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===Internet Kooks===
===Internet Kooks===
*[[Anderson Lee Aldrich]], an autistic {{age|2000|5|26}}-year-old [[fatass]] [[pedophile]] from [[Texas]] who had an article on this site since [[2015]] who went on a shooting spree at a gay nightclub in [[Colorado]].
*[[Anderson Lee Aldrich]], an autistic {{age|2000|5|26}}-year-old [[fatass]] [[pedophile]] from [[Texas]] who had an article on this site since [[2015]] who went on a shooting spree at a gay nightclub in [[Colorado]].
*[[Anthony 'A-Log' LoGatto]], troll shielding furfag and proud owner of a massive six inch foxdick.
*[[Anthony 'A-Log' LoGatto]], troll shielding {{age|1985|5|8}}-year-old furfag from [[New York]] who is a proud owner of a massive six inch foxdick.
*[[Alex Mae Muholland]], an autistic {{age|2000|12|6}}-year-old who has obsessions of fapping to middle aged man and gets easily triggered over people hating her crushes.
*[[Alex Mae Muholland]], an autistic {{age|2000|12|6}}-year-old who has obsessions of fapping to middle aged man and gets easily triggered over people hating her crushes.
*[[Benthelooney]], a {{age|1992|10|14}}-year-old pedophile who draws Hi-Hi Puffy AmiYumi and My Little Pony porn on deviantART. Hates everything made after the 1990s. []
*[[Benthelooney]], a {{age|1992|10|14}}-year-old pedophile who draws Hi-Hi Puffy AmiYumi and My Little Pony porn on deviantART. Hates everything made after the 1990s. []
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*[[Darknessthecurse]], an [[edgelord]] {{age|1990|7|23}}-year-old Sonicfag from [[Pennsylvania]] who will assrape his fans for not listening to his advice, and claims that [[bullshit|he was in a hospital]] when his [[JewTube]] was deleted... and his video game reviews are the [[bratty]] [[nu metal]] version of UrinatingTree, minus the creativity and with additional [[literal]] [[tryhard]] unfunny humor, that to this day hasn't changed since over 10 years and some change.
*[[Darknessthecurse]], an [[edgelord]] {{age|1990|7|23}}-year-old Sonicfag from [[Pennsylvania]] who will assrape his fans for not listening to his advice, and claims that [[bullshit|he was in a hospital]] when his [[JewTube]] was deleted... and his video game reviews are the [[bratty]] [[nu metal]] version of UrinatingTree, minus the creativity and with additional [[literal]] [[tryhard]] unfunny humor, that to this day hasn't changed since over 10 years and some change.
*[[Darren A. Nichols|Darren Pipster]], a {{age|2000|9|25}}-year old [[brat|bratty]] pedophile from [[Indiana]] who constantly loves grooming minors and throwing turd meltdowns. He also makes shitty grounded videos, shows, and movies.
*[[Darren A. Nichols|Darren Pipster]], a {{age|2000|9|25}}-year old [[brat|bratty]] pedophile from [[Indiana]] who constantly loves grooming minors and throwing turd meltdowns. He also makes shitty grounded videos, shows, and movies.
*[[DrossRotzank]], a {{age|1982|7|16}}-year old [[Venezuela|Venezuelan]]-[[Argentina|Argentinan]] retard who is the first known case of a hispanic manchild.
*[[Doomentio]], a {{age|1995|11|27}}-year old [[spic|Mexican]] [[pol/|/pol/]]tard and [[lolcow]] who is the second known case of a hispanic manchild.
*[[Diogo "Doggis" Mendes]], a {{age|2005|12|11}}-year old [[Portuguese]] future manchild and a pervert who has sexual obsessions with preteens on Discord and some other minor chat site called [[BonziWORLD]].
*[[Diogo "Doggis" Mendes]], a {{age|2005|12|11}}-year old [[Portuguese]] future manchild and a pervert who has sexual obsessions with preteens on Discord and some other minor chat site called [[BonziWORLD]].
