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Jeff Weise

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Jeffrey James Weise
Nationality: American  
Highscore Killed 9, injured 5
Top 25? Nope. 31
Style Single player
An Hero? Yes.

Jeff Weise (aka weise) (Aliases: Regret, Blades11, Todesengel, Native Nazi, T o t e n k o p f, verlassen4_20) was an honest-to-God Injun, as well as an angsty teen from Minnesota. These three defining characteristics --His Injun-hood, his angsty teen-hood, and his Minnessotan-hood-- formed the greatest trifecta of Native American rage since Geronimo, leading to the Red Lake High School shoot'em-up. Like most angsty teens and all High School shooters, Jeff was a massive fanboi of famous celebrities Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Due to Jeff and his people being non-white, America only paid 5 minutes of attention to their story, before fucking off and zoning in on the next major news story. Over a decade after the tragedy, the story is beginning to attract slight media attention, with survivors coming out and doing interviews.


His dad then
His mom then

Jeff Weise was born on August 8th, 1988 (8-8-88) in Minneapolis, to a suicidal father and a crazy drunk mother. His dad killed himself after a standoff sometime in 1997, and his mother, being an abusive drunk driver, naturally got into an accident. This caused her to be put into a nursing home for a very long time, which resulted in Jeff Weise being forcibly moved from the city. Jeff was shipped off to a shitty reservation hundreds of miles to the north, in the middle of a cold, underdeveloped miserable environment in the middle of fuckin' nowhere. He spent the rest of his life living with his Grandfather in a lower-class house.

Jeff, being a goth from outside of the close-minded close-knit town, was naturally severely bullied and outcast. He attempted to an hero twice; once slicing his wrist with a box cutter and creating a massive blood puddle before calling for help and getting drugged out on mass murder pills like Prozac, the same drugs that Eric Harris and countless other school shooters were on.

When this was discovered post-massacre, it caused a moderate shitstorm which ended up getting the FDA to get a warning out stating that the pills did the exact opposite as intended. To this day over a decade later, many moronic parents and greedy doctors continue to forcibly poison innocent children with these mass murder pills. Jeff often ditched school; missing enough classes to have to repeat 8th grade and be put in a special education program. Around this time, Jeff started to be bullied to an extreme, which is likely when his homicidal fantasies truly kicked off. He was a heavy alcoholic and stoner, and internet addict during the last few years of his miserable existence. What he didn't realize was that he was one of the most privileged people in his Rez; he at least had a home, intarwebz, and food - enough to become a fatass NEET.

A year before going postal, he got in trouble from doing a Nazi salute at a school rally. He was sent to the counselor, and like a moron, confessed to his neo-nazi views and love for Adolf Hitler. There was a school shooting threat on the 5th anniversary of Columbine, so he naturally got the blame; luckily, he was cleared of all charges. Not that it matters, as he was eventually expelled anyways.

Zero Day

Even though he had a horrible experience with the monstrosity that is the American school environment (like most of us), he managed to make a handful of friends, something 80% of us can't say. They were mostly other outcast types, and they would often discuss violent acts and school shootings. They would watch Zero Day and Elephant together, two films directly inspired by Columbine. Despite finding some friends, he was still treated like shit by them - "I have friends, but I'm basically a loner inside a group of loners. I'm excluded from anything and everything they do. I'm never invited. I don't even know why they consider me a friend."

Weise was close to recruiting one of his few friends for his assault, but decided to go postal without him. After the bloodfest, the person in question was arrested and interrogated by the FBI over the emails they sent back and forth to each-other. The young man was eventually set free, but sadly didn't continue Jeff's genocide crusade.

Red Lake

Typical scenery in the Red Lake Reservation. As if it was that developed in the first place.

The Red Lake Indian Reservation is not unlike the majority of Injun Reservations; Isolated, rural, shitty lands, retarded residents, few jobs, extreme poverty, little tech (such as internet), lots of violence, fuckloads of druggies / alcoholics, and a suicide rate 3x higher than the national average. Red Lake sucks so much that in a 3 month range before the massacre, a few kids on that rez already killed themselves. The schools are just as bad, with Red Lake Senior High School only having a graduation rate of .. 15%. Over half of the youth of the rez have seriously considered becoming an hero, and who can blame them?

Most of the youth are Dindu Nuffin types; similar to the common Nigger. They're addicted to their shitty gibsmedat smartphones, listen to rap, stab each other to death, and hate on duh wite maan. They blame whitey for everything, whilst taking no responsibility for their own actions. Few of them ever make anything of themselves, instead breeding like cockroaches and ensuring the 1% of their tribe with brains never reproduce, further diminishing their collective IQ.

Assault: the IRL drama

Traditional native headdress
Not suspicious at all!

