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A nu-male aka soyboy is a specific type of beta male that has surfaced in the 2010's in an attempt to redefine what manhood means, specifically white malehood, in the wake of the Civil Rights movement and Third-Wave Feminism. But in the process of doing so, they've become a humongous joke, and no one outside of liberal Hellholes like San Francisco takes them seriously. Despite their permeation in modern Western society, they exist simply to show people how one should NOT live if they wish to be treated with respect by their peers, and especially women.

So where did they come from?

The Greatest Generation begat the Baby Boomers

The Great Depression taught the Greatest Generation that being a pussy means death, while World War II taught them that exposing your emotions to the enemy meant death. There was simply no time for them to complain about shit, because they were too busy trying to survive to do any of that. That's why back then, men were real men, women were real men, and children were real men. Even degenerates like Ed Wood were real men; while killing Japs in the Battle of Tarawa, he wore women's bra and panties. But the bitterness of the Great Depression, World War 2, and the Cold War ensured that the Greatest Generation would try to raise THEIR children—the Baby Boomer Generation—with the same level of harshness they grew up with.

Not pictured: nu-males of any sort
"When I become a parent, I'm gonna bring my kids to one of these, because my dad never did!"

The Baby Boomer Generation, on the other hand, while still raised properly, hated the fact that they were raised so harshly. Their parents from the Greatest Generation never took their kids to a baseball game, told them how well their artwork looked, etc. All they did was complain about their kids whining about shit like toys and crap... which was nonsense as far as the parents were concerned, because a roof over their head and food on their plate was far more than any of them had during the Depression. Toys? Baseball?? I don't give a shit about your fanfic about Howdy Doody meeting Captain Kangaroo. Just be glad you aren't picking sand out of your food, you ungrateful little assholes. Thirsty? Drink your spit. Oh, and I don't want to see you playing with that nigger kid from across the street anymore.

Worse, because of the growing influence of Feminism, pediatricians like Dr. Spock, the growing shift of jobs away from rural areas and towards urban areas (and with jobs went the family), and even television, it became harder and harder for the Fathers of their Baby Boomer children to be positive male role models for their children, as well as instill upon them what it means to be a Man. Whereas, in the past, when the whole family was involved with, say, maintaining the family farm, or were all home schooled, this provided equal parts of positive male and female role models for the children. But because of all the changes happening in post-War America, the Father was simply not around to teach their children much of anything anymore, not for lack of trying. Therefore, young Baby Boomer boys simply lacked positive male-role models, as they were growing up either around their Mom (who ran the house when Dad was away), their teacher (who was usually a woman), or their friends (who were just little kids). This situation was magnified by television, with shows like I Love Lucy and Leave it to Beaver depicting home life as run by their mothers and usually devoid of their fathers. This undoubtedly created problems later on down the road... but we'll get to that later.

Of course the Baby Boomer generation dealt with it, because they didn't know they didn't need to. The 1960's eventually came, and started filling the heads of the Baby Boomer generation with Peace, Love, and Happiness. Then with the Civil Rights Movements of the 60's and 70's teaching the new generation about fairness and equality (while at the same time also teaching them about how white men were the cause of EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM EVER in the history of the WORLD), the Baby Boomer generation ultimately decided that, when they have children, they're not going to be the stoic brick wall their parents were, but would instead be their children's best friend. When the time comes, it'll be the Baby Boomer's chance to raise their children right, with the right music, right thinking, right history, right everything. This time they WILL take their kids to a baseball game, they WILL tell them how well their artwork turned out, they WILL let them make friends with non-white kids. In fact, their kids get a TON of awards for their artwork and achievements, just to make up for the ZERO awards they got when they were a kid. The children of the Baby Boomers will get everything the Baby Boomers never got.

"Hey son! Do you wanna go to a Deadhead concert with me? I'll drive!"

