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Probably, most likely, uses way, way too many, of these commas.

Commas, punctuation marks meaning, of course, that the reader, you, should pause, if only for a moment. Supposedly, this mark, this "comma," makes one's writing, whether on paper, like an essay, or in a blog, exclusively on the internets, look more, professional, distinguished, even more, how should I, put it, eloquent.

However, there are, of course, problems, little quirks, associated with our friend, the comma. Commas, for starters, make sentences, like this one, run on, and on, and on, with no end, however weak, in sight.

In addition, they also, obviously, can cause, supposedly, major, flow, problems, if you, the reader, are forced, by commas, to stop, reading, however briefly, every, other, word. They make, for very, choppy, additive-filled, like cigarettes, writing.

A List, Of Sorts, Of Comma Users, Who Use Commas

Teenagers, the most foolish ones, who aspire to be writers, however unlikely, might overuse the comma, in order to seem, though this is easily seen through, to be more, how you say, grown-up.

Mexicans, the people of the south, of the border and of the continent, South America, where bananas come from, don't use commas, like we do, to count off thousands, in their system, of numbers I mean.

Commas, the subject of this, this article, are disallowed, illegal even, in AOLspeak.

Commas is part of a series on Language & Communication
Languages and DialectsGrammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Style, and UsageRhetorical StrategiesPoetryThe Politics of Language and CommunicationMediaVisual Rhetoric
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