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Men's Rights Activist: Difference between revisions
imported>BoggiDWurms No edit summary |
imported>BoggiDWurms |
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== How To Troll MRAs == | == How To Troll MRAs == | ||
*Point out that they are all Misandrists | *Point out that they are all Misandrists | ||
*Say them that women are more discriminated than men. | *Say to them that women are more discriminated than men. | ||
*Say that Valerie Solanas was a hero. | *Say that Valerie Solanas was a hero. | ||
*Say that the SCUM Manifesto was a Satire (actually it was not a Satire but if you will say this MRAs would be mad on you) | *Say that the SCUM Manifesto was a Satire (actually it was not a Satire but if you will say this MRAs would be mad on you) | ||
Line 326: | Line 326: | ||
*Call them abusers, which they [[truth|are]]. | *Call them abusers, which they [[truth|are]]. | ||
*Call them a white knight whenever they defend one of their precious [[trap|"Honey Badgers"]]. | *Call them a white knight whenever they defend one of their precious [[trap|"Honey Badgers"]]. | ||
*Use | *Use statistical evidence. | ||
*Use | *Use scientific, historical, and anthropological information. | ||
*Make fun of their micro penis | *Make fun of their micro penis. MRAs have dicks smaller than those of [[fag|"male"]] [[Feminism|feminists]]. | ||
*Show them [https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=634403429960661&fref=nf what happens to rapists in India.] | *Show them [https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=634403429960661&fref=nf what happens to rapists in India.] | ||
*Tell them their interwebz idols are all con artists who {{archive|DQYWh|live off}} of their {{archive|4wYmk|donations}} | *Tell them their interwebz idols are all con artists who {{archive|DQYWh|live off}} of their {{archive|4wYmk|donations}} |
Revision as of 06:33, 26 May 2016

MRAs are a subculture of incompetent, impotent, raging faggots who have nothing better to do than troll feminists on the Internet with their misogynistic rage. MRAs like to portray themselves as "rational rugged individualists" bravely standing against big bad gubment, evil feminazis, and religious people, but in reality they are nothing more than frightened and spoiled children. Seeing how the typical MRA you meet on the interwebz is an 18 year old newfag living in his mother's basement this is literally true.
MRAs hold a unique place on the Internet. Rejected by christfag republicans and leftarded atheists alike, they live in the bowels of the Internet where they appeal to the lowest common denominator. Like sewer rats, MRAs thrive in dark places and they multiply their numbers by contaminating the moronic masses with their bullshit ideology. MRAs are especially happy in large and seedy Internet forums like Reddit and YouTube where popular appeal and widespread ignorance prevail over fact-checking and sound judgment.
There are three possible fates for the typical MRA. Some MRAs "grow out" of their misogyny, and turn from spiteful bitter losers into just plain losers. Other MRAs are so full of AIDS they even become christfag republicans if it means getting more petty revenge on women. The last group of MRAs still remain atheist and misogynist basement dwellers, and often become morbidly obese and unwashed as a result. This explains the majority of MRA "gurus" like TheAmazingAtheist who completely fail in real life so they rely on the interwebz to stroke their e-dicks.
The "activism" MRAs engage in is as lame and impotent as their limp dicks, which frequently involves harassing and doxxing anyone who disagrees with them within the warm comfort of their hugboxes. During rare occasions, MRAs will try to pretend to be real activists and actually try to meet up in IRL, but these attempts are as pathetic as their fucking because only a handful show up. This proves that MRAs are not activists but whining imbeciles who are far worse than any tumblr feminist can hope to be. MRAs think they are "the greatest human rights movement of all time" and are on the verge of a revolution, but the truth is they are simply an extinction burst, the desperate dying song of misogynist faggots everywhere.
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Arguments and Methodologies

