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From the verb 'to translate', translation usually means to turn from one language into another (or from a foreign language into one's own).

There are many helpful foreign language translation sites such as Babelfish on the Internets; however, most are completely useless and/or inadequate.

For example, using an online translator to translate the above into Portuguese, from Portuguese into French, from French to Greek and then translate the resulting copypasta back into English, one gets the following:

The verb "s detraduire, the translation means generally you turn a language in other (or a language in in the EMU s clean). It in exists the such a lot of useful places of translation of sole as fishes Babel in the Internets however, the majority he is completely useless and/or insufficient.

Other Translations

Even in one's mother tongue, it's sometimes hard to understand what people are talking about. Such cultural 'quirks' as slang, patois, retardation and regional accents can make even your fellow countrymen hard to understand. Throw in copious amounts of booze and drugs and you may get the following.

In Teh Beginning

i do not knooooooooooooow

i den lægge for der var menneskene benævnt oprigtig, han var nok så begavet ungt

menneske hvem holdt af besøg hos mange, altså en

skønne dag oprigtig afgjort hen til skriv en paragraf i hans naturlig sprog at ingen ville

være habil hen til opfatte, den problem selvfølgelig var at han var ikke alarmeret

oprigtig irl altså han afgjort hen til indrømme hans selv den alias oven på den indre i

oprigtig. oprigtig var aktuelle nulevende i england men han var en influenza højttaler

i dansk, altså hvor oprigtig afgjort hen til hel hans drøm i det at skrive en ED

paragraf, han anvendte hans naturlig samtale - dansk.


to the begin there were man labeled genuine , he was very gifted ungt human whom liked visit to a lot of , consequently a find day genuine definitely to write a section to his artless languages that none ville være capable to interpret , the hangup of course were that he was no called genuine irl consequently he definitely to admit his themselves the alias after the home to genuine genuine were currently living to England however he was a flue speaker to danish , consequently where genuine definitely to whole his dream there that draw up a ED section , he used his artless talk -danish

Also, I'm completely fucked up on gin and Jenk and I'm using the Internets.


what will he do now?!?!?!/1/1/1?!

sadly den paragraf var vel overvejet ubrugelig eller ulæseligt af den ed

moderators og sadly var overstreget i nærværelse af hvilken som helst

pågældende kunne oversætte sig hos en ost online omkostningsfrit oversætter at gør

ikke fornemme hvor jer oversætte sig.


sadly the section were well considered useless or unreadable from the ed reasonable and sadly were deleted before any in question could interpret themselves by a cheese online free interpreter that doing no sense where you interpret themselves.

I Engelsk

after this frank saw pitty in these people and decided to nevar tell them what he really meant - did he call them a cunt? or a wanker? but frank refuses to tell those who dont speak danish and as a final insult he wrote the last part of his article in english.


after this stamp saw pitty up to date these people hoax decided two nevar tell them what he really meant did he call them a cunt? or a wanker? but stamp refuse two tell those who dont speak danish hoax as a finance insult he wrote tea cargo part of his sizeable up to date england.

Tragic Aftermath

In the aftermath of the tragic event of foreign language being splattered all over ED, Frank drew two pretty pictures, posted this article on teh Internets and continued to watch "National Treasure" 2 before returning to ED to find his article had been deleted?


Na aftermath da trágico evento de língua estrangeira ser chapinhar por todo ED , Franco desenhado dois bonita cenas , despachado esse artigo em teh Internet e continuou a relógio " nacional Tesouro " 2 antes de regressar a ED encontrar dele artigo tido estado apagar?

Works Fine For Retards

Ja znalezc online tlumaczenie byc kawalkiem ciasta, jakkolwiek jestem niedorozwiniety. Ja wiem to to jest nic byc dumny, ale to wlasciwie zmusza mnie bardziej koherentny pisarz.

Google translation: I find online translation to be a piece of cake, although I'm retarded. I know that this is nothing to be proud of, but it actually makes me a more coherent writer.

See Also

External Links

Translation is part of a series on Language & Communication
Languages and DialectsGrammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Style, and UsageRhetorical StrategiesPoetryThe Politics of Language and CommunicationMediaVisual Rhetoric
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