*[[PissedOffVideoGamer|Eric Abramov]], a morbidly [[fat|obese]] {{age|1983|5|25}}-year old [[Soviet Russia]]n [[Jew|greedy merchant]] from [[New York]] who has converted to [[christfag|some typical Christian]] [[extremist]] reading on the bible, as well as talking about [[shit no one cares about|WWE]]; though he is known for eating a shitload of [[video game]] consoles; including the [[Gamecube|Shitcube]]. Also, he might actually be a more [[top kek]] version of [[Angry Video Game Nerd]]. ...or he is?
*[[PissedOffVideoGamer|Eric Abramov]], a morbidly [[fat|obese]] {{age|1983|5|25}}-year old [[Soviet Russia]]n [[Jew|greedy merchant]] from [[New York]] who has converted to [[christfag|some typical Christian]] [[extremist]] reading on the bible, as well as talking about [[shit no one cares about|WWE]]; though he is known for eating a shitload of [[video game]] consoles; including the [[Gamecube|Shitcube]]. Also, he might actually be a more [[top kek]] version of [[Angry Video Game Nerd]]. ...or he is?
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*[[Geoshea]] - a {{age|2000|11|29}}-year-old pedophile from [[Pennsylvania]] who drew NSFW of minors and groomed people [[OTI]].
*[[Geoshea]] - a {{age|2000|11|29}}-year-old pedophile from [[Pennsylvania]] who drew NSFW of minors and groomed people [[OTI]].
*[[HeyItsBowman]], {{age|1996|9|10}}-year-old [[Philippines|Pinoy]]-[[Canada|Canadian]] manchild who outed himself for grooming a minor back in 2018 (the victim was 15 at the time, she's 19 now).
*[[HeyItsBowman]], {{age|1996|9|10}}-year-old [[Philippines|Pinoy]]-[[Canada|Canadian]] manchild who outed himself for grooming a minor back in 2018 (the victim was 15 at the time, she's 19 now).
*[[Icze4r]] - a {{age|1986|11|30}}-year-old [[lolcow]] and manchild from [[Illinois]] who LARPs for a [[13-year-old girl]] when in reality he is a [[catfish|catfishing]] luser.
*[[InSaNe-REYNARD]], a {{age|1986|12|11}}-year-old [[furry]] [[bondage]] fetishist from [[California]] with a major case of narcissistic personality disorder.
*[[InSaNe-REYNARD]], a {{age|1986|12|11}}-year-old [[furry]] [[bondage]] fetishist from [[California]] with a major case of narcissistic personality disorder.
*[[Jasonic]], an infamous {{age|1977|6|10}}-year-old Sonic fetishist from [[Quebec]], [[Canada]] who uses plush Sonic toys as fuckdolls.
*[[JaSonic]], an infamous {{age|1977|6|10}}-year-old Sonic fetishist from [[Quebec]], [[Canada]] who uses plush Sonic toys as fuckdolls.
*[[JustinRPG]], {{age|1985|8|30}}-year-old retard from [[Michigan]] who is self-proclaimed husband of the [[Pokémon]] Reshiram
*[[JustinRPG]], {{age|1985|8|30}}-year-old retard from [[Michigan]] who is self-proclaimed husband of the [[Pokémon]] Reshiram
*[[Keegan Salisbury]], a {{age|2004|9|15}}-year old pansexual pedo and a near-manchild from [[Illinois]] that's basically teenage [[Chris Chan]] in the making; also makes shitty YTPMV's.
*[[Keegan Salisbury]], a {{age|2004|9|15}}-year old pansexual pedo and a near-manchild from [[Illinois]] that's basically teenage [[Chris Chan]] in the making; also makes shitty YTPMV's.
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*[[LifeInATent]], a {{age|1984|8|29}}-year-old guy from [[California]] who thumbed up for a Japanese earthquake.
*[[LifeInATent]], a {{age|1984|8|29}}-year-old guy from [[California]] who thumbed up for a Japanese earthquake.
*[[Mariotehplumber]], a {{age|1988|6|23}}-year-old [[Canada|Canuckistani]] Sonicfag that hates modern Sonic.
*[[Mariotehplumber]], a {{age|1988|6|23}}-year-old [[Canada|Canuckistani]] Sonicfag that hates modern Sonic.
