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LiveJournal is where words go to die. LiveJournal long ago succumbed to the massive butthurt brought on by MySpace, who in turn was the recipient of surprise sex from Facebook, while simultaneously getting in the mouth by Twatter, and being laughed at by the then dominant Queen of Hugboxes Tumblr, until it committed it suicide to be dethroned by Twatter, who faps in the corner watching. There is no permanency on teh interwebz. If it bothers you that much, go be an hero.

When you see this: assume the position.

Typically abbreviated as "LJ," and "eljay," and occasionally by nerdraged users as "elgay," LiveJournal is a free online journaling service created by Brad Fritzl (son of Josef) under the Danga Company owned by Mena of Six Apart, who described LJ as "a journalling service with a lot of teen girls screaming OMG."

Just gay.
Userinfo and passport to idiocy.

Often seen as a seething, attention-starved hivemind of histrionic 16 year old girls, furries, homosexuals, middle-aged virgins, old memes and the occasional fundie nutcase. Such a collection of drama obviously needs referees to occasionally keep combatants apart. The gestapo corps of LJ Abuse fulfills that role. Regardless of their status as any of the above, At least 100 percent of LiveJournal female/gay users are either pro-ana or BBW. The rest are lying about not being female or gay. Weights of members range from 45-85 and 400-999,699. However, midgets of a relatively normal weight (because all midgets are also fat dykes, but not all fat dykes are midgets) and Ann Coulter (and her dyke cheerleader counterpart, Rachel Maddow) are also members of LiveJournal.

In recent years LiveJournal has continued its decline into obscurity behind such blogging sites as Wordpress or Blogger. Encyclopedia Dramatica was originally created to document LJ drama before branching out to include /b/ culture and eventually all teh interwebz. Æ even hosts a portal dedicated to LiveJournal, which just like the site today, is as dead as OldDirtyBtard and is shit no one cares about. But, since ED owes its heritage to LJ, let's all have an introspective moment of silence for poor old LiveJournal.

Proof all bloggers are pedophiles

Can't argue with that.
This is the only reason anyone in his right mind would give two shits about LiveJournal.

Recently (Last thursday to be more precise), Perverted-Justice wrote an article about the "pedophile" and "pedophile sympathizers" scene on LiveJournal. No doubt the NAMBLA fucks over at LiveJournal are wiping their hard drives of the evidence as we speak.

The Great Strike-Through of 2007

On or around May 29th of 2007, SixApart, in a knee-jerk reaction to some homophobic, psychopathic right-wing Christian militant group called Warriors for Innocence - made up entirely of kids whose daddies liked to molest them when Mommy was out working the streets - PMSing at them that their site harbored pedophiles, child-molesters, etc. et al. In response, SixApart did what any good corporation would do - DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING! SixApart baleeted well over 9000!!! journals in a matter of a few hours, if there was any reference to loli, shota, fucking little boys, pedophilia, or Your mom. The downside of this, is that numerous survivor communities were taken out by sniper fire from the dark. What really sealed SixApart's fate though, was that some of those communities that were taken out were, yep, you guessed it, FANDOM communities, primarily, yaoi and slash fandom communities. With the impending threat of having to move to Greatest Journal to get their fix of Harry Potter fucking Draco Malfoy, the militant lesbian factions of the internets swarmed on LiveJournal, refusing to let this affront to their sensibilities and only source of masturbatory material go unchallenged. SixApart, realizing they pulled a hell of a boner, tried to make it go away as quickly as possible. It later surfaced that this house cleaning was pulled 13 days before SixApart make their first IPO on the stock market. Users were not amused.


29 November 2007: Because being called Nazi censorship freaks once wasn't enough, LiveJournal implements a new flagging system comprising two parts: the option for users to label their personal journals as "adult," and a little flag button on every entry to allow users to send insta-reports to LJ Abuse. Since such a feature could never possibly be abused in any fashion, especially not by people with stupid grudges, users hailed this innovation as a great boon.

The Butthurt Report Form

Use scrollbar to see the full image

The all important Butthurt Report Form

In Soviet Russia, internet writes on you

2 December 2007: SixApart announces that LiveJournal has been sold to the Russians. Massive anti-Communist wank, Russian hate, standard paranoia, and a few lulzy "SUP WILL SAVE LIVEJOURNAL FOR FANDOM!!" responses ensued.

Also, the Russian liberal intelligentsia (which is actually a major bulk of Russian LiveJournal users) despises the fact that LJ is now Russian and subject to Putin's evil regime.

So it goes.


See Also

External links

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Visit the Trolls Portal for complete coverage.

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Social Media

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LiveJournal is part of a series on


Visit the LiveJournal Portal for complete coverage.

LiveJournal is part of a series on Language & Communication
Languages and DialectsGrammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Style, and UsageRhetorical StrategiesPoetryThe Politics of Language and CommunicationMediaVisual Rhetoric
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[...and then there was a gay orgy.It was a dark and stormy night...]

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See also

But What Are Your Thoughts On Yaoi?Chekhov's GunFandomFanfic lesbiansFantardNo lifeOriginal characterOriginal fictionPlagiarismSherlockPlot bunnySelf-insertWapaneseMy Little Pony

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LiveJournal is part of a series on Dying Alone

[DeadCry yourself to sleep]

Featured article June 8, 2008
Preceded by
Hal Turner
LiveJournal Succeeded by
Anabelle Lotus