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Contact an admin on Discord or EDF if you want an account. Also fuck bots.


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Not to be confused with food.

This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
This person is a sick fuck!

They should never be trusted by anyone!

Possible side-effects will include at least one of these:

  2. Bestiality
  3. Cuckoldry
This faggot waits for the child to make the first move in a sexual situation.
You can help by contacting Federal Authorities and alerting Chris Hansen.
A smug-ass Joodistzen.
Name "Kai Gallagher"
Gender Male
Occupation Free Robux Scammer, Babytroll
Nationality 56  
Residence Washington, Jewnited States of Americunts
Religion Judaism

Foodistzen, aka "Kai Gallagher", was an aspergic 13-year-old boy troll of the most heinous variety who grew to infamy uploading provocative videos mocking recently deceased e-celebrities to YouTube, taking part in harassment campaigns, hosting Discord servers for shearing hilarious gore, cp and animal abuse and also garnering a troll cult to follow in his footsteps.

In short, he is the epitome of lulz.


Foodistzen created his channel in 2021 with the purpose of fighting online bullying and outing other creators for racism, homophobia, PEDOPHOBIA, ect. whilst spreading misinformation and setting up the most egregious rage bait. His style typically consisted of mocking recently deceased e-celebs or those close to them by making up obviously fake rumors about them and explaining why they are currently burning in Hell and why they deserve it. Some e-celebs that Foodistzen has mocked include Technoblade, JackSepticeye's dad, Markiplier's niece, PewDiePie's dog, and many more. As one could imagine, Foodistzen's channel was consequently terminated from YouTube and most other social media platforms. However, the trolling did not stop there and instead went underground.

He also livestreamed in public once and he forgot that he wasn't on the internet.


Both Yanuze and Minecraftfunnyman245, also known as Kai Gallagher, were making fun of a member named Daniel Bowler for being overweight. They were soon calling him a, as they call, "Foodist" due to the fact that obese fucks like to eat a lot of food. Kai Gallagher and Yanuze both started to use the word "Foodist" in their name to further berate him. Kai Gallagher renamed himself to "Foodistzen" and Yanuze renamed himself to "Daniel Foodist Man" in homage to Daniel Bowler. Soon the whole group adopted the moniker "Foodist" and started to refer to themselves as "Foodist."


—On the etymology of "Foodist".

The Foodists are the followers of Foodistzen. It is their duty to imitate his style of trolling and content creation. They can be seen promoting anything that is morally incomprehensible such as pedophilia and zoosadism, and often times actually possess such material themselves. They usually sport nazi and alt-right insignia as well and incorporate their content in a parodic mockery of Yt rant videos, clickbait videos and Gacha Life videos with reference to shock videos.

Foodists proclaim that they were not derived out of the UTTP, but the similarities sure are striking.

Skibidi Farms (Formerly

If you visit right now, it will redirect to Skibidi Farms.
clayparty co-owner here, kiwifarms is homosexual dogshit dont ever compare us to those sodomites. was a forum made by and for foodists; or "clay eaters". Quintessentially, it is a sort of trolling, harassing and doxxing index similar to Kiwifarms. They do pretty much all the same shit, but drops the moralfagging and encourages its users to harass, dox and abuse lolcows (or anyone they don't like), even if they don't fit a criteria befitting of a lolcow. It is considered a win if one of their victims end up slitting their wrists or roping themselves.


ED is not your personal army.

Foodistzen was doxxed but he didn't care lol.

Taking down Encyclopedia Dramatica?

[...] our site is MUCH BETTER than the shit-filled bathtub you call a forum, which you happily bathe, soak, and marinate in for literal hours every single day.


