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YouTube Poop
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Confused? Perhaps you were looking for Bob Rehahn, who gives the phrase "Youtube Poop" a whole different meaning. |
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This article does not need any more shameless self promotion, not at all. You can help by not adding anything, especially not shameless self promotion. |

YouTube Poop is a term used to describe YouTube videos that consist of a bunch of clips from random cartoons, informercials and live action children's programming mashed together with shitty jokes and over-used running gags. The name is a rare display of competence from the autists responsible for their creation as it shows that they recognize these videos as shit. YTPs are somewhat similar to AMVs, but have somehow managed to last far beyond the mid-00's Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park and Evanescence-fuelled era of teenage edge, and as a result are much, much worse (don't ask how that is so; noone knows why). The first video to be recognized as a YouTube Poop was I'D SAY HE'S HOT ON OUR TAIL by SuperYoshi, though that was originally posted to Sheezyart on December 22, 2004, a full four months prior to the creation of YouTube. In a shocking twist, some people who make these videos scarcely use these clips, opting for either their own memes or something more "original". Regardless, over time YouTube Poops have remained surprisingly popular, enough so to have spawned a site early on in their lifespan. According to that site, many good memes are considered old and forced, which is so true it's not even funny. These YouTube Poops are also posted in many an article (mostly the Sonic the Hedgehog article) by attention whore YouTube Poop makers so they can attempt to get recognition. Many parents and their kids have seen this epic fail, so they criticized the YTP society and blocked their kids from watching videos on YouTube.
The Myth
As was mentioned in the previous paragraph, the consensus is split between YouTubers that believe YTP was created by SuperYoshi, despite not initially submitting his work to YouTube (and allegedly having an autistic fit over those who did) or some other asshole with no life. Some geniuses believe it was created by MrSimonAlt. Some Huezilians believe it was someone else entirely. Who gives a flying shit? For all of the retrofags out there who have watched at least 100 animations from Last Thursday, they believe that the history of YTP can be directly traced back to the likes of YTMND and All your base are belong to us from around the turn of the century. As anyone not afflicted with the 'tism can attest, the concept of video editing for the purpose of absurdist humor is not a recent concept in the slightest.
The true predecessors
Daffy Duck
World War II
Even British and American newsreels took a swing at it during Hitler's reign.
Some ausfags
The true predecessor of pooping has been traced back by Aspies to the mid-80s. That was when an Austrian artfilmfag named Martin Arnold started cutting up video tapes and film strips of old movies no one remembers and taping them back together so that the same scenes repeat over and over and it looks like the characters are humping things. His most famous "movie" came about in 1998 when he tore up VHS copies of Andy Hardy, and created Alone. Life Wastes Andy Hardy. Unlike his modern day successors, filmfags cream themselves over his work and try to claim that they contain symbolism and said humping represents hidden Freudian desires in the actors or some shit. Said filmfags would probably never be caught dead watching a Youtube Poop, despite their technical superiority and often more in-depth storylines outside of X humps Y lmao.
Part 1. Previous Video | Next Video |
AKA Cult Toons
In 1999, Cartoon Network U.K. took Arnold's methods and added childhood nostalgia to the mix with Cult Toons, a remix series that aired on the late night block aka Cartoon Network. This cut up classic cartoons and used memes derived from black person movies and other lame-ass shows to really add little new or relevant to the series being used for the memes. So successful was this that CN canceled it and replaced it with endless reruns of Space Ghost and failed pilot shorts from Seth McFarlane.
Many have likened Youtube Poop to cancer, and they aren't wrong. Much like cancer, it has slowly metastasized over time into a form that is entirely unrecognizable from its predecessors. As a result, it is now almost impossible to watch any YTP made prior to 2010 without cringing hard at the lack of imagination and creativity that plagued the "artform" early on.
Phase I: WMM edits (2006 - 2008)
As long as your birth year didn't begin with a 2 and you had access to a computer by your 10th birthday, you know what these are. Simple, unfunny, it's a wonder how these ever got the number of views they ended up getting. Sentence mixing was more-or-less non existent and the few swears you heard were either spliced in from other sources or formed from mondegreens contained within the original source material, hence the likes of Pingas, Piness, & Gay Luigi. This era arguably died when some of the disgruntled original content creators (Colgate in particular) caught wind of what people were doing with their previously boring educational videos and started taking down YTPs in droves.
Though made years after the fact, this is essentially every 2006 - 2008 YTP in a nutshell. Almost nothing of worth was produced during this time period.
