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Kanye West

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Yes, yes we do.

Kanye West aka Yeezy or Ye, is a rapper, designer, self-diagnosed bipolar attention whore, former US Presidential candidate, all while also being a literal niggerfaggot.

Born in Atlanta, Georgia, and raised in Chicago, on the playground is where he spent most of his younger days; Chillin out maxing and relaxing all cool and all shooting some b-ball outside of the school...

Srsly though, West was raised in Chicago, and grew up around gangbangers and playas. We don't have much to say about his young adulthood years since that's BORING SHIT, LOL.

Kanye West has been at the forefront of much IRL and internet drama, and as a result, we here at Encyclopedia Dramatica are humbly taking on the vital public service of explaining his discography, musical career and political life to plebians such yourself. "Yeezus just rose again..."

Musical career

So, flash forward from West's youth, all the way up to the year 2000. It's the dawn of the Nu-Millennium and the new beginning of an endless age of shitty mass-produced pop music. Kanye West begins "producing" music/recordings for musicians on the rap label Roc-A-Fella Records; notably Jay-Z and Ludacris.

West next decides he wants to start making his OWN music, but is turned down by everyone at Roc-A-Fella because he does not fit the image of a gangsta rapper. Upset, West attempts suicide by crashing his car and nearly dies; not wanting the poor guy to kill himself, Jay-Z finally gives him permission to make his own album (technically it's called an LP, guiis!!). And so, "The College Dropout" is released in 2004, later followed by "Late Registration" in 2005 and "Graduation" in 2007. Forming a trilogy, these 3 hip hop albums feature some of West's most accessible music, as well as singles "Jesus Walks", "Gold Digger" and that one song he made ripping off Daft Punk.

"808s and Heartbreak" is released in 2008 and is notable for being the only Kanye West album to feature no explicit lyrics whatsoever, (well, it was, up until 2019's Jesus Is King album) and for its EXTENSIVE usage of Autotune. (Though to be fair, West used Autotune on the songs because his jaw was broken during the recording sessions for the album.)

And then - it all goes downhill... West goes on MTV's VMA, and tells Taylor Swift, to her face, that she shouldn't have won her award. He follows this up with random twitter beefs between him and "South Park" creators after being outed as an aficionado of "fishsticks" on said show.) West even got called out by then-President Obama, who called West a "jackass". West, however, not to be discouraged from "PRODUCING ART", locked himself up in a cabin in Hawaii, secluded himself from the outside world, and came back with the ideas for his much-praised 2010 album A Good Ass Job My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy".

This album was followed up with 2013's "Yeezus" album, an industrial-style hip-hop album. The album cover for "Yeezus" was literally a coverless audio CD case with some red tape on the right side of the case. No, seriously, that was the "ART" that the self-proclaimed "Closest Thing To Einstein" came up with for his album. The "cover art" for "Yeezus" quickly became a meme, with many a custom cover artwork made based on it and it became a trend that many recording artists followed for years to come.

"The Life of Pablo"/"SWISH"/"So Help Me God" followed the Yeezus album. This album's releases were constantly postponed, renamed, and remixed before it finally arrived on the scene in 2016. Drama surrounded the release of "The Life of Pablo" as it was an online-only release, and was exclusive to Jay-Z's "lossless music streaming" site TiDAL. More e-drama ensued as West pulled the album several times after the official release date to re-remix, remove, and add tracks to the album. Truly "A LIVING WORK OF ART". This was followed by 2018's TurboGrafx 16 "Ye" album, which is so short in duration that it puts the black man to shame.

2019 began a shift in West's usual musical themes toward Christianity themes, as he went full-on-religious. He founded a gospel music group called "Sunday Service", began holding regular services across the country, and released a new album, "Jesus Is King". Time will tell if this lasts.

"DONDA", was released after a shit-load of delays, in the middle of a streaming battle with Drake who beat him to a diss track with a Trippie Redd song. This made Kanye butthurt and Ye leaked his "home". (Ye actually just showed the home of Drake that anyone could look up with a quick Google search.)

"DONDA 2" become Ye's next project soon after the release of Donda. And surprisingly, Kanye didn't delay the release date. He released an unfinished half-assed album on the day he promised and is going to "update" and "finish" this album in the future. This album is only available on the STEM Player but in reality everyone just downloaded it from "file sharing" websites. Kanye's also mad at some random comedian for banging his ex-wife so he made a diss track about it. Thanks to Ye and his stans constantly harassing him until he get mentally sick, the ex-wife broke up with him. Ye is currently looking forward to reunite with her and see take his kids back.We off the Grid Grid Grid, Donda 2 is Mid Mid Mid. He's a total nigger for making an album sounds this horrible then still put his dead mother's name on it.

