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He's a fat fuck that is swallowing all the aborted fetuses with his whale sized mouth.


—Avant's entire sad existence in one sentence

This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
Don't rush ladies.
Note: this is an article about an Encyclopedia Dramatica user. For more information, please see the appropriate user page. To leave this user a message, please visit their talk page.

AvantGardePony is a whiny, autistic 30-year-old brony faggot manchild who in just 4 short months was able to make a colossal asshat of himself for the whole cesspool that is deviantSHART to see. 

Being a shit-clobbering hypocrite and a painfully virginal basement-dweller, AvantGardePony in his natural habitat is known to obsessively search for any stamp or deviation that expresses an opinion or concept he doesn’t agree with and make sure people know how enraged and asshurt he is by their difference of opinion. Ultimately, he ends up making an epic ass of himself, and everybody laughs. But of course, in his mind, he wins every internet argument ever and is a hero to all.

The dArama Begins

Yes, ask him something.

AvantGardePony, being a radical conservative thundercunt and moralfag with an abhorrent personality, decided to make a name for himself in the bowels of deviantSHART by taking time out of his busy life to search and seek out pieces, usually deviant stamps, and spew his autistic filth in hopes others will realize his hidden genius. As he redundantly kept posting in every corner of the site, people began to take note of his legendary level of retard and gathered to watch the trainwreck.

Some lovely things Ponybro will argue are that people who have casual sex, or ANY sex at all are endangering the public and on the same level as serial killers. Perhaps this attitude stems from the fact he can’t seem to get laid.

That women being abused by their partners deserve to be killed by them. wat

And, that people who get abortions or support abortion are ALL IRRESPONSIBLE SLUT SCUM AND DESERVE TO DIE, NO EXCEPTIONS!!1

I support raping abortionists. You already know what they'll do if you knock 'em up ;)


— AvantGardePony, showing his support for raping abortionists

When he realizes that people replying to him actually leave their fucking house and experience life and thus know more about stuff and shit, his stock response is to call everybody stupid and accuse them of having daddy/mommy issues. Because that is an instant win, amirite?
 He will also abuse the "flag as spam" function when people come to his profile to engage in debates he sparked in various corners of the site. Not only is Pony a despicable human being, but he also can’t keep his shit together for the life of him.

Hark, the Faggot Sings!

Seen here preparing to cause the Japan tsunami

Upon discovering this article was being written for him, Pony was immediately enraged and mass deleted everything in his gallery to SHOW THOSE LAME TROLLS they have nothing on him, however he failed to realize that all evidence of his bullshittery was still public in his activity feed and visible to everybody and their brother. He then proceeded to report all comments mentioning his article, and yell at everybody in #I-Call-Bull. He told them that he

 was not mad, but amused, and that he had nothing to hide from them. I guess this is why he deleted everything from his gallery, amirite?

Immediately after, he posted a super whiny and USI-filled as fuck journal where he expressed his anger towards the idea of having an ED article.

Apparently someone thinks that my (Oh SO original....) opinions on abortion etc are worthy of an Encyclopedia Dramatica page. Uh... K.


AvantGardePony being a faggot in his journal.

Jenkem anyone?

He reassures his 1 watcher that ED will obviously side with him and remove this article because he knows ED pretty fucking well and because that's totally how it works on ED. Obviously.

A couple hours after the article was published and people came to notify him about it, he again flew into an epic rage and posted up SOME SERIOUS PROOF that the article was a motherfucking lie!!111!

As per request (and as a little proof that the writer of my ED article was half full of shit, lol):

I sincerely hope you will be able to more forward with your life now that you've seen this .. XD


— A delusional fuck.

As soon as Ponybro actually read the contents of his article, he posted up another hilariously butthurt journal entry where he insists the totally true information in this article was BULLSHIT. He also pretends he's not offended and instead writing out of boredom, however the very fact he's taking the time to write multiple journals and act all tough like he's some sort of hardcore faggot kind of makes us believe otherwise. The journal also eloquently finished off with a pretentious explanation of what ED is for retarded people like Pony. Because we all know how fucking well Ponybro knows Ed.

WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! If I can't trust Encyclopedia Dramatica, WHO CAN I TRUST?!


— Because truly, ED is the last bastion of journalistic integrity.

Apparently because I feel an eye-for-an-eye about practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine is fair, somehow I want "DEATH TO THE CHINESE!", like ALL of them!! But you can PLAINLY see in the screen cap, that I specified "Not all Chinese, just those who use TCM"


— Remember, it's not racism if you only want the extermination of a certain part of a race's culture.

