8th grade in 2001, due to significant truancy and horrible grades. The school forced him into a Special education program, the "Learning Center". This fact caused a significant amount of bullying for the boy. A woman named Mary Sumner recalled seeing children beat up Jeff Weise outside of the middle school on at least six occasions after she picked up a grandchild. "I thought it was sad that he would stand there and take it. He took it out on himself."

Around this time, Jeff started to be bullied to an extreme, which is likely when his homicidal fantasies truly kicked off. He was a heavy alcoholic and stoner, and internet addict during the last few years of his miserable existence. What he didn't realize was that he was one of the most privileged people in his Rez; he at least had a home, intarwebz, and food - enough to become a fatass NEET.

Because of my size and appearance, people don't give me as much trouble as they would if I looked weak.


Naturally, the bullying was most intense during middle and high school. He, like many of us, followed the shitty advice that our parents and teachers tell us - to not fight back, and to ignore any taunts. Jeff was 6'3 and nearly 300 pounds by his mid-teens and his death- he could've easily beat the shit out of any tormentors. If he did, it's almost certain that those little faggots would learn not to fuck with him.

Jeff was able to confide in his counselor, Ron Kingbird, who often informed Jeff's family members of Jeff's situation. His bullying became severe enough to the point where Jeff often ditched school more often than he attended. He would shy away from describing the events of his day, and his families' advice was to simply "Ignore it". Jeff avoided telling his grandma what was truly happening with his life, but other people filled her in with the truth- that he was being persecuted. These cocksucker pieces of shit would often torment Jeff over the loss of his mother and father.

Jeff had a heavy interest in art, obviously seen by his flash projects online. In school, he kept noteboods filled with horrific artwork he drew, one of which was labeled "WARNING: VERY FUCKING OFFENSIVE" which a close friend pointed out to the media. This notebook featured lulzy artwork, often of Nazi-inspired shit, like SS officers mass killing Juden, women, commies, and little kids. As time went on, Jeff developed a goth/columbine style of fashion, wearing a long, heavy black trenchcoat at all times. For several months, Jeff spiked his hair with badass devil horns- as seen in the class portraits. The media reported that Jeff was a fag and used eyeliner, but this was denied by his family.

Few students reached out to Weise or showed him respect, but due to his large stature, he avoided a lot of bullying and torment he would have otherwise received. Weise was able to garner a few friends in real life, and a few girls confided in him with their secrets and qualms. One girl stated, "He was the only one I talked to about my problems. He was trustworthy, and he was always capable of understanding what I was going through". Other girls also expressed similar statements of Jeff's reliability for support. Though Weise expressed online that few in his clique truly cared for him-

I have friends, but I'm basically a loner inside a group of loners. Most of my friends don't know the real me, I've never shared my past with anyone, and I've never talked about it with anyone. I'm excluded from anything and everything they do, I'm never invited, I don't even know why they consider me a friend or I them...


—PMs sent to a friend

His grandpa asked him about his school life back in 2001, [1] to which Jeff replied, "It's not good. I don't go to the real classes. I go to the alternative school. I'm a year behind. I can't be in regular school because kids are mean to me. They punch me. They trip me. In the aftermath of the massacre, over half a dozen school officials, community members, and tribal employees came out to Jeff's grandmother, stating that Jeff was bullied extensively.

My god, they were even pulling clumps of hair out of his head!


I don't want to tell you this, but about five kids ran up to him and punched him, beating him up. The kids laughed and ran away.


Around 17 months before the shooting spree, Jeff pulled the eraser from a pencil and scraped the metal edge into his arms. This incident caused his doctors to spike his prozac intake, to 40mg/day. Jeff's aunt states: "I just hugged him and said, 'Jeffery, don't hurt yourself!" A while later, Jeff got in trouble and was confined to a cubicle in a suspension room, where he again cut himself with the metal edge of a pencil. This again made the (((Doctors))) spike his prozac levels, this time to 60mg/day. Jeff's behavior began to become erratic, with his family reporting that he began to have bizzare movements, started to hallucinate, and heard made up noises. Probably Satan convincing him to go kill everyone or some shit.

Some bitch named Mary Kay Klein, an attorney for the shitty school district, stated:

There's rumors galore out there. How many of them are actually truthful, who knows? But I can tell you: Jeff Weise's size is not a secret. He was a big kid. Students did not bully him, but then again, that's based on my knowledge. I wasn't in school with him every day.


In his Junior year, he stopped attending classes at Red Lake, and enrolled in a homeschool program instead; his last chance to get his education. He was eager for this program due to the extreme bullying he received, but the isolation likely worsened his mood. A friend, James King, states "Going on homebound cut him off from them and gave him too much time to think about how crappy his life was".

4/20 Incident

In 2003, he got in trouble from doing a Nazi salute and shouting "Seig Heil" at a school rally, when the rest of the school had their palms to their hearts in song. This alerted his school and resulted in them beginning to actively persecute and stalk his activity. He was sent to the counselor, and like a moron, confessed to his neo-nazi views and love for Adolf Hitler. He described the counselor as "about as useful as a Billy goat's tit." There was a school shooting threat called on April 20th, 2004, for the 5th anniversary of the infamous Columbine massacre, so he naturally got the blame. Luckily, he was cleared of all charges. Not that it matters, as he was eventually kicked out anyways.

Home Life

His family he lived with remembered him as a polite, intelligent, pacifistic and artistic young man [2] who had great potential for the world. They described how Jeff had some interest in entrepreneurship as he wanted to open a video store. Lining up with his history with drawing art and making flash games, they were told by Jeff that he wanted to travel the world to produce films.

Zero Day

Zero Day

Even though he (like most of us) had a horrible experience with the monstrosity that is the American school system, he managed to make a handful of friends, something 80% of us can't say. They were mostly other outcast types, and some of them would often discuss violent acts and school shootings. Just 17 days before the massacre, Jeff and a few close friends watched movies like Zero Day and Elephant, two films about school shootings, released in the aftermath of, and inspired directly by Columbine. After old media picked up on this, it caused interest and controversy in the two films to surge.

Weise was close to recruiting one of his few friends for his assault, but decided to go postal without him. After the bloodfest, the person in question was arrested and interrogated by the FBI over the email conversations he had with Jeff. The young man was eventually set free, but sadly didn't continue Jeff's genocide crusade.

