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"Leading the industry of originality."
A screenshot of the public chat room ( when it was not filled with an infinite amount of autists and skiddies.
Typical sighting at the purple chimphouse.

From an outsider or the "what-the-fuck-is-this" perspective, BonziWORLD (AKA "BW") seems like a simple, irrelevant and shitty meme site where the dankest and kewlest memelords congregate like rats to talk about the titular virus ape and do epic shitposting. However - as is the case with all things OTI - all it takes for this innocent viewpoint to break, is a closer look.

BonziWORLD indeed is a shitty meme-based chat client stylized as your Granny's PC getting raped by the infamous Web 1.0 purple nigger, but what it and its reputation has turned into goes beyond anyone's comprehension. Created on August 22nd, 2016 by some weeaboo Sonicfag called "heyjoeway" (Joseph Judge), it evolved into a yet another hugbox for and underage GoFag spiclets with mental diseases; shocking I know. Despite the site being promoted as anonymous, everyone namefags and even colorfags themselves. The site also spawned 100 terabytes worth of neurotic content on JewTube, all of which is 20 minutes of "gameplays".

The site started to reek over the years; and eventually, even Joey Judge realized that the site was too cancerous to stay up, so he unplugged its life support. But Jo made the fatal mistake of keeping the site's Github repository up, leading to the internet getting flooded with horrible re-runs that ensure the site's continuity.

The tale of BonziWORLD continues with spergy revivals going up and shutting down every 6 minutes, with the spastics moving in and out of servers.


For those people who may or not have a death wish. This section covers only the most basic shit as everything else is documented on every revival's README. Most BonziWORLD Servers will have these along with a fuck ton of other useless ones added in.

  • /name [name] - Changes your Bonzi's name. PROTIP: You can include "{NAME}" and "{COLOR}" in your name (Any instances of them in a message will convert to the name/color of the Bonzi that sent the message, respectively) (ie. "{NAME} is a {COLOR} nigger"), so you can make a 6-year-old call himself an asshole for a tiny bit of lulz.
  • /color [color] - Changes your Bonzi's color. The default colors are: red, brown, green, blue, purple, black and pink. If you don't type one you'll be given a random one.
  • /speed [speed] and /pitch [pitch] - Change your Bonzi's voice.
  • /youtube [video ID] - Post a YouTube video. This one's the best for lulz generating, especially if you post something that might offend someone.
  • /asshole [name] - Calls someone (in this case [name]) an asshole (you can also do it by right-clicking the Bonzi and clicking "Call an asshole"). This "asshole" message is popular with the BonziWORLD users, so if you ever hear some baby or manchild saying "Hey, (...)! You're a fucking asshole!", you have come across a BonziWORLD sperg who should be trolled to death on sight.

Administrators/Popes Only:

  • /godmode [password] - Used to get administrator/Pope access. Most of the time it requires a password only the admins know, but since the default godmode password is none whatsoever, there is a possibility servers owned by script kiddies might have no godmode password; easily allowing you to use the below commands.
  • /sanitize off - Makes you immune to message sanitizing, thus allowing HTML, CSS, JS, etc. This means you can send malware through a chat site devoted to a piece of historical malware.
  • /pope - Sets you to an unique Bonzi Pope color. The purely aspergic and prepubescent community has an awful obsession with this skin. Ever since a BW rerun made it accessible to everyone for a brief moment, the children would bawl and beg for a shitty one-sprite skin that doesn't even come with admin privileges and is purely decorational. You'll even see children with "BonziPOPE" recolors on their profile picture due to the crippling addiction to a minor feature. Commands:

  • /hail [name] - The opposite of /asshole, used to hail users. Just like /asshole, you can right-click a Bonzi and select "Heil" to do the same thing.
  • /image [url] - Posts an image. There is no blacklisting of any kind so jailbait might be sent (and often is).
  • /video [url] - Same thing as above but for autoplaying videos.
  • /color [url] - Custom colors/skins can be used there. 99.9999999999% of the skins/colors made by the BW community are almost always fucking horrible OCs due to the community's lack of talent of any kind. Anything that isn't a horrible 5-year-old scribble OC is mostly jailbait, DevianTART MS-Paint porno, etc.

Besides that, you can also cancel out someone's message and mute someone. This is commonly used by extremely butthurt faggots with Special Snowflake Syndrome, which is everyone on BonziWORLD. removed muting for the lulz.

To summarize, BonziWORLD is a useless site that serves no lulz on its own (without the help of its community at least).