The Baby Boomers begat The Gen X-ers, Millennials

So in comes the 70s, and the earlier Baby Boomer Generation finally started having children: either Generation X—born between the 70's until maybe 1983—or Millenials—born between 1984 until the the 90, with the Generation Xers themselves filling in the second-half of the Millenials. Either way, the Baby Boomers gained more and more seniority in their respective workplaces around the same time, such that, by the time the post-Gen X generation, the Millennial Generation, reached school age, the Baby Boomers had completely taken over the positions of authority their parents and grandparents once held. No longer did the Baby Boomers need to challenge the authority of their parents as children or as young adults, THEY were now THE Authority, and so now it was THEM who decided what would be taught and what would be expected from others. In due time the Baby Boomers make good on their promises to be far more friendlier to these children than their parents ever were to them. The Baby Boomer Generation relished in the joy of finally being able to teach people that it's OK to cry if you got a little sliver playing in the tanbark playground, and nobody would question it. And as they got older, the Baby Boomer Generation—sometimes in tandem with the Gen X-ers—taught these children more hippie and feminist values, like how it's OK for a male to cry, that there is NO EXCUSE to hit a woman, that one should stand up for their beliefs, races and genders were equal (though non-whites are more equal than whites) and so forth and so on. And at the end of the day, the Baby Boomer Generation were happy that the children were finally being taught the right thing.

Unfortunately, none of those lessons were tempered by any kind of common sense (y'know, like, it's OK for a male to cry in PRIVATE and not as a means to achieve a goal, that if women are equal to men then there's just as many reasons to hit a woman as there are for men, etc). Worse, where as the Greatest Generation almost completely lacked any positive doting behavior, the Baby Boomers were TOO doting. Years of being told that they were perfect in every way, that their artwork was simply ALWAYS award winning, and graduating kindergarten was worthy of celebration started to mold the young Millennial's minds into thinking they could do no wrong, that everyone loves them, and authority is nonexistent. All of this was magnified by decades of a lack of positive male role-models and the realization that they didn't have a clear idea of what it meant to be a Man... and although they were there for their children in ways their parents were, this became a case of "the blind leading the blind": how the hell could a generation who knew little about being a Man raise a new generation of boys to become Men? There was no answer... and thus the Baby Boomer parents felt that, as long as their boys and girls were at home watching Care Bears and My Little Pony G1 (but not G.I. Joe because that was too violent) and not out smoking crack or whatever, then that was enough to be a good parent. And so it's no surprise that, as the Millennial Generation grew to adulthood, they simply became the world's newest generation of pussies.

The Millennials begat no one

"My life is SOOOO hard!"

Of course the real world is far different than the world that the Baby Boomers and Gen X'ers raised the Millennials in, which years of Care Bears did not prepare them for. Everything you do is wrong, nobody loves you, and authority is everywhere. This is exactly what the Greatest Generation learned, and taught their Baby Boomer children... but in the process of tossing out EVERYTHING their parents taught them in lieu of "more correct" rearing (among other things), the Baby Boomer Generation basically left out those lessons when raising their children. But whereas the Gen X-ers at least still had their Greatest Generation grandparents to give them a different outlook on life (at least whoever was left after years of social drinking and smoking gave them all liver disease and lung cancer), the Millenials had no one left to turn to. Now, these Millennial adults are being sent into the world without the proper tools to deal with shit, and in turn have simply become gigantic pussies because of those missing tools. But hey, at least they know that there is NO REASON to hit a woman, right?

Now this usually happened with white people, as pretty much all generations of non-white people to this day still have to deal with enough bullshit in life to temper them enough and prevent them from becoming gigantic sissies. Like, black folk—save for the very most recent #BlackLivesMatter generation—had to deal with racism (and white people trying to latch onto them for some political end), Asians were too busy escaping communism and other leftist regimes to support American-style liberalism much, etc. But for white Millennials, who had a pretty easy living as there was nothing left in life to temper them like their grandparents during the 1930's and 40's (and, no, marching against the Iraq War, joining an Occupy collective, and tweeting #BlackLivesMatter doesn't count), and because their Gen X-er parents and Baby Boomer grandparents left them ill-equipped to deal with the realities of the real world, while also being over-burdened with tons of white guilt, the conditions were such that an average white Millennial male devolving into a nu-male was almost inevitable.

And, that's where we are now: we have an entire generation of pussies who are a complete 180 from the Greatest Generation. Their great-grandparents are rolling in their graves seeing their male descendants acting concerned about how being on the receiving end of their girlfriend's strap-on may make them feel "unmanly":

If you look and feel like this, seek immediate help

The Next Generation

If this is what white kids are being taught in school these days, and/or what white kids think they need to say to impress their elders... then God help us all.

