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All adult babies are depraved, obese, saggy, wrinkled, lopsided sick fucks.

Pedophilic narcissism, euphemistically referred to by practitioners as infantilism, is a variation, a range of desires that have a common theme: Diapers and babyhood. Someone who practices infantilism is called an "infantilist" or sometimes an "adult baby" (often abbreviated "AB"). Infantilists want to be treated in a babyish way, though what that means varies widely. Usually, though, it means being diaperfags and using said diapers for their intended purposes.

Their claims of just wearing the diapers as part of an outfit is just what ABs would like the general public to think about their sordid little interest. The true reality is that every last one of them enjoys spooging into their pretty pink princess Pampers and receives immense sexual gratification from uncontrollably shitting themselves at a moments notice. The amount of sexual gratification is magnified by how much bondage, humiliation and domination is being branded into the fat folds of their jiggling asses.

Many ABs are in denial and will attempt to ignore, refute or otherwise suppress their needy little wanton desires for being a little bitch, forced to release their bowels into their bambino breeches, however the truth of the matter can be easily discerned by just how much frothing rage the typical AB exhibits when accused of this reality, all in their fleeting and ultimately futile attempts to try and "explain" their fetish as having some measure of pseudo-normalcy in society. It is interesting to note that infantilism is the most accurate definition of a manchild imaginable. So that means that all infantilists are easy troll-bait.

Adult Babies (AB) vs. Diaper Lovers (DL)

SissyKiss raping our childhood.

ABs are more often than not the product of attachment disorders. Often abused, sexually and/or physically, they essentially had their babyhood ripped out of them courtesy of a pedophile or overly abusive parent. Others partake in the interest as a form of stress relief, a way of putting grown up responsibilities aside and retarding back to a simpler/easier time in their life when they had someone to literally do everything for them; from wiping their asses to feeding them their food, it's the penultimate form of sheer laziness incarnate.

Aside from the typical Adult Baby you also have what's known as a Diaper Lover. A Diaper Lover, or DL for short, is someone with a simple object/clothing fetish, who simply gets off sexually on the diapers themselves, no baby stuff required or needed at all. They very often share fetish interests with those who get off on rubber/plastic and other material/clothing based fetishes. On occasion they also share fetish interests with the BDSM crowd, in which the diapers are used as a tool for humiliation and control.

The two communities are very often directly intertwined with one another, however it is possible to spread animosity, hatred and outright war between the two main communities with the right trolling stance. AB/DLs are similar to furries in that they tend to be easily provoked and enraged, partly because of the fact that they are, by definition, man-children who can't function properly as adults.

Identifying infantilists

Infantilists use a variety of different logos and "branding" in order to advertise their interests to fellow adult babies, some more subtle than others. This is a just a small sampling of what their community has come up with over the years.

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Methods of trolling infantilists

  • Accuse them of being pedophiles. Infantilism is technically the polar opposite of pedophilia. However, calling them that will lead to endless rage and butthurt.
  • Accuse them of being mentally imbalanced.
  • Remind them of what a sick waste of human resources they are. This doesn't just include necessities like food, water and power. But it also include the countless amounts of diapers they will use across their incredibly pathetic life time just to fuel their depraved fetish. All of this contributes to our constant raep of the environment.
  • Show them this hypothesis which explains the cause of their desires. It basically asserts that they pedophiles which are sexually attracted to the thought of themselves as children.
  • State that nobody will pander to their faggotry and that they will remain forever alone.
  • Buy them a big tub of these. Since they enjoy eating children's sweets and also enjoy shitting themselves, they will be in no position to complain about the consequences.

Infantilism in the news

Adult Babies are routinely the proverbial "little bitch" of mainstream media comedy and ridicule, which in turn causes lots of especially hilarious fit throwing and rage tantrums from their community, who regards such public exposure as depreciating and damning, more often than not completely lost on the silly irony of adults in diapers desperately pining for serious recognition and acceptance. Many ABs as a result try to keep their interests as closeted as possible and very often attack those in the community who make public appearances or otherwise publicly express their wanton love of free basing the baby powder. As before, epic trolling lulz can be had by exploiting that facet of their community.

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Infantilism in video games

Infantilists routinely try and sneak their fetish into other forms of media, often under the guise of comedy and parody. From cartoons, to television shows, to video games there are no shortage of examples of regressive behavior plastered all throughout mainstream media.