BonziWORLD Servers

What? This article does not need any more minor BonziWORLD servers, not at all.
You can help by not adding anything, especially not minor BonziWORLD servers.

Typical home-run BonziWORLD server. Keep in mind that THIS is still on the somewhat better side.

Yes, you heard us right; there is not one BonziWORLD, but over 70 equally horrible re-runs floating on the tubes at any given moment. BonziWORLD servers are (usually) effortless home-run modifications of the original website run by the manchildren of the community. Because everyone in the community is an autist, most of those servers are port-forwarded with most of them showing the host's IP along with no DDoS protection whatsoever, meaning any faggot can just run a cheap batch file that pings the server until the host's router turns into a black hole, leading to an epic win (unless the fucktard uses Cloudflare). Many of those servers are down half of the time, as they're hosted on 1984 IBM computers with 2kbps dial-up internet.

Here is a list of not all, but relevant BW servers. Everything else is SNCA:

The Big One

This is the only popular BonziWORLD server as of November 2023. The others are dead ghost towns with 0 users:

  • (formerly and - A somewhat lulzy server, and the only server people go to. You can cosplay as George Floyd or a kike. Best for generating lulz thanks to its removal of the mute button as well as a chat log, so for once you didn't have to always have your finger over the Print Screen key. It and its inactive Discord server, "Warsaw", are currently the "official" (dominant) BonziWORLD server and Discord, respectively. It became the BonziWORLD server after pounding BWR into the ground (or rather in the ass), making Seamus (aforementioned owner of BWR) very butthurt. It was a gradual process, but December 1st is the official overshadowed BWR, officially ending Seamus's little boy harvest. Eventually it went the route and became a dead and lulzless ghost town only populated by airheaded infants not worth milking and the owner's fanatics.

Smaller Servers

Dead ghost town servers nobody uses. Usually have 0 users online (rarely 1, 2 or even 3). When they aren't ghost towns, it's usually because is offline.

  • BonziWORLD Revived (formerly BonziWORLD+, BonziWORLD Revived+, BonziVERSE and BonziWORLD Community Edition; a.k.a. BWR(+) and BWCE) - A shitty bloated server made by a bipolar faggot called Seamus Cremeens, who can't decide if he loves or hates BonziWORLD. It only became popular thanks to Seamus & Friends injecting "malware" (annoying scripts that do nothing) into other BonziWORLD servers until there were none left but BWR. It has actual active moderation, which actually spawned a shit ton of angry homo videos of Bonzifags BAWWWWWWing. The site keeps getting killed off and revived 24/7 to this very day (by the aforementioned bipolar faggot) and therefore can't be qualified as either alive or dead. Seamus also makes over 9000 spin-offs of the website that not a single living, conscious, non-autistic soul gives a slightest fuck about. Nowadays a ghost town only used by Seamus, his butt buddy moderators, and his die-hard defenders. Required a Chrome extension from September to October of 2023; most likely in a vain attempt to filter out "le ebil nahzees".
    • Fun Fact: Seamus and his circlejerk LOVE to shill BWR on (and sometimes on here too, like this faggot); because of this posting BWR's link on once leaked your IP (however Fune, the owner of, has removed the IP leaker as of August 2023).
    • Fun Fact #2: In general both owners are extensively shilling their shit here in one way or another like the power-hungry attention whores they are (typical behavior for a BW server owner).
  • OnuteWORLD/BonziWORLD FE - A bloated clusterfuck that has 100000000000ms latency. The site's retarded skid owner Danielius Paulavičius (Onute "Jabba" Saulute) logs people's IPs when they use the site. Its earlier UI would give you both a seizure and AIDS, killing you instantly. There is also a BonziWORLD FE (short for "Fastest Edition" which is the polar opposite of what the site is), which is OnuteWORLD but worse; with 100 useless BFDI character skins and a color changer that literally crashes the site.


Servers that no longer exist; either because of BonziAIDS, skiddies injecting shitty JavaScript "viruses", DDOSing or a combination of the three.

  • -'s even more retarded equivalent. This one was never even moderated and the latest patch happened never, and thus it was a warzone of screaming 9-year-olds that shit out grounded threats that go on for eternity once trolled.
  • (formerly - Some port forward that was mostly similar to vanilla BW but with extra features that nobody used such as DMs, stickers, extra colors, and whatever. It used to be the main autism basket after's final shutdown; with your favorite baby raging autismals. The site was closed down on August 14th, 2022, revived as a response to's growth at the request of Seamus, and then raped to death by DDOSing.
  • (AKA New! BonziWORLD) - A short-lived Windows 10 UI server. It had the most useless skins and colors to the point where they started including Mario characters and OCs of some UTTP sandniggers with 10 subscribers. Assraped by BWR and turned into some animu school website. The domain is currently being used as one of the many OnuteWORLD/BonziWORLD FE mirrors.