How to spot a soyboy

nu-males can be spotted by their glasses, premature balding, and white knightism

No one person exhibits ALL of the symptoms associated with nu-male-ism. Rather, nu-males share certain common traits, though which traits they share is dependent on how they were raised, where they live, etc. However, the first trait listed below is perhaps the one single trait that absolutely does define the nu-male.

They're a White male with White guilt

This is perhaps the single most important attribute of the nu-male, as everything else about them is based on this fundamental aspect. The root of this stems from the Baby Boomer Generation, in their attempt to correct the historical wrongs that white males have done in the past (such as colonialism, imperialism, slavery, sexism, racism, etc). Specifically, the Baby Boomer Generation raised both the Gen-X Generation and the Millennial Generation to be hyper-conscious of history, and to do whatever they can to not only prevent it from happening in the future, but to be willing to pay for the sins of their ancestors. This overall instilled upon the nu-male an insane amount of white guilt: without that guilt, there is no nu-male, as that guilt in turn drives the nu-male towards doing the most stupid and ridiculous things in their desire to repent for their assumed sins.

Of course, this is under the assumption that only white males are guilty of colonialism, imperialism, slavery, sexism, racism, etc., which is hardly true (Imperial Japan is a really good example). However, don't try to bring this fact up to a nu-male, as they'll justify it by claiming either:

  • white males made those non-whites and non-males be terrible (because non-white, non-male people are completely incapable of acting on their own)
  • that BECAUSE they are non-white or non-male, all the wrongs and evil deeds they did doesn't count against them... or are even justified in some way
  • Perhaps that non-whites were being oppressed by whites so much that murdering millions of white people, or even other non-white people, was just them trying to free themselves of said oppression.
  • That's right; Mao Tse-tung's "Great Leap Forward", which killed tens of millions of Chinese people, or the killing fields of the Khmer Rouge... it's all white people's fault.
  • or—worst of all—that that non-white group is/were actually "honorary whites" and thus justifying their white guilt even further.

It is possible that a non-white male can have "white guilt" (and thus be a nu-male), but it's very rare, and likely because they've become absolutely disconnected to their non-white side (becoming a banana, coconut, Oreo, etc in the process).

They sport a beard, glasses, and/or are prematurely balding

Mind you, having a beard, glasses, and/or a receding hairline alone doesn't make you a nu-male, but nu-males tend to have beards, glasses, and/or a receding hairline more often than not. Why this is is still under investigation.

Bonus points to go any nu-male who wear glasses which aren't even prescription glasses.

They greatly seek approval and validation from oppressed people

Thanks for pointing that out!

Like sporting a beard and glasses, all people desire validation from their peers; it's only natural. But what differentiates a nu-male from a normal human being is that, because of the massive amount of white guilt nu-males possess, they seek out the approval and validation specifically from those they feel white males have historically wronged.

When it comes to seeking the approval of women, nu-males tend to be white knights and/or self-proclaimed "male feminists"; they'll jump to any woman's defense on the internet, despite not ever receiving any rewards or personal benefits for their good deeds. Despite this, they also try to be a "nice guy", maybe because they felt (or have been convinced) that they have treated women wrong by thinking of their own needs in a relationship (like the TOTALLY WRONG idea that it's OK to want to have sex with a woman), and therefore believe that being "nice" is paramount in any romantic relationship. ALL of this is likely because they believe that these actions is what women expect them to be, despite never actually talking to women to begin with and trying getting a consensus of what women would ACTUALLY like to see from them. This is also why nu-males also donate money to at least one Patreon female; it's clear toxic masculinity has tortured these poor women and destroyed their emotional state... so giving them money is a good way to right those wrongs once and for all.

See women?? This joke about how some men pretend to understand your issues means *I* totally understand your issues. Don't you see how much of an ally I am to you now? I mean, this is what you want me to say, right? Please, just tell me what you want me to do!

Trying to gain the validation from non-white people means completely agreeing with everything a non-white person says or wants, no matter how irrational or idiotic it actually is. Shit, white people have done crazy shit to non-white people over history, so it's only fair for non-white people to want to do something equally crazy. Therefore, nu-males tend to be Social Justice Warriors, agree that the US government should pay reparations to the African-American community, and are in support of various race-specific campaigns like #BlackLivesMatter. In fact, they'll almost zealously support these race-specific campaigns, sometimes far more active than an actual person of that particular race, and maybe to the degree where the white nu-male will criticize and lecture a non-white person for not sharing the same attitudes. Y'know, because—as a white person—nu-males know more about how to fix the issues facing a certain non-white community than an actual member of that community.