Suicide Attempts

He attempted to an hero twice; once by slicing his wrist with a box cutter and creating a massive blood puddle before calling for help. The second time, he wrapped a belt around his neck, pulled it taut, and attempted to hang himself- before being found by a friend, and being driven off to the loony bin, where Jeff, with a raspy, strained and weakened voice, exclaimed: "I need help..." and getting drugged out on mass murder pills like Prozac, the same drugs that Eric Harris and countless other school shooters were on. The following month in June 2004, he attempted to an hero again, which resulted in him being hospitalized on a facility outside of the reservation. A week before the massacre, his (((Doctor))) decided it would be a good idea to spike the dosage of Prozac he received, raising alarms with his family. We all know what happened when he attempted suicide the next time. Third time's the charm...

When this was discovered post-massacre, it caused a moderate shitstorm which ended up getting the FDA to get a warning out stating that the pills did the exact opposite as intended. To this day over a decade later, many moronic parents and greedy doctors continue to forcibly poison innocent children with these mass murder pills.

Red Lake Reservation

Typical scenery in the Red Lake Reservation. As if it was that developed in the first place.
Red Lake Police Department

The Red Lake Indian Reservation is not unlike the majority of Injun Reservations; Isolated, rural, shitty lands, retarded residents, no jobs, extreme poverty, little tech (such as internet), lots of violence, fuckloads of druggies / alcoholics, and a suicide rate 3x higher than the national average. Red Lake sucks so much that in a 3 month range before the massacre, a few kids on that rez already killed themselves, such as a 14 year old girl who hung herself. The year before, another teenage girl became an hero. A few weeks after the massacre, and another girl, aged 15, hung herself to death with a belt. Like most newspapers, the Red Lake one covered up the deaths in a futile attempt to avoid copycats. Children as young as 8 commit suicide out there.

Red lake has jack shit to do, besides ice fish, boat, go innawoods, or abuse heavy drugs. The nearest city is Bemidji, 30 miles to the south, and with a population of only 12,000. There are no malls, sporting centers, or fast food joints- not even a Mc Donalds. Red Lake is one of only two closed reservations[3]- only members of the tribe can live there, and visitors are often unwelcome. Any whitey who find themselves in injun territory often get scalped and cannibalized. Red Lake is fortunate for one thing- terrain. Instead of inhospitable desert wasteland, like the vast majority of reservations, Red Lake territory is lush in forests and lakes.

The schools are just as bad, with Red Lake Senior High School only having a graduation rate of .. 15%. Over half of the youth of the rez have seriously considered becoming an hero, and who can blame them? Did you know that in 1996, there was a major gang shooting at the high school? This prompted metal detectors, security guards, and cameras- in order to ensure the safety of the students. This was a total facade, as Weise was able to simply crash into the school and kill everyone anyways.

A 2004 survey conducted by the Minnesota Department of Health and Education found that 9th graders at Red Lake High School: Sauce

  • Considered suicide at a rate of 43% for males, and 82% for females.
  • 20% of males attempted suicide, compared with 48% of females.
  • (Note: 1/3 of youth in Red Lake aren't even attending school or work)

Statistically speaking, Native Americans are:

  • 2 1/2x more violent than whitey
  • committing suicide at twice the rate of other young people
  • Three times more likely to die than any other racial group under the age of 25
  • 670% more likely to die from alcoholism (due to genetics)
  • 650% more likely to die from tuberculosis
  • 318% more likely to die from diabetes
  • 204% more likely to suffer accidental death

Most of the youth are Dindu Nuffin types; similar to the common Nigger. They're addicted to their shitty gibsmedat smartphones, listen to rap, stab each other to death, and hate on duh wite maan. They blame whitey for everything, whilst taking no responsibility for their own actions. Few of them ever make anything of themselves, instead breeding like cockroaches and ensuring the 1% of their tribe with brains never reproduce, further diminishing their collective IQ.

Assault: the IRL drama


Class Setup
Item Accessories/Bonus
  • Primary: Remington 870
  • A common, cheap and extremely powerful shotgun. 65~155 Damage.
  • Secondary: Ruger MK II
  • A pistol chambered in weak .22lr caliber. 8~14 Damage.
  • Secondary: Glock 23
  • A standard police-issue glock, chambered in the powerful .40 caliber. 24~40 Damage.
  • Perk 1: Injun Rage
  • 30% Aggro bonus. 15% Damage resistance bonus while in PVP.
  • Perk 2: Naziism
  • 30% Damage bonus against all non-whites. HEIL HITLER!

Level 1

Introductionary Tutorial

March 21st, 2005 was the day Jeff would finally succeed at suicide- bringing 9 others with him to Hades' realm. Jeff stole a Ruger MK II .22lr pistol, which he used to kill his grandfather as he slept- shooting him twice in the head and ten times in the chest. Somehow, the gunshots didn't alert anyone. Apparently, Jeff had access to this gun for up to a year. Jeff stole a .40 caliber Glock 23, and a generic Remington 870 pump-action shotgun from his grandfather, along with body armor- all common issue tools utilized by American police.

Level 2

Jeff shot and killed Sigana with two well-placed shots to the skull, whilst she carried laundry up the stairs. He prepared himself for the bloodbath, using the gunbelt to holster the weapons and magazines, and left the house. He stole his grandpa's cop car to the high school, arriving around 2:45 PM (CST). Jeff approached the main entrance, and encountered two unarmed security guards whom manned the metal detectors. Immediately, Jeff shot and killed Derrick Brun, but the other security guard was able to escape. Unchallenged, Jeff entered the school, ready to get the High Score.

Level 3

The greatest obstacle Jeff faced was a "Gun-free zone" sign. However, he was able to overcome this obstruction

During the final level of the game, Weise entered the school, knowing that he had precious little time to do his sick deed. He walked through the red painted walls and lockers, peering through classroom windows and opening fire, until he found his way to an English Room. It is here that he immediately opened fire on the students, managing to score 3 headshots. The teacher, 62 year old Mrs. Rogers, cried out for god- "God be with us...", which prompted Jeff to execute her. Notably, he copied off the Columbine killer, Dylan Klebold, by asking one of his victims "Do you believe in god?". Like with Columbine, conflicting reports exist in which a student answers yes and is killed, or a student answers no and gets ignored.

A student, Ashley Lajeunesse, was sheltered by Chase Lussier, a boy murdered by Weise. One of the students, Jeffery May, shanked Weise with a pencil, which was able to divert enough time for other students to escape. Jeff May was shot in the face but miraculously survived (albeit with a huge facial scar), and went on to become a national hero.[4] He would receive hundreds of thousands of dollars which attracted new "friends", but when the money ran out, he was left a heartbroken man. Alica White, one of the fatalities, was a girl he was in love with, and planned to marry.