*[[MediaFan2008]], a {{age|2008|4|13}}-year-old [[Britfag]] who albeit is under the UK's [[asking for it|Age of Consent]], still had an obsession with [[child abuse]] and [[wtf|nappies]].
*[[Matthew Davis]], a {{age|2000|9|21}}-year-old manchild from [[Virginia]] who jacks off to shitty made GoAnimate videos. God knows what he's doing nowadays.
*[[Mar9122]], a shitty azn {{age|2000|9|16}}-year-old [[Miraheze]] mod wannabe and a manchild from [[Florida]] who is also an infamous pedophile.
*[[MediaFan2008]], a {{age|2007|2|19}}-year-old [[Britfag]] who albeit is under the UK's [[asking for it|Age of Consent]], still had an obsession with [[child abuse]] and [[wtf|nappies]].
*[[Meta527II]], a [[Retard|retarded]] YouTuber that makes autistic meme videos, and is a big fanfag of Nintendo and Disney
*[[Meta527II]], a [[Retard|retarded]] YouTuber that makes autistic meme videos, and is a big fanfag of Nintendo and Disney
*[[Michael Batton]], a 33 year old janitor from [[Florida]] who militantly attacks anyone who pokes fun at the Superbowl, while filing fraudulent copyright claims against his critics and spreading lies about people who don't say what he wants them to say.
*[[Michael Batton]], a 33 year old janitor from [[Florida]] who militantly attacks anyone who pokes fun at the Superbowl, while filing fraudulent copyright claims against his critics and spreading lies about people who don't say what he wants them to say.
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*[[MonkeyGameGuides]], a {{age|1997|12|12}}-year old British assfuck who complains about anything that is NOT [[Call of Duty]].
*[[MonkeyGameGuides]], a {{age|1997|12|12}}-year old British assfuck who complains about anything that is NOT [[Call of Duty]].
*[[MysteriousMrEnter]], a bitchy {{age|1992|7|21}}-year-old moron who likes to review SpongeBob episodes.
*[[MysteriousMrEnter]], a bitchy {{age|1992|7|21}}-year-old moron who likes to review SpongeBob episodes.
*[[Omegalore]], a {{age|1990|8|18}}-year-old pedophile and a manchild from [[Oregon]] who has a diehard obsession with [[Doom|DOOM]].
*[[Onigojirakaiju]], a bipolar hating faggot from [[Illinois]] who masturbates to Godzilla porn.
*[[Onigojirakaiju]], a bipolar hating faggot from [[Illinois]] who masturbates to Godzilla porn.
*[[Pedro J. Garcia]], a {{age|2000|3|16}}-year-old [[spic]] manchild from [[Florida]] who faps to [[lolicon]] and rages in [[Engrish]].
*[[PhantomStrider8]], a {{age|1989|2|3}}-year-old huge [[Australia|Australian]] enterbot that just like MrEnter hates Teen Titans Go and 2016 Powerpuff Girls with a passion and has the same opinions as MrEnter.
*[[PhantomStrider8]], a {{age|1989|2|3}}-year-old huge [[Australia|Australian]] enterbot that just like MrEnter hates Teen Titans Go and 2016 Powerpuff Girls with a passion and has the same opinions as MrEnter.
*[[Quantum TV]], a 30-something manchild from [[Florida]], desperate for seeking attention, is known for gaslighting and lying as well as whining and overreacting to trolls. Famously said that more [[gay]] people should've died in the [[Pulse Nightclub]] shooting.
*[[Quantum TV]], a 30-something manchild from [[Florida]], desperate for seeking attention, is known for gaslighting and lying as well as whining and overreacting to trolls. Famously said that more [[gay]] people should've died in the [[Omar Mateen|Pulse Nightclub]] shooting.
*[[Richard Kuta]], the very definition of a manchild and also likes to wear diapers.
*[[Richard Kuta]], the very definition of a manchild and also likes to wear diapers.
