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Homefront is a blatant rip-off of Call of Duty created by Kaos Studios and conceived by THQ during wanking sessions involving their 100-or-so Spongebob and Nickelodeon games. In this game, North Korea takes over the world, and the player is a member of some kind of resistance movement that tries to troll the Koreans by blowing their shit up with a monocular. This game was an absolute disaster, but for some reason, it managed to attain a following with people who have piss-poor taste in gaming and acted like it was WTC in their millions of shitty gaming journals up until THQ kicked the bucket in 2013, then the online servers were shut down, and the game was forgotten for all eternity. Don't forget that YOUR homefront is there behind your computer underachieving all day long. As soon as you realize this, you will understand that doing the right thing is the only way to find peace.

Kim Jong-Il looking proud at his son taking over America


It is the year 2027. You are Robert Jacobs. The so-called Greater Korean Republic has taken over the world, including the western part of America. Robert Jacobs is a former Marine helicopter pilot. Somehow, a link must be made between saving the world and being a pilot, but no. You use a car which you actually control remotely, like a little boy, only the remote control is a fucking monocular. Your mission is to bring fuel to a military base in San Francisco, and because of this America gets saved. The irony of this is that only hippies live there who drive electric cars that they are put up with by environmentalist people. You have to do this with a team, consisting of a black guy, a woman, an Edgy Mary Sue guy, and a technician who is half Korean, meaning your team is composed of nothing but stereotypical fuckheads and you've wasted your goddamn money.

Note: The Black Guy in the game dies before the halfway point and the Mary Sue Edgelord an heroes at the end.

Single Player

Before anything really interesting was known about it, the developers already came up with apologies, saying that the game would be more focused on cinematic dramatic bullshit. Dave Votypka claimed that the game was inspired by Half-Life 2, but any logical person would know that it actually rips off Call of Duty.

Half-Life 2 was one of our Aspierations for the game


Dave Votypka - lying about the game

The single-player has you playing as a pilot with Autism up the ass, living in a seemingly Dystopian 2027. This is a plenary and illusory fantasy, because everyone knows the apocalypse happened in 2012. You are sitting in your room staring at a wall, feeling bad about yourself, when suddenly a few commies knock on your door. They beat the shit out of you since you're too pussy to An Hero yourself, and throw you in a prison bus (which was repainted from a school bus since the Koreans are too lazy to make one themselves) bound and gagged like the little submissive you are.

At this moment the player sees some edgy shit happen outside, a child's parents are executed, a gay guy is strangled with a plastic bag, Korean variants of Razzia's, and all other sorts of Lulz, making them Nazi copyists. Unfortunately, some members of the Resistance Movement blow up your bus to save you, which is dumb as fuck because who in their right mind should be saving you?

Take a ride in this glorious Korean People's bus so you can end your miserable life.

This is the point where the game takes a drastic turn for the suck. You don't want this. You want to die, your life sucks. But they force you to join their Resistance because this is a First-Person Shooter. Whoop-de-doo!

The game doesn't last much longer, considering that the single-player is short as fuck. You won't notice much difference between the levels as the rest of the campaign is the same linear, miserable, and dying mess as the bus part at the beginning. Every level will have you kill Koreans, blow stuff up, kill more Koreans, use some kind of vehicle that blows stuff up, kill even more Koreans, listen to exceedingly long dialogue as you and your team travel a long and boring section, kill a lot more Koreans, and finally, kill Koreans. Did we also mention that you kill Koreans?

Strikingly enough, your character is a pilot, yet you only fly a helicopter once.


  • Robert Jacobs: The main character you play during the entire game. Apparently, you either have no voice, or you are a complete asspie. During the entire campaign in which you blow up and shoot everything you see, you do not say one single word. You are forced to join the Resistance, because of FPS game logic.
Rianna doing a crabcore pose
  • Rianna: The moralfag of your fellowship. This is reflected by the fact that in the part where you have to kill burning Koreans, she wants you to shoot them instead of letting them burn to death. She also cries when Black people are killed.
  • Boone Karlson: This person might be even more useless than Rianna, considering that he is a black person in charge of an association. Instead of going with you on dangerous missions, he prefers to play with his swingset. Being the black person in the story, he inevitably dies.
  • Connor Morgan: A complete fucktard whose only role in the game is to be Edgy as fuck. He is the Sasuke Uchiha of the story, and constantly reminds you and your team how worthless you all are. He regularly kicks aside closets and other objects a lot, because just like the rest of the team, he's as useful as a used condom, and has to put himself in charge of knocking closets over in order to make himself feel a tad bit significant. He An Heroes himself at the end of the game.
  • Hopper Lee: The mechanic/technician of the team. He is Korean-American so the game developers can avoid the inevitable accusations of racism, even though making an Asian be the tech guy is a racist stereotype in itself. The team doesn't trust him because he's Korean. Oh well, sucks to be him!


With the multiplayer mode of Homefront, you can see that generic FPS multiplayer modes actually lead to a decline. You play with the same whiny 13-year-old-boys, raging neckbeards, campers, and stoners/hippies who think communism is totally fair and not oppressive in any way, JUST LIKE CALL OF DUTY. WARNING: Great trolling potential.

Show people how Redneck you are

The game had a Battlepoint system, where you could buy weapons and stuff to blow the Koreans up. People don't abuse this system at all in any way.

Homefront is dead. It's been dead since 2013. The multiplayer isn't available on Consoles anymore. However, the PC version has some third-party servers still up and running, but they are so few in numbers, and hardly anybody is playing. If you do manage to get in a game with at least one other player, the below topic is what you'll be looking forward to.

The Great Hacking Scandal of AA.Net

While playing multiplayer, you might run into a couple of heroes with a clan tag [AA.NET]. They have been touted as the true admins of Homefail. Within hours of the game being publicly released (like most other games), there were hax for it. This led to a shitstorm of butthurt and whining on the Homefront Forums on why VAC didn't do this. Sorry to say, that most of these brave souls have long since been banned. But in their honor, we present some of their finest acts of patriotism known to gaymerdom. Of course, the hacks have been updated, and they are doing things a little bit moar under the radar after the last ban wave. If you see one of these brave m3n, be sure to thank them for putting this terrible game out of its misery!

AA.net Hall of Fame Thread

The 'Sequel'

Whoever was responsible for creating Homefront: The Revolution didn't quite get the hint about why its predecessor was dead. They must've read online forums tearing the first games' plot a new one, because they tried to justify this one as an 'alternate timeline'.

They predictably take the lazy option of copying all the stuff that benefitted America and making it take place in North Korea instead, despite there being nothing to support such a thing ever happening. America then goes even further in military adventurism while relying on North Korean computer chips well beyond the point of impoverishing themselves. With the US totally collapsing, Best Korea invades after shutting down all US military technology with a backdoor in their computer chips, under the guise of restoring order to get their money back.

The US is now under brutal occupation, and it's up to your protagonist to navigate a glitch-filled mess and stale open world map to save America.

See Also

Homefront is related to a series on AZNS. [Domo ArigatoHerrow]
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