I'm a tranny, a furry and a brony.




What it probably looked like when the midget landwhale was born

He is no doubt one of the most hypocritical ragetwats on the face of the internet. Some of his blatant hypocrisies include:

  • Being vehemently against abortion because bawww it’s murder, however he states a number of times he would rather kill a kid than his own dog and that dogs have “contributed more to human society than children”.
  • Saying deviant stamps are a waste of time and totally not art and don’t belong on dA, yet has a mass amount of stamps in his favorites collection, including ones that say “I love talking about sex”, “Legalize prostitution”, and “Abstinence only sex ed is bullshit”. lol irony much?
  • Claims he is proud to be an immature fuck, but calls other people immature as an insult to make himself feel better. what is this i don’t even

  • Says people can't critique shit they know nothing about, but does this all the fucking time.
  • Will tell people expressing what they hate publicly is dumb.

Personal Life

AvantGardePony IRL

AvantGardePony is a disgusting pre-op tranny who had a shitty upbringing due to batshit conniving parents behaving like 6 year olds and putting him and his brother in the middle of their divorce. It had a profound negative influence on poor young Ponytard, who quite clearly inherited the immaturity of his parents to cope with the troubles of life. He expresses this immaturity on a regular basis, and even boasts about being an immature fuck.

Due to his severe autism, he isn't known to have many friends, even on the internet. How terribly sad.

As Pony is a hardcore brony, his artwork consists of MLP OCs fucking each other with giant donkey dicks. He clearly makes no effort whatsoever to hide his sick fuck fetishes from the rest of the civilized world. Formerly in his dA account but now largely his tumblr, he posts disgusting MLP porn for his fellow sick fuck followers to fap to. Shame that such a thing could be considered "human" at all.

How to live as a happily married man

Easy ways to piss off AvantGardePony

  • Tell him you think abortion is awesome.

  • Send him pictures of aborted fetuses and tell him it looks just like delicious orange chicken.
  • Tell him you’ve had sex. Even better, tell him you’ve had sex more than once with different people!

  • Tell him you've never heard of him until you read his ED article.
  • Tell him that he has absolutely no future, and he will end up at the same trash pile as Chris-chan and other such ilk.
  • Being a brony is the exact same thing as bestiality, and that abortion is less sinful.

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

True origin

Not many knows that he's not actually a human being, but rather, a Hutt.

Places you can find him

See Also

  • NeoGAF - Former member, now banned and being bullied by NeoGAF for not taking sides.

AvantGardePony is part of a series on Aspies. [Back to your happy placeSperg out]

Aaron BushnellAcademy ManiacsAdam LanzaAlbert EinsteinAlexander SlavrosAmber ButtrumAndy KaufmanAnthony 'A-Log' LoGattoAspies for FreedomAspierationsAssburgerBaldi's BasicsBambifan101Barron TrumpBart-ToonsBeefraveBenny_the_SnakeBenthelooneyBen ShapiroBill9929Bill GatesBlocklandersBlueCatRioluBodyXPoliticBonziWORLDBoris MalagurskiBourg ProductionsBram CohenBrandon SmithBrownsquirrelCameron W. CowanCansin13ChibiyimaChris-chanChris Harper-MercerClay ClaymoreCyndilovespiccoloDan CilleyDarrDarius McCollumDarviela MaravaronaDavid CleggDaxFlameDellordev-catscratchDiogo MendesDisneyFan01DLAbaoaquDodgerofZionDragonfandrp1zzaEddie WiseEdenHeroineGirlElliot RodgerEmpLemonErik RibsskogErin AnthonyEvan GraggFlaglerchatFlardoxFucklewithshuckleFUNImation2002GachatardsGalaxyRailways2199Gary McKinnonGeosheaGlitchedbloodGoFagsGrantMGraykatGreg MazujianGreenyfagsHannah CappsHeed My WarningHozupindahows00sInmendhamInuboy1000IronholdsJack Gilbert GrahamJared MiltonJahi/4444Javi SuzumiyaJINXDROWNEDJoekerJohn Patrick RogersJoseph8276JustinandDennisJustinRPGJoey The AutistKeegan SalisburyKawaii KitsuneKawaiiKittee88KelseyaliciaKevin HavensKingMasterReviewKirbysloverKloeriKongzillarex619KothorixKphoriaLane DavisLeafyIsHereLogo KidsLordelthibarLougaraLukas PietschLyndsay KirkhamLynn AnnM. ChaosManlytearsMar9122Marcus PotterMarioMan7890MarioMario456Mark ZuckerbergMascotGuyMatthew DavisMatthew NicholsonMDetector5Michael GimsonMinefagsMisha SilenostiMissyMix HyenaMonica PunkMumkey JonesMutescreamMylarBalloonFanNate SpidgewoodNemo HanaNeuroNichole337Nick BravoNicky ReillyNikolas CruzObjectcucksOlinkalexOnigojirakaijuOnyx ForepawPacificoceanasiaPhantomStriderPhonefagsPMDrive1061PopcornPrince JeremyRandy Robert StairRavenNGRobert Clark YoungROtardsRootbrianRoss LumbusRyanSammyClassicSonicFanSaturnDOSSebastien LevesqueSeunghwan LeeSeleryShane LeeSiriusOrionisSolidMarioSONYFANBOYSperginStarbladeStarkiller88SteAndKelSuperMarioLoganSuper Minecraft KidTablecowTGcomixTheAmazingAtheistTheDOSFagThe Eclectic EspeonThe rEactorTheme Park ReviewTheMysteriousMrEnterTherealagerbonThe JuggernautThe Unknown AutobotTheVeganStudentTimboxToby J RathjenToKeNTom SersonToonEGuyToshTrigglypuffTylerthDragonUlillilliaVailskibum94Varg VikernesWaymuuWeatherManKevinWeDoALittleTrollingWeegeeisgoingtokillmWerechuWetflamewillg8686William AtchisonWilliam FreundWim CrusioWolfAdvocateWolfeedarkfangwwwareaYouZS3

