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imported>Moshe Finkberg
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**<s>{{yt|c|UCIvf4WLT_XWRVttRBNw6p-w}}</s> '''Baleeted.'''
**<s>{{yt|c|UCIvf4WLT_XWRVttRBNw6p-w}}</s> '''Baleeted.'''
**{{yt|c|UC5tbrYOSKvmG1i01OWvbmLw|Crazed H}} - <s>His wigger rap channel</s> not anymore as it appears he's given this channel to some other wigger, but a lot of his shitty "music" is still on there.
**{{yt|c|UC5tbrYOSKvmG1i01OWvbmLw|Crazed H}} - <s>His wigger rap channel</s> not anymore as it appears he's given this channel to some other wigger, but a lot of his shitty "music" is still on there.
**{{yt|c|@crazedhgreatesthits3762|"Crazed H Greatest Hits"}} more of his crappy wigger music.
**{{yt|u|BoneThugsSpeculation}} - An ancient and obscure [[sock]] of his
**{{yt|u|BoneThugsSpeculation}} - An ancient and obscure [[sock]] of his
* - Hayven's old ass chillspot1 channel (formerly known as uploadsociety)
* - Hayven's old ass chillspot1 channel (formerly known as uploadsociety)

Revision as of 16:26, 31 August 2023

Hey! This article isn't lulz just yet, but its coverage can spark a lollercoaster.
You can help by reverting people who delete shit, and vandalizing their user pages.
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The subject of this article is a lolcow, and is currently ripe for milking.
You can help by trolling the shit out of them whenever you see them, then laughing at their lulz-inducing theatrics.
This faggot waits for the child to make the first move in a sexual situation.
You can help by contacting Federal Authorities and alerting Chris Hansen.
Born January 18th 1989, 36 years old
Nationality Americunt  
Residence Huntington, West Virginia
Ethnicity Wigger, suspected Mexican and likely crypto-jew larping as a nazi.
Gender Male
Sexuality Pedo
Aliases Chad, Anderson Henderson, Hayven, Haven, CT
Occupation full time Paint Huffer, Youtube Streamer, Lolcow, E-Begger, Attention Whore , Pedophile, Stalker, Wannabe Actor but really just a Sociopath

Hayven (Powerword: Steven Haven Bellow) also known as Anderson Henderson is a middle aged former Skype groomer, paint huffer in denial, wigger youtube streamer, E-Beggar and nigger lover from Huntington West Virginia who is known among skype and shit tier youtube streamer circles. On Youtube, he claims that he is just "acting" and that he is an "actor" but this couldn't be further from the truth because if he was actually an actor as he claims, he would be somebody well known by the masses, but in reality he is just trying to pacify the minds of his youtube peers who are starting to realize what a freakshow he is, and discredit those who are already aware.

He is a massively unfunny attention whore and fail troll who was driven away from Skype in 2020 for grooming and pretty much kidnapping an underage girl half his age whom he bestowed with gifts of drugs, alcohol, heroin, meth and weed, there was also mutual domestic violence and associated drama including getting pregnant by him and having to abort it, FETUS BALEETUS. She also cheated on him with truckers whom she was prostituting herself to at a truckstop and also met a skype using truck driver in a Burger King parking lot and sucked him off in his truck for a whopper. needless to say, their relationship was turbulant and short lived, the girl was also a massive fuckin retard and got arrested and jailed for trying to grope a cop (she tried to cop a feel) while being arrested for a public disturbance which lead to her being jailed for 6 months, needless to say after all of this, her daddy was pissed and the relationship was ended with her returning to her family.

In his earlier years, this tryhard and failhard started out as a failtroll, then he went on to be a sucky wannabe rapper, spent years of his life attention whoring on skype with a nigger and being a full blown faggot wastoid, He also used to huff paint constantly all the way through the 2010s but seemingly has quit and has been attempting to cover it up ever since and will lie and deny it if you happen to bring it up as he now regrets his years of huffage.

