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Flag of the Reptilian Failpublic of Ecuædor
A normal day in Quito/Guayaquil

Ecuador or Ecuadrogas is an overrated techno song but also an irrelevant spic country in South America, cleverly placed right on top of the Equator.

Though in most respects quite like its next-door neighbour, Peru -- vast coca plantations, ridiculously high-altitude cities, a hat-and-poncho-mad populace -- Ecuador is different in one crucial way. Acting at the behest of friendly Colombian millionaires, its citizens have taken to building huge submarines in the coastal swamps, filling them up with tons of cocaine, and delivering the coke wherever it is needed.

Is known for their coffee, bananas, oil, the Galapagos and more important: DRUGS AND MURDER, bad cops, raep, more marijuana, criminals, more cocaine, depending all of their economy in Americunt's jew gold (dollar$), Julian Asshole, being acossed by chinks, raeping Qatar in their own World Cup, and nothing else because nobody cares about this turtle spic country, They are basically Culombia with few more steps.


File:Cuy Guinea Pig Dish SG.jpg
National dish of the Region Sierra: a crappy rat

This Culombia copypaste is divided in 4 regions:

  • La Costa: Beaches, lulzy retards, footheads, massmurders, niggers, chinks, spics, crackers, jews, neonazis and more of the same that is in the rest of the country (but worse).
  • La Sierra: An cold-ass place with shitty volcanoes where you can eat guinea pigs and worms, also in this region is located Quito, the anus center of the world
  • La Amazonia: Indigenous fags who lives in the forest, just like every other amazonic part in South Ass-merica.
  • Galapagos: Turtles, birds, seals, starfishes and more animals fucking eachother.


An example of an Ecuadorian presidentard trying to imitate Hitler's moustache

The same shit as always: Presidential faggots controlled by jews doing crap, only a few times something somehow lulzy happens like Rafael Correa being betrayed by his fuckbuddy Lenin Moreno, Abdala Bucaram's (AKA "El Loco") hitlerian moustache but more important:

Julian Assange

Julian Assange stained the walls of the Embassy with his feces


—Lenin Moreno, Actual ex-president of the Ecuador

Once upon a time our aussie friend Julian magically "raped" someone, then USA and Sweden started bitching about it so he hided in a Embassy like a pussy, Of all the countries existent he choose the Ecuadorian one (maybe because Ecuador is like an latino Ausfailia) but he didn't knew that his whole existence would butthurt the praesident of that time: Lenin Moreno, an invalid cunt who doesn't know how he ended there, so Lenin sold Julian and that is how our dear Jewlian ASSange ended in the jail. THE END


Blackface and travestism, is a nice cultural tradition isn't it?

Just the same as the other spics countries, Fat women with funny hats, Stinky llamas and eating rats, Being the home for drugs, cocaine, narcos, murderers, guns and coffee, Having a lot of oil, bitches and beaches just to end in the crap thanks to retard politicans, Making destructions in futbol games, Being irrelevant as shit, Being irrelevant as shit, ect. The cultures itself are just wankers wearing colorful shit, dressing as LSD devils or just doing blackface because of the tradition of La Mama Negra. In December faggots crossdress for the lulz. In the case of the music there is a lot of genders: Cumbia (jazz for drunk bastards), Rock (as always), Shitty flaute music (thanks indians), Salsa, Balada, San Juanito, ect (Shit nobody cares about), Pop (as always), Rap (as always), Reggaeton (the most annoying shit existent), Trap latino (the same as reggaeton but worse), ect.


Their religión as always is the christianity thanks to the Spaniards but at least almost nobody there thinks that god is a sun with face that want people to do sacrifices for the lulz.


Of all them all as always the most popular is futbol in the case you are an stinky spic, soccer in the case you are from dumbfuckistan or football in the case you are a britfag, thanks to this fag sport there is a lot of fatass/skinny wankers that beat the shit of eachother, and most of them can steal your phone. most of these animals are fans of:

  • Barcelona SC: A copy of FC Barcelona that is full of drugaddict fantards, if you see one of them in the street kill it with fire.
  • Emelec: An shitass club that is full of fag fantards, for that reason they are nicknamed Coquetas (faggots), if you see one of them in the streets kill it with fire.
  • Liga de Quito: The same shit as the other 2 clubs but instead of being located in Gay-ass-kill is located in Quitwat, if you see one of them in the street kill it with fire.

In the case of the Ecuadorian football team, they are losers that never won a single trophy and of course most of them are niggers that are too poor that they have to be the entertainiment for the other races located in Ecuador, in special browns and whites.


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