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Let this set the tone for the rest of the article.
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This article is paid for by taxpayers like you.
Thanks, America.
This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.

The subject of this article is a virgin with rage.

Alright, seriously, I'm tired as hell but why am I so worthy of an article? Basically all I've done is shitpost, done a few isolated dumbass things on the forum (and yeah that incident IRL), texted some fucked up shit to my dad (really instigated by a specific incident last June involving him losing his shit last and yelling at me nonstop for half an hour over how I literally deserve to kill myself), and have a cringy internet history from when I was like 15. I don't even act retarded anywhere else, this isn't even my main forum anymore. Wanna know why I've been extra autistic since the site came back up? Because literally all I use the forum for is shitposting now. I'm on several other communities nowadays and haven't been called out once; I do learn. I just don't give a shit about taking this forum seriously. Was the true purpose of the article just to fuck with me? I'm tired as fuck.




Dropdatwat (Powerword: Benjamin Cohen), a.k.a. Redvibes99, Atheistgod1999, Dropdattot, Droopytwat, Dropdatsoap, and too many to list here, is an Americunt Jew retard who crawled onto EDF2 on April 10, 2017.

Born Nov. 13, 1999, Ben's parents had him later in life, accounting for his unhinged autism.

Ben created his EDF account under the moniker "dropdatwat" and began his constant quest for attention in any form possible. Most of his early work has been lost to the great purge of 2019, but luckily all of the important things have been saved.

For instance, his penis.

One of Ben's hobbies is to post his wet, 3 and a half inch, micro chode around the forums for everyone to see.

File:Dropdatwat penis.jpg

Ben's penis is small. Like really small. It's so small, that if he hadn't already doxed his parents, you'd swear one of them was Chinese. Much like Sexlord, Ben is a glutton for punishment. Nothing gets Ben's chode harder than reminding him that his dick looks more like a Vienna sausage than it does a cock.

In fact, this article probably has Mr. Cohen harder than trigonometry. Some may say writing this is counter productive, but the story of Ben is one to be told for the ages.

Early life

Like most autistic children, Ben wasted his childhood doing nothing but watching cartoons and playing vidya. His childhood was easy, getting almost everything he ever wanted thanks to his well-off parents, and throwing temper tantrums in the rare occasions he didn't. At 20 years old, Ben is still throwing tantrums. For instance, in order to get a gaming laptop, Ben's temper got the best of him, and he bit the seat of his fathers car in a fit of tardrage so intense that he managed to take a whole chunk and spit it out for his father to see. If he doesn't get his way, he will pit his parents against each other, as he is able to manipulate them so well that they have begun sleeping in separate bedrooms, and will probably soon divorce.

Ben has always been a freak and alienated himself from every IRL or OTI community he has ever participated in. This motherfucker has managed to get permabanned from the Sonichu wiki IRC for refusing to stop talking about diaperfurs. SRSLY.

Ben graduated Newton North High School in 2018, and ED has managed to locate a video of his graduation ceremony. Notice the virgin walk, New Balances, mom jeans and tucked in gown so he can awkwardly stick his hands in his pockets while slouching over. As painful as it is to watch, it explains so much, and gives you an idea of the kind of person you're dealing with.

Why are we born? Just to suffer?


Ben goes to college at University of Massachusetts Lowell, known as UMass Lowell, a public university that pretty much anyone can get into. Never having to work a day in his life, his parents pay for his education, dorm room, and expenses. Ben studies Comp Sci and gets average grades, and he'll remind you of it every chance he gets. Unfortunately, Ben is a social retard in every sense of the word. He never leaves his dorm room to go to parties, hang out with friends, or do anything else a normal college student does. Instead, Ben jacks off and leaves his crusty, starched, cum tissues all over the dorm room for his room mates to find. It got so bad that his dorm mate actually created a forum account and told us all about Ben's hi-jinks. He has terrible interpersonal skills, bad hygiene and like I mentioned earlier... the cum tissues. Also, his room mate even found what appeared to be Ben's cum on his lap top, promptly complaining to the campus administration. They had to call Ben in for a meeting, to scold him for his disgusting and abhorrent behavior.