*[[IronKidFan8|Roszina Head]] - a {{age|2002|7|27}}-year-old womanchild from [[England]] who obsesses over her interests and fudge
*[[Sailormoonred1]], a mentally disabled man from [[Pennsylvania]] who plays with [[Sailor Moon]] and [[Redneck|Jim Varney]] dolls.
*[[Sailormoonred1]], a mentally disabled man from [[Pennsylvania]] who plays with [[Sailor Moon]] and [[Redneck|Jim Varney]] dolls.
*[[SammyClassicSonicFan]], a teenage (who is now a {{age|1998|10|31}}-year-old) [[autistic screeching]] bratty Sonicfag from [[Indiana]] who [[ragequit]]s everything and gets seriously [[hothead the mare|hotheaded]] over trolls, critics, and haters over classic and modern [[Sonic]].
*[[SammyClassicSonicFan]], a teenage (who is now a {{age|1998|10|31}}-year-old) [[autistic screeching]] bratty Sonicfag from [[Indiana]] who [[ragequit]]s everything and gets seriously [[hothead the mare|hotheaded]] over trolls, critics, and haters over classic and modern [[Sonic]].
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*[[Spax3]], a {{age|1984|7|31}}-year-old [[Sonic]]-obsessed [[furry]] who likes teh [[lolsuits]].
*[[Spax3]], a {{age|1984|7|31}}-year-old [[Sonic]]-obsessed [[furry]] who likes teh [[lolsuits]].
*[[Timbox]], a {{age|1991|5|21}}-year-old [[lolcow]] from [[Maryland]] who jerks off to [[Asia]]n kids. The next Chris-chan.
*[[Timbox]], a {{age|1991|5|21}}-year-old [[lolcow]] from [[Maryland]] who jerks off to [[Asia]]n kids. The next Chris-chan.
*[[The Unknown Autobot]], a {{age|1982|11|29}}-year-old [[Doctor Who|Whovian]], [[brony]] and [[furfag]] who also claims to be a trollbuster.
*[[The Unknown Autobot]], a {{age|1982|11|29}}-year-old [[Doctor Who|Whovian]], [[brony]] and [[furfag]] from [[Michigan]] who also claims to be a trollbuster.
*[[Tom Preston]], a lonely {{age|1981|2|12}}-year-old "[[failure|artist]]" from [[Minnesota]] who's into [[inflation]], [[pedo]] [[yuri]] and [[Social Justice]] bullshit.  
*[[Tom Preston]], a lonely {{age|1981|2|12}}-year-old "[[failure|artist]]" from [[Minnesota]] who's into [[inflation]], [[pedo]] [[yuri]] and [[Social Justice]] bullshit.  
*[[ToonEGuy]], CGI-hating {{age|1987|12|19}}-year-old who regularly threatens Disney employees and other animators for not making cartoons like they did in the 90s.
*[[ToonEGuy]], CGI-hating {{age|1987|12|19}}-year-old who regularly threatens Disney employees and other animators for not making cartoons like they did in the 90s.
*[[Valis77]], a {{age|1977|11|11}}-year old registered sex offender that's obsessed with shitty old video games. Is also a [[nigger|black person]].
*[[Valis77]], a {{age|1977|11|11}}-year old registered sex offender from [[Kansas]] that's obsessed with shitty old video games. Is also a [[nigger|black person]].
*[[Willg8686]], a {{age|2003|9|11}}-year old manchild from [[Georgia]] who makes [[YTP]] videos who literally went to town making [[sockpuppet]] accounts to bypass bans.
*[[Willg8686]], a {{age|2003|9|11}}-year old manchild from [[Georgia]] who makes [[YTP]] videos who literally went to town making [[sockpuppet]] accounts to bypass bans.
*[[7ols]], a piss bottle collecting retard from [[Pennsylvania]] who still lives with mommy and used to be a youtuber til his mom banned him from using the internet.
*[[7ols]], a piss bottle collecting retard from [[Pennsylvania]] who still lives with mommy and used to be a youtuber til his mom banned him from using the internet.
*[[Levi Bryant]], a 19 year old cartoonaboo who claims June from Little Einsteins is his "wife".
*[[Espartaco 18]], A 24-year-old [[Mexico|Mexican]] who tried to be part of [[spics|Real Madrid]] but failed, being the most recent Hispanic manchild case