On March 21, 2005, Weise stole 2 handguns and a shotgun and pwned his grandfather and gramps' girlfriend. He then stole his grandfather's police cruiser, crashed it into his school, gunned down a security guard, and pwned 7 more classmates before becoming an hero. Notably, he copied off columbine by asking one of his victims Do you believe in god? Newspapers and TV stations around the nation immediately jumped on the story and masturbated furiously to the topic of school-shootings and violence for several weeks until, flushed and weak in the knees, they finally moved back to the severely more important news schedule of arbitrary missing white women and Lindsay Lohan's latest eating disorder.

Naturally, this brief media frenzy ensured a new round of pointless IRL drama combined with the typical routine criticism of Marilyn Manson and the temporary banning of all Hot Topic merchandise from school grounds. Somewhere along the line, some concerned mothers probably got involved as well, but that's shit only they care about.

On the Internets

Weise updating his LJ profile.
If the best you could do was this, you'd be pretty upset too
His j00grounds
One of his e-friends, wallowing in pity, 6 years later.

Before killing himself, Weise was known for his various activities on the internets. He made many posts on various Nazi websites, knowing that Hitler didn't give a fuck about Native Americans and only cared about Germany. Weise also created several violent flash videos on Newgrounds and started a LiveJournal account, where he made 3 brief posts inquiring about cutting, alcoholism, grammatical errors, and other shit nobody cares about.

The LJ account attracted a shitstorm of comments, which prompted the LJ admins to shut down the comment section on the blog to save up much needed bandwidth. There are rumors that the journal had more than 3 entries, but any info validating these claims is lost forever... He had numerous online friends, many of which were obviously mentally ill. Many chatlogs they had with him have yet to surface, but we can probably speculate that it involved a lot of emo dribble and other nonsense.

On Newgrounds, he had two accounts; Syko666, and Regret. Syko was an older account made in 2003 that produced only a handful of flashes, all of which featured plenty of violence that worried some pussies in the comments sections.

The flashes were Gangland, Pigeon Hunter, and The Hitman. Syko666 was briefly suspected of being Jeff's account, which you'll see if you look through the reviews. However, this knowledge was lost for a decade before being rediscovered sometime in 2016. Combined, Jeff's three flashes under the Syko666 account have only managed little over 30,000 views.

His other Newgrounds account, Regret, was created in August 2004. Why he decided to start another account we will never know, but he created two more flashes under Regret; the most disturbing of them all. One was titled Clown, which depicted some teenager (who looks a lot like Jeff) walking up to some badly drawn clown, who proceeds to freak out, lift the teen up, and bite his head off.

If you have a good eye, you might've noticed it actually shows the clown devouring the victim for just a single frame. The other flash is perhaps the most imfamous flash in the entire history of Newgrounds. This flash was called Target Practice, and features a lone gunman taking aim and shooting a bunch of people before committing suicide. To this date, it has attracted half a million views, and over a thousand reviews.

Click here and click on "The Disturbed Loner" for more info from ED on Weise's Newgrounds activity.

Jeff Weise was also an active member of Above Top Secret where he described his failed suicide attempt. Unfortunately (or rather fortunately for us at ED) he picked one of the least effective means of suicide - wrist slitting, which has a 2% success rate, thus keeping him alive long enough to aim for the High Score. After freaking out and seeking medical attention, he was drugged up on the same type of counter-productive mass murder pills as many other school shooters in history.

Click here for more info from ED on Weise's ATS Activity.

He also frequented other sites where he would write stories and talk to others. One of his stories, Surviving The Dead, is still alive to this day on a decade-abandoned small forum. He used the alias "Blades11" as far back as 2001; even more shit's been dug up about this dude.

Horrorcore Connection

Shortly after Jeff Weise went postal, it was discovered that he listened to a obscure genre of rap music called Horrorcore. This genre of music is populated mainly by lame-ass wigger kids from the suburbs who muddy up the (already-shit) genre with horrible songs such as this. The aftermath of Red Lake was very similar to Columbine and other School Shootings in the sense that the media immediately blamed music, video games, goths, and everything else but the shooter. Due to the shooter and "victims" not being white (except for one teacher) it was only natural for the massacre to be ignored by society. However, horrorcore was permanently changed due to the media chimpout.


I try not to be aggressive in most situations, I'll use force if I have to, but I'm not about to go out and pick a fight. I'm mostly defensive, I'll defend myself if someone tries something but other than that I'm a peaceful person.



—Jeff Weise, moments before starting a shoot-out with the cops.

The instrument of my resurrection was supposed to be my freedom. But there isn't an open sky or endless field to be found where I reside, nor is there light or salvation to be discovered. ... I don't know, but what I do know is I'm a retarded (expletive) for ever believing things would change for me. I'm starting to regret sticking around, I should've taken the razor blade express last time around. ... Well, whatever, man. Maybe they've got another shuttle comin' around soon



—Thankfully, he stuck around to put himself to use - killing nearly a dozen inferiors and cleaning up the genepool.

