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H.P. Lovecraft

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H.P. Lovecraft is the author of various science fiction-horror novels and tales, of which genre he dubbed "cosmic horror". At a young age, both of Lovecraft's parents were awarded to an insane asylum, where they lived the rest of their life and died, which could explain the constant themes of unfathomable madness consistent in his writings. Aside from giving you an insight into a madman's rambling, H.P. Lovecraft's books often express the idea that we are alone and insignificant in this world. This is clearly reminiscent of his social life because he had very few friends apart from his publishing network and his cat.

Story Guild

Not all of H.P. Lovecraft's stories are on this list. If you notice that your favorite weird tale is missing, please take the courtesy to write about it yourself.


A sailor escapes the German Man of War' after being captured during WW1. While using his armature navigation skills to find land, he ends up discovering some sort of anthropoidal fish-man praying to Cthulhu. Unable to comprehend what he just saw, he gets addicted to opioids and ends his story by playing a game of Russian jumping after professing his desires for that thing to return and kill humanity.


The Necronomicon was a fictional book used as a "literary device" in several of Lovecraft's stories. Basically the Bible, except it's about Lovecraftian lore and the Cthulhu Mythos.

Pickman's Model

H.P. Lovecraft discovers furry art.

The Call of Cthulhu

Cthulhu starts mind-fucking people with subliminal messages in hopes that someone would finally open up its' tomb. A newspaper journalist investigates this mind-fuckery and discovers a super-unknown cult known as the Cult of Cthulhu. More boring stuff happens and then all of a sudden we're ramming into Cthulhu while it excretes tons of green ooze.

The Dunwich Horror

An age-fluid sorcerer uses dark magic to transform himself into his wacky Eldritch fursona. One night while continuing his search for forbidden knowledge at his university's library, he is caught and "killed by a guard dog". His twin brother, in a fit of rage, then goes postal, killing two families and several cops before being burned at the stake by a lynch mob.

The Lurking Fear

Some guy and his party investigate a haunted mansion inhabited by the inbred heterochromous descendants of Chris Chan and his mother.

The Rats in the Walls

An English man acquires an ancient mansion with large amounts of suspicions of occultism surrounding it. He starts hearing lots of scuffling in the walls and calls for an investigation party. They discover an ancient corridor leading to an enormously massive cave decorated with Cyclopean architecture and sub-human skeletons littered everywhere. It is not long before the pieces are put together and the main character finds out he is the decendent of eons of primordial inbred niggermonkeys and then gets mauled to death by rats. H.P. Lovecraft also inserted his cat named "niggerman" into this story.

The Shadow Out of Time

A university teacher falls into a coma to find his consciousness inhabiting an alien body. While living among this master race of aliens, he learns all of their alien knowledge. (Pro-Tip: The alien master race mind-swaps their consciousnesses with consciousnesses from the future. They do this to learn about all knowledge that has and will be known to Earth, in hopes it will help them escape the rapture). The teacher dude finally wakes up and has to find out if it was all real, so gathers an exploratory crew and travels to Aboriginal County, Australia. When he discovers the ancient Cyclopean tunnels, he is able to subconsciously navigate the halls and crack combinations because of his prior leanings. Finally, he finds a vault of ancient books, and opens one up to find that it is written in his handwriting, but doesn't have time to read it because he is shortly chased out by an ancient invisible wind.

The Shadow Over Innsmouth

A man explores an obscure New England town called Innsmouth to investigate the strange origins of their culture and art, which is like no other known to man. He quickly finds himself appalled by the people of Innsmouth because they look like inbred half-niggers and they're smelly. He sticks around for a little while however to investigate and gets some drunk to tell him more than he'd wish to know and then gets chased by lynch mobs of anthropoid fish-men- only to find out he was one of them all along.

The Doom That Came to Sarnath

Some of the human inhabitants of the Dreamlands decide to genocide their fugly Frogmutant neighbours take their shit, and build the City of Sarnath on the ruins of their settlement. Ages later some super Frogmutants return and destroy the city.

The Outsider

The narrator lives in some shitty dark place and decides to climbe up to the surface, scaring some people, finally looking in a mirror, and finding out that he is some undead horror.

Herbert West—Reanimator

The physician Herbert West tries to bring back the dead, which works to some degree, gets a child eaten by a Zombie-Nigger, and gets himself killed after his undead creations get him.

The Cats of Ulthar

Some old couple enjoys destroying pussy for fun, until they get cursed by some gypsies, and eaten by the cats of the city of Ulthar.

H.P. Lovecraft's Cat

Perhaps just as famed as H.P. Lovecraft himself, is his eldest and most beloved cat fittingly named Nigger Man, which is the most awesome name for a pet ever.

Niggerman IRL


Howard Philips Lovecraft was a highly intelligent, and well educated man, so he saw the Negro for what it was, a dangerous halfmonkey who will stab you in the ass, steal your shit, chimp out over the lack of chicken, and therefore should be segregated from the not melaninated part of the population. He shared his insight with the world by depicting the true face of the Nigger in his works, and writting funny poems about them:

"When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shap'd at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next design'd;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Fill'd it with vice, and call'd the thing a NIGGER."

See Also

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H.P. Lovecraft is part of a series on Internet Cats

A Cat Is Fine TooAlmost-ChanArguecatArrow CatsBasement CatBerry And FriendsBikecatBincatBinkersBonsai KittenBukkake MilkBurgerBusiness CatCat in MicrowaveCat on a keyboard in spaceCatnarokCaturdayCeiling CatChase 'No Face'Colonel MeowCovercatDangerous KittenDeath CatDodge CatDrillcatEmo CatFishing CatFLOATERCATFrinkleGarfieldGrumpy CatHappycatHipster KittyIf it fits I sitsInception CatJarcatJewcatJESUS CHRIST IT'S A LION GET IN THE CAR!Keyboard CatKitlerLasercatLenincatLil BubLimecatLioncash LongcatMaruMonorail CatMutant CatsNyan CatOctocatOrvillecopterPeterPoko OnoPusheenScubaSecret Kitty ClubSerious CatShironekoShocked and Appalled CatShortcatShotacatSilencer CatSpaghetti CatSpeedycatStalking CatStanding CatStarecatStalking CatStubbs the mayorcatTacgnolThat Fucking CatTrollcatsTubcatTulipWeathercatWisdom CatYOUR CATZippocat

H.P. Lovecraft is part of a series on Dying Alone

[DeadCry yourself to sleep]

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Those Dying Alone

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