—Jaclyn Friedman |

Though your typical MRA is a complete troglodyte he is at least smart enough to realize that he needs the thinnest illusion of credibility to set him apart from the ignorant, unwashed masses. Thus he brands himself as an "activist". His manifesto? All women (NO EXCEPTIONS) are bastards and rapists who control everything and all men are poor, oppressed special snowflakes. (NOTE: Only straight white men in the first world count. Chinks, niggers, and gays aren't real men.) Thus MRAs coined the word "misandry", a comical appropriation of critical theory. Misandry is everywhere and is in everything. All women are evil oppressors, even those in your very family. Ironically this resulted in them becoming worse than very feminists they despise.
Though MRAs scream in CAPS LOCK MODE how horrible and inferior women are, they are in fact the biggest argument against male superiority. The best MRA displays the whining and victim complex of the worst feminist. According to them, men are dimwits with no self-awareness, self-control, or agency, hopelessly manipulated by women for their own devious ends. Women are manipulative cunts who feign weakness and childishness, tricking men into protecting them. It looks like men own the world but in reality women run the gynocracy world government where they collectively control men everywhere with the power of their pussies. It is obvious that MRAs believe women are truly the superior sex for conning men everywhere, but tell any MRA this fact and they'll permaban you in an instant before they piss their bed and cry themselves to sleep.

Breeding Grounds

Being completely antisocial assholes and all around aspies MRAs flock to online weasel dens where they bask in their collective hatred and butthurt. MRAs fancy themselves as brave and independent thinkers fighting the good fight against evil wimmins and feminist dogma. The truth is they're a Reddit circlejerk of epic proportions, and like all circle jerks they enjoy the warmth and comfort of their hugboxes while sucking each other's cocks.
Notable hugboxes include:
- A Voice for Men
- The Spearhead - Christfaggotry taken to a whole new level.
- Matt Forney
- Vox Day
- Alpha Game
- love-shy.com
- The Slymepit - atheist edition.
- Return of Kings - see Roosh Rakewell for more details.
- Omega Virgin Revolt - yes, it's actually called that
- The Pigman Cometh
- Angry Harry - a pedophile who looks like a troll doll with a dirty Sanchez
- The Thinking Housewife - shouldn't she be in the kitchen?
HappyLonely Bachelors Forum- "Dr." Helen
- Judgy Bitch - slanderer and psychotic cunt
- Anti-Feminist Tech - a confederate flag of bitter permavirgin nerds
Yes, they think all women are like this.
Self pity at its finest.
Can you tell if this is an actual poster or a parody? We can’t.
They can’t be serious…
Gods Among Us
MRAs, knowing full well their bullshit cannot withstand scrutiny from academia, resort to using the Internet to brainwash the moronic masses and manipulate public opinion. If you see one of these Internet basement-dweller IRL be sure to kill it with fire on sight to prevent humanity from further infection. The more likely situation however is that you are loser on the Internet who never leaves twenty meters from your house. In that case, be sure to troll these individuals. MRAs are more easily butthurt than even the most radical feminazi so pissing them off should be extremely easy. Ironically though many MRAs are proud atheists they are even more proud to be in a cult, complete with apostles, holy books, and hideous penalties for apostates.
Warren Farrell

If Jesus founded Christianity, than "Dr" Warren Farrell founded the MRM. Just as chistfags use the Bible as their holy book MRAs too have their holy book, the Myth of Male Power. Farrell's book is generally full of shit and primarily consists of Farrell whining how the menz are oppressed by wimmins because he can't get any ass. In its pages you will find the many lapses in logic and bad research that evolved into the obnoxious propaganda MRAs crapflood the Internet with every day. Farrell has also condoned incest, date rape, and pedophilia on a number of occasions. Farrell was part of the Women's Lib movement but left when Gloria Steinem refused to suck his cock. Since then, the butthurt Farrell has devoted the rest of life to whining and faggotry and no academic in their right mind takes him seriously.