Pepsi Beer and Benjamin's Hub

At the ripe old age of 19, Ben decided to get drunk for the first time. Because Ben's delicate taste buds were unable to appreciate the refined flavors of Bud Light, he had to mix the beer with Pepsi.

Once ingested, Ben proceeded to drunk text in the EDF Shoutbox, revealing some very personal secrets, such as:

  • Admitting to masturbating to Assassin's Creed
  • Being bi
  • Liking medieval men
  • Throwing up on his floor
  • Getting upset his mother wouldn't clean it for him, and
  • Considered having to both pay for the beers he stole from his father, and clean up after himself as punishment


Below is the remnants of Benjamin's Hub.

Benjamin's Hub is a website he created to chronicle his sad autistic life.

Pages include his trip to ComiCon, and a story about him being suicidal.

Benjamin's Hub

Ben and His Father

Ben and his father Alan have a tumultuous relationship. Ben shares many stories and texts of their troubled interactions, most of the arguments being caused by politics. Ben being a self hating jew reminds his liberal father that it is in fact HIS fault that he's an autistic brat by having him in his 40's, coddling him, and never making him work for anything in his entire life. His father has made the empty threat of cutting him off and would even leave the house if Ben were to come home from college (which he pays for entirely out of pocket). Ben has smashed the windows of his fathers car, ruined the interior by chewing off the upholstery, stolen his alcohol, played his parents against one another, all in the pursuit of personal satisfaction, video games, money, and laptops. Ben is the epitome of a spoiled brat and is fully aware of it, but instead of doing anything to fix it, he embraces it and uses it to his advantage.

File:Screenshot nigger.png

See also

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GloriousReader/Dropdatwat is part of a series on Aspies. [Back to your happy placeSperg out]

Academy ManiacsAdam LanzaAlbert EinsteinAlexander SlavrosAmber ButtrumAndy KaufmanAnthony 'A-Log' LoGattoAspies for FreedomAspierationsAssburgerBaldi's BasicsBambifan101Barron TrumpBart-ToonsBeefraveBenny_the_SnakeBenthelooneyBen ShapiroBill9929Bill GatesBlocklandersBlueCatRioluBodyXPoliticBonziWORLDBoris MalagurskiBourg ProductionsBram CohenBrandon SmithBrownsquirrelCameron W. CowanCansin13ChibiyimaChris-chanChris Harper-MercerClay ClaymoreCyndilovespiccoloDan CilleyDarrDarius McCollumDarviela MaravaronaDavid CleggDaxFlameDellordev-catscratchDiogo MendesDisneyFan01DLAbaoaquDodgerofZionDragonfandrp1zzaEddie WiseEdenHeroineGirlElliot RodgerEmpLemonErik RibsskogErin AnthonyEvan GraggFlaglerchatFlardoxFucklewithshuckleFUNImation2002GachatardsGalaxyRailways2199Gary McKinnonGeosheaGlitchedbloodGoFagsGrantMGraykatGreg MazujianGreenyfagsHannah CappsHeed My WarningHozupindahows00sInmendhamInuboy1000IronholdsJack Gilbert GrahamJared MiltonJahi/4444Javi SuzumiyaJINXDROWNEDJoekerJohn Patrick RogersJoseph8276JustinandDennisJustinRPGJoey The AutistKeegan SalisburyKawaii KitsuneKawaiiKittee88KelseyaliciaKevin HavensKingMasterReviewKirbysloverKloeriKongzillarex619KothorixKphoriaLane DavisLeafyIsHereLogo KidsLordelthibarLougaraLukas PietschLyndsay KirkhamLynn AnnM. ChaosManlytearsMar9122Marcus PotterMarioMan7890MarioMario456Mark ZuckerbergMascotGuyMatthew DavisMatthew NicholsonMDetector5Michael GimsonMinefagsMisha SilenostiMissyMix HyenaMonica PunkMumkey JonesMutescreamMylarBalloonFanNate SpidgewoodNemo HanaNeuroNichole337Nick BravoNicky ReillyNikolas CruzObjectcucksOlinkalexOnigojirakaijuOnyx ForepawPacificoceanasiaPhantomStriderPhonefagsPMDrive1061PopcornPrince JeremyRandy StairRavenNGRobert Clark YoungROtardsRootbrianRoss LumbusRyanSammyClassicSonicFanSaturnDOSSebastien LevesqueSeunghwan LeeSeleryShane LeeSiriusOrionisSolidMarioSONYFANBOYSperginStarbladeStarkiller88SteAndKelSuperMarioLoganSuper Minecraft KidTablecowTGcomixTheAmazingAtheistTheDOSFagThe Eclectic EspeonThe rEactorTheme Park ReviewTheMysteriousMrEnterTherealagerbonThe JuggernautThe Unknown AutobotTheVeganStudentTimboxToby J RathjenToKeNTom SersonToonEGuyToshTrigglypuffTylerthDragonUlillilliaVailskibum94Varg VikernesWaymuuWeatherManKevinWeDoALittleTrollingWeegeeisgoingtokillmWerechuWetflamewillg8686William AtchisonWilliam FreundWim CrusioWolfAdvocateWolfeedarkfangwwwareaYouZS3