Survivors noted that Weise had an eerie smile on his face during the rapage. After several minutes of turning the classroom into his personal execution chamber, Jeff returned to the main entrance at 2:52 PM. He was spraying bullets randomly, but spotted students staring him down through the winder of a Biology class, where he spotted two people, one of whom was a good friend, Carter Hart. Jeff smiled at hart, but scowed at thumder, firing a round at him and grazing his hip.

A student rushed to keep the door locked, but Weise continued to fire at the lock, unable to break it. Note: Most locks are designed to be bullet resistant- only specialized shotguns can break locks. As students fled, the rebel yelled "Run! He's coming! Just FUCKING RUN!!" He spotted a group of students and opened fire, pwning 2 and getting hit markers on two others.

After 10 minutes, the difficulty was upped from casual to hardcore, when the pigs began to spawn outside of the school and zerg rushed it. Weise was caught by two pigs, who shot at him and injured him in the hip and leg for 13 and 16 damage respectively, causing the "Cripple" status aliment, resulting in -1 STR, -3 Agility and -1 Perception. Unable to find any Stimpaks on him, Jeff bitched out and went back to the classroom he turned into a bloodbath, and tried (but failed) at the [50 Speech] check- screaming how he had hostages. Sadly, he didn't injure any more students, but chose to bitch out and escaped to a vacant classroom, where he ragequit the game by putting his shotgun under his chin and emulating Kurt Cobain. Game over.


See: Jeff Weise/Reactions

Newspapers and TV stations around the nation immediately jumped on the story and masturbated furiously to the topic of school-shootings and violence for several weeks until, flushed and weak in the knees, they finally moved back to the severely more important news schedule of arbitrary missing white women, Terri Schiavo, and Lindsay Lohan's latest eating disorder.

Naturally, this brief media frenzy ensured a new round of pointless IRL drama combined with the typical routine criticism of Marilyn Manson and the temporary banning of all Hot Topic merchandise from school grounds. Somewhere along the line, some concerned mothers probably got involved as well, but that's shit only they care about.

When the FBI took over the investigation, they stole all of Jeff's shit, netting a fuckload of drawing tablets, journals, and notebooks, his computer, and 3 hard drives. Jeff's family kept a refrigerator magnet with a Christmas picture of Jeff Weise. The police and feds took several family photos of Jeff, never to be seen again. Over 100 people attended the funeral of Jeff Weise, and many teenagers left messages of support for Jeff and his family.

Literally like a week after the massacre, and the entire nation collectively forgot what happened. The injuns on the rez were eager to ignore the tragedy, having blocked media from accessing their lands since the 80s. Thus, it took nearly a decade, and the extensive shilling of a specific EDiot who wrote 99% of this page, for there to be any media attention given to the story after its 15 minutes of fame were up.

Weise Memorial

Immediately after the shooting, makeshift memorials were erected along the prison-fence surrounding the school. The shooter was paid no attention or love, considering his crime. However, weeks later, somebody paid tribute to Jeff Weise.. A poem stood alongside countless prayer symbols and photographs of the casualties-

Cold as winter, strong as stone

He faced the darkness

All alone

A silver god, a reflection

not his own …

He stares down at a shattered youth

A shattered mirror shows

The shattered truth.

Little Braids Like Horns

Keith Rock, a Native Amercian from across the nation from Red Lake, was the man who made the Jeff Weise Documentary that runs for 10 minutes, as a school project. That video is the only documentary about the event. Keith wrote a poem from the viewpoint of Jeff's mind:

Little braids like horns,

this flesh born bone leaves sores.

Little horn is born, sworn to the blood

in all that implies after being on the frontlines

of the hidden genocide;

Time to turn the tide,

take the guize of a genocidal genius.

Feels like none of the people can see this.

Depletion with depletion,

seeking the solution,

but there are no easy answers,

for this classroom execution.

Born on a plane that is not the same as their mind,

I am the weak, the sick, the one left behind.

God damnit I'm sick of their kind!

Pieces of shit don't even know what they are;

in their little cliques, laughing and smiling with their friends,

passing judgement on everything they see-

I know they're laughing at me.

I am an angel in disguise,

sent to either be nurtured or denied.

I am an angel that fide, so as punished with this life.

My feathers have not changed,

I still blame god for making me this way.

That is my nature, the true test was for you

to nurture a soul you could see needed structure.

For all of your talk of tradition, you never taught acceptance;

of the benefits of being receptive.

Instead, you took my beauty as a commonality,

of a word you didn't hesitate to call me.

Reinforcing old war wounds, you made me legion.

Here to bring your ruin, and the changing of reason.

Trapped in this physical body, I can only see one way to be free.

I will change this fucked up world, by making sure everyone knows of me...

List of Noobs PWN'd

  • Daryl Allen Lussier, age 58, police officer and Jeff Weise's grandfather.
  • Michelle Leigh Sigana, age 31, Lussier's girlfriend.
  • Derrick Brian Brun, age 28, security guard for Red Lake High School.
  • Neva Jane Wynkoop-Rogers, age 62, English teacher.
  • Alicia White, age 15, student.
  • Thurlene Marie Stillday, age 15, student.
  • Chanelle Rosebear, age 15, student.
  • Chase Albert Lussier, age 16, student.
  • Dewayne Michael Lewis, age 15, student.
  • Jeffrey James Weise, age 16, student/perpetrator.

On the Internets

Weise updating his LJ profile.
If the best you could do was this, you'd be pretty upset too

Before killing himself, Weise was known for his numerous activities on teh internets. He registered several accounts, on sites like Newgrounds, Livejournal,, zombie fanfic sites, along with others. Weise had an internet presence as early as the 1990s to 2001, when he was a tween.



Weise had a LJ that he created on December 24th, 2003. Months before his death, he only published a few entries; 3 brief posts inquiring about cutting, alcoholism, grammatical errors, and other shit nobody cares about.

In the aftermath of the shooting spree, the LJ account attracted a shitstorm of comments, which prompted the LJ admins to shut down the comment section on the blog to save up much needed bandwidth. There are rumors that the journal had more than 3 entries, but any info validating these claims is lost forever... He had numerous online friends, many of which were obviously mentally ill. Many chatlogs they had with him have yet to surface, but we can probably speculate that it involved a lot of emo dribble and other nonsense. His chick friends on LJ still baww about his death to this day...