Paul Elam

The St. Peter of the MRM, Elam is a deluded psychopath who has made it his life's mission to spread the gospel of Warren Farrell's teachings on the interwebz. ("Elam" is "male" spelled backwards! ZOMG that's so witty!) Despite his demigod status his thinking and behavior are typical for his cult. Elam's most notable form of "activism" is throwing a temper tantrum while writing a blog post on his shitsite A Voice for Men. Being the grandmaster of internet trolls he fully mastered the art of violent rhetoric and uses it to push his fanboys' buttons with practiced ease. He prefers to send his foot soldiers to fight the battle while he hides in his website, proving that he is a coward. His followers completely fail to realize how he also treats them as disposable men, making him a giant-ass hypocrite as well.
Elam is also a notorious Jew, as he admitted to using his fans' donations to make himself a living rather than to aid men. He even admitted this his own website, not once twice. Why an internet mob of neckbeards didn't lynch his sorry ass for his fraud nobody will fully understand. Maybe it's because neckbeards tend to be frauds themselves like TheAmazingAtheist. Go figure.
Even more amusing was Elam's cat fight with feMRA blogger The Wooly Bumblebee. Much drama and lulz [1] ensued. One fine day Bumblebee ranted on JewTube how shocked - shocked! - she was that Elam wanted everyone to follow his ideology like blind drones and how much he generalized all women as bitches and whores. Elam, full of raging testosterone, raeped her like a wild animal and permabanned her. Bumblebee decided to strike back by telling the truth. Elam wants to keep pitiful and gullible men angry and hopeless so he can take their money. If Elam actually offered men any help he would lose everything.
Recently "journalists" of the shitsite Buzzfeed, Adam Serwer and Katie J.M. Baker, dug up Elam's live story. Much luz ensued. It is confirmed that Elam was a drug addict and trucker before he became the little leader of a nation of manchildren. He wasted his life abusing his ex-wives and abandoned his only child. His daughter, being the retard that she is, actually tried to make amends with him. She failed to realize that Elam had a critical case of Aspergers, so of course it didn't work. Elam lives off of his girlfriend's money, who works many jobs to support his lazy ass, making Elam a parasite too.
In short, Elam is a sociopath, an abuser, a drug addict, a redneck, a scarred manchild, an aspie, an emotional cripple, a bum, a compulsive liar, a hypocrite, a deadbeat dad, and a parasite to society and to the people dumb enough to pity him. In short, Elam is a typical MRA.
Delusions of Grandeur Unwarranted Self-Importance