—Klasky Csupo THDTC TSPL, Skibidi Farms Moderator

Foodists within the Skibidi Farms circlejerk (according to NEVER GOON) may have been responsible recent DDoS attacks against Encyclopedia Dramatica. It is possible they did this because after they compromised all of MarioMario456's social accounts, their extortion sect. failed to get their hands on .win after the owner of the latter SHUT IT DOWN upon making a deal with the rest of the staff. A little dirt digging can reveal that a Skibidi Farms moderator has impersonated an EDF user and tried to make him out as a pedophile[1]. What had attracted him do this could have had something to do with the increasing prevalence of Sharty culture on the website, whom they have beef with for some reason despite being basically the same things.

Take note that when NEVER GOON came to the conclusion that foodists were behind the attack, many foodists started to join EDF and protested against his power, confirming it was them behind the attacks.

See Also

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Taking Down ED

[Retreat!Do It Faggot]

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AddyAdf-fuensalida/Ahuviya HarelAlexander4488Alexander JahansAlex JonesAmuriaAnailaighAngela BeesleyAngry Homo KidAnimatedJamesAnita SarkeesianAnonymous AsexualAnthony 'A-Log' LoGattoAntandrusBeanBenthelooneyBikerfoxBirdieBoogie2988BroniesChasethehedgehogcheese1997CheeyevChris ForcandChris-chanChris HansenClay ClaymoreConnor CochranCooking With Jack ShowCopperCabCorkyCristaliCyraxxDalavestaDan LiretteDaniel LarsonDerek SavageDestinyMewDivineAngelDodgerofZionDoe DeereDogpatch PressDon HenrieDrago-draciniDragonmorphDreamDrewTheFoxDarksydePhilDurovaDrMusic2DwarlinggirlxcoreElliot RodgerEthan KleinEthan RalphFists_The_EchidnaFurriesFuturisticHubGame2WinterGirlvinylGlen and Valerie SmithGoddessMilleniaGorgeous GeorgegraykatHal TurnerHermanHol TigerHozupindahows00sI Dislike Cis PeopleIDubbbzTVIsabella Loretta Janke‎InSaNe-REYNARDInmendhamIntellectual CheckmateJared MiltonJerry PeetJessi SlaughterJihadunspun.comJolene JRydaJosephtheloverJoshua MoonJuggalosJustinRPGKeffalsKimmo AlmKrimpetKiwi FarmsLee GoldsonLiart66List of lolcowsLittlefagLizzieyLolcow.farmLolcowLiveLord FoxworthLord Rexington FearLove ShyLow Tier GodLuigispiritkeeper08LuvmonkeysMangsMariotehplumberMatrooko11MeganSpeaksMessyTailsMeta527IIMike MateiMikemikevMisha SilenostiMissLaVeyMisterpoetMolecularMageXDMONGOMontagraphMoviebobMr.A.T.AndreiThomasMylarBalloonFanN. Brio da ZueraNate SpidgewoodnathanrNeo-classic-nekoNephilimFreeNick BateNick "Corky" BravoNick FuentesNikocado AvocadoNihilistic SnakeObjectfagsOnideusOnigojirakaijuPatrick S. TomlinsonPeluchin EntertainmentPixelArtGalorePixelbeePlotahedron9Prince JeremyProfessor KuhtoonsRachel CorrieRandy StairRachel CorrieRandomlaughingmanReviewTechUSARobert TraceyRobert Wayne StilesRogue, Internet ManSammyClassicSonicFansapphydracasesSceptreSeleneSephirothPrincess941Shoe0nHeadSiegepilled ZoomerSmartschoolboy9SnackyCakes2008SnapesnoggerSokiTwopawStyxhexenhammer666Super Minecraft KidTakedownmanTariq NasheedTawneelynneTeruchanTerry DavisThat Vegan TeacherTheAmazingAtheistTheft KingTheMysteriousMrEnterThe rEactorTheSpoonyOneThe Unknown AutobotThorTimboxToby J RathjenTom CruiseTom PrestonUlillilliaUltimateUKFFFanUniversalUrsweetyUTTPValis77Vegan GainsVideoGamePhenomVonheltonWingsofRedemptionXaviawillg8686YandereDevZac BertschyZoe Quinn

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Those Dying Alone

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