The Death of

Since 2017, BonziSHART has been getting more spoiled and autistic every single day. In 2018, some poor misguided soul realized the potential in the fact that BW was so cheaply made; having over 9000 vulnerabilities up the ass. Soon after, a skiddie revolution occurred and the chatrooms got flooded with spambots and poorly-coded JavaScript raid snippets; eventually pushing Joe into killing off the site, hoping it would kill the cancerous plague that infected it. Thousands of BonziTARDS started BAWWWWWing and demanded the piss litter to return, but it never did, fortunately. The same participants in this skid circlejerk then went on to make their own semen-iced ship-heap re-runs.



The Community

the concept of BonziWORLD itself is not even bad, but the concept involves interaction with the users, and the BonziWORLD community is just fucking horrible and that's what makes it a deplorable website


—The BonziWORLD community summed up in a sentence.

The BonziWORLD community is a very terrifying, disgusting, and retarded fandom that surrounds this sorry excuse for a chatting client. It consists mostly of perverted 11-year-old kiddies who get boners from Roblox Inflation MS-Paint pictures they find on DeviantART and script kiddies who inject shitty JavaScript exploits that do nothing but change the background and sometimes blast out earrape, which can all be removed by refreshing the page. Many faggots also use the site for online dating and buttsex roleplays or take everything said on it seriously (because BonziBUDDY chat sites are serious business).

With such an aspie fanbase, it should be completely expected for the BonziWORLD's userbase to be filled to the brim with latinos, niggers, other 3rd world monkeys, and jews. That is because BonziWORLD is simple enough for an average roach to understand, but also because of the "Logo Editing Community" influence, which by itself is full of spics. Your average Pablo of BonziWORLD will very likely be a Logotard, GoFag or a toddler bouncing on his keyboard spamming gibberish and grounded threats. Most modern users of BW talk in gibberish and act like they have unironic Down's Syndrome, making trolling of them quite innutricious. The only lulz can be found surrounding the owners' lairs.

Many BonziTARDS post their retarded activities on YouTube, mostly BonziWORLD Reacts, where the user says "BonziWORLD Reacts to (video)" and then plays the video, thinking they'll reaction from other users in the room when they usually cancel the video instead. There are also "gameplay" videos of BonziWORLD which last 15 to 20 minutes. Yes, 20 minutes of colored monkeys talking, very interesting indeed.

Typical BonziWORLD Reacts Video



A horribly edited VHS-styled recording of BWR+.

Trolling BonziWORLD fans

BonziWORLD is a giant shitpot filled with GoFags, Objectfags, Skiddies and alike, so you could visit a few pages and their "Trolling" sections, as most of those will also work on Bonzifags. Here are the fun ways you can get them to rage.

  • Insult. That's literally it.
  • Tell them that BonziWORLD sucks.
  • Call them a "kiddie".
  • If the BonziFAG in question is a Seamus white knight, disrepect Seamus and/or show any positive feelings toward
  • Likewise, if the BonziFAG in question is a Fune white knight, disrepect Fune and/or show any positive feelings toward Either way the outcome is similar.
  • Make fun of anything they like.
  • Call them a BonziTARD/Bonzifag/Bonzicunt/whatever.
  • Bring up the fact that replacing strings and images on a shitty JavaScript "Virus" template is not hacking.
  • If they threaten to hack you, tell them they're too autistic to understand anything that's not JS, so they aren't and never will be able to hack even a retard.
  • Try to trick them if they don't understand Javascript, HTML, Ruby or any other programming language. Especially if they build their own BonziWORLD server in a dumb way, which can be exploited in many ways.
  • If you wanna completely shatter their epic haxor delusions, you could hack their accounts yourself, and watch as they cry.
  • If they try pulling off their "BonziWORLD Hate" or some other fake ITG bullshit, show them the videos of their BW obsession from just a year ago or less. But make sure you archive it first, in case the aspie 9-year-old attempts to DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING, which happens all the time.
  • Tell them that Jojudge, BagelChip or any BonziWORLD server owner did the right thing by shutting their servers down.
  • Tell them literally that ANY shit-covered clusterfuck of a BonziWORLD server is better off being down forever.
  • Praise the currently most hated BW micro-celebrity.
  • Post any form of porn or gore. While a quarter half of Bonzisharts will likely just jack off to it, the rest will chimp out and call you a pedophile, a rapist or accuse you of being the current porn-posting boogeyman (because posting anything remotely sexual is considered rape in this very mature community).
  • Remind them that "muting" won't do shit since you can just rejoin using the refresh button.
  • Remind them that the BonziWORLD server they are using often will get raped in the ass and get shut down forever due to kiddies.

