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{{spoiler|clancy wasn't actually fucking dead and nico was actually blurryface the whole time}}
{{spoiler|clancy wasn't actually fucking dead and nico was actually blurryface the whole time}}

[[twenty one pilots]], '''tøp''', or '''21 Pilots''' if you're too lazy to type out their full name , is a retarded christian [[Bullshit|screamo ukelele rap]] band from the shithole of Columbus, [[Ohio|Ohio]], made popular by the retards over on [[Tumblr]]. Most twenty one pilots fans are usually [[white]] [[emo|emo]] bitches or [[13-year-old|14 year old]] pussies with no friends who spend most of their time cutting themselves in their room alone. Releasing their first album all the way back in 2009, Twenty one pilots were originally a niche local band up until the mid 2010s when they released their album Blurryface, With the song Stressed Out blowing the fuck up and being discovered by [[Normie|normies]] everywhere, The success of Stressed Out lead to them making a song for the [[Suicide Squad]] soundtrack, which to nobody's surprise was complete fucking dogshit. Stressed Out became so popular that the [[Pedo|pedo]][[jews]] in Hollywood [[Facepalm|gave them a fucking grammy for it]]. Given that the overwhelming majority of TOP fans are [[White devil|white pussies]], it is exceptionally rare to see a [[nigger]] at a twenty one pilots concert, and if you are a nigger that managed to sneak into one of their concerts, Tyler and Josh will come down off stage and [[NO NIGGERS|beat you with their bare hands]], inciting a race riot in whatever city they were performing in that night, Which is actually every [[KKK member|Ohioan]]'s instinctive response to seeing a nigger within their immediate presence.
[[twenty one pilots]], '''tøp''', or '''21 Pilots''' if you're too lazy to type out their full name , is a laughably retarded christian [[Bullshit|screamo ukelele rap]] indie band from the shithole of Columbus, [[Ohio|Ohio]], made popular by the retards over on [[Tumblr]]. Most twenty one pilots fans are usually [[white]] [[emo|emo]] bitches or [[13-year-old|14 year old]] pussies with no friends who spend most of their time cutting themselves in their room alone. Releasing their first album all the way back in 2009, Twenty one pilots were originally a niche local band up until the mid 2010s when they released their album Blurryface, With the song Stressed Out blowing the fuck up and being discovered by [[Normie|normies]] everywhere, The success of Stressed Out lead to them making a song for the [[Suicide Squad]] soundtrack, which to nobody's surprise was complete fucking dogshit. Stressed Out became so popular that the [[Pedo|pedo]][[jews]] in Hollywood [[Facepalm|gave them a fucking grammy for it]]. Given that the overwhelming majority of TOP fans are [[White devil|white pussies]], it is exceptionally rare to see a [[nigger]] at a twenty one pilots concert, and if you are a nigger that managed to sneak into one of their concerts, Tyler and Josh will come down off stage and [[NO NIGGERS|beat you with their bare hands]], inciting a race riot in whatever city they were performing in that night, Which is actually every [[KKK member|Ohioan]]'s instinctive response to seeing a nigger within their immediate presence.

[[File:topgrammysunderwear.png|thumb|These faggots actually accepted their Grammy award in their underwear, Showing their micrococks off to the world.]]
[[File:topgrammysunderwear.png|thumb|These faggots actually accepted their Grammy award in their underwear, Showing their micrococks off to the world.]]

Revision as of 05:19, 27 April 2024

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twenty one pilots, tøp, or 21 Pilots if you're too lazy to type out their full name , is a laughably retarded christian screamo ukelele rap indie band from the shithole of Columbus, Ohio, made popular by the retards over on Tumblr. Most twenty one pilots fans are usually white emo bitches or 14 year old pussies with no friends who spend most of their time cutting themselves in their room alone. Releasing their first album all the way back in 2009, Twenty one pilots were originally a niche local band up until the mid 2010s when they released their album Blurryface, With the song Stressed Out blowing the fuck up and being discovered by normies everywhere, The success of Stressed Out lead to them making a song for the Suicide Squad soundtrack, which to nobody's surprise was complete fucking dogshit. Stressed Out became so popular that the pedojews in Hollywood gave them a fucking grammy for it. Given that the overwhelming majority of TOP fans are white pussies, it is exceptionally rare to see a nigger at a twenty one pilots concert, and if you are a nigger that managed to sneak into one of their concerts, Tyler and Josh will come down off stage and beat you with their bare hands, inciting a race riot in whatever city they were performing in that night, Which is actually every Ohioan's instinctive response to seeing a nigger within their immediate presence.

These faggots actually accepted their Grammy award in their underwear, Showing their micrococks off to the world.

Some people Falsely believe that the two members of twenty one pilots are brothers, probably because of the lyrics from Stressed Out and the fact that Josh is the only other person prominently featured in the music video. They are also known for dressing up like edgy high schoolers despite being well into their mid thirties.

Tyler paying homage to his Ohioan heritage. TOP x Pantera collab when?

Band Members

Tyler Joseph - the (horrible) lead singer of the band. Most Twenty one pilots songs consist of Tyler whining and rapping like a pussy over a shitty instrumental.

Josh Dun - The current drummer of this shitty excuse of a band who is also married to a washed up Disney Channel actress. Josh has tattoos that look like something someone would draw after going to Mexico and tripping on ayahuasca in the jungle.

Former Members

Nick Thomas - Former bass player that also quit the band after the release of their self-titled debut album, Leaving TOP as a two-person band for the rest of its history.

Chris Salih - The original drummer who quit the band in 2011 after the release of their first album.

Tyler and Josh are the only two band members that actually matter, nobody gives a fuck about Nick and Chris.


No Phun Intended - Tyler's solo album made when he was 17. Unsuprisingly it sounds like complete shit.

Twenty One Pilots - Their debut album, released all the way back in 2009, before most twenty one pilots fans were even born. This album has a shitload of vocoder but not as much as their next album, Regional at Best, does.

Regional at Best - Their 2nd album released in 2011, it sounds like shit because Tyler was a fucking retard and used a fuckton of vocoder on so many of its songs to the point where he sounded like a fucking robot, causing Tyler to re-record half the songs on RAB and re-release them as Vessel. It's not on any streaming services so listening to it is about as hard as finding a girlfriend is for the average twenty one pilots fan but you can download it on reddit if you want to subject yourself to this abortion of an album.

Vessel - Their "debut" album on their current label Fueled by Ramen AKA Warner. The album cover is two old men who are Tyler and Josh's grandfathers who are now both dead, Probably from the immense disappointment of having Tyler and Josh as their grandsons. This album is decent by top standards since they stopped using the retarded vocoder effect that was present on their last two albums, But it's still shit by actual music standards.

Blurryface - The album that is (supposedly) the start of the DEMA storyline. This album is the most well known amongst normies and hipsters alike. Blurryface started the stereotype that twenty one pilots just mash together any genre and hope it works out.

Trench - The album which started the DEMA storyline that is present through their next few albums. DEMA is a metaphorical city ran by the Bishops who practice a cult like religion known as vialism and Trench is the name of the fictional continent where the DEMA storyline takes place. The music video for the song "Chlorine" features a weird alien creature named Ned.


Clancy - Their upcoming album and the likely conclusion to the DEMA storyline that was present in the last two albums. Thank God.

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