GloriousReader/Dropdatwat is part of a series on Dying Alone

[DeadCry yourself to sleep]

Those Who Have Died Alone

Aaron AlexisAaron BushnellAaron SwartzAdam LanzaAlexis ArquetteAmanda ToddAmy WinehouseAnal CuntAndy KaufmanAngry GrandpaAnna Nicole SmithAnthony WarnerAsa CoonBrian AdamsBrandon CrispByuuCharmaine DragunCho Seung-HuiChris BenoitChris Harper-MercerChynaCodey PorterDavid BowieDavid CarradineDragoneerEazy-EEdaremElliot RodgerElvis PresleyGeorge SodiniGizgizGleb KorablevHappyCabbieHarambeH.P. LovecraftHeath LedgerJake DavisonJeff WeiseJewWarioJim MorrisonKate SpadeKitty0706Kurt CobainLemonade CoyoteLeelah AlcornLil PeepLiloLoki BlackfangLowtaxMia JaninMegan MeierMichael JacksonMitchell HendersonMySpaceNathan GaleNikita LytkinOtoya YamaguchiPekka-Eric AuvinenPrinceRandy StairRehtaeh ParsonsRicardo LopezRina PalenkovaRipperRobin WilliamsRonnie McNuttRudolph ZurickRyan PalmeterShawn WoolleyShayShuaibySol PaisStephen PaddockSteve StephensThomas Matthew CrooksTony48219TooDamnFilthyTyler DumstorfVester FlanaganWilliam AtchisonXXXTentacionZhao Zewei