Mortal Kombat 9 Babalities

Bust-A-Groove - Kelly

Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts - Arthur Transformations

Pampered celebrities... literally

A great many celebrities suffer from intense surges of USI, often desperately needing to attract vast amounts of attention as quickly as possible in order to satiate their "It's all about me!" lifestyle. One common way celebrities do this is by dressing up in kooky, insane and otherwise socially unacceptable attire that would get most normal folk thrown in the looney bin. In line with that, dressing up like a toddler with a saggy bottom and prancing around with a major duck waddle is one of the most common and quickest forms of attention seeking behavior amongst celebs and wannabe celebs alike.

Pampered princesses About missing Pics
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Geriatric adult babies

Everybody eventually gets old, unless you an hero or manage to get hit by a bus or something, yer eventually gonna get saggy, wrinkled and start to lose control of yer bodily functions. As a result, adult diapers become mandatory attire, unless one wants to shit and piss all over themselves. Since they're effectively stuck in diapers many old folk often adopt adult baby interests and sexual persuasions as a result.

Because you've got a lot of living to do! About missing Pics
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Exhibitionist babies

Many diaper shitters feel the need to try and inflict their sordid interests onto the public every chance they get. Fueled in part by a wanton desire for acceptance coupled with intense voyeurism these types will take any opportunity to rape the public with their delightful diaper down syndrome. In many cases they will exploit existing socially acceptable customs and events in order to try and hide their sick interests in plain sight. These include Halloween of course, dressing up as a baby cupid on Valentine's day and dressing up as the new years baby on New Years are the three most commonly abused.

Diapered cam whores About missing Pics
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Bridal diapers

Diapers are EVERYWHERE and they're so MAINSTREAM! At least, that's what infantilists would like the world to think. If there's one common trait amongst all infantilists it's that they constantly strive to inflict their fetish upon the world in the name of "normalcy." Whether it's wedding diapers, astronaut diapers, pregnant diapers, ski diapers, diving diapers, hell there's even one particularily twisted adult baby who has devoted his entire existence to creating an army of sock puppets to try and make "communion dress diapers" (for kids and adults) a seemingly normal, everyday, no big diaper deal!

Needless to say, subtlety isn't exactly their strong suit. Most of them make use of holey sock puppets telling tall tales that sound more like F Grade fap fodder than anything even remotely approaching real reality...

"True" stories About missing Pics
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They also make liberal use of what they call "pasties," which is basically just poorly photoshopping diapers onto pretty well everything under the sun and trying to pass it off as "proof" of their outrageously stupid claims. Either that or they rely on existing fetish fap photography (often commercial model material) to try and convince the world to start doning adult diapers.

You know that these stories are ALWAYS bullshit because either the person LIKES wearing diapers and they were just looking for a CONVENIENT EXCUSE to wear them (ie: they're a closet infantilist), or on the flip side, if some fumbling norm actually did wear a wedding dress diaper or whatever, well pretty much the LAST thing they would do is run around openly announcing it to the general public like they were proud of it.

Something white... and crinkly About missing Pics
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Adult baby parenting

Adult babies generally make the absolute worst parents (next to the Chinese), due to their infantile nature they hardly ever discipline their children, spoil them rotten, let them do whatever they want and generally treat them as living dolls to dress up and vicariously baby well on into their tweens and teens. Things like "potty training" are more of a passing thought and a continuous option rather than a necessity or norm and contrariwise things like breast feeding and burping are everyday occurrences for your average adult baby parent. These children of course often grow up under the convenient labeling of "autistic" which caters to their piss poor parenting practices and becomes an ever revolving door of an excuse for any of their bad behavior or regressionist tendencies brought about by their overly coddling, discipline depriving parents.


Psychiatrist needed ASAP About missing Pics
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Adult baby humor (this is funny amiright?)

Shotgun-mouthwash needed ASAP About missing Pics
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See also

External links

  • Fancy being forced to shit and piss yourself while standing to attention and wearing a diaper under a police uniform? We have just the job for YOU!
  • ADISC – Claims to be a support community. Forum full of troll bait, any type of action towards the site (raids, or single trolling) will result in mass lulz.
  • Fox Tales Times – These guys think that Incontinent Student Bodies is fap material. Seriously.
  • The Padded Room – Oh, it's a padded room all right.

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[DeadCry yourself to sleep]

Those Who Have Died Alone

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Those Dying Alone

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Their Methods

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