V for Vendetta is a movie based on a graphic novel by Margaret Thatcher fanboi Alan Moore about true future events when Anonymous reclaims democracy from the grasp of totalitarianism. Anonymous EnglishmanV - who styles himself after the original EFG, Guy Fawkes - blows up the home of the English government, the Houses of Parliament, partly as a symbolic act, but mainly for teh lulz (which the English celebrate every November 5th by setting fire to an effigy of a catholic, again for teh lulz). Unlike Guy Fawkes, V actually succeeds in blowing shit up, to the tune of his favorite piece of classical music, the 1812 Overture. In the course of his lulzmongering, V meets a love interest named Eevee, played by Natalie Portman, who he recruits to his cause. Unlike the comic the movie was based on, the plot is driven by blatant bawwwwing about neocons and the loss of civil liberties under W's epic troll the Patriot Act. The anarchism and emphasis on remaining anonymous makes /b/tards love this movie with every part of their body, although the movie itself is "The BoondockSaints" of politics and the comic is way better but noone fucking reads it. What's the matter? Too DEEP for you? Also, do said /b/tards even try to blow things up? Of course they do, except when they mess with football.
This page is a place to organize the articles on all things Anonymous! From Chanology's start to its somewhat finish, and everything between, to AnonOps and the hilarity that came with it, and all the other funny shit that follows in the wake of Anonymous. Please don't hesitate to help out in a non-fucking retarded way! If you find a great video or article on Anonymous, feel free to add it to the Portal's featured content.