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Carlos Maza

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Carlos Maza
Born: April 9, 1988
Real Name: Carlos Manuel Maza
Nationality: Cuban-American  
Occupation: Youtuber
Date joined December 10, 2019

Carlos Manuel Maza is a Cultural Marxist faggot and the spic known for his career as a propagandist on Vox Media and starting the fourth jewtube adpocalyspe during his feud with Steven Crowder. This abomination of a ‘journalist’/ ‘reporter’/ ‘man’ has been described as "Brian Stelter meets NowThis", which can’t mean anything good.


Papa Maza and a pregnant Mama Maza jumped from Cuba and landed in the US, since lynch mobs from their native communities would use their heads as soccer balls if they knew what the Maza couple was going to unleash onto the world. Carlos Maza would later be spawned after all options for abortion were exhausted on April 9, 1988. He had the same loser upbringing as many millennials, having a fixation with video games but being highly introverted and intellectually peaking at an early age. While attending Christopher Columbus High School, he joined the debate club and developed the confidence to say retarded things in public with a smug smile on his face. This would be crucial for his future career. After wasting enough time and money, all he had to show for it was a B.A. in Political Science from Wake Forest University in 2010. But since cultural marxist propaganda outlets have a knack for gay retards unafraid to make these two factors their defining character traits, Carlos Maza wouldn’t have to wait long for employment.



Maza began what would otherwise be an unremarkable career in propaganda with cultural marxist think-tank Center for American Progress. He quit upon the realization that nobody would want to read the shit he writes. Maza would then join the Hillary Clinton front-group Media Matters. He was their go-to on all issues pertaining to faggotry, but he did work in peddling multiculturalism too. As expected with such an organization, he and his coworkers also worked themselves to exhaustion and misery white-knighting the Clinton presidential campaign. The simping for Hillary is weird considering he’s a faggot, but then again he actually could’ve been trying to get into her husband’s pants. During this period the employees would be instructed to disregard their already non-existent journalistic and editorial standards in order to simp for her. Carlos however would break with his former coworkers’ testimony and deny this ever happened, actually arguing the opposite transpired. This would be the first sign that Maza was an ideological zealot who saw reality as merely another point of view. While working with Media Matters, Maza appeared as a guest on cultural marxist cable propaganda outlets. He’d leave the company in 2016, seeking a greater platform to do permanent damage to American journalism.

He started work as a digital propagandist on Vox in January 2017. After a series of negotiations that likely involved blackmail and offers of gay hate-sex, Maza was allowed to produce and host the infamous Strikethrough series. He would exclusively whine about Trump and conservatives, while ignoring left wing dumbfuckery and even endorsing it. Unfortunately, this series would perform well in an era of growing cultural marxist hysteria. However, Maza’s turd in the proverbial punchbowl would be much bigger than a series of low IQ videos putting style ahead of substance.

The Fourth Adpocalypse (AKA VoxAdpocalypse)

Carlos revealing what we already knew: his mental fragility

In case you have better things to do than listen to Steven Crowder for over an hour, he built a large part of his career shitting on Vox videos and the people who narrated it. One of these narrators was bound to be homosexual beta male Carlos Maza, whose blatant propaganda series was a big and easy target. Since the response vids were immensely popular and revealed just how many other people hated Vox, Maza's jealousy and vindictiveness would get the better of him. On May 24, 2019, Maza bravely stood against hate and harassment by getting a global media conglomerate to demand Youtube demonetize Crowder's channel following accusations of racist and homophobic harassment by him and his fans (as well as doxxing), even though these jokes involved things that Maza already called himself. Also notable is his call to ‘milkshake’ conservatives that same month, which breaks the very same rules he sought to weaponize. Maza then made a false copyright strike against Steven.

Whiny faggot that he is, Carlos would later start a bullshit crusade against 'hate speech' which actually meant banning all opposing opinions and mean jokes against him and his fellow cultural marxists. While Youtube initially blew Maza off, they'd later decide to do so literally and demonetize the channels of Steven and many other accounts (or outright terminating them) in a sweeping reform of Youtube policy. This greatly contributed to Jewtube being the sterilized and PC shithole we know and hate. This would also start Youtube's ongoing war against Crowder, which would see them regularly demonetizing and banning Crowder on demonstrably bullshit grounds. Vox would get their wish in trying to fight their right wing competition, and stuff like Content Cop would be removed while pedophile Onision would be unmolested by the new rules. Remember, this all started because a faggot couldn’t handle being a public figure and the scrutiny it brought.

Gradual Irrelevance

Carlos advocating for things he can’t and won’t do himself
In meaningful benchmark ways, I don’t have anything to show for my first few years of life. I don’t have a wedding, a kid, or even a pet. I’ve never won an award for anything I’ve done. I don’t own property. There’s a part of my brain that’s like, you blew this.


— Carlos Maza being self aware for the first time in his life

Much of what used to be good about Youtube had burned in the fires of Maza’s pettiness. But his escalating and highly illegal war against the right to call Maza a retard was becoming too much for even his handlers at Vox, who at this point became widely hated by the more sane parts of Youtube. Many people by then had caught on to the fact that Maza (and Vox by extension) were to blame for the ensuing fallout. In February of 2020 he was no longer working at Vox, either because they fired a liability to their company or because he left for other reasons. Irregardless, Maza is not causing those shitheads any more immeasurable harm for the time being. To the irritation of many, he would not fade into obscurity just yet. He became an independent Youtuber, raking in only a fraction of the views and clearly coasting on his residual negative publicity. He periodically continues to peddle cultural marxism while pushing for a revolution that would see him be one of the first casualties if he ever had the balls to fight it. His videos resemble the Strikethrough format, showing he still uses shit as a creative template. Although he claims that his independence will let him make these videos longer and funnier, it’s guaranteed that they’ll only be longer.

That is the story (so far) of this miserable cretin completely detached from reality and utterly insane. He will be dying alone, and his name will be cursed by much of humanity until it’s utterly forgotten. His only true legacy is being a pawn in schemes to herald in an altogether worse age, whether by getting corrupt lizard peopleelected’ or helping ruin the world’s largest video sharing platform. Maza himself is becoming aware of this, but is choosing to retreat ever further into madness.


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Carlos Maza is part of a series on FAKE NEWS

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Carlos Maza is part of a series on Dying Alone

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Those Dying Alone

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