After he was driven off skype in the grand old year of 2020 for being a huge nigger he turned to sucky youtube streaming and getting swatted for the Lulz resulting in cops pointing mossbergs at his head while laying on the ground, he uploaded videos on a daily or weekly basis in which he was often butthurt about police, his neighbours or just freaking out in public spaces for no real reason at all. He is an extreme narcissist who thinks he's famous and will scream "I'M ANDERSON HENDERSON BITCH" at you even if you're a cop because his ego and e-penis are inflatable and he genuinely thinks he's likeable and popular. With all of that being said, he ALWAYS plays the victim, he has decieved many gullible individuals into believing him, but those of us who aren't gullible know what a lame piece of shit he is. During his youtube streams he would fake a lot of shit to collect money from retards like claiming to have terminal diseases like AIDS, he'd set up fake fights with other streamers that would never happen (because he's a coward and a weakling), faking his death, and claim other people were stalking him for weeks as an attempt to garner sympathy, he also often exagerrates or makes up complete bullshit to get more views on his channels. He also apparently fakes being mentally ill to get free money from the gubmint like a literal nigger, which would also explain why his wigger rap title was "Crazed H" and much of his cringe inducing wigger ear rape can still be found on the tubes. Intelligent individuals who are aware of his pitiful existence consider this enormous faggot to be nothing but a bum.

Hayven being Anti-Lulz

Hayven was an enemy of the lulz in the events of the wrangling of 7OLS (during the 2010s) where he would try to distract Tim from the rest of skype by bogarting him (by means of private calling him while he was in group calls) and subjecting poor Timmy to "lolcow parasitic symbiosis", feeding off his retardation by being a tard-hogging attention-whore and preventing him from being in the lulzy skype groups where the lolcow cultural oddity 7OLS thrived on his own self-made lulz and the resulting hysterical laughter of others; essentially making Hayven an enemy of the lulz and likely making 7OLS even more retarded and socially stunted with his malignant presence. Hayven was hated by all the trolls involved, although not by Tim himself (surprisingly) as Tim is too retarded to even possess much of a concept of hatred.

Vice News Cameo

He was featured in a 5 second segment on some Vice News video that no-one fucking cares about which he was extremely butthurt about and making empty threats to sue Vice over.

Hayven on Vice News

2022 Arrest

Steve Haven Bellow, 33, was jailed at 4:25 p.m. Thursday. Authorities in Cabell County charged him with stalking. Authorities in Wayne County charged him on a warrant. Bond was set at $3,000 cash only.


On March 17th, 2022, Hayven got arrested for stalking a 12-year-old. His bail was set at $3000, which he couldn't afford to pay because he's a broke-ass bitch. This resulted in his ass being sent to jail for some good ol' anal play from the people he wants to be a part of.

He was later released on April 10, 2022; with his biggest fanboy (and likely gay lover) Noodles paying his bail.

Committed to a Mental Hospital, Nov/Dec 2022

not much information is known around his little visit to the loony bin, other than he has been served a 5150. This video contains audio from a phonecall in which he speaks about his current situation, It is likely he will not be leaving his true home anytime soon. NOPE HE GOT RELEASED 16th DECEMBER 2022

Hayven comes out of the closet as an antisemite, June 2023

all the more reason to call him a kike!
אוי ואבוי קוּקִיצָה

bruh, you dropped your tard card.


Hayven Images About missing Pics
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Videos & Archived Videos

Baleeted video that he removed shortly after uploading it, gives off real pedo vibes and to some degree admission of guilt. dumbass probably didn't expect anyone to yoink it

butthurt Hayven getting IRL trolled by a fat girl

His Latest wigger rap track circa 2023, notice his newly acquired obesity, the shitty greenscreen and desire to be fucked in the ass.

Bad boy Hayven arrested for stalking

Screaming at cops

Screaming at his neighbors

Screaming at a humble old security guard

His cringe-inducing wigger rap music video
Once a faggot, always a faggot

More Videos

Pedo Confirmed

A solid 30 minutes of Hayven getting ridiculed by "the BOYT" (bottom of youtube)

Hayven claims pedophiles invented halloween, his creepy pedo vibes are strong in this one. BALEETED

Hayven getting trolled on livestream

Whining about being bullied about his eyebrows claiming it's racism with a dash of anti-semitism on the side

Leaked Sex footage

Tinfoil hat wearer

Another example of his attention whoring

Obviously too good to be true

Hayven stalking the streets

Hayven trying to fuck a crack addled nigger

Lulzy remix

Ain't nothin but a wigger

Extremely cringey lost wigger rap track, be sure to double wrap your ears

Ancient video of hayven as a butthurt child

Ancient rant video from when he looked like the villain from the third karate kid.

Pink eye, stink eye

More of his lost wigger ear rape

A video documenting how this faggot goes through youtube channels like women go through tampons.

Video discussing his antics during 2020

See also

External links

Hayven is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal
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YouTube Ranters

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