—Not an abuser |
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Another delusional fuckwit with nothing better to do than scratch his balls and complain about bitches on the Internet. Good old John is a disenfranchised shitty writer who compensates for his miserable existence by trying to make everyone else as miserable as he is. Second in command of A Voice for Men, John is Paul Elam's butt boy who submits to Elam's raging boner every night. When John isn't sucking Elam's shriveled dick he repeats everything his master says like a drone with no consciousness. In spite of his "illustrious" position John behaves no differently than any other miserable MRA cocksucker on the Internet. The only difference is that John is even more disturbed and hysterical than the typical MRA.
Like the other leaders of his tribe John shows his fairly equal share of histrionics. The most obvious is how he always wants his dumb followers to give him Jew gold through PayPal to validate his wicked, pathetic life. Perhaps his most famous example of desperate attention-seeking is his tall tale of how feminazis came at him with box cutters while he was doing his "activism". Paul Elam, in his rabid overheated prose, chimed in saying John was met by 20 to 30 crazy feminazis coming at him with box cutters! (I SHIT YOU NOT!!! HONEST!!!) Turns out John's story was bogus (as expected). The feminazis were just tearing down his posters. It's pretty run of the mill for activists for their posters to be torn down, but it seems like too much for brave strong conservative white men. But no matter, his cum guzzling cadre of imbeciles ran away with the story like GirlWritesWhat did. Unsurprisingly, she made a smug video about it.
A less comical but more sinister example of John's antics can be found in his reaction to Occidental College. The college, like any typical gynocentric misandrist communist mangina hippie institution, allowed women to anonymously report their assaulters and rapists. The college would just tell the suspect to quit it. But MRAs flipped their shit as usual, frothing at the mouth about "false rape accusations". John in particular doubled down in hypocrisy by rousing his minions to flood the college with false rape accusations. The rest of the world outside the basement quickly got wind of this and broadcasted their hypocrisy for the whole world to see.
—A Redditor rightly called this babbling silly and immature. |
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The leader of the "Honey Badgers", otherwise known as opportunistic women who unknowingly sow their own demise. GirlWritesWhat (powerword: Karen Straughen) is a shameless entrepreneur who appeals to the pettiness of selfish, shallow, and worthless men to rip them off of their money. Naturally she doesn't believe in any of the horse shit she spews but her delusional audience would do anything to think otherwise. It's ironic how many fans she has considering how much she looks like the bulldyke lesbian feminazi straw man of their fevered nightmares. Formally she wrote cheesy romance novels for stupid women. Now she makes boring, tedious rants on YouTube for stupid men. A typical GWW video is over two hours long but has less than one minute of content. She's also a divorced woman and single mom.
Perhaps the reason why MRAs don't band together and hang her in a neckbeard mob is because she is their mother. They worship her like a mother figure. Like Christina Hoff Summers she is the mommy they never had, the mommy who gives them their Doritos and Mountain Dew while they play video games, the mommy who validates their pathetic existence by telling them lies they want to hear. Nothing would make an MRA more at peace than a chance to nestle themselves deep inside her rotting cunt. Since she is in essence a prostitute who sucks e-peen for money it's no surprise that everything that comes out of her mouth is pure horseshit. Like a good "Honey Badger" she tells her fanbase that being an abusive prick is OK. She has often condoned domestic violence, as did her drone fanboy JeremiahGuy.
Like with other snake oil salesmen, GirlWritesCunt's scheme didn't last long. She is now broke, her balance crashing harder than the Hindenburg. Since she spend her entire JewTube career parting fools from their money like Davis Aurini did, no one with a brain feels sorry for her. Upon learning this news, millions of 13 year old boys wept... before going back to watching their pr0n and playing their Xbox 360 three minutes later.

—Taken "out of context" |
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Do I even need to spell this one out? Go to his own page for complete coverage, lazy ass.

Another YouTube atheist messiah with his own article.
Jordan Owen and Davis Aurini

The Beavis and Butthead of documentary film makers. Jordan Owen is a pathetic slob, failed musician, and another neckbeard with a closeted hard-on for Anita Sarkeesian. He was dumb enough to get into a "partnership" with Davis Aurini, only to get pegged and slapped around like the bottom bitch he really is. Davis Aurini, his partner in crime, is a Neo Nazi cunt, pseudo-intellectual windbag, and conman. Though he is as intelligent as christfag, he was still able to con bitter nerds out of their money by manipulating their hatred of feminists. See the Sarkeesian Effect for more details.
Lesser Demons