Bio: I'm nothin' but your average Native American stoner. I'm mellow half the time, mostly natural, but mostly drug induced as well. I'm not a junkie, or an alcoholic, MJ is my gal' of choice. Enough about that though, I don't know why you're readin' this anyway. I'm gonna roll this joint so I'll c'ya later...

Interests: classic rock, hippie era mentality, history, mary jane, some other stuff..., world wars


We have all of his content mirrored Here!

On Newgrounds, he had two accounts; Syko666, and Regret. Syko was an older account made in 2003 that produced only a handful of flashes, all of which featured plenty of violence that worried some pussies in the comments sections.

The flashes were Gangland, Pigeon Hunter, and The Hitman. Syko666 was briefly suspected of being Jeff's account, which you'll see if you look through the reviews. However, this knowledge was lost for a decade before being rediscovered sometime in 2016. Combined, Jeff's three flashes under the Syko666 account have only managed little over 30,000 views.

His other Newgrounds account, Regret, was created in August 2004. Why he decided to start another account we will never know, but he created two more flashes under Regret; the most disturbing of them all. One was titled Clown, which depicted some teenager (who looks a lot like Jeff) walking up to some badly drawn clown, who proceeds to freak out, lift the teen up, and bite his head off.

If you have a good eye, you might've noticed it actually shows the clown devouring the victim for just a single frame. The other flash is perhaps the most imfamous flash in the entire history of Newgrounds. This flash was called Target Practice, and features a lone gunman taking aim and shooting a bunch of people before committing suicide. To this date, it has attracted half a million views, and over a thousand reviews.

A user posted the following on Clown: Was that like a warning message? Hmm dude you need help badly

To which Jeff replied: You obviously can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Don't try judging my mental health based upon a simple animation, capisce?

In only a few months, Weise would commit one of the deadliest school shootings in the history of this sorry ass nation, only serving to prove the commenter right.

For several years, Jeff's flashes remained the most notorious works on the site, even surpassing the creator's columbine parody "Pico's School". One glimpse at the comment section on Jeff's flash animations reveal that more people continue to bring it up, often crying and being little bitches. The occasional Red Lake resident pops up on occasion to BAWWW.

As more interest poured towards the neglected, decade old tragedy, Newgrounds was a vastly different place from the experimental, juvenile den of lulz and creativity that it was throughout the late 90s and 2000s. Now, it existed under the control of SJW and marxist mods and an idiotic lame community of gen z fags. These freaks are hell-bent on deleting / banning anything even remotely offensive. Jeff Weise's content has been shut down one at a time around the late 2016 area. Fortunately, we here at Encyclopedia Dramatica maintain an archive of all of his content that you can reach here.

Click here and click on "The Disturbed Loner" for more info from ED on Weise's Newgrounds activity.

He made many posts on various Nazi websites, knowing full-well that Hitler didn't give a fuck about Native Americans and only cared about Germany. These sites he posted on have long been shut down, but words of his still survive to this day. One of the sites he was on was (defunct), a site calling its self the "Libertarian National Socialist Green Party". Here, Weise made several posts, under the alias "Todesengel", which is german for "Angel of Death"-

The Natives you've known to be sympathetic to the cause are probably ones who've experienced firsthand what kind of problems cultural and race mixing can cause. As a result of cultural dominance and interracial mixing there are barely any full blooded Natives left. Where I live less than 1% of all the people on the Reservation can speak their own language, and among the youth wanting to be black has run rampant. Under a National Socialist government, things for us would improve vastly... That is, if we haven't already become too soft from the way this materialistic life-style has made us, and that is why I am pro-Nazi. It's hard though, being a Native American National Socialist; people are so misinformed, ignorant, and closed-minded it makes your life a living hell.


Within 24 hours of the massacre at Red Lake, the media discovered Jeff's connection to the site, which prompted the neonazis to issue an official response on March 22nd, 2005. Atem, a forum admin for, stated "We knew [Weise] briefly through 34 posts he made on the forum. He expressed himself well and was clearly highly intelligent and contemplative, especially for one so young. In total, Jeff made 34 posts to the site.

Home Page Of The Dead

Jeff Weise was a frequent member of Homepage Of The Dead, an old ass site that existed since the mid 90s, where members discuss everything relating to zombies. Jeff was believed to have been an active member since the early 2000s and made an impression (to an extent) on several members, who still remember him to this day. Some members described Jeff as a weird and mentally ill bloke, whilst others described him as cool.

Sometime in 2003, the HPOTD forums went offline temporarily, when "" shut its forums down or some shit. So some of the members (along with Weise) sought refuge, on The Writer's Coven, which they kept active for a few months. Here, Jeff wrote a (now infamous) story called Surviving The Dead [5], using his OG alias, Blades11. He used the alias "Blades11" as far back as 2001.

Jeff was also a member (since October 2001) of other zombie forums on yuku, registering with the email [email protected], where he posted 772 times. # Even more shit's been dug up about this dude. Jeff was a user of "Rise Of The Dead", where he was moderately known by other users, such as the admin of ROTD. Jeff used the email [email protected] for his Syko666 account on Newgrounds, and for his account on Home Page Of The Dead.

Above Top Secret

Jeff's avatar on the ATS Forums

Jeff Weise was also an active member of Above Top Secret where he described his failed suicide attempt, along with words of wisdom from his elders, spotting bigfoot in his area, cursed owls and other shit nobody cared about. After trying to seek compassion from revealing his suicide attempt, he was only met with ridicule and humor by the other users. Unfortunately (or rather fortunately for us at ED) he picked one of the least effective means of suicide - wrist slitting, which has a 2% success rate, thus keeping him alive long enough to aim for the High Score. After freaking out and seeking medical attention, he was drugged up on the same type of counter-productive mass murder pills as many other school shooters in history.

  • Click here for more info from ED on Weise's ATS Activity.


MSN account

Like most millennials in the mid 2000s, Jeff had a MSN account, using the email [email protected], the same email used for the Regret account on Newgrounds. His profile revealed relatively few warning signs, until he changed it in the months leading up to the attacks, in which it was painfully obvious he was planning a school shooting. Weise describes his location as "endless scrutiny, Minnesota" and his occupation as "Doormat". His interests were "Military", "High Schools" and "Death & Dying".