So fucking naive man, so fucking naive. Always expecting change when I know nothing ever changes. I've seen mothers choose their man over their own flesh and blood, I've seen others choose alocohol over friendship. I sacrifice no more for others, part of me has fucking died and I hate this shit. I'm living every mans nightmare and that single fact alone is kicking my ass, I really must be fucking worthless. This place never changes, it never will. Fuck it all.



—From his LJ

I have friends, but I'm basically a loner inside a group of loners. I'm excluded from anything and everything they do. I'm never invited. I don't even know why they consider me a friend or I them. My mother would hit me with anything she could get her hands on. She would tell me I was a mistake, and she would say so many things that its hard to deal with them or think of them without crying.



—Weise's words via PM to a friend

There were a lot of signs of real trouble. He was confined to a computer all the time, and he had said last year that he was going to kill himself. But somehow I was never scared of him. I don't know why not. He never really showed that it could be directed this way.



—T'Anna Hanson, 21, who knew Mr. Weise and was the cousin of one victim.

Some students said Mr. Weise had shown them elaborate, disturbing drawings he made in his notebook, some of them depicting people with bullet holes in their heads, of half-living people with blank stares, of skeletons. None of the students interviewed said they reported the drawings to school officials. They said they had viewed them as the odd but harmless doodlings of a strange boy



—Article about him LOL

Alright, before I get flamed for being a Neo-Nazi white (sic) supremecist, I'd like to make the fact that I am a Native American clear. I do not condone the actions of the Third Reich, or any form of Genocide. My people themselves were ethnically cleansed, so I'm not going to raise doubt on the Holocaust or anything like that.



—Pro-nazi and yet anti-genocide?

Recently though, (the past few years), I've been feeling a strong connection towards Nazi Germany, and it's not Necessarily the most pleasing thought, though I can't help it. I feel like in a past life I was a German soldier during ww2, I feel a strong connection to it for some reason. Now, I'm not a skinhead, or a neo-nazi, or even a white supremacist, but I feel like I like I really was a German soldier...



—Aryan at Heart

The only one's who oppose my views are the teachers at the high school, and a large portion of the student body who think a Nazi is a Klansman, or a White Supremacist thug. Many of the Natives I know have been poisoned by what they were taught in school. They (teachers) don't openly say that racial purity is wrong, yet when you speak your mind on the subject you get 'silenced' real quick by the teachers and likeminded school officials. I'm living every mans nightmare and that single fact alone is kicking my ass, I really must be ... worthless. This place never changes, it never will.



—Ironically, despite the liberal faggotry described, Red Lake actually bans non-injuns from their grounds. A fascist policy, the opposite of what liberals chant for.

A user posted the following on Weise's NG flash "Clown":" Was that like a warning message? Hmm dude you need help badly " to which Jeff replied:" You obviously can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality, " adding, " Don't try judging my mental health based upon a simple animation, capisce? "



—In only a few months, Weise would commit one of the deadliest school shootings in the history of this sorry ass nation, only serving to prove the commenter right.

Weise Saved Red Lake!

The following comment was left on the wikipedia discussion article by a random red lake citizen. How he or she was able to afford internet is a mystery, but pandora doesn't go back into the box.

This kid did more to clean up the Red Lake Reservation than any politician, law enforcement officer, or legal eagle ever did. He alerted these people to a grave mistake in their way of thinking. He showed us how flawed the "old ways" were. We were a people stuck in a fantasy we had created to help us forget the humdrum lives we led. The "Indian" way killed more of my people than this kid ever did.

Thanks to this kid, we now have a working police force. We now have a real corrections facility. We now have a judicial system that hands down actual sentences for crimes that are legally policed. We never had that before. All we had were fat locals who wore uniforms and confiscated beer. Today, they investigate crimes. You can file a report and it's taken seriously. THIS WAS NOT THE CASE 10 YEARS AGO!!

This is a change that Jeff Weise made for us. I seriously wish we'd put up a statue for him. He changed this reservation more than any other person in our history. He modernized us.


After 11 years, someone finally got around to making a proper documentary about the massacre. Sadly, its just another Injun directing it, so it's likely to go unnoticed or not show up on TV; further keeping the isolated massacre from the minds of the masses.

Graded Score

Graded score
Kills: 9/20
Accuracy: 17/20
Style: 20/20 bonus for looting armor & gun
Butthurt: 17/20 Caused a moderate shitstorm. Nobody was white so nobody cared.
Bonus: 18/20 Stopped his suicide attempt and saved up his angst for greater things.
Total score: 81/100 (B-)
Maybe if you were white someone would care.
See full ranking

Wanted Level:


Police Force


Red Lake Documentary

Informative video.

Examining the flash projects

News Footage

Jeff Weise's animation redone'

Target Practice


Memorial vid to all the n00bs pwn'd.

Red Lake - the Game.


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