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Piracy is the sharing of information with all your pals, and is obviously the right thing to do in every free society. It was invented by a bunch of basement dwellers about the time of the invention of the interwebz. Piracy has rose to prominence and is used primarily by everybody except dumbass fucktard 13 year old girls.

The hell I wouldn't!
Fuck the RIAA!
It's kind of like that.

Pirated Material

Commonly pirated material includes

Ways to pirate

  • Lolwire (V&) is usually used by teenage girls who obviously want free music and movies.
  • Use a BitTorrent client to download files. Some argue that qBittorrent is the best program for doing so.
  • Some shitty download site that tries to get you to buy premium, but all the users are pirates so they don't make business sense (e.g., megaupload (Pwned by Jews) MEGA), and whatever you find on free warez sites.

How pirating works

  1. Find source (e.g., program, website)
  2. Download
  3. ????
  4. Profit!

How to stop people from internet pirating

  1. Be a Jew
  2. Hire a lawyer
  3. Use said lawyer to file a lawsuit
  4. ????
  5. (don't) profit!

Counter-Piracy operations

Successful counter-piracy

Unsuccessful counter-piracy

  • The awesome mininova replacement, The Pirate Bay, beats down lawyers with large metal rods. (TPB legal threats)
  • Oh and every single existing pirate-run website on the web

Piracy is part of a series on


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