  • A Little About Me: 16 years of accumulated rage suppressed by nothing more than brief glimpses of hope, which have all but faded to black. I can feel the urges within slipping through the cracks, the leash I can no longer hold...
  • Favorite Things: (Sic) moments where control becomes completely unattainable...
    • times when maddened psycho paths briefly open the gates to hell, and let chaos flood through...
    • those few individuals who care enough to reclaim their place...
  • Hobbies and Interests:
    • Planning
    • Waiting
    • Hating
  • Favorite Quote:
    • "We are little flames, poorly sheltered by frail walls against the storm of dissolution and madness, in which we flicker and sometimes almost go out." -Wehrmacht Private Paul Baumer, All Quiet on the Western Front

Obviously, the details expressed on his profile were definitive red flags, and that he was a genuine threat to society- but none of his friends thought it a good idea to snitch him out. Did you notice the avatar? That's a scene from Elephant, featuring the two shooters (modeled after the Columbine fags). Two days after the attacks, and Newgrounds fags made a topic about this.


Yahoo profile

Weise also used yahoo, with his ID being verlassen4_20, german for "abandoned- 4/20" [6]. His nickname, T o t e n k o p h, was a mispelling of totenkopf, a german word meaning the infamous nazi/fascist skull symbol.

Jeff's Quotes

I try not to be aggressive in most situations, I'll use force if I have to, but I'm not about to go out and pick a fight. I'm mostly defensive, I'll defend myself if someone tries something but other than that I'm a peaceful person.



—Jeff Weise, moments before starting a shoot-out with the cops.

The instrument of my resurrection was supposed to be my freedom. But there isn't an open sky or endless field to be found where I reside, nor is there light or salvation to be discovered. ... I don't know, but what I do know is I'm a retarded (expletive) for ever believing things would change for me. I'm starting to regret sticking around, I should've taken the razor blade express last time around. ... Well, whatever, man. Maybe they've got another shuttle comin' around soon



—Thankfully, he stuck around to put himself to use - killing nearly a dozen inferiors and cleaning up the genepool.

So fucking naive man, so fucking naive. Always expecting change when I know nothing ever changes. I've seen mothers choose their man over their own flesh and blood, I've seen others choose alocohol over friendship. I sacrifice no more for others, part of me has fucking died and I hate this shit. I'm living every mans nightmare and that single fact alone is kicking my ass, I really must be fucking worthless. This place never changes, it never will. Fuck it all.



—From his LJ

There were a lot of signs of real trouble. He was confined to a computer all the time, and he had said last year that he was going to kill himself. But somehow I was never scared of him. I don't know why not. He never really showed that it could be directed this way.



—T'Anna Hanson, 21, who knew Mr. Weise and was the cousin of one victim.

Some students said Mr. Weise had shown them elaborate, disturbing drawings he made in his notebook, some of them depicting people with bullet holes in their heads, of half-living people with blank stares, of skeletons. None of the students interviewed said they reported the drawings to school officials. They said they had viewed them as the odd but harmless doodlings of a strange boy



—Article about him LOL

Alright, before I get flamed for being a Neo-Nazi white (sic) supremecist, I'd like to make the fact that I am a Native American clear. I do not condone the actions of the Third Reich, or any form of Genocide. My people themselves were ethnically cleansed, so I'm not going to raise doubt on the Holocaust or anything like that.



—Pro-nazi and yet anti-genocide?

Recently though, (the past few years), I've been feeling a strong connection towards Nazi Germany, and it's not Necessarily the most pleasing thought, though I can't help it. I feel like in a past life I was a German soldier during ww2, I feel a strong connection to it for some reason. Now, I'm not a skinhead, or a neo-nazi, or even a white supremacist, but I feel like I like I really was a German soldier...



—Aryan at Heart

The only one's who oppose my views are the teachers at the high school, and a large portion of the student body who think a Nazi is a Klansman, or a White Supremacist thug. Many of the Natives I know have been poisoned by what they were taught in school. They (teachers) don't openly say that racial purity is wrong, yet when you speak your mind on the subject you get 'silenced' real quick by the teachers and likeminded school officials. I'm living every mans nightmare and that single fact alone is kicking my ass, I really must be ... worthless. This place never changes, it never will.



—Ironically, despite the liberal faggotry described, Red Lake actually bans non-injuns from their grounds. A fascist policy, the opposite of what liberals chant for.

Horrorcore Connection

Shortly after Jeff Weise went postal, it was discovered that he listened to a obscure genre of rap music called Horrorcore. This genre of music is populated mainly by lame-ass wigger kids from the suburbs who muddy up the (already-shit) genre with horrible songs such as this. The aftermath of Red Lake was very similar to Columbine and other School Shootings in the sense that the media immediately blamed music, video games, goths, and everything else but the shooter. Due to the shooter and "victims" not being white (except for one teacher) it was only natural for the massacre to be ignored by society. However, the reputation of horrorcore and its rappers were permanently damaged due to the media's chimpout against them. "Artists" like MARS and Jimmy Donn got 15 seconds of fame because of this kid- but also got a shitload of death threats by the psychotic morons from the rez.

Weise Saved Red Lake!

The following comment was left on the wikipedia discussion article by a random red lake citizen. How he or she was able to afford internet is a mystery, but pandora doesn't go back into the box.

This kid did more to clean up the Red Lake Reservation than any politician, law enforcement officer, or legal eagle ever did. He alerted these people to a grave mistake in their way of thinking. He showed us how flawed the "old ways" were. We were a people stuck in a fantasy we had created to help us forget the humdrum lives we led. The "Indian" way killed more of my people than this kid ever did.

Thanks to this kid, we now have a working police force. We now have a real corrections facility. We now have a judicial system that hands down actual sentences for crimes that are legally policed. We never had that before. All we had were fat locals who wore uniforms and confiscated beer. Today, they investigate crimes. You can file a report and it's taken seriously. THIS WAS NOT THE CASE 10 YEARS AGO!!

This is a change that Jeff Weise made for us. I seriously wish we'd put up a statue for him. He changed this reservation more than any other person in our history. He modernized us.


After 11 years, someone finally got around to making a proper documentary about the massacre. Sadly, its just another Injun directing it, so it's likely to go unnoticed or not show up on TV; further keeping the isolated massacre from the minds of the masses.


Red Lake Documentary

Examining the flash projects

News Footage

Jeff Weise's animation redone'

Target Practice


Memorial vid to all the n00bs pwn'd.