- Justicar - a pretentious pseudo-intellectual atheist faggot. (No really, he's an actual faggot.) Molestation at age 8 by a grown man not only turned him gay, but ultimately caused him to make a disturbing 4-part video series on how natural pedophilia is, and that it's perfectly fine for grown men to rail children. He earns what little money he has to make his shit YouTube videos by testing video games. Naturally, he can't get a real job because he has AIDS.
- Sparky Fister - a cocaine-powered nigger who is probably a rapist.
- warcorpse666 - a stereotypical American: fat, loud, rude, obnoxious, dumber than a wheelbarrow of bricks. With political views more backwards than his receding hairline, he spends all day screaming at Anita Sarkeesian while drinking light beer since he's that much of a pussy.
- stardusk - some pseudo-science faggot
- ManWomanMyth - a britfag who
iswas hailed by MRAs for his masterfuldocumentarypropaganda series. Nobody cares about him anymore. - Erin Pizzey - a bloated old toad who set up a domestic violence shelter so she could get attention. When feminazis realized this and kicked her out she's been butthurt about it for the last 50 years.
- turd-flinging monkey - name says it all.
- TheAtheistGamer - a spic gamer with chronic diarrhea. Read his article for more info.
- Dean Esmay -
Paul Elam's new bottom bitch to replace JohntheOther. Maybe crazier than Elam himself.He quit A Voice For Men because he couldn't take Elam's deep dicking anymore. - Peter Nolan - “Killing women is the only path to justice for men now.”
- Bane666 - a creepy psychopath whose avatar
iswas a skull in a Kool Aid jug. - Sage Gerard - another creepy psychopath with a receding hairline.
- Dan Perrins - went on a hunger strike for the cause of "men's rights". He assumed people would actually give a shit. He was wrong.
- Sargon of Akkad - another in a long line of YouTube propagandists who makes his living telling pathetic fools lies they want to hear.
- Teal Dear/TL;DR - Sargon v.2. Has a voice even more sneering and condescending than Sargon's.
- Bearing - An Australian loser, who pretends to be a bear. Forces his wife, who also pretends to be a bear, to do shitty videos just like him. Used to play in a punk band that you have never heard of, because they are terrible.
- Harmful Opinions - aka Tim Morrison is a hand-obsessed British faggot, who wants to be American so bad. Has a voice that sounds like Microsoft Sam with Down's. Despite being over 20, he still lives home at mum's, because he realized he couldn't play any instruments and had zero social skills.
- Undoomed - A slenderman rip-off, with somehow less of a personality. His graphics skills are also those you'd see in a slenderman game on Newgrounds.

... were you expecting something?
A typical MRA.
Elam, no relation to Ted Bundy whatsoever.
The entire Men's Rights Movement in a nutsack.
A typical "debate" between an MRA and a normal sane person.
A resounding war cry
MRAs fighting the good fight.
MRAs fap to this.
No real man would ever want to associate with these faggots.
The prototype MRA, proving that idiocy is as old as dirt.
When an MRA backpedals
The real enemy
Moar MRA porn.
Elam about to rape you.
The appropriate response to an MRA
A brony atheist debates masterfully and makes a heroic sacrifice. Give him a gold medal.
Watson's wrath results in the deaths of thousands of MRAs.
Take the red pill.
Austin Powers being sarcastic.
A flawless display of atheist logic
Nice serial killer look you got there Elam.
Elam, once again clearly not a psychopath.
You fap to this don't you, you sick fuck?
Yoda gives sound advice.
If 99% of men on the Internet had a fashion magazine.
MRAs actually believe this.
Fast track to mediocrity.
"Feminism in a nutshell.", an intelligent critique.
Gamer edition
How To Troll MRAs
- Point out that they are all Misandrists
- Say to them that women are more discriminated than men.
- Say that Valerie Solanas was a hero.
- Say that the SCUM Manifesto was a Satire (actually it was not a Satire but if you will say this MRAs would be mad on you)
- Crapflood their forums with quotes from the SCUM Manifesto.
- Show pictures of circumsized penises.
- Assume that all middle-aged men are pedophiles. Even though that accurately describes male feminists.
- Call their father a deadbeat dad.
- Call them a deadbeat dad.
- Call them abusers, which they are.
- Call them a white knight whenever they defend one of their precious "Honey Badgers".
- Use statistical evidence.
- Use scientific, historical, and anthropological information.
- Make fun of their micro penis. MRAs have dicks smaller than those of "male" feminists.
- Show them what happens to rapists in India.
- Tell them their interwebz idols are all con artists who
live off of their
- Tell them how not one cent of their donated money has been put to open up more men's shelters or help men in any substantial way.
See Also
Related Issues:
- Atheism
- Ayn Rand
- Elliot Rodger
- Libertarian
- Conservative
- Nazi
- Feminism
- Meninism a.k.a MRA Lite
- Marjan Siklic
- The Sarkeesian Effect
- Thunderf00t
- TheAmazingAtheist
- Sargon of Akkad
- TheAtheistGamer
Features Commonly Associated with MRAs:[/b]
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