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*[[Adult Babies]]
*[[Adult Babies]]
*[[Peter Pan Syndrome]]


Latest revision as of 20:06, 19 March 2025

Feelings Hurt?

Awww... Did this page, Manchild, huwt youw feewings?
Click here and we'll make your boo-boo feel all better.
A manchild.

A manchild (see also basement dweller) is an adult male who refuses to accept the responsibilities of adulthood and chooses instead to live as if they were a young child, in other words you. It is also a known fact that 99.99% of manchildren are furries, and have hard-ons for Sonic the Hedgehog and colorful cartoon ponies. Naturally, this means that they are gigantic faggots, and invariably furfags.

This is always the result of a "serious mental handicap". As in, they are too fucking lazy and socially inept to get a job.

It is interesting to note that manchildren, as their name suggest, are always male and that there is no such thing as a 'womanchild'. This is because women are children. Indeed, the qualities that make manchildren so pathetic (childishness, naïveté, sexual inexperience) are generally considered positive, attractive qualities in women by men and because society considers it acceptable that women are allowed to be parasites that do nothing but laze around at home for the rest of their lives.


Children are increasingly molded by gross societal negligence, piss poor parenting practices, regressive educational requirements inferior gene pools and overzealous marketing endeavors. Largely stemming from "Generation Barney", children of the 90s were taught early on that failure was perfectly acceptable and even rewarded for it. Starting with the "No Child Left Behind" stupidity, kids were suddenly reduced to the level of the "lowest common denominator" of the classroom, given A+'s for having an "A"ttitude that was "+" positive, it insidiously became imperative to make kids as happy as possible and with as little disappointment than it was to actually educate them in any constructive, useful manner.

Kids were taught that it is "okay" to be a basement dwelling welfare leach so long as they were happy and had a good attitude about it as it's not their fault anyway. They were taught that it was "okay" to wet the bed past the age of 5, yielding an increased demand on baby diapers that were put on the market last thursday that would have been completely shameful in decades past. Fast food happy meals were likewise super sized, not because kids were actually eating more, but simply because they kept on ordering the baby meals well into their tweens and teens.

Our society has since degenerated into a form of super acceptance, to the point where failure itself is something to be celebrated and standards of acceptable behavior have downgraded to a near infantile level. Creative new medical conditions and disorders have likewise been confabulated, permitting parents to raise "unique" little disease-bags rather than real children. Mommy's little malady, daddy's little disorder, it has become literally in vogue to have a "special" child with a "special" problem, upon which any failures or generally shitty behavior can be labeled with a convenient, all encompassing excuse.


Another manchild.

The subject in question may exhibit many of these classic symptoms:

A typical manchild. Notice how he hates things made after the 1990s.

What manchildren like to do erryday.


Typical manchildren
  1. Fagolescence: Adults who act like teenagers
  2. Olchai: Adults who act like children.
  3. Adult babies: Adults who act like babies.


Generally there are two types of manchildren, the emotionally unstable drama whore type and the flippant, fun loving, lazy bastard type. The former make for excellent trolling due to the fact that they'll blow up over the slightest little thing, often have great difficulty controlling their emotions and are generally prone to acting out with little inhibition; most often due to lack of recognizing the potential consequences and outcomes of social situations.