Common sauces:
- 300
- Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
- Chadwardenn
- Dr. Rabbit
- Philips CDi Games
- Super Mario 3/Super Mario World
- Volvic
Phase II: Early Vegas edits (2009 - 2011)
With technology improving at a continuous rate, and Youtube implementing quality options beyond that of a potato, YTPs began to venture out beyond the norm. The success garnered by the earlier YTPs enticed budding VFX artists to take their slice of the pie, all the while established names grew more proficient with their skills. During this time, even those with a sufficiently low IQ to consume Poop as one would consume any other unmolested form of media knew that the pre-existing sources were not enough to maintain this momentum in the long run and so creators started throwing shit at the wall to see what would stick and what wouldn't.
One of the key landmark YTPs, its author never uploaded again.
Common sauces:
Phase III: Advanced Vegas edits (2012 - 2014)
After a couple of years of this crap, a new breed of YTPers began to emerge, because when a fad starts among young people, they tend to pass it down and dilute it, similar to how schoolchildren continue to draw the "cool S" to this day on their tables and in their books. And because these individuals had grown up watching earlier efforts, they already had a good idea on what worked and what didn't. And so, they began to push the barrier even further to more absurd and surreal extremes. A major part of this era also concerned Montage Parodies, but nobody gives a fuck about those.
Don't even try to make sense of this.
Common sauces:
Phase IV: Exploitables (2015 - present)
And this is where we are today. Much like in the early days, modern poops utilize the same sources, except this time around they tend to keep to their original source rather than mash everything into an incoherent mess.
By this point, YTPMVs are merely a subset of YTP rather than their own thing.
Common sauces:
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STOP RIGHT THERE, FAGGOT! ED does NOT need a huge list of absolute nobodies, nor does it give a shit about your petty forum feud with that bitch who doesn't agree with your Zutara OTP. Rather than spreading your butthurt vendetta over to this site, how about you read ED:101 and ED:A User's Guide to Article Building. And while you're at it, how about contributing to some actual drama you fucking idiot? |
He is thou whom openeth Pandora's anus and first scateth upon YouTubius. (A.K.A. THE FUCKING CREATOR OF THIS SHIT)
The faggotry that started it all:
Though banned from YouTube, Igiulamam lived on through her other account, oiramapap before retiring to become a furfag on DeviantArt. She is especially popular for her Robotnik music videos (or YouTube Poop Music Videos, YTPMV's), including "Tomorrow I'll", "It's From the Show", and "Robotnik's Tea Party". She was exposed for the furry she is at one point, but refused to admit just how sick she really is.
An example of the shit she creates:
Best known for his Robotnik poops, which are all shit, as well as his erotic relationship with haggis, as well as Coming Soon on Sesame Street, Ideh, and Diploma Dope. He started the pingas meme. His alt account is KingStegBlob, which he just uses to upload episodes of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario and the Captain N cartoons, as well as the "Sonic Sez" segments from said Sonic show. His most noted sexual fantasy involves him becoming the owner of the moon, which he enjoys shoving in his anus. (He has a contract to prove it. Unfortunately, due to a time paradox, it expired 1,239 days ago, just like him. Boo-hoo.) He's also a /v/irgin, which just adds to the fail. Currently claims to have retired.
mrSimonAlt (also ElectrictheCheese)
The most disgustingly popular of these cunts. He is an all-powerful britfag and faps to pictures of himself. His over-inflated ego could fill the Pacific ocean. Wishes he wasn't a virgin such as the majority of his fanbase.
Terminally unfunny cunthead who thinks ear-rape and shitty WMM effects are the paragon of hilarity.
"Deepercutt, when it comes to love he's dust, when it comes to being lucky he's dust" -Kroboproductions
Deepercutt is one of the best poopers, he is a awesome 13 year old boy who is a black person.
Deepercutt IRL
An extremely lackluster pooper with no idea what he is doing. Retarded users watch his videos. He was once suspended. This caused a bunch of stupid ass fanboys to get butthurt. But he eventually got his account back for spending good time for something this serious. If you give a big enough shit about it, you can read about it on his dA account.
At one stage he released a video revealing that his dog had AIDS or something and asking everyone to pray for him; so evidently he is a Christfag; which puts him on a whole new level of retardation.
His account was hacked by Capcom, and it was closed. Gay members whined for a bit and things have cooled down. He plans on releasing his poops into theaters and getting fucked by the MPAA and returning to Hell to animate for assholes who don't respect him anyway.
Pooper who makes lulz by making cartoon characters fuck each other with awesome sentence mixing in WMM.
Hot orgies!
KroboProductions[Now Dikekike/KroboConjunctions/Nigger]
An unfunny furfag who creates incredibly slow-paced poops. He hasn't made anything since last Thursday, so they've turned to Deepercutt. With 22,775 subscribers, he was probably the next self-indulgent subscriber fanservice whore.
Unfunny Jew who tends to think that sentence mixing about incest, furfaggotry, and phallic body parts is entertaining. Also has real videos, but nobody cares about that shit.