Notable BonziWORLDers

ED does NOT need a huge list of absolute nobodies, nor does it give a shit about your petty forum feud with that bitch who doesn't agree with your Zutara OTP. Rather than spreading your butthurt vendetta over to this site, how about you read ED:101 and ED:A User's Guide to Article Building. And while you're at it, how about contributing to some actual drama you fucking idiot?

Because everyone at BonziWORLD is a full-on autist (all with their own lulzworthy doings), it would be astronomically difficult to list them all. So here are some "Notable" ones.

Diogo Mendes

Moar info: Diogo Mendes.

This beautiful individual is the patient zero of the AIDS that killed BonziWORLD

Diogo (Powerword: Diogo Miguel Barros Mendes, known under the nickname "Doggis") is a severely autistic 19-year-old Portuguese Tardoid who might be the closest thing you'll get to the BonziWORLD's CWC; and who has online dated people on the website. He started out as an objectfag on YouTube who got popular from his poorly-made logo edits, reaching 400,000 subscribers before he got haxed.

Diogo was the one to make the site popular among toxic logo kids, whereas in the beginning it was only used by Vargskelethor fanboys. As such, he is very popular to this day. Ever since 2017, the fetid children of this site worshipped this faggot and sucked his cock every minute they got. Eventually, the entire chat client became a shitfest assburgers playground full of underage GoFags. In 2020, Diogo's scary and certainly spergy wrongdoings caused the lightswitch to flip over, with every BW child suddenly hating his guts. Nowadays almost everyone hates Diogo, and a lot of logofags and 13-year-old boys use his rage videos as forced meme material and give Diogo group chat invitations to torment him.

Other than that, he did shitty webcam videos where he raged over some minor bullshit like dislikes or being called a name. He also made retarded reaction videos to whatever garbage his cocksuckers sent to him. Here are some (reuploads) of his tard rage videos, just to show how pathetic he really was:






An example of a "Ven a Doggis" meme, if you can even call it a "meme"


Typical reaction video.

Diogo has not been seen on BW once since August 2023, meaning he, in all likelyhood, left.

Seamus Cremeens/ItzCrazyScout

i never doxxed my self online retard


—Seamus, after hosting his BWR server via his home IP address and failing to censor his personal info


The autistic Irish loser behind BonziWORLD Revived/Community Edition who changes his mind every 2 nanoseconds on hosting his magnum opus. Other than playing TF2, Garry's Mod and bitching about the BonziWORLD community, Seamus dedicates his free time (which he has too much of) writing sob stories on Twatter about "edgy users" or being e-molested by some spic called Losky about 6 years ago after getting banned from Losky's Discord server or some shit.

Despite his multiple claims that he will "shut down BWR for good", he somehow magically never feels like doing so; and even when he does take it down, he brings it back up in about a week. His servers are bloated with a billion colors and skins of his buddies' MS Paint Object Show Mario OCs and shit nobody cares about. Fun fact, his solution to DevTools (Inspect Element, Console & Friends) being used for floodscripts was checking the horizontal resolution of the window, which made BonziWORLD unusable on mobile.

He also likes to occasionally whiteknight the kiddies that inject the site with autism, claiming they're innocent and the internet is serious business and that trolling makes "teh situation"™ worse, even if done for the lulz.

On June 9th, 2022, Seamus received minor criticism about how his code sucked ass and everything was running slow. This made him go apeshit, decided to take a break from the BonziWORLD community and deleted all of his GitHub repositories.

On October 15th, 2022, Seamus's future server domains and were stolen by "TMAFE cucks". Seamus BAWWWWWed about it and shit. Another Nothingburger, but at least now there are fewer BW domains for the zoomer leprechaun to infect with AIDS.

i am very glad i muted this server


—Seamus' solution to everything

Looks like the tmafe cucks are after us again. We are extending the lifetime period of to 1 year because one of our new domains got hijacked.


—Seamus being butthurt over having no domain to host more shitty bootleg Chinese sweatshop clusterfucks on.

