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Friday Night Funkin' is an AIDS-riddled rhythm game that is overrated in addition to being a shitty DDR and Parappa The Child Molester ripoff, complete with an obnoxious fanbase that never shuts up. It's already an aborted fetus headed straight down the shithole forever, but not before a metric fuckton of pointless bells and whistles get slapped on top of it in a desperate attempt to make the game "better". It all started with unfunny Jewgrounds users ninjamuffun99 (Powerword: Cameron Taylor), PhantomArcade (David Brown), "kawaisprite" (Isaac Garcia), and evilsk8r teamed up together to create a game for Ludum Dare 47 in October 2020, wasting their whole time developing a game only to be awarded nothing. It's a rip-off of Parappa The Rapper combined with Dance Dance Revolution gameplay that no one still cares about.

As the game skyrocketed up to the asshole of Nu-Newgrounds, and combined with 13-year-old boys worshipping it, the four Newgrounds users began adding characters from the 2000s because none had a single idea to think of one original character. First, they added "Pico" from that poorly-made school-shooting related game called "Pico School" before adding "Tankman", a second mascot from Newgrounds. They only do that because it makes fantards feel nostalgia they didn't even grow up with since Newgrounds used to be so based and fucked up, or they're too young to enter that shitty site.


This page is a centralized resource for everything related to gaming. Whether it be consoles, games, or virgins who drain their lives obsessing over them, add it here. If you want to put some gaming-related article into this portal's spotlight, nothing is stopping your lazy ass from featuring it yourself. The same goes for media, in that case use this one.



03bgood3GI IndustriesAeralikAjjantisAlan "Brenlo" CrosbyAlexander SternAlexander4488All Gen GamersAn HaloAnna AnthropyAngry JoeAngry Video Game NerdAtheneAttack of the ShowBLACKB0NDBLACKbusterCriticBobby KotickBombermanfanBrad McQuaidBrandon PhillipsC-NOTECaddicarusCallum StockleyCartoonjunkieChuggaaconroyCooper LawrenceCurlyCyndreDefil3dDerek SmartDJ KEEMSTARDrakonDramasetterDurthasDylan TngaEgoraptorElitemaidenEsachasaExoParadigmGamerFantendoFeminist FrequencyFuturisticHubG4Gabe NewellGame GrumpsGame TheoryGamelifeGeodesicDragon2k8GigiGirl GamerGiskardGoon SquadHeroGamingHideki KamiyaHyperChargeInsectduelIntLibIn UteroIrate GamerJackSepticeyeJack ThompsonJammnoJeff GerstmannJennichelleJennifer HeplerJfreedanJohn RomeroJohni Michelle HeuserJonTronJRangerJustice League UnlimitedKripparrianLeisureSuitGamingLinkaraMaartenMangsMarkiplierMatt WardMcJuggerNuggetsMega64MegatronPwnsYouMekkkahMike MateiMsHeartAttackNixxiomDshockerOwlsamanthaPaul ChristoforoPeter ChimaeraPewDiePiePhantomL0rdPissedOffVideoGamerProJaredProkofy NevaRDKRed Shirt GuyReggie Fils-AimeRemedyRetro Video Game KidsRodney CastonRubén Puig LeceguiRyan LambournSakraSam DeathWalkerShawn WoolleySigurdHosenfeldSilver CircleSimply OkamiSuirenokiSony Defense ForceSquirrelkingStarprincess801SytheThenintendo3ds2The Online GamerThe Spoony ExperimentTim BuckleyTotalbiscuitTourneyfagUlillilliaUniversalUwe BollVideo Game ReviewersW-HatWolfeedarkfangX-playYandereDevZero PunctuationZezimaZilianOPZoe Quinn

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