AvantGardePony is part of a series on My Little Pony


AvantGardePony is part of a series on


Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage.

AvantGardePony is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

Visit the Faggotry Portal for complete coverage.

AvantGardePony is part of a series on Dying Alone

[DeadCry yourself to sleep]

Those Who Have Died Alone

Aaron AlexisAaron BushnellAaron SwartzAdam LanzaAlexis ArquetteAmanda ToddAmy WinehouseAnal CuntAndy KaufmanAngry GrandpaAnna Nicole SmithAnthony WarnerAsa CoonBrian AdamsBrandon CrispByuuCharmaine DragunCho Seung-HuiChris BenoitChris Harper-MercerChynaCodey PorterDavid BowieDavid CarradineDragoneerEazy-EEdaremElliot RodgerElvis PresleyGeorge SodiniGizgizGleb KorablevGursimran KaurHappyCabbieHarambeH.P. LovecraftHeath LedgerJake DavisonJeff WeiseJewWarioJim MorrisonKate SpadeKitty0706Kurt CobainLemonade CoyoteLeelah AlcornLil PeepLiloLoki BlackfangLowtaxMia JaninMegan MeierMichael JacksonMitchell HendersonMySpaceNathan GaleNikita LytkinOtoya YamaguchiPekka-Eric AuvinenPrinceRandy StairRehtaeh ParsonsRicardo LopezRina PalenkovaRipperRobin WilliamsRonnie McNuttRudolph ZurickRyan PalmeterShawn WoolleyShayShuaibySol PaisStephen PaddockSteve StephensThomas Matthew CrooksTony48219TooDamnFilthyTyler DumstorfVester FlanaganWilliam AtchisonXXXTentacionZhao Zewei