Seamusfall or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Chimped Out Into Obscurity

The whole thing in a nutshell.
A special comic for Seamus to think over his life choices

On some wonderful blooming day in November of 2022, some previously unpopular individual simply known as Fune, ran a small server called Fune wanted some activity on the website, so he chose to bite off some of BWR's userbase. This is the part of the story when Seamus, once again, shows his autism at its peak.

As started growing, so did Seamus's virgin rage. Seamus would do anything to stop it (other than not give it attention); stuff like: making a butthurt tweet about "edgy BW users", calling Fune an "evil edgy nazi", advertising his website on, making shitty promotion campaigns, injecting shitty spambots/floodbots that don't work, and making a TL;DR article on his hugbox wiki (BALEETED) saying that the site has an IP grabber.

Eventually, took off like a rocket. The reason for that was simple: it was a semi-anarchy where almost everyone could roam freely; this was a win/win for the underage retard children obsessed with the site and the trolls milking them. Plus it had lulzy skins, jokes and facts that Seamus made sure to BAWWWWWW indefinitely about for being "le rayciss and anti-sematic and homophobik". was such a success that many die-hard BWR fans jumped ship, driving BWR into a single-digit user count. By then it was clear that the Irish midget failed to accomplish anything other than isolate himself from the community even further than ever before. This of course did not stop him and eventually, he was doxxed with his dox put into a subpage of for all to see. Not even THAT put an end to Seamus. He is still around writing paragraphs about bullshit on his hugbox of a wiki and having orgies with his boyfriends on Discord.

On December 31st, 2022, he baleeted the article after even his boyfriends became tired of his bullshit.

On January 4th, 2023, Seamus — in need of more little kiddies to suck off — has decided on the Final Solution for for being such evil nazis stealing his userbase and went on a Rage-fuelled Retard Report-en-masse Roid Raping Rampage and get's previous host, Freenom, to assrape them off the platform, with Seamus immediately declaring a win for himself. Not even an hour later, came back with a stronger and more secure domain, and started to slowly regain its userbase. In the end, Seamus got his own domains raped barely a day after because of how unpopular and empty his shitty sites were.

One day Seamus decided he was tired of being Fune'n'company's personal lolcow, so in one last attempt to show the community how evil they are, he created a hideous Google Doc that has been lost to time, complete with SHOCKING images such as racism, transphobia and worst of all: spreading proof of his hypocrisy. Later a counter-document was made and the Irish goblin's gnomes had their doxxes and groomings plastered on it. In the end, Seamus' doc did nothing but generate lulz for the rest of the community to feed on.

On August of 2023, Seamus chimped out and killed BWR/BWCE for the 100th time (except no, you could still use it if you had the BWR Chrome extension; however the server was a fucking ghost town). However, like always, his bipolar or whatever mental condition(s) he has kicked in and he brought BWR back sometime before October 20, 2023.

The end result of all this? Seamus ensured would forever be the lead BonziWORLD server. Or will it?

This wiki is created by Seamus. While he may not be active in the community, he will keep this wiki up to date with actual information and facts, while also protecting it against vandalism.


—Seamus doesn't want others to be contributing to HIS wiki (we know his content is factual when it's protected).

Onute Saulute

With the power of JabbaScript, he will fuck your shit up.
Daniel, the mastermind of graphic design.

Onute Saulute (Powerword: Danielius Paulavičius; also known as Jabba Saulute, "Jabba", IUS, SgtDanielArc360 and other names) is a fat Lithuanian potato muncher, a GoFag, and a massive skid with terrible grammar. He is the very proud owner of OnuteWORLD, which is BonziWORLD if Chris-chan got his hands on the site; being slow as fuck and bloated with malware and IP loggers. He spends his time writing extremely lengthy grounded threats, collecting old phones, and jacking off to some shit called "Samsung Fun Club". Onute also has a hate boner for some other fucktard called David Egan and wastes his life arguing with him and literally everyone else in the community due to his horrible reputation. And to add insult to injury, his severe case of mental retardation got him to dox himself.

