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Trixie is smart oh Trixie is funny oh Trixie Trixie Trixie.


Shaun Scootaloo, going by the handle "Sethisto", born on December 9, is a pony obsessed brony who regularly "clops" to his beloved waifu Trixie, aka a failure of a magician that regularly appears in the MLP. A typical afternoon for the oft proclaimed "king of the bronies" is devoted entirely to posting her and his many other waifus constantly and converting his armada of mindless followers to her every whim. When not obsessing over a blue horse, he can be found complaining about the modern state of video games and throwing bat wings on things, cause edgy is apparently his favourite past time. As of 2015, his waifu ended up getting shipped in canon with another mare, officially cucking him.

When Seth isn't fawning over ponies he goes out into the night to fight the dark forces of evil!
Yep. This is Seth's bed.

The majority of his income is based around posting compilations of saucy cartoon horses for mad brony bucks on his website, cause bronies can't get enough of that "Sweet Pony Ass". This has funded a life of depravity in a house filled to the brim with pony merchandise that would make even the most eccentric of collectors groan. He somehow finds time in his neverending pony circlejerk to endlessly play World of Warcraft while constantly bitching about it at the same time on Discord. When asked why he plays it? Because he has nothing better to do. A true pariah of society if ever there was one.


Since moving out at the humble age of late 20's, Foreveralone with an endless supply of The Great and Powerful Trixie body pillows donated by his brainless brony following, Sethisto doesn't often find time to do anything other than swim around in a pool filled with them while daydreaming about how much he'd love to take care of her and make her a better pony. When asked why he is obsessed with a pony, he regularly answers with "how could I not be when I'm surrounded with them all the time?". In reality, he was into dat pony plot from day 1. A self proclaimed INTJ, the only "mastermind" he gets out of it is being a "mastermind" at being an endlessly corrupting influence on society.

Equestria Daily

Mere pony faggotry, or part of a more diabolical scheme?

Equestria Daily also known as EqD, or 'that place where them pony-faggots hang out' is a shitty online newspaper with a pony twist. It caters largely to a frightening yet fast-growing fandumb of horse-fucking homosexual deviants known as Bronies. EqD serves as a hub for fanfiction, fan-made comics, YouTube poops, and, in all essence, everything that makes the internet terrible, with ponies. Mostly involves his pony waifu Trixie.

Equestria Daily continues to somehow survive while the fanbase itself marches further and further into depravity. The comments are legendary on the website, where every autist on the planet finds time to congregate on which pony they want to sleep with more and how terrible their lives are. Regular posts dedicated entirely to random discussion go up every day where the real colors show. Life for your average brony is a journey into crippling depression and social anxiety, and held within the walls of the EQD commenters is a nonstop party on being terrible people. A hugbox of hugbox. With a lower overall IQ than Youtube comments. If anything even remotely sexual is posted, they immediately shift into incel level groveling of whatever cartoon horse has her ass in the air and tail out of the way.


After 4chan mods decided to spare the userbase of the newfound ponyfaggotry, the clopping bronies (sethisto being among them) were forced to take their shit elsewhere, creating numerous web entities such as ponychan, and later Equestria Daily. The site was originally intended to be a mere blog sethisto would update every few days when not attending to his own personal matters on FurAffinity and e621. Once ponychan's /rule34/ board was removed, traffic skyrocketed as the early EqD was the next best thing. Sethisto eventually decided to go "professional" by shelling out the $7 needed to purchase a domain name, and recruited several other banned /co/ posters to keep the bronies happy with hourly fanfics and comics rehashed from DeviantArt.

Go to bed, Seth.


—A common response for Sethisto when spamming images of his pony waifu Trixie on 4chan or anywhere.

A Day in the Life of a Pony Blog

Even furfags can't stand it.

Typical posts that you will find each day on Equestria Daily including but not limited to:

  • Nightly Round Up: Here all the news that was too boring to be featured in its own posts are featured. Typical things you will find are brony meetup photos, cake, and the sucking of futa twixies dick.
  • Story Updates: Here you will find all the amazing fan-fiction that made it past EqD's team of poorly paid monkey pre-readers.
  • PMV: Not to be confused with those shitty AMV's PMV's are vastly superior for they do the exact same thing except... wait for it... USE PONIES INSTEAD! Bet you didn't expect that piece of originality did ya?
  • Music: Here anyone who knows how to strum a guitar, or bang around on a drum set can be featured showing off their 1337 musicz skillz doing numerous covers of songs in the show.
  • YTP: Because Youtube Poop still exists on the internet, Ponies were bound to get their filthy hooves all over this culture as well.
  • Drawfag: Here everyone fauns over fanart that gets posted from the same three artists every single day.
  • Comics: The place where fan-made comics are posted. 99% of the comics are about sex, always ending with some horse fucking another, and they think that this is funny as hell and fap clop to this. This shows how sick fucks ponyfags are.
  • Custom Pony: Because everyone whines about the official toys being terrible; fans have taken it into their own hands to make them better, and in some cases make thousands of dollars off of them. No srsly [1] After buying them they fuck the toy.
  • Calls to Action: Here Seth or one of his lackeys will post a call to help ensure that MLP is the greatest thing evar. If MLP is losing in a poll and that poll is posted, MLP instantly gains over 9000 votes in ten seconds flat.
  • Boner of the Day: The Boner of the Day is typically an untitled post with a random image or video that Seth clopped to and most surely will get the rest of his puppets to clop to as well.

The Userbase

"Fuck fchan, I'm spending my Saturday night on EqD!"
Typical content and mainly Sethisto's dakimakura he keeps in his bed. Attentive readers will note the "-friend" suffix being used unironically.
Typical poll
You actually already have everything I've seen.

Sorry. I can email you a Pinkie Pie picture of her in bondage gear that I coloured, if you want to add it. It's no more explicit than the rest o' these.


...I don't want to call those images 'sexy' because I don't want to look like a freak, but hey, that's what anonymous posting is for.

Those sexy ponies have some nice legs! And Gilda looks hot too!




i have no NSFW images on my computer. unless you consider lesbian pony kissing to be NSFW. <-<



I don't have a rl life. I live on the internet. It's only natural that pixels would attract me.


—Sethisto on the darkspyro forums

This is gonna sound crazy, because it is. I get extremely jealous when I see Cynder with other guys. I know shes fake, but I'm obsessed with her so it kills me.

Have you ever been jealous of your furry crush with someone?


—Sethisto on FurAffinity

I'll never find real love. I don't have the confidence or ambition to search for it. Cynder is good enough.



I asked for psychological advice a while back here. But that was before I ended up with some extra physical health issues that sort of killed everything anyway, so I gave up on that.

I think I have come to accept my crazyness and seek comfort in it.



I enjoyed the original trilogy as a kid, and played them again when i modded my psp.

But I wish they would release a standalone Cynder game with her dawn of the dragon model. That would be amazing.. She could do some crazy mary sue battling the darkness storyline with grimdark but beautiful environments.

But the entire game would be focused on her.. instead of having stupid spyro plodding behind the entire game.

And im not trolling. I've been talking about these dragons on the internet for 9 years.. everyone thinks its trolling but its not.




If insanity is love, then I will be insane for Cynder.




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[...and then there was a gay orgy.It was a dark and stormy night...]

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[DeadCry yourself to sleep]

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