More often than not they tend to float over in the aspie end of the spectrum, while the later category tend to be apathetic, carefree neurotypicals who generally don't take anything all. Trolling or flaming that type is not recommended, they'll simply laugh it off, poke fun at you for not acting like them and due to their complete inability to take anything seriously (least of all themselves), any attempted attack or troll will fail before it has even begun.


Interest Groups and Communities


Internet Kooks


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See also

Manchild is part of a series on Aspies. [Back to your happy placeSperg out]

Aaron BushnellAcademy ManiacsAdam LanzaAlbert EinsteinAlexander SlavrosAmber ButtrumAndy KaufmanAnthony 'A-Log' LoGattoAspies for FreedomAspierationsAssburgerBaldi's BasicsBambifan101Barron TrumpBart-ToonsBeefraveBenny_the_SnakeBenthelooneyBen ShapiroBill9929Bill GatesBlocklandersBlueCatRioluBodyXPoliticBonziWORLDBoris MalagurskiBourg ProductionsBram CohenBrandon SmithBrownsquirrelCameron W. CowanCansin13ChibiyimaChris-chanChris Harper-MercerClay ClaymoreCyndilovespiccoloDan CilleyDarrDarius McCollumDarviela MaravaronaDavid CleggDaxFlameDellordev-catscratchDiogo MendesDisneyFan01DLAbaoaquDodgerofZionDragonfandrp1zzaEddie WiseEdenHeroineGirlElliot RodgerEmpLemonErik RibsskogErin AnthonyEvan GraggFlaglerchatFlardoxFucklewithshuckleFUNImation2002GachatardsGalaxyRailways2199Gary McKinnonGeosheaGlitchedbloodGoFagsGrantMGraykatGreg MazujianGreenyfagsHannah CappsHeed My WarningHozupindahows00sInmendhamInuboy1000IronholdsJack Gilbert GrahamJared MiltonJahi/4444Javi SuzumiyaJINXDROWNEDJoekerJohn Patrick RogersJoseph8276JustinandDennisJustinRPGJoey The AutistKeegan SalisburyKawaii KitsuneKawaiiKittee88KelseyaliciaKevin HavensKingMasterReviewKirbysloverKloeriKongzillarex619KothorixKphoriaLane DavisLeafyIsHereLogo KidsLordelthibarLougaraLukas PietschLyndsay KirkhamLynn AnnM. ChaosManlytearsMar9122Marcus PotterMarioMan7890MarioMario456Mark ZuckerbergMascotGuyMatthew DavisMatthew NicholsonMDetector5Michael GimsonMinefagsMisha SilenostiMissyMix HyenaMonica PunkMumkey JonesMutescreamMylarBalloonFanNate SpidgewoodNemo HanaNeuroNichole337Nick BravoNicky ReillyNikolas CruzObjectcucksOlinkalexOnigojirakaijuOnyx ForepawPacificoceanasiaPhantomStriderPhonefagsPMDrive1061PopcornPrince JeremyRandy Robert StairRavenNGRobert Clark YoungROtardsRootbrianRoss LumbusRyanSammyClassicSonicFanSaturnDOSSebastien LevesqueSeunghwan LeeSeleryShane LeeSiriusOrionisSolidMarioSONYFANBOYSperginStarbladeStarkiller88SteAndKelSuperMarioLoganSuper Minecraft KidTablecowTGcomixTheAmazingAtheistTheDOSFagThe Eclectic EspeonThe rEactorTheme Park ReviewTheMysteriousMrEnterTherealagerbonThe JuggernautThe Unknown AutobotTheVeganStudentTimboxToby J RathjenToKeNTom SersonToonEGuyToshTrigglypuffTylerthDragonUlillilliaVailskibum94Varg VikernesWaymuuWeatherManKevinWeDoALittleTrollingWeegeeisgoingtokillmWerechuWetflamewillg8686William AtchisonWilliam FreundWim CrusioWolfAdvocateWolfeedarkfangwwwareaYouZS3

Manchild is part of a series on Dying Alone

[DeadCry yourself to sleep]

is part of a series on