Insert discussion of his unfunny Disney YouTube Poops here.
A King Dedede-obsessed manchild who actually admits that his poops suck. Also he did that one shitty video involving Dedede splicing with genie's singing voice.
A redneck, half-chink, vegan memelord; with a strong negative opinion on normies like behind the meme. In fact, Emp got so unbelievably butthurt about BtM's review of YouTube Poop, that it cause him to sperg out and banish BehindtheMeme to the deps of irrelevenct. Emp. is also an Anthony Fantano dick rider who also has taken to becoming a Pseudo-intellectual YouTube Ranter ranting about Logan Paul, LeafyIsHere, and modern YouTube. He also has come out as a Jacksonville Jaguars fan, this video.
"Scary" YouTube pooper who is in no way similar to LinkOnDrugs. Currently claims to be a woman. Couldn't even spell it's own name right (there are 2 L's in falafel)
re-uploaded for your enjoyment because even it refuses to watch its own videos
Probably the most unfunny of the bunch, mainly due to the fact that his videos typically consist of nothing but poorly done sex jokes and Adobe Premiere effect spam. That being said, almost any of the faggot 13-year-old boys currently taking over this site's niggerbase will argue that cs188 is the best motherfucking pooper in the world. He is also known for liking Nickelback.
Moar info: Attackofthehank.
A Canadian basement dweller that makes ear raping poops. When he cannot come up with ideas he adds excessive sauce and sex jokes.
He is a unfunny American douchebag who does terrible black jokes and uses only one source since he cannot use other sources and thinks the pinnicle of funny is giving a character a robot filter on their voice.
An Irishfag now retired poops to peruse into his animation career, his poops; consisting of SpongeBob, Pixar, Thomas the Tank Engine, Barney, and recently Shrek; are considered gold tier, though his butthurt aspies demand him with more 9/11 jokes; not that the jokes are bad, but since these fans are either spoiled rotten 12-year-old kids or they're autists in their late-30s...
Boxxy dressed up as a youtube poop whore who likes "Big black cock" and likes to suck Deepercut's penis all the time. She has a obsession with Bill Cosby and usually makes poops of old TV shows that nobody cares about.Is also unfunny and a hick of cs188.
A total pussy of a Pooper, who is notorious for his insistence on keeping his poops clean. This of course horribly limits the shit he can do, so his videos are largely composed of nothing but swapping words around here and there, or forward-reversing so much that half of any given poop is just people going "Sus" over and over again.
Pie Pivotmontier-O
Some 16-year-old dipshit who had a profile pic of Squidward with a white beard. This talentless faggot used SpongeBob SquarePants as a main sources more so than the aforementioned Awful Fawful, cartoonlover98, and EmpLemon combined, along with trying too hard to be a dankster, and forced his opinions and hatred of certain YouTubers into his YTPs. It was announced that on February 16th, 2019, he became an hero because of abusive parents.
Just James
A Britfag who primarily takes sources from crappy British TV shows, and is notorious for the overused "Hapax Legomenenon" jokes and his strong hateboner for Ford Fiestas. Unlike the source material, the videos are some-what entertaining, though to other braindead Britfags anyway so not a massive accomplishment anyway.
8-Bit Guy YTP Productions
In a nutshell and to sum up as nicely as possible, this faggot makes fanfictions of a YouTuber known as The 8-Bit Guy but are in the form of a YTP video. Commonly brings Techmoan, another similar YouTuber, into these fanfictions to add more lulz in the mix. Results of said lulz may vary, but there is of course an overuse of various karaoke clips that Techmoan has done in his videos.
See also
- YouTube Poop: The Movie
- Animation Meme
- Unfunny
- Cancer
- Windows Movie Maker
- Sony Vegas
- SMG4
- The rEactor - Formerly stalking others, but is now redeemed.
- Keegan Salisbury - Some unwanted fat 17-year-old fuck who likes to abuse Kylie and manipulate his friends, yet the community wouldn't even let him back in.
- Camhead - A fucking disgusting pedo with severe buttsex addiction to dogs, heck the community won't accept him.
- CyansWorldCartoon/DiamondCounter - A former malaytard ytper that was exiled from the community for his Plagiarism and goanimate fetish porn 3 years before predicting camhead by 2 months
YouTube Poop memes
- Hotel Mario
- Robotnik
- Mama Luigi
- King of the Hill
- Kirby Right Back at Ya!
- Pixar
- Stu makes chocolate pudding at 4 in the morning
- Spongebob Squarepants
- Regular Show
- Gravity Falls
- JonTron
- Donkey Kong Country
- Sesame Street
- Sailor Moon
- Dragonball Z
- Steven Universe
- Nostalgia Critic
- Star vs. the Forces of Evil
- Death Grips
- Filthy Frank
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