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2010s is part of a series on Time |

The 2010s was the previous decade, spanning from 2010 to 2019. Eternal September hit the intarwebs hard, and now it's cool- the norm, to be a memefag autist IRL. This brought in a sea of NORP retards who have completely destroyed most of the internet's culture. During the beginning of this decade this decade showed a lot of promise with the first two years actually being some-what decent, but then in 2013 a huge cancer known as social justice ended up infecting the west with the rise of Tumblr blogs and the Black Lives Matter movement which in turn caused a chain of events that caused this decade to be much worse than the 2000s. Most web developers have dumbed-down all of their sites and removed a significant amount of features; YouTube is a notable example. Generation Z has also significantly contributed to the decline of e-culture, and indeed Western Civilization as a whole. Millenials and Z-fags are of an adult age by now, and are infamous for being Hipsters or hypersexual degenerate freaks. Furry porn and MLP porn are fapped to by youth. A majority of the masses fully accept Homosexuality, Trannies, and are even starting to fight for the rights of Pedophiles. Global Warming (or the jews) has started to significantly fuck Earth's shit up. The 2016 elections of Dumbfuckistan were one of the most significant events of the decade, when The Donald took on the Republicans, hijacked their party, and kicked Hillary Clinton's crusty ass, becoming the world's most powerful person for 4 years. There were a significant amount of mass shootings, with dozens of players successfully reaching the High Score. The SJW menace has taken complete control of mainstream society, and instigated something worse than 1984 into reality, along with the help of the governments of the world. World War 3 was nearly averted due to the alliance between Trump and Putin. By the time the decade was over, society had almost completely become a degenerate, marxist Idiocracy.
What happened?

- The Great Recession was still brutally raeping the global economy.
- Sand People get riled up over corrupt dictators, and stage the Arab Spring.
- Obama ends the Iraq War. Collaborating with Israel, he helps to form ISIS. He also invades Libya and murders Muammar Gaddafi to destabilize the country for oil profits. He also destabilizes Syria for even moar oil. Russia steps in to defend it's ally, and being the cowards that they are, America steps the fuck down.
- 3D Printers become commonplace
- The drug war in Mexico claims 60,000 to 120,000 by now. Good riddance.
- A fuckload of terrorist attacks on civilians occur. Only those committed against White people get any drama, for obvious reasons.
- Notable massacres include Charlie Hebdo, ISIS Paris Attack 13-11, Pulse Nightclub Massacre, Dogo Nahawa Massacre, San Bernardino Shooting, Boston Marathon Bombing.
- Even more terrorist attacks occur, but they're typically committed by suburban white guys, so the media plays it off as Mental illness. These Mass Shootings eventually get old and unfunny, but Liberals still try to call for Gun Control in the same levels of autism seen back in 1999 when Columbine went down.
- Notable shooters include Jared Lee Loughner, Adam Lanza, James Holmes, Anders Behring Breivik, Chris Harper-Mercer, Dmitry Vinogradov, Dylann Storm Roof, Aaron Alexis, Elliot Rodger, Malik Nadal Hasan, and TJ Lane.
- The GNAA conducts several lulzy operations, such as 2012 GNAA Tumblr Ruin, Cut4Bieber, SANDYLOOTCREW and Linux for Niggers. Weev was also elected as el presidente of the esteemed organization.
- 4chan entirely becomes cancer. Moot sells out, and 8chan rises from the ashes.
- After the degeneracy of several gaming journalists / developers, autistic nerds form the GamerGate movement, which causes a category 5 shitstorm and e-war.
By Year

- Haiti gets pwn'd by an earthquake. Around this time, the Deepwater Horizon disaster goes down.
- That gay ass My Little Pony remake is released. Millions of degenerate cancerous freaks, known as Bronies worship the show, despite being typically 14~40 year old males.
- OldDirtyBtard becomes An hero. We won't forget you :(
- A bunch of Wikileaks drama
- Weev gets v&.

- CopperCab is crowned the King of /b/.
- Jessi Slaughter makes an ass of herself and becomes the most trolled kid in the history of teh intarweb. Even moar than the Angry Homo Kid.
- The remaining Patriotic Nigras are crushed by the admins.
- Japan Crisis of 2011 - God hates Japan
- Encyclopedia Dramatica gets shut down by the landwhale Girlvinyl. **We managed to overcome, and came back better than ever before- welcome to ED 2.0!
- Sony's Playstation Network gets hax0red. HARD.
- Chris-chan is discovered to be a Tranny.
- That autistic Nyan Cat meme is born.
- Osama Bin Laden is murdered by the americans. Please get revenge.. Avenge our fallen idol!
- LulzSec, a "Hacker" group, is formed, and skids a fuckload of sites, making mainstream news. It quickly collapses after the FBI v&s a fuckload of the membership. Lots of them snitch each other out.
- Ryan Dunn drinks, drives, and dies.
- Anthony shows his Weiner.
- Seth Putnam, the creator of the world's best band Anal Cunt, OD's on meth and dies. RIP
- Anders Breivik fucking PWN's Norway, and becomes the GRAND CHAMPION of the High Score, with 77 killed! GODLIKE.
- Occupy Wall Street
- Steve Jobs gets aids and dies. Good riddance.
- SOPA spreads fear throughout the tubes.