"Vultures 1" - After delaying the release of this at least 100 times, Kanye finally shat out this half-assed album which was going to have an album cover ripping off Burzum but changed it at the last second. Vultures is a collab album with rapper Ty Dolla $ign who is totally not Ye's ghostwriter. This is further proof that Kanye is descending into lolcow territory. Ye made one of his daughter, North West to perfome on one of his shitty song. This album offended Anthony Fantano so much he made a video in response to it.

"Vultures 2" - The unfinished afterbirth of Vultures 1. Kanye got high on laughing gas an released a half finished pile of shit.

Didn't even try hiding it. So kvlt.

And yes, he's probably still refusing to take his much-needed Bi-Polar pills.

Kanye and Politics

It's ideas about bro
Kanye Goldstein in the true timeline
If my grandfather was here right now he would not let me back down! I don’t know I’m fittin’ to lose after this. It doesn’t matter though, cuz it ain’t about me. It’s about ideas, bro. New ideas. People with ideas. People who believe in truth,...

And yes, as you probably could have guessed by this moment, I have decided in 2020 to run for president.


—West at the 2015 MTV VMAs, announcing his plans for a political career

Kanye West has long been "outspoken", and politics is no exception. West however, has gone from letting folks know "George Bush doesn't care about black people" in 2004, to pursuing the American Presidency in the USA's 2020 and 2024 Presidential Elections.

Blacks are 90% Democrats That sounds like control to me 🤔


Kanye West, being to retarded to understand demographics.

Mista' West had planned to IRL-troll politics by srsly running for Prez of the USA in 2020; After meeting with Trump, West decided to postpone his run to 2024, simply because he believes that Trump will get elected for a second term in 2020. Word on tha streets, previously, was that he would probably run as a Republican or Independent. UPDATE: He gave up on The Donald and is running in the nutty year that is 2020 after all!!

2020 Presidential Run

Up until mid-2020, West was a known Trumper, having even met multiple times with (USA) President Trump from 2016-2018. 1. As of current times, West no longer wears the fabled red cap of Trumpers, while still claiming Trump to be “the closest president ... in years to allowing God to still be part of the conversation.”

On July 4, the year of our Lord 2020, Kanye West shocked the political landscape (at least as much as one could after 2016) with a big, girthy, announcement. West had decided to run in 2020 after all - against "Creepy Uncle Joe Biden" and incumbent USA Troll-In-Chief "The Donald". His new political party, "The Birthday Party" (fronted by Mr. West, his Wyoming pastor and nobody else) was also announced. While most of the world has laughed the campaign off as a stupid joke, Kayne seems to be taking very srsly. If he wins though, it'll be the biggest political troll since 4chan and Pepe the Frog memes catapulted a reality TV star an internet/twitter troll named Donald Trump to the White House in 2016. That's highly unlikely though since he missed the filing deadlines to be included on a number of state ballots as an independent candidate.

Kanye Doesn't Care About Black People

That's fucked up Kanye

In the great year of 2022, Ye - may God bless him, had a busy year recording Donda 3 and leading the White Lives Matter movement. This has culminated in the baby mama of beloved porn star, opioid enthusiast, and African American icon George Floyd filing a 250 million dollar lawsuit for saying that perhaps the massive amounts of fentanyl in his system contributed to his death.

Kanye Is A Zionist Shill

In October 2022, he appeared on Fox News's Tucker Carlson show and expressed his support to the world's favorite group of people: The Jews. He said that Planned Parenthood was founded by an eugenicist and KKK "to control the Jew population" and "I prefer my kids knew Hanukkah than Kwanzaa. At least it will come with some financial engineering." Thus, the floodgates were opened and the Anti-semites caused the following:

  • closure of his bank accounts
  • dropped by lawyer
  • banning from Twitter and Instagram
  • cancellation of upcoming concerts
  • loss of jewgolds caused by basically every brand cutting ties with him

On December 1, 2022, Kanye appeared on Alex Jones live show where he went full Zionist mode and declared his love and obedience towards the Jewish people. He made statements like “I love Jews,” “I love Jewish people,” “I love Zionists,” “Milo is Jewish, I love Milo,” that if he loses his presidential campaign the political leaders will be “held to christian values, not Zionist values,” and this is “the worst thing that can happen,” that Zionist are never at fault because it’s Satan that gets inside Zionists and makes them do bad things. He also said "he liked Hitler" and Nazis saying they created technology the jews use, and that Satan was one killing all the jews. The aftermath of his statements was another backlash from anti-semites that ended in Elon Musk suspending Kanye’s Twitter account.


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