Politically, since ALL women and non-white people are OBVIOUSLY liberals who always vote Left, combined with the fact that conservatives are INHERENTLY toxic to non-white, non-male people, nu-males therefore attempt to show solidarity with them by being liberals just the same. Another way nu-males show solidarity is, when a non-white, non-straight, non-male person reads them the riot act (especially over something some white male did in the past, as opposed to what that nu-male did specifically), the nu-male will completely roll over and take their punishment; after all, they're white males, and it's their burden and responsibility to be hated by all the groups that their white male kinsmen have wronged throughout history. Again, this is done OBVIOUSLY because this is what non-white, non-straight, non-male people expect out of white males. Instead of, y'know, actually talking to non-white, non-straight, non-male people and getting a consensus about what they REALLY want to see happen. Again, it's because nu-males know more about what non-white, non-straight, non-male people want than they themselves know!

Fashion-wise, the nu-male's approval-seeking tendencies also ensures that they are trendy, as adhering to a fashionable trend is the very heart of one's desire for approval. How can someone be liked by other people if they aren't wearing the right kind of clothing?

They are extremely self-hating

This is also absolutely due to their white guilt. Being a white male is an extreme burden to the nu-male, so they will actively point out how horrible it is to be white and a male any chance they get. Part of this is also done in tandem with their desire for approval from non-white, non-males; they actually believe that all their self-hating impresses non-white, non-male people... or, worse, that the language nu-males uses is what non-white, non-male people want them to say and believe... but in reality, non-white, non-male people are totally laughing AT you dipshits.

Self-hate is maybe the most obvious sign to other people that you're a nu-male.

Some nu-males will go so far as to dress up as a woman or pretend to be gay in order to eschew the "toxic masculinity" that they feel they have too much of. The amount of self-hate nu-males have for their white male-ness almost rivals the level of self-hate Jews have for themselves.

They are VERY active on Twitter

While on Twitter, they will constantly use buzzwords and stock phrases like "problematic", "toxic masculinity", "you're a white male!", and regularly references what the current year is. You can also spot them giving lectures about the right ways for other white males to act, or fighting battles for women and non-white people (sometimes, ironically, lecturing to women and non-white people about how wrong they are for not siding with nu-males like them).

However, while nu-males can use any other social media service to complain about pointless shit, Twitter's 140 character limit is the key factor in why nu-males use the service; it allows them to bitch and moan without actually backing up anything they have to say. Furthemore, because brevity is the soul of wit, the character limit gives whatever they write an aura of intelligence, and therefore it makes THEM appear smarter than the av-er-age white males. Of course, it makes them APPEAR smarter in the same way fun-house mirrors can APPEAR to make some fat ham-beast look like a skinny fashion model.

A nu-male like Jonathan Ichikawa
loves telling women what to do in
the name of “social justice.”

But the most important reason why Twitter is uses is because it also prevents their opponents from BTFO'ing their opinions in a very public manner. The thing is, nu-males can't handle dissenting thought; the idea that other people could be disagree with—let alone be against—them is foreign to them, so the character limit ensures that an opponent can't give nu-males a good lashing without looking desperate for using more than 140 characters. But if that doesn't work, the next easiest thing for them to do is to just mute/block them, though it's not uncommon for them to work themselves into a rage in order to rid themselves of people who don't align themselves with their views.

They are almost always submissive, passive, boring, but outspoken only during TOPICS OF INTEREST

Again, many times their desire for social justice and feminist equality encourages them to tell women and non-white people what to do, despite being against all the many times in history where white males told women and non-white people what to do. But apparently it's different when THEY do it, because they're actually trying to HELP women and non-white people by trying to speak over them.

Being outspoken is another common attribute for nu-males: how else would we know that they're sorry for being a white male if they're not constantly and publicly self-flagellating themselves?