Those Dying Alone

03bgood2cash2 gryphon7jackass77Adam SandlerAhuviya HarelAIDS SkrillexAkewsticRockRAlex FordAlison RappAmerica's Third PartyAmy SchumerAndrew AllansonAngry JoeAnimatedJamesAnita SarkeesianAnonymous BorgAnthony 'A-Log' LoGattoAntony AguilarApril DavisAquagirlwhitefoxArgent009Arguecat3Arin HansonArmake21AsalieriAsher2500Austin AlexanderAvantGardePonyBambifan101BarneyfagBasement DwellersBen FordBen MoynihanBenny_the_SnakeBenthelooneyBig RedBikerfoxBill9929Bill GaedeBill GatesBLACKbusterCriticBob RehahnBrandontheMovieGuyBrandon SmithBrian MuellerBrian Richard ZaigerBrianna WuBroniesButLovaByAppointmentToCarl the CuckCartoonjunkieCaseydeckerCatboyKamiCheeyevChloe SagalChris-chanChris CrockerChuck M.Clint of Rise and FallCopperCabCorey MargeraCoughlan666CrazyvideosandrantsCrinklemonCyraxxDaniel BrandtDan CilleyDane CookDani FilthDarius McCollumDarknessthecurseDarksydePhilDave ChapelleDave MustaineDavid HockeyDaxflameDBoyWheelerDeekerDeterminedToDrawUTDev-catscratchDGTrixieDiaper BoyDillon CosseyDiogo MendesDisneyFan01DisneyMasterDJ KEEMSTARDnepropetrovsk maniacsDodgerofZionDogpatch PressDon RobertsDoodletonesDoomer3868Dorian_GayDoug WalkerDrakonDrossRotzankDoomentioDustinEDP445Emer PrevostEmosEpic Fat GuyEpicKitty54Eric AbramovEric RidenourErik RibsskogErtasVideosFilthy FrankFagolescentsFanFic CriticFast EddieFat ManFaust & Pory Five Nights at Freddy's fansFlardoxFluffy teh wolfForeverKailynFriends of A-LogFurriesG-ZayGather Against FateGeorge LopezGeosheaGhostGirlvinylGlobelampGoddessMilleniaGraykatGreg MazujianGwen GaleGwen StefaniHarmful OpinionsHellkiller777I Dislike Cis PeopleI Hate EverythingIan Miles CheongIchverboticze⁴rImma-The-DeerInkBunnyIsabella Loretta JankeJamil The KingJessi SlaughterJessica LeedsJim ProfitJINXDROWNEDJoe Crusher PicklesJoekerJohn BullaJohn FieldJohn KricfalusiJohn Patrick RogersJonathan McIntoshJonmonJonTronJoseph CampJoseph8276Joshua "Null" MoonJuggalosJustinRPGKat DenningsKendall JennerKeegan SalisburyKathleen ToddKenny GlennKevin HavensKeffalsKimmo Johan AlmKingEmpoleonKingMasterReviewKrashedLaci GreenLarry the Cable GuyLauren FaustLeafyIsHereLecarickLeigh AlexanderLeisureSuitGamingLena DunhamLeonard F. Shaner Jr.Leslie JonesLifeInATentLikeicareLinkaraLittleCloudLittleKuribohLogo KidsLordelthibarLow Tier GodLucian HodobocM. ChaosA Man in BlackManchildrenMar9122MarblesMarioMario456MariotehplumberMarjan SiklicmasteroogwgayMatthew DavisMatthew NicholsonMcJuggerNuggetsMDetector5‎MeowbarkMeganSpeaksMichael BattonMichael FitzhywelMichael GimsonMike SandyMoleman9000Monica PunkMonkeyGameGuidesMoviebobMumkey JonesMuZemikeMylarBalloonFanMysteriousMrEnterMysticArkNaokoElric2250NawlinWikiNeckbeardsNeoGAFNick BateNick BravoNikkineko333Noah AntwilerNostalgia ChickNotchNullcherriObjectfagsOFWGKTAOnideus Mad HatterOnyx ForepawPacificoceanasiaPACKGODPaigeGirlPaul FeigPaulie CalafioreParkourdude91Peter BrightPeter CoffinPhantomStrider8Phil FishPhunWithLogicPinkieponyPit ViperPixyteriPeluchin EntertainmentPMRantsPreachingthegospelQuentin TarantinoRachael MacFarlaneRandi HarperRichard ReidRicki RavenRMG ProductionsRobert StaintonRobert Wayne StilesRockosockoRomeo RoseRootbrianRose3212Ryan RouthSad FrogSammyClassicSonicFanSam PepperSarah ButtsSarahisniftySaturnDOSSceptreSchnookumsSegacampSega KidSeth MacFarlaneSethistoShadmanSimply OkamiSlowbeef & DiabetusSnapesnoggerSonic SaviorSonmanicSony-MaeSophie LabelleSpax3StormySuperlisamcbSusan BoyleTara StrongTheAmazingAtheistTheDOSFagTheOdd1sOutTheSockDetectiveTim BuckleyTJ LaneTodd in the ShadowsTom PrestonToonEGuyTourneyfagsTrey Eric SeslerTrigglypuffTyciolTyler GarmanyUlillilliaThe Unknown AutobotVadeVinceintheBayWade FulpWeatherManKevinWesley!!!WoWfan4lifeWwwareaWeegeeisgoingtokillmXenuriaYandereDevYoshiwii1Youyoungbloodfantasy91Zoe QuinnZone

Their Methods

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Homosexual Deviants

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