Jeff Weise

Photographs or shoops of the killer.

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Jeff's internet activity online, or relating to it.

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]


Jeff's posts under his original Newgrounds account, Syko666.

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Jeff's Art

Shit he drew.

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]


Evidence or other pics not sorted above.

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Before and After

Moral of the story: Seek out a psychiatrist. Don't drink and drive.

Graded Score

Graded Score
Kill count: 9/20
Accuracy: 15/20
Style: 20/20 Bonus for looting armor & gun
Butthurt: 17/20 Caused a moderate shitstorm. Nobody was white so nobody cared
Bonus: 17/20 Stopped his suicide attempt and saved up his angst for greater things
Total Score: 78/100 (C)
Maybe if you were white someone would care
See full ranking

Wanted Level:

Police Force


Someone actually copied it! After 12 years, Red Lake was finally copied by ED sysop William Atchison! He shot up his (probably) Injun school he previously went to with a Glock pistol (similar to Jeff's Glock, but 9mm instead of .40) and killed 2 and tried to enter a classroom but was stopped by a sofa. He pretty much wrote this entire fucking article, if you were wondering why we decided to add him here when he obsessed over pretty much every single school shooter in existence.

See Also

External links

Jeff's Internet Footprints

Jeff's Newgrounds Content

Other Links

Useful Information

News Articles

Jeff Weise
is part of a series on
An Heroes

Died Alone

1-14 Jakarta AttackersAaron BushnellAaron HowardAaron SwartzAcidChanAdam LanzaAdolf HitlerAkbarzhon DzhalilovAlan TuringAlexis PilkingtonAmanda ToddAn HaloAndrea PignaniAndrew KehoeAndrew KoenigAnthony WarnerAnton Lundin PetterssonArtyom KazantsevAsa CoonAugust AmesBen VoddenBob8466Brandon CleggBrandon CrispBrandon HoleBrenda WilliamsBrigit GonzalezBroadt LedetBruce PardoBubba CopelandBudd DwyerCandyjunkieArcan CetinCharles BishopCharmaine DragunChloe SagalChris BenoitChris DornerChristine ChubbuckChristopher FosterChris Harper-MercerCho Seung-HuiClay DukeCodey PorterDavid RitchesonDerrick BirdDevin KelleyDustin MichaelsDylan KleboldElliot RodgerEmma JonesEric HarrisEtikaEuler GrandolphoGeorge HennardGeorge SodiniGizgizGleb KorablevHannah BondHeath LedgerHunter S. ThompsonIsrael KeyesJake RobertsJames LeshkevichJarrad WillisJaylen FrybergJeff WeiseJenny GrantJewWarioJiverly VoongJodie Gater and Stephanie GestierJoe StackJohn HouserJonathan Kendrick LewisJosé BettsJosh BallardJürgen ConingsKevin Neil WhitrickKlerckKurt CobainLeelah AlcornLivecorpseLowtaxMario FerreyraMarvin HeemeyerMatthias SchoormannMatti SaariMcSkilletMegan MeierMercedes HerreraMia JaninMitchell HendersonMr. HandsNathaniel BerhowNautica MeloneNghtmrchld26Nikita LytkinNikki CatsourasOldDirtyBtardOtoya YamaguchiPanya KhamrabPaula GoodspeedPekka-Eric AuvinenPetri GerdtPhilip MarkoffQuentin HubbardRachele RuddRehtaeh ParsonsRicardo LopezRichard JeniRina PalenkovaRobert CardRobert HawkinsRobin WilliamsRonnie McNuttRudolph ZurickRyan PalmeterSadie DavilaSalman AbediSam LeesonShane HalliganShaun DykesShawn WoolleyShayShuaibySienna JohnsonSol PaisStephanie Michelle BrownStephen KazmierczakStephen HuffStephen PaddockStiletto oneTang YongmingTatiana the TigerTerry DavisThe An Heroes of BridgendTim KretschmerTimothy HendronTony48219Tyler ClementiTyler DumstorfTyler PetersonVerne TroyerWilliam Atchison


Adf-fuensalidaAhuviya HarelAlek MinassianAmber ButtrumAmy BishopAnton BichivinAriana RaykottoAudrey HaleAydin PaladinBernie MadoffBrandon ClarkBrenda SpencerBrian ClydeBrian ConnorsBrooke HigginsCampo DelgadoCharles ZieseCobanermani456Colonel McBadassCrystal ShinkleDavid GrayDeWayne CraddockDimitrios PagourtzisDmitry VinogradovDylann RoofGabe ParkerGeorge StinneyHugo JacksonIlnaz GalyavievImma-The-DeerJakrapanth ThommaJames HubertyJamethJarrod RamosJeffree MoonJessica EvertJonathan RossJoseph CampJustin-anonLindsay SouvannarathLolo FerrariMamoru TakumaMartin BryantMary BellMichael CarnealMichael GimsonMissyMychal BellNeograntNikkineko333Nikolas CruzNoah EsbensenNuzzieKomaOwen WilsonPikacat39PogoRooRainBoy107Richard ReidRandan FontaineRex FowlerRobert CrimoRobert LongSalvador RamosShaan SinghShinji AobaSirtom93SneakylizardStephen FryTakeShotActionTimur BekmansurovTJ LaneToaster SteveTom PrestonTooDamnFilthyTumbles the StairdragonViper

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Jeff Weise is part of a series on Columbine
[All jocks stand up!NBK]

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Adam LanzaAlex HribalArtyom KazantsevAsa CoonAlek MinassianAudrey HaleBob8466Brooke Higgins & Sienna JohnsonCho Seung-HuiDillon CosseyIchverbotJaylen FrybergJeff WeiseKimveer GillLindsay Kantha SouvannarathLynn AnnNatalie RupnowNeocitiesNghtmrchld26Pekka-Eric AuvinenRobert Butler Jr.Robert HawkinsRobert SteinhäuserRyan SchallenbergerSebastian BosseSol PaisTheAmazingAtheistTim KretschmerVladislav RoslyakovWilliam AtchisonYou


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Jeff Weise is part of a series on Psychopaths
[It rubs the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose againOpen the box]
Spree/One-time Killers:

