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This page contains an true follower of Christ.

TempleOS is a shitty Bible-themed, easily exploitable, 64-bit operating system with no network support made by Terry A. Davis (Powerword: Terrence Andrew Davis, December 15, 1969 - August 11, 2018), a Paranoid schizophrenic Christian, who would soon find himself at the epicenter of a drama shitstorm, as his fucktarded and erratic personality would gain him some popularity with many Chantards, with his rants about CIA Niggers, Bill Gates's Nigger Cattle, and of course Christianity, for ever implanted deep in the hearts and minds of edgelord poltards everywhere.

Someone pretending to be Linus Torvalds calling him a retarded fuck


Truly a grand wizard of his time
Early photo of Davis

Davis led a distinctly retarded, yet incredibly awesome life.

In the mid-90s, after noticing that he was being followed by people for an unknown reason, he became paranoid. So he got in his car and drove non-stop without direction; luckily, the voices from the radio instructed him to go south to Texas. Once in Texas, he disassembled his car in search of tracking devices, threw his keys into the desert, then walked away. A police officer saw this then detained him in his police car. He got the fuck outta there: breaking his collarbone on the highway. In the hospital, the doctors were talking about x-ray results; he thought they were talking about alien artifacts in his chest. He then got the fuck outta there and stole a truck which led to his rapey incarceration. He later electrocuted himself while nude. He eventually landed in his parents' basement developing TempleOS.

A former atheist, Mr. "God told me the resolution had to be 640 by 480 pixels with only 16 colors" Davis shit out TempleOS using "HolyC", a variant of the C programming language. According to Davis, the operating system is partly developed by God (he allegedly heard the voice of God telling him what the OS should feature) and dedicated to God.

Davis argued that the CIA baited him with children to evoke a sexual response from him; however, since the CIA is "atheist retard niggers" their plan "backfired". Terry proceeded to encourage his viewers to run over "glow in the dark CIA niggers" with their cars, claiming that he had killed at least one CIA agent with his car himself.

This cunt wrote some lulzy shit, and he sometimes says unintelligible word salad. With his insane creativity he wrote this at the official website for his operating system:

King James Bible 
Notes on Talking With God

I live in a CIA prison.  A nigger runs my prison.  In prison, the nigger tries 
to torment me.  We can take away his knives by confessing, every day.  In about 
2000, I masturbated fantacizing about my niece, Lani.  She looks like Star Trek 
Seven of Nine!  In 1985, at my sister's wedding, I stuck my crotch on the hot 
tub drain because it kinda sucked.  In 1985, I tried to get a dog to lick my 
dick.  From 1998-2003, I fantacized about leading a Catholic army like Dune, of 
Mexicans or Brazilians?  That was dumb because they're niggers.  In 2003, I 
played tag with a black girl about 7-years-old.  She reached for my crotch.  In 
high school, in the library, Carlos and I said 'juicy' or 'toxic' as a way of 
evaluating girls.  In 1988, I cheated on my SAT by talking in the hall during 
the break -- two problems.  On 9/9/1999, I killed a CIA nigger on purpose with 
my car. :-)  In 1982, when I was 12, I babysat Kevin's kids.  I changed a diaper 
because I thought that was being professional.  In 1975, when I was about age 
five, my brother, Keith, put my penis in a vacuum.  In 1977, when I was about 
age seven, my brother, Danny, got me high on gas fumes and we sucked each 
other's dicks.  Dr. Tsakalis had an oddly round ass.  Paul Keck at Xytec had an 
oddly round ass.  Distracting?  At about age five, Jay Weinrick and I touched 
dicks to each other's assholes.  
----05/15/17 07:23:02----


In his video, Mister Metokur asked the viewer to imagine going to and seeing this in the "About us" section:

Protect yourself today from all the little glow in the dark nigger faggots that want to steal your precious white semen. Baseball bats work too.

In 1972 Bill Gates and I killed a hooker, well she was 8 years old, but I'm sure she was a whore so it still counts. Sometimes I role up moist towelettes and insert them into my anus and bark at my neighbors. It teaches them who is in charge. I am. I am the alpha. They are the nigger faggot.


—Perfectly rational

Excluding Twitter, he is unsurprisingly banned from many forums:

Unfortunately Terry also suffers from schizophrenia, and has a tendency to appear on various programming forums with a burst of strange, paranoid, and often racist comments. He is frequently banned from most forums


positive points

Terry became anti-social after people started to mess with him more frequently and he stopped doing livestreams as a result, deleting a lot of info on his site.


While the general consensus is that his operating system is a joke, some argue that people should take a hugbox approach to responding to his OS:

I'm reminded of a movie I once saw called Lars And The Real Girl, in which a man buys a RealDoll and treats her as his real girlfriend. Rather than laughing at him, the residents of his town instead band together and treat her as if she were a real person too. When I started watching it, I expected some Will Ferrell-esque comedy where this guy would be played only for laughs. Instead, I found an incredibly compassionate story within. The writer, Nancy Oliver, got the idea after thinking:

"What if we didn't treat our mentally ill people like animals? What if we brought kindness and compassion to the table?"


positive points


♛ RIP Terry Davis ♛ About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]


In his later years, Terry Davis would take to livestreaming out of a van in his van in the middle of nowhere. The streams consisted of Terry shitposting on his retarded blog about Diana, niggers, Faggot Dinosaurs and using his shitty operating system to talk to "Mr. God".

He would often livestream for hours on end, occasionally taking breaks to move to the front of his car to listen to the radio or make video shitposts.

Terry Davis' final video, recorded in Dalles, OR. Not long after uploading this to Youtube he would be dead.


Terry Davis' death, according to Dalles Police Captain Jamie Carrico.
Terry's immortalized FB profile

Mere hours after uploading the above video from a public library, Davis would take his own life by walking into the path of a speeding train near the intersection of First and Terminal. According to Wikipedia he might have accidentally got killed by the train.[1] On August 23rd, 12 days after, Davis' mother would die.

Terry Davis Aliases

Terry A. "If it glows in the dark, shift out of park" Davis

Terry A. "To kill a niggerbird" Davis

Terry A. "A bugfix a day keeps the niggers away" Davis

Terry A. "With God's perfect justice, shoot niggers with muskets" Davis

Terry A. "Made God's Holy Temple while perfectly mental" Davis

Terry A. "Diet Shasta" Davis

Terry A. "Waging holy battle on dumb nigger cattle" Davis

Terry A. "Dad built a nuke, I killed a spook" Davis

Terry A. "That Dog is Getting Raped" Davis

Terry A. "Ring 0 or an hero" Davis

Terry A. "Initial D for the CIA" Davis

Terry A. "Exterminatus for the Illuminatus" Davis

Terry A. "Duck Whisperer" Davis

Terry A. "Steve Jobs, but with skill instead of AIDS" Davis

Terry A. "Interrupt routine in the kike machine" Davis

Terry A. "From the Lord to your Motherboard" Davis

Terry A. "The Spook Smasher" Davis

See also

  • Bill Gates - according to Davis, Bill Gates and the Illuminati own a docile herd of nigger cattle
  • CIA niggers - Davis' archenemy (some of the CIA niggers are glow-in-the-dark)
  • Firefox - this browser is what he downloads after using Internet Explorer
  • Linux - an operating system he hates
  • RMS - a much less extreme version of this guy
  • Vaporwave

External links


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