Those Dying Alone

03bgood2cash2 gryphon7jackass77A Man in BlackAdam SandlerAhuviya HarelAIDS SkrillexAkewsticRockRAlex FordAlison RappAmerica's Third PartyAmy SchumerAndrew AllansonAngry JoeAnimatedJamesAnita SarkeesianAnonymous BorgAnthony 'A-Log' LoGattoAntony AguilarApril DavisAquagirlwhitefoxArgent009Arguecat3Arin HansonArmake21AsalieriAsher2500Austin AlexanderAvantGardePonyBambifan101BarneyfagBasement DwellersBen FordBen MoynihanBenny_the_SnakeBenthelooneyBig RedBikerfoxBill9929Bill GaedeBill GatesBLACKbusterCriticBob RehahnBrandontheMovieGuyBrandon SmithBrian MuellerBrian Richard ZaigerBrianna WuBroniesButLovaByAppointmentToCarl the CuckCartoonjunkieCaseydeckerCatboyKamiCheeyevChloe SagalChris-chanChris CrockerChuck M.Clint of Rise and FallCopperCabCorey MargeraCoughlan666CrazyvideosandrantsCrinklemonCyraxxDaniel BrandtDan CilleyDane CookDani FilthDarius McCollumDarknessthecurseDarksydePhilDave ChapelleDave MustaineDavid HockeyDaxflameDBoyWheelerDeekerDeterminedToDrawUTDev-catscratchDGTrixieDiaper BoyDillon CosseyDiogo MendesDisneyFan01DisneyMasterDJ KEEMSTARDnepropetrovsk maniacsDodgerofZionDogpatch PressDon RobertsDoodletonesDoomer3868Dorian_GayDoug WalkerDrakonDrossRotzankDoomentioDustinEDP445Emer PrevostEmosEpic Fat GuyEpicKitty54Eric AbramovEric RidenourErik RibsskogErtasVideosFilthy FrankFagolescentsFanFic CriticFast EddieFat ManFaust & Pory Five Nights at Freddy's fansFlardoxFluffy teh wolfForeverKailynFriends of A-LogFurriesG-ZayGather Against FateGeorge LopezGeosheaGhostGirlvinylGlobelampGoddessMilleniaGraykatGreg MazujianGwen GaleGwen StefaniHarmful OpinionsHellkiller777I Dislike Cis PeopleI Hate EverythingIan Miles Cheongicze⁴rImma-The-DeerInkBunnyIsabella Loretta JankeJamil The KingJessi SlaughterJessica LeedsJim ProfitJINXDROWNEDJoe Crusher PicklesJoekerJohn BullaJohn FieldJohn KricfalusiJohn Patrick RogersJonathan McIntoshJonmonJonTronJoseph CampJoseph8276Joshua "Null" MoonJuggalosJustinRPGKat DenningsKendall JennerKeegan SalisburyKathleen ToddKenny GlennKevin HavensKeffalsKimmo Johan AlmKingEmpoleonKingMasterReviewKrashedLaci GreenLarry the Cable GuyLauren FaustLeafyIsHereLecarickLeigh AlexanderLeisureSuitGamingLena DunhamLeonard F. Shaner Jr.Leslie JonesLifeInATentLikeicareLinkaraLittleCloudLittleKuribohLogo KidsLordelthibarLow Tier GodLucian HodobocM. ChaosMAGAtsManchildrenMar9122MarblesMarioMario456MariotehplumberMarjan SiklicmasteroogwgayMatthew DavisMatthew NicholsonMcJuggerNuggetsMDetector5‎MeowbarkMeganSpeaksMichael BattonMichael FitzhywelMichael GimsonMike SandyMoleman9000Monica PunkMonkeyGameGuidesMoviebobMumkey JonesMuZemikeMylarBalloonFanMysteriousMrEnterMysticArkNaokoElric2250NawlinWikiNeckbeardsNeoGAFNicholas ProsperNick BateNick BravoNikkineko333Noah AntwilerNostalgia ChickNotchNullcherriObjectfagsOFWGKTAOnideus Mad HatterOnyx ForepawPacificoceanasiaPACKGODPaigeGirlPaul FeigPaulie CalafioreParkourdude91Peter BrightPeter CoffinPeter ScullyPhantomStrider8Phil FishPhunWithLogicPinkieponyPit ViperPixyteriPeluchin EntertainmentPMRantsPreachingthegospelQuentin TarantinoRachael MacFarlaneRandi HarperRichard ReidRicki RavenRMG ProductionsRobert StaintonRobert Wayne StilesRockosockoRomeo RoseRootbrianRose3212Ryan RouthSad FrogSammyClassicSonicFanSam PepperSarah ButtsSarahisniftySaturnDOSSceptreSchnookumsSegacampSega KidSeth MacFarlaneSethistoShadmanSimply OkamiSlowbeef & DiabetusSnapesnoggerSonic SaviorSonmanicSony-MaeSophie LabelleSpax3StormySuperlisamcbSusan BoyleTara StrongTheAmazingAtheistTheDOSFagTheOdd1sOutTheSockDetectiveTim BuckleyTJ LaneTodd in the ShadowsTom PrestonToonEGuyTourneyfagsTrey Eric SeslerTrigglypuffTyciolTyler GarmanyUlillilliaThe Unknown AutobotVadeVinceintheBayWade FulpWeatherManKevinWesley!!!WoWfan4lifeWwwareaWeegeeisgoingtokillmXenuriaYandereDevYoshiwii1Youyoungbloodfantasy91Zoe QuinnZone

Their Methods

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Featured article May 25th & 26th, 2015
Preceded by
AvantGardePony Succeeded by
Dave Hopkins