Aaron AlexisAdam LanzaAlex HribalAlyssa BustamanteAnthony WarnerAudrey HaleBruce Jeffrey PardoCasey AnthonyCho Seung-HuiDevin Patrick KelleyDylan KleboldDylann Storm RoofEric HarrisGerry McCannJames HolmesJared Lee LoughnerJason RodriguezJeff WeiseJiverly Voong Joe StackJosef FritzlLaaiti EkenstéenMark EssexMartin BryantMatthew de GroodMatthew MurrayMatti SaariMaurice ClemmonsNicholas ProsperPekka-Eric AuvinenPeter ScullyRaoul MoatRichard SpeckRobert HawkinsStephen PaddockTim KretschmerTimothy HendronTJ LaneTyler PetersonWade Michael PageWoo Bum-kon

Career/Serial Killers:

Academy ManiacsAdolf HitlerCharles MansonChris BenoitDnepropetrovsk ManiacsDubyaJack the RipperJeffrey DahmerMao ZedongRichard "The Iceman" KuklinskiTed Bundy


Al QaedaAnders Behring BreivikAnderson Lee AldrichAnton Lundin PetterssonDzhokhar TsarnaevElliot RodgerGeorge SodiniManiacs Murder CultMark EssexNidal Malik HasanOsama bin LadenTamerlan TsarnaevTed Kaczynski

See also:

Antisocial personality disorderJewsMurderParanoid personality disorderPittsburgh Paint JobPolice BrutalitySick fuck

[Stop shooting!Pull the trigger]
Jeff Weise is part of a series on Gun Control
Locus in quo:

Abilene Alleyway Shooting 🔫 Capital Gazette Shooting 🔫 Chris Dorner 🔫 Christchurch mosque attacks 🔫 Colorado Theatre Shooting 🔫 David Long 🔫 Dayton shooting 🔫 El Paso Walmart Shooting 🔫 Elliot Rodger 🔫 Gilroy Garlic Festival Shooting 🔫 Jacksonville Shooting 🔫 Kyle Rittenhouse 🔫 Marjory Stoneman Douglas School Shooting 🔫 Pulse Nightclub Massacre 🔫 Randy Stair 🔫 San Bernardino shooting 🔫 Sandniggers in Paris 🔫 Sandy Hook Elementary Massacre 🔫 Santa Fe High School Shooting 🔫 Shoahdown at the Synagogue of Doom 🔫 Las Vegas shooting 🔫 Texas church shooting 🔫 Umpqua Community College Shooting 🔫 Virginia Beach Shooting 🔫 Washington Navy Yard shooting 🔫 Youtube shooting 🔫


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Main ideas:

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Haters gonna hate:

Daisy Hogg 🔫 Killers 🔫 Republicans

Acts of revenge:

Boston Marathon Bombing 🔫 Sandniggers in Paris 🔫 Ariana Grande Massacre 🔫 London Bridge Attack 2017 🔫 Capital Gazette Shooting 🔫 Prosper family murders


Charlton Heston 🔫 James Holmes 🔫 NRA 🔫 Osama Bin Laden 🔫 Republicans 🔫 People planning a massacre 🔫

Pre-2012 Gun Massacres

Columbine 🔫 École Polytechnique 🔫 Dawson College 🔫 Virginia Tech Massacre 🔫 Austin, Texas 🔫 NIU Valentine's Day Massacre 🔫 Hungerford Massacre 🔫 Anders Breivik

Jeff Weise is part of a series on Education

[Drop OutGo To School]
Jeff Weise is part of a series on Dying Alone

[DeadCry yourself to sleep]

Those Who Have Died Alone

Aaron AlexisAaron BushnellAaron SwartzAdam LanzaAlexis ArquetteAmanda ToddAmy WinehouseAnal CuntAndy KaufmanAngry GrandpaAnna Nicole SmithAnthony WarnerAsa CoonBrian AdamsBrandon CrispByuuCharmaine DragunCho Seung-HuiChris BenoitChris Harper-MercerChynaCodey PorterDavid BowieDavid CarradineDragoneerEazy-EEdaremElliot RodgerElvis PresleyGeorge SodiniGizgizGleb KorablevGursimran KaurHappyCabbieHarambeH.P. LovecraftHeath LedgerJake DavisonJeff WeiseJewWarioJim MorrisonKate SpadeKitty0706Kurt CobainLemonade CoyoteLeelah AlcornLil PeepLiloLoki BlackfangLowtaxMia JaninMegan MeierMichael JacksonMitchell HendersonMySpaceNathan GaleNikita LytkinOtoya YamaguchiPekka-Eric AuvinenPrinceRandy StairRehtaeh ParsonsRicardo LopezRina PalenkovaRipperRobin WilliamsRonnie McNuttRudolph ZurickRyan PalmeterShawn WoolleyShayShuaibySol PaisStephen PaddockSteve StephensThomas Matthew CrooksTony48219TooDamnFilthyTyler DumstorfVester FlanaganWilliam AtchisonXXXTentacionZhao Zewei

