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This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.

moromillas (sometimes known as Moromillas Radec when stalking others) is an aspies' rights activist on JewTube who often makes videos about "AS" and gets too butthurt over Autism Speaks' lulz. He is also a bilingual Britfag fluent in Assburger's and British-English with a reluctance for providing citations and statistics, because of course: he's autistic, and self-righteous aspies are always right.

A Breakdown of His Mentality and How to Keep Him Feeling Triggered

  • If you use "Asperger's Syndrome" and "humans" as different topics, he will feel infinitely triggered, especially if you provide both lulz and facts that can prove him to be incorrect.
  • Ask him the last time he wasn't an autistic manchild with an e-go to compensate for his small dick.
  • Call him an aspie or assburger.
  • Ask him why he is a hypocrite.
  • Call him the most autistic faggot.
  • Make him your bitch by outsmarting him.
  • If he tries putting words in your mouth, call him out to make him look like the stupid autistic fuck he is.
  • Tell him that autistic people are inhumane, sub-human wastes of cum.
    • Or tell it to his face for double the triggerz
  • Outsmart him and call him out for being an unprofessional aspie.
  • Tell him that "species" and "syndrome" are two completely different words.
  • Ask him for a tour of his home.
  • Ask him when he got his Assburgers.
  • Show him this.
  • If he accuses you of hate speech, call him out for slander, which he'll do, yet never admit to.
  • Call his "facts" opinions; this works on most Britfags.
  • If he is stalking you, call him out.

Autism Explained (By a Vlogger for the Billionth Time)


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