- Francesco Schettino Crashes his boat, killing dozens for the lulz.
- Kony 2012 drama occurs. Some nigger scams the world or some shit.
- Luka Magnotta gets v& after an intensive manhunt.
- James Holmes frags a dozen and injures 70 moar after he perpetrates the Aurora Theatre Shooting. EXTREME calls for gun control follow shortly after.
- Aleksandr Pistoletov becomes the next Meatspin.
- 2012 Elections begin - the nig Obama gets re-elected.
- After sucking 37 dicks, Amanda Todd becomes an hero, and gets the Golden iPod.
- Hurricane Sandy fucks up New England. GNAA trolls the old media.
- Adam Lanza massacres nearly 30 people; Sandy Hook becomes the driving force for some of the most extensive censorship and gun control seen yet!
- The world doesn't end on the 21st.

- Aaron Swartz kills himself.
- Trolls from 4chan and GNAA troll teenage girls, via creation of the Cut4Bieber movement.
- Chris Dorner performs community service, by killing some fucking cops and surviving his 6 star wanted level for a while.
- TJ Lane goes to trial and trolls everyone, becoming an extreme sensation.
- Yeiner Perez has an episode.
- OhInternet shuts down. Nobody gives a fuck.

- Monica Punk becomes the next punching bag of the troll army.
- After making dozens of serial killer-esque vlogs.
- Elliot Rodger commits mass murder and becomes an hero, causing a fuckload of drama.
- Ferguson Chimps out, after a nigger attacks people and gets rightfully pwn'd by the pigs.
- James Foley gets beheaded by ISIS.
- Robin Williams becomes an hero.
- Zoe Quinn gets called out for sucking 37 dicks. The drama forms into the GamerGate movement.
- TJ Lane escapes from prison on September 11th. He gets captured immediately afterwards.
- 4chan dies due to AIDS
- The 10th anniversary of this site.

- SJWs finally have full reign on society transforming 2015 into the beginning of an eternal reign of terror on society known as the CURRENT YEAR.
- A degenerate tranny named Leelah Alcorn kills
herhimself by jumping in front of a truck. Extreme lulz commence. - Charlie Hebdo is nearly assasinated by... Muslims.
- An EDiot and his friends create Muhammad Sex Simulator 2015. Sadly, a media blackout occurs, preventing a massive Muslim chimpout.
- A respectable cop kills another savage ape, sparking another Chimpout. This time, it's in Baltimore.
- Fucktons of Mass Shootings occur this year.
- Jared Fogle is convicted of Pedophilia.
- Lightning strikes Mecca, collapsing a crane and killing hundreds of Muslims. Karma.
- France gets shot up again. This time 120+ French fags get fucking killed. The Religion of Peace strikes again!!

- European Migrant Crisis - Germany gets cucked hard via Rapefugees.
- Zika outbreak
- Gawker Media is forced to pay $115,000,000 to Hulk Hogan for leaking his sex tape.
- The great Shuttening occurs; basically the kikes start shutting down free speech everywhere.
- Omar Mateen becomes the American high score, pwning Cho Seung Hui. 50 dead fags (including Omar) lose their lives after a mass shooting of legendary proportions.
- The UK begins to leave the EU, motivating other European countries to follow suit.
- 2 words: President. Trump.
- Final Fantasy VII is 20 years old now. Are you feeling old?
- 10th anniversary of the Virginia Tech massacre, and Pekka-Eric Auvinen's genocide crusade.
- Most of the memes of the golden age of 06~09 are a decade old now. Feeling elderly?
- William Atchison tries to go for a high score but fails thanks to a couch.
- Logan Paul laughs at a dead body in a forest for views.
- Humans devolve enough to the point where they eat a Tide Pod.
- Nikolas Jacob Cruz dethrones the heroes at Columbine for the highest score in an American High School.
- All your base is 20 years old.
- The lulzy Leicester Helicopter Crash occurs.
- Stephen Hillenburg, the creator of SpongeBob SquarePants dies of ALS in a tragic and sad death. Hillenburg's show is handed back to {{{them}}} resulting in more terrible seasons of post-movie SpongeBob causing Millenials and Gen Z to cry themselves to sleep.
- George Herbert Walker Bush dies. Rest in Piss.
- 20th anniversary of the Columbine massacre.
- 5th anniversary of Zoe Quinn fucking Kotaku journalists for favors that birthed GamerGate.
State of the modern millenial male
rise of a troll-god
Scenery of an annual american chimpout
See Also
- The years: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, CURRENT YEAR, CURRENT YEAR +1, CURRENT YEAR +2, CURRENT YEAR +3, CURRENT YEAR +4...
- Time
- The Future
- 2020s - Inferior successor
- 2000s - Superior predecessor
- 1990s
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