Those Dying Alone

03bgood2cash2 gryphon7jackass77A Man in BlackAdam SandlerAhuviya HarelAIDS SkrillexAkewsticRockRAlex FordAlison RappAmerica's Third PartyAmy SchumerAndrew AllansonAngry JoeAnimatedJamesAnita SarkeesianAnonymous BorgAnthony 'A-Log' LoGattoAntony AguilarApril DavisAquagirlwhitefoxArgent009Arguecat3Arin HansonArmake21AsalieriAsher2500Austin AlexanderAvantGardePonyBambifan101BarneyfagBasement DwellersBen FordBen MoynihanBenny_the_SnakeBenthelooneyBig RedBikerfoxBill9929Bill GaedeBill GatesBLACKbusterCriticBob RehahnBrandontheMovieGuyBrandon SmithBrian MuellerBrian Richard ZaigerBrianna WuBroniesButLovaByAppointmentToCarl the CuckCartoonjunkieCaseydeckerCatboyKamiCheeyevChloe SagalChris-chanChris CrockerChuck M.Clint of Rise and FallCopperCabCorey MargeraCoughlan666CrazyvideosandrantsCrinklemonCyraxxDaniel BrandtDan CilleyDane CookDani FilthDarius McCollumDarknessthecurseDarksydePhilDave ChapelleDave MustaineDavid HockeyDaxflameDBoyWheelerDeekerDeterminedToDrawUTDev-catscratchDGTrixieDiaper BoyDillon CosseyDiogo MendesDisneyFan01DisneyMasterDJ KEEMSTARDnepropetrovsk maniacsDodgerofZionDogpatch PressDon RobertsDoodletonesDoomer3868Dorian_GayDoug WalkerDrakonDrossRotzankDoomentioDustinEDP445Emer PrevostEmosEpic Fat GuyEpicKitty54Eric AbramovEric RidenourErik RibsskogErtasVideosFilthy FrankFagolescentsFanFic CriticFast EddieFat ManFaust & Pory Five Nights at Freddy's fansFlardoxFluffy teh wolfForeverKailynFriends of A-LogFurriesG-ZayGather Against FateGeorge LopezGeosheaGhostGirlvinylGlobelampGoddessMilleniaGraykatGreg MazujianGwen GaleGwen StefaniHarmful OpinionsHellkiller777I Dislike Cis PeopleI Hate EverythingIan Miles Cheongicze⁴rImma-The-DeerInkBunnyIsabella Loretta JankeJamil The KingJessi SlaughterJessica LeedsJim ProfitJINXDROWNEDJoe Crusher PicklesJoekerJohn BullaJohn FieldJohn KricfalusiJohn Patrick RogersJonathan McIntoshJonmonJonTronJoseph CampJoseph8276Joshua "Null" MoonJuggalosJustinRPGKat DenningsKendall JennerKeegan SalisburyKathleen ToddKenny GlennKevin HavensKeffalsKimmo Johan AlmKingEmpoleonKingMasterReviewKrashedLaci GreenLarry the Cable GuyLauren FaustLeafyIsHereLecarickLeigh AlexanderLeisureSuitGamingLena DunhamLeonard F. Shaner Jr.Leslie JonesLifeInATentLikeicareLinkaraLittleCloudLittleKuribohLogo KidsLordelthibarLow Tier GodLucian HodobocM. ChaosMAGAtsManchildrenMar9122MarblesMarioMario456MariotehplumberMarjan SiklicmasteroogwgayMatthew DavisMatthew NicholsonMcJuggerNuggetsMDetector5‎MeowbarkMeganSpeaksMichael BattonMichael FitzhywelMichael GimsonMike SandyMoleman9000Monica PunkMonkeyGameGuidesMoviebobMumkey JonesMuZemikeMylarBalloonFanMysteriousMrEnterMysticArkNaokoElric2250NawlinWikiNeckbeardsNeoGAFNicholas ProsperNick BateNick BravoNikkineko333Noah AntwilerNostalgia ChickNotchNullcherriObjectfagsOFWGKTAOnideus Mad HatterOnyx ForepawPacificoceanasiaPACKGODPaigeGirlPaul FeigPaulie CalafioreParkourdude91Peter BrightPeter CoffinPeter ScullyPhantomStrider8Phil FishPhunWithLogicPinkieponyPit ViperPixyteriPeluchin EntertainmentPMRantsPreachingthegospelQuentin TarantinoRachael MacFarlaneRandi HarperRichard ReidRicki RavenRMG ProductionsRobert StaintonRobert Wayne StilesRockosockoRomeo RoseRootbrianRose3212Ryan RouthSad FrogSammyClassicSonicFanSam PepperSarah ButtsSarahisniftySaturnDOSSceptreSchnookumsSegacampSega KidSeth MacFarlaneSethistoShadmanSimply OkamiSlowbeef & DiabetusSnapesnoggerSonic SaviorSonmanicSony-MaeSophie LabelleSpax3StormySuperlisamcbSusan BoyleTara StrongTheAmazingAtheistTheDOSFagTheOdd1sOutTheSockDetectiveTim BuckleyTJ LaneTodd in the ShadowsTom PrestonToonEGuyTourneyfagsTrey Eric SeslerTrigglypuffTyciolTyler GarmanyUlillilliaThe Unknown AutobotVadeVinceintheBayWade FulpWeatherManKevinWesley!!!WoWfan4lifeWwwareaWeegeeisgoingtokillmXenuriaYandereDevYoshiwii1Youyoungbloodfantasy91Zoe QuinnZone

Their Methods

9gagAdventure TimeAn HeroAIDSAnimuAlt-rightArt SchoolA-Log's Fanfictionask.fmAsperger's SyndromeAssigned MaleBath SaltsThe Big Bang TheoryBattle For Dream IslandBlackLivesMatterBlack metalBody PillowsBonziWORLDBitViewBoozeBullyingBuzzFeedChildren's CartoonsClown WorldComputer Science IIICosplayCumOnPrintedPics.ComCupheadDead FriendDeath metalDeath penaltyDating SimsDeviantARTDiscordDrugsEdginessFamily GuyFanFictionFeminismFedoraFidget spinnerThe Filthy Frank ShowFive Nights at Freddy'sFleshlightFriend ZoneFurAffinityFurry ArtFun Shitposting WikiGarry's ModGenshin ImpactGoAnimate!GooglewhackingGorillazGothsGravity FallsGreen DayGreeny PhatomGrindcoreHackingHappy Madison ProductionsHomestuck‎Hover hand‎HufflepuffHigh ScoreIncelcoreIndie musicInfantilismInsane Clown PosseIntrovertInvisible GirlfriendIRCJenkemKiwi FarmsKotakuLeague of LegendsLegoLibertarianismLiveJournalLonelyLoveShyMai WaifuMass ShootingsMen's rights activismMinecraftMLP ForumsMMORPGsMGTOWMUDsMy Little PonyMy Tiny DickNice GuyismNu metalOculus RiftOh ShiternetOnline datingOnline sex gamesOverwatchPlastic CrapPlenty of Fish/r9k/Rick and MortyRobloxRule 34RuneScapeSchool ShootingsSecond LifeSelf-VictimizationShy Boys IRLSilk Screen Goku ShirtSlayerSlipknotSluthateSmogon UniversitySocial JusticeSource FilmmakerSouth ParkSparkalloonSpeakoniaStar vs. the Forces of EvilSteven UniverseTaking the Internet Too SeriouslyTeam Fortress 2That Guy With The GlassesThe Anytown ShowThe EntersphereThe SimsThey Might Be GiantsTomb RaiderToolTransformersTulpasTumblrTV Tropestwenty one pilotsUnchartedUncle GrandpaUncyclopediaUndertaleUnikittyUTTPVidLiiVirginityVirtual YouTubersVloggerheadsWatchMojo.comWeezerWikimaniaWizardchanWorld of WarcraftYIIK: A Post-Modern RPGYouTube

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Featured article March 23 & 24, 2016
Preceded by
AIDS Skrillex and Carl the Cuck
Jeff Weise Succeeded by
Rob Ford