Other attributes common to soyboys

  • attempted to be an indie dev at some point (evidenced by pixel art avatars)
  • just as functional in society as other beta males, can be one step above fedora lords; therefore, in most cases their lower position in the social order comes from their shitty opinions, not their inability to function in society (as opposed to autistic folk)
  • think they are all unique individuals, despite looking exactly the same
  • Twitter bio and Tinder bio are identical
  • will take his wife's last name
  • unorganized, doesn't arrive on time
  • creates unrealistic plans for himself, or has no plans at all
  • takes no responsibility for his actions
  • Makes excuses for not working a job as soon as possible
  • feels entitled to a six figure job without prior work experience
  • failed college or has a 4 year degree in a cuck subjects like women's studies or business administration
  • attends adult daycare in any sense
  • Your Zodiac sign is that of a beta male
  • likes sucking jew cock and has student loans
  • fixates on imaginary properties that only exist in their head and not delivering.
  • Is unemployed past 25 years old, the age in which CWC made his first video
  • Didn't skip high school and get his GED and work as soon as you can during the information age.
  • Expects other people to help achieve his / her goals and constantly complains about said goal not happening.
  • can't support his/herself and lacks real world skills or value

How to undo the nu-male curse

This is what being ashamed of being a male looks like.

Good news! Being an anti-white nu-male isn't a certain death sentence, but being a virgin beta cuck sadcow who has done nothing productive in their life is. Unlike autism, you can actually choose to stop being a nu-male. You can't change your whiteness or maleness, so don't bother with that. In fact, trying to change it might push you further into nu-male territory. You may not be able to change the past that is done, but you can move forward and brainstorm ways to avoid being a cuck. But what you can do is:

  • first, maybe seriously just kill yourself... but if you're too much of a pussy to even do THAT...
  • leave environments that contribute to white guilt
  • rid yourself of your white guilt:
  • it's not your fault that other white men have done shitty things, as if non-white and/or non-men have NEVER EVER done anything shitty in the history of the world (read up on Indira Gandhi and Operation Blue Star, for starters). You don't need to feel guilty for shit you didn't do, so it's not your responsibility to correct things you didn't do
  • and frankly, you're really not impressing anyone by feeling so guilty about history; non-white, non-male people see through it very easily, and most in their right mind don't even blame YOU personally for history, or even the present state of affairs. The ones that do blame you for shit really just want something out of it (like free money), and so them making you feel guilty is only due to some ulterior, self-benefiting motive

...that's basically it. White guilt is something that is so pervasive with nu-males that getting rid of it means eventually shedding the rest of that bullshit that is associated with it.


List of nu-males

If you've seen one, you've seen 'em all!

Borderline nu-males

These guys aren't white, so they aren't true nu-males... but they tend to side with white nu-males often, or act in a similar way:

Nu-males support

Nu-males also tend to support any of the following (bonus points if they donated to their Patreon or any other e-beg service):

  • Anti-GamerGate"You're ALL a bunch of white males!" says a bunch of white males
  • Zoe Quinn — the fact that she's acquired a sizable amount of money is coincidental
  • Alison Rapp — leave her alone; her 15-page essay on why pedos are OK was just a joke!
  • Sarah Butts - Because there is nothing wrong with defending pedophilia.
  • Anita Sarkeesian — we need to protect her by placing her upon a pedestal and feed her all our money until we're homeless broke!
  • Bernie Sanders — Trump is an old white man! Who wants to vote for someone like that?? WAAAAHH, I NEED A BAIL OUT!!!
  • Cartoon Channels - They want their 90s/00s childhood back instead of moving on.
  • Vaush - Supports communism, yet doesn't even know how leftism works.
  • Brianna Wu — he says he's a woman, so I guess we need to defend him as well

Nu-male organizations

Meanwhile, these organizations were either formed by, hire, or otherwise have nu-males in their ranks:

Videos of nu-males in action

The nu-male Anthem (starring Peter Coffin)

Typical nu-male wedding (starring Anthony Burch)

Nu-male lecturing a dude who was dancing with a woman that that wasn't cool

Aren't you glad you're not Anthony Burch?

Bob "MovieBob" Chipman underlines nu-male thought on gender issues.

Phil Fish's Twitter meltdown is typical of what happens when you disagree with a nu-male.

Nu-male in their natural environment: lecturing other people about how to act, despite not living up to their own words

See Also

  • The Alt-Right - The conservative version of Nu-males
  • College - Number one place to go to become a virgin soyboy.

External Links

Nu-male is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

Visit the Faggotry Portal for complete coverage.

Nu-male is part of a series on

Social Justice

Visit the Social Justice Portal for complete coverage.

Nu-male is part of a series on Dying Alone

[DeadCry yourself to sleep]

Featured article April 10 & 11, 2016
Preceded by
Nu-male Succeeded by
Antipsychotic Drug