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File:Slanderous bitch.jpg
She along with the original AE and Something Awful all had to double team on Pacione but Pacione fired back and crucified them.

A JournalFen-based community devoted to mocking the stupid in fandom. Something Awful for fanfic lesbians. Basically LJ Drama except not half as funny. They engage in casual copyrape and get pissed when someone had the balls to stand up to them on an epic level. They were gathering their information from Stephen Glass and quote-mine, plagiarize and everything in between. Their wiki starts edit wars when the truth gets published about them.

Fandom Wank also has a wiki, which documents massive amounts of wank, much as ED documents memes and the various low, medium, and high-level lulz. Bearing in mind that most of the people who contribute to Fandom Wank are fanficfags themselves, Fandom Wank might accurately be compared to dwarves making fun of midgets. They have moments of where it gets unfunny fast where members had implicated child abuse of Nickolaus Pacione's son and invoked a slash story between his pen name and his son thinking it was cute. Pacione having 1771 followers on and during the years he had 2100 followers who a lot of them knew him in real life. The laughs came where they were effectively counter-trolled in print. Countertrolling is a very useful tool when engaging in edit warring as the edit war aka hostile editing plays up on when one is telling the truth.

An Eye In Shadows was called hateful by the FandomWank wiki when they were caught lifting some of his material too. provides some of the documented history of how many places they were TOSsed from.

Many Famous FW celebrities include:

  • Usagi Kou
  • Mindset (taken down by Pacione in An Eye In Shadows. Revealed her name and hometown.) This one was breaking one of The Ten Commandments going after Pacione. She and Christine Morgan lead the attempted protest of some of his sales, and the page of Pacione as born because one of the trolls was told this. Pacione having friends who are Jewish was very careful not to be anti-Semitic with his pickapart of Mindset. Pacione's Law is don't go after someone who is in striking distance. He caught her wop-bashing. Especially when Jews are often cast as roles to play wops in movies.
  • Msscribe
  • SailorMercury90
  • Your Mom
  • Half of GAFF
  • Too many Snape Fangirls

See Also

External Links

[...and then there was a gay orgy.It was a dark and stormy night...]

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See also

But What Are Your Thoughts On Yaoi?Chekhov's GunFandomFanfic lesbiansFantardNo lifeOriginal characterOriginal fictionPlagiarismSherlockPlot bunnySelf-insertWapaneseMy Little Pony

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[DeadCry yourself to sleep]

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