He also runs an illegal clone of GoAnimate called Wrapper Offline Gold, which is also a clone of Wrapper Offline, made by the legendary lolcow Keegan Salisbury. Wrapper Offline is where all the fucktarded children went after GoFagimate removed their themes until even they realized that site was some Chinese sweatshop type shit, causing them to make a billion videos warning people about the website.

i'll infect your phone with malware so you can't boot the android os
not fucking phone



you are grounded! go to your room immediately and you fucking bitchass so I don't need it to my life please shut up you fucking bald nigger I don't want to hear your accountant and get a job if you use of year 18, so get dunked on nerd assholes, I have a semi confident to get a misuse complaint to kill with coronavirus and die in your country so you don't wanna to hate me instead, go ahead and what happens if you hatred and pussy out of me to hate me, get sick on covid-19 nigga, GET YOUR BUTTS DOWN DUMBASS, HYPOCRITCIZE ALL YOU WANT OR NOT. SHITASS IS YOUR FRIEND, GET A LIFE NERDIES, BOOBIES, YOU FANS ARE UTTP COMMUNITIES ASSES, INSTALL PROTEGENT OR ELSE DIE IN A LITERAL WORLD ON YOUR SPACE



engrish is for japans
you pedo


—But it's for Lithuanias too!

What location that you hate BonziWORLD, did you send into other states on USA? Pulling states is illegal, so irrelevant. You want to be worstest person on BonziWORLD. Kiss your mom was a gay when FBI is coming to raid your house, you're perole, right? Alright, well your siblings are fuckin gay, they don't want you to hate BonziWORLD, so get the pathetic life loser. Buy some drugs, then get sick for drugs, and go to hospital you dumb. Go to heaven while you have ever died. Or I will fight like a karate then I will kick your organs, stomach and brains off.




Who broke bonziworld community?

Everything. I finished. You guys are hooligans, pedos, monsters, dragons and hippos. I was allowed to see what happened on the server today? Those people who accept and receive a new hotel and hunt for that IP address if the hotel has a new IP address. Do I need to leave again? See, Seamusmario is no longer hypocritical, nor is Seamusmario striving to be a better person. Seamusmario has a new channel because I revealed its IP address, and now Seamusmario will not broadcast live unless personalization is enabled. What a penis you guys constantly know and barricade for no reason. I hope your parents will annoy you and make you angry. Because we no longer use BonziWORLD. Because it’s very stupid. GoAnimate people who don't like the associated Bonkeyword because it can grab an IP address. I want to get those gofag IP addresses later. I want to make people run away as usual. And the last thing. If I close all of BonziWORLD, you will still call me jabba, a? If I delete an incompatible account? To me, it’s still called the word jabba, and you know you immediately came up with what word? You despise a little. Look at what I said, David Egan shows the index point that if Miguel de Oliveria Valentine will be discontinued? Miguel must be on a good list, David Egan - naughty for life. What if I delete my Google Account and change my trademark if I still call it jabba with disagreements? You knew everything. I don’t care if my IP address was made public, who cares that it just stays there and does nothing! Now I hate Sexy Wubbox because Diogo Mendes, who bombed the chat site port, doesn’t allow my internet to die at speed and speed. Who cares, just call me jabba, how do you like it, right? We have your IP address because the ports have been registered. The first magazine, Thonkbot IP, was shown when monsters suddenly closed the tab while visiting the site. not bad means the ip address was shown as new. vyond likes to block and offend the firewall. and the omle as well. i’ll play gba and leave again because you all hooligans dancing like chimpanzees have to be locked up at the zoo! these blocked sites suffer like anger! it is suspicious that we are seamusmario's partners again, because he has improved and wants to act again when mature, if not ... bonzio a similar world in a world where i would not see activity. this work affects persons and ducks, and what are the main threats! these people close close, hard to say you offer either gtfo or ddos! these people must move frequently! just go and you’re all black. i don't have uiggu! if i see a word called jabba again? i will put a bead out of you, and you can deserve to be driven out! rant users are good, but you rely on 300 dillecillion eon! now go to your room and tell your parents what you just did before! go now! the foxfan computer for managing and setting up system32 will be permanently deleted!


— And this one is not even the longest message he shat out. Are you impressed?

I was exposing the face for good, David Egan is nothing good for more, but I was trying to make fun of him, because it would be very funny. Also, we still fun of David Egan, making more angrier! I watched for two times. The copyright strike is not a remove, it's a ignoration of remove. But the best way, that is. It says that the description is really bad for me. I like calling out a hooligan word for it. Because I like to fun of David Egan. Also you know, the mutual organization was started proving why the user is not miguel, it's different but not PBYT. David Egan doesn't have a Discord Account. Because they don't like Discord. Besides, why David Egan makes presumptuous videos out of me. Think for all, it's a crime which I insulted an crime to him. And second for all, you can't send me to FBI, I'm in Lithuania. But there's no FBI on Europe, USA does. David Egan only lives in USA, but me live in Europe. That have a difference of regions. He was against and strong to report it immediately for me. I created the account and we took it down to make bad messages out of David Egan, now I ranted for not giving a nitro. Then for comeback, I was really mad at these users, because they blocked me or banned me. I was really using VPN and getting unbanned or creating an alt for it. When my video's are removed, I used to create a new Google account called "Samsung SGH-J700" on Huawei Ascend Y550. We knew the fonts that is Eurostile and Verdana.


—Him ranting on David Egan


From his hydraulic-press-like headphones to his underdeveloped snort-nose, Kelvin is MADE for wimminz!!!1
send face plz omfg aaaa

Cosmic (Powerword: Kelvin Frederick Walker, also known as Cosmic Xploitz, CosmicStar98 or Cockmick) might be the second biggest skid after Onute. This schizo basically thinks he's the master of JS and a "professional" bot maker even though he has no idea how to multiply 2 variables together. Just like other skids, he browses Stackoverflow and pre-made code that he stitches together to make horrible abominations. He can be easily destroyed with facts and epic delusion shatterers. As shown here:

Use scrollbar to see the full image

UPDATE: As of June 2022, he has actually improved and stopped spamming links to his shitty floodscript bots. He is now the owner of a slightly decent BW server. He has also exposed Seamus as a retard who can't code. Seamus chimped out and temporarily quit the community. NEVERMIND! Cosmic tried to groom a 13-year-old girl named Amelia (who is also Fune's ex) and ended up getting himself doxxed, causing rage, lulz, threats, and the founding of a group called "AWFOB" (Anti Warsaw Federation of BonziWORLD). He ended up becoming Seamus' sex toy.

His godawful Pastebin [1]. WARNING: Full of aids.

Other Nobodies

Here's everyone else:

  • Fune - The Polish toiletscrubber/founder/owner of who doxxed Mr(s). Seamus for chimping out. He uncovered the truth about Seamus's absent """sister""", logged his IP address and is slightly funnier than Seamus. He has a bunch of underage fanatics who will call you an alt of Seamus or some current-thing boogeyman if you try milking him, similar to Seamus having gnomes call others Fune alts. Also rumored to have fingered himself and admittedly jerked off to vore. Also also has a batshit insane ex-girlfriend who records herself eating raw eggs and occasionally leaks Fune's info now and then for no reason other than for the lulz. She makes him very butthurt, with him constantly banning her and trying to get her sent back to the schizoshack.
  • SonicFan08 - Fatass logotard who kickstarted this whole "BonziWORLD Reacts" trend in 2017 and makes low-quality unfunny MSAgent skits. He chip chops MsAgent videos to this day.
  • Geri/Bowgart/Pom Pom/Whitty/whatever - Hungarian 14-year-old child who did sex roleplays with Diogo when he was 12 until they broke up. Has an identity crisis and claims he's not "Geri".
  • SrKevonz/trumpboi/Eternity - Croatian version of Tyler London in that he's a tryhard. Constantly bitches about his face being reposted and grooms little speds on Roblox.
  • ArdaKirac - Some 13-year-old Turkroach who cums to BFB, "Barney Errors" and logo edits. Used to LARP as a BFB-n-BonziWORLD hating Internet Tough Guy to fit in with the cool kidz, but stopped because no one took him seriously. He now wastes his time spamming grounded threats and drooling over Bonziworld, undoing months worth of his ITG LARP. He also acts very sexually just like Diogo, whom Arda supposedly hates.
  • Dresmor2nd - Another skid and sped who sucks off Seamus and hates; spamming it with awful non-functional "exploits".
  • e. - A one-digit-number year-old microcelebrity, different from the other sand monkeys in that he still makes the community piss itself to this day. Major attention whore who, despite all his efforts, is still irrelevant and always will be.
  • Erik - Previously the owner of and barely active or relevant in the community. Now he pumps out porn-spamming scripts for all the kewl kidz/trolls who hate BonziWORLD and is blamed by everyone when anything in the server goes wrong just like a kike would be.
  • "Charles Stansell" - A fake character alt created by Tyler and managed by people like Diogo. Spams PornHub links and porn ads, showing how even such a simple dead meme chatting site can cause AIDS in someone's brain. Some say Charles is a real person and that Tyler impersonates him.
  • Daniel Strikez - One of the few remaining die-hard Seamus fans. Used to spend his time crying about shit nobody cares about in Fune's pisscord server. Also adds useless shit to this article that ends up getting reverted instantly because nobody wants to read a whole paragraph about cartoon axolotl porn spam bots.

The funny thing is that much of the spoiled remains of this community pretend(s/ed) to hate BonziWORLD because it's liek so kewl edgy and because they seek acceptance. A lot of these rejects also tend to overuse the word "kiddie" on other fellow 7-year-olds because everyone there suffers from god levels of Unwarranted Self-Importance and they think they are better than anyone else and that calling someone a kiddie (while technically being one themselves) instantly inserts them in that position. A lot of these misfits attack any current BW server like some eternal contrarian snakes.

Forgotten Faggots

  • clip888 - One of the only decent and mature BonziWORLD users. It should be clear as day why he left the site.
  • SHIT FUCK - Another somewhat bearable BonziWORLD user. Discovered a lot of things on the website such as the {NAME} and {COLOR} magic words.
  • GoAnimate - Some random annoying faggot.
  • Rodrigo Gamer - A 9-year-old Brazilian thing that made 6 million alts to hide and usually abandoned his older alts. His alts were easy to identify as they usually are just "BonziBUDDY" or some other aspergic shit.
  • FAGOTS - Seamus' sockpuppet that he uses to send inflation porn to people, which is funny since Seamus bitches about "inflation fetishists" all day (It's probably just irony, bro!!1)
  • "Dioga" - Used to be an imaginary girlfriend for Diogo. Nowadays, the name "Dioga" is associated with Diogo due to his failed tranny status.
  • ItsAMeTylerLondon AKA Tyler London - A 17-year old niglet from New York who was a skid, logofag, GoFag and objectfag. Thought he was an amazing and scary hacker by asking people for passwords or just waiting until some minor alt of someone dropped its account information. He also constantly made Alts to annoy people with. Overall just a very annoying groid who deserved a visit from Moon Man. And likely got it too since he hasn't uploaded since September 2022. Either that or AIDS, whatever.

Bonzifag Gallery

Galleria de BonziWORLD Autismo About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

The May 12th event

May 12, 2021 was a "special" day, promoted as the end of BonziWORLD servers, started in April 2021 when some random autistic anonymous hackuh wannabe called "Negatiiv" started spreading shit about him and his scary hacker buddies planning to take down BonziWORLD on May 12th. And so he got Bonzifags to spread his message, and they did, like the mindless shit puppets they were. Eventually, the whole community knew about this event, BAWWWWWIng about the end of an abomination that should've died long ago.

The funny thing is that the user in the screenshot of the video is fake and the user is not even Seamus. Just more proof it was all staged shit made as an attention grab.

What happened to BonziWORLD on May 12th

Nothing happened, obviously. Even if it were to happen, Tyler London was supposed to take part in it, meaning it would've been some ineffective JS injection spam anyway.

The May 12th bullshit inspired other disabled pissbabies to create and plan their own BonziWORLD rape days. All of them were some inconsistent or stolen dates with generic threats such as "We will DDoS the site!!!!!" or "The website will shut down and get hacked n sheeeeeeit!!!!!". Just like the original rendition, NONE of them significantly damaged the site(s). While it can be lulzy at times, it's still always some attention whorelets seeking to create some impact or influence, hoping to get recorded as the magical BW heroes. Unfortunately for these people, it's more likely they'll get recorded as whiny obnoxious spics that drink their own urine and jack off to shota hentai.


BonziWORLD fuckery About missing Pics
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A good way to visualize how godawful this "website" can be. Hope you're prepared for sheer, ultimate, unfiltered mass-autism.

How an average BonziWORLD user reacts to being banned

Yes, part twenty-fucking-six.






See Also

BonziWORLD users are known to be unbearably annoying.

External Links

BonziWORLD Server Links

  • - The only active server.
    • They even have their own wiki. Most articles are on the boogeyman of the week and read like they were written by 4-year-old Punjablets, which they probably were. Constantly raided and vandalized to death. Once hailed as "BonziWORLD's ED" but that was during the first 2 weeks when people above the age of 12 were still writing articles there.
  • BonziWORLD Revived/Community Edition - Just in case you want to troll Seamus and/or his defenders. Seamus loves to drop the banhammer whenever his feelings get hurt, so have your proxy list/VPN ready, as Seamus might as well leak your IP.
  • OnuteWORLD - Jabba's cancerous server. Do not go to this server without a proxy, VPN or Tor, as Jabba publicly logs the IP of anyone who visits it!
    • BonziWORLD FE - The above but more cancerous. Once again, don't go to this server without a proxy/VPN/Tor.


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Those Dying Alone

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Their Methods

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