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A common day in Prison
The prison bike.
They never wait. Never.
Oh yes he will.
Just do what he says.

Prison is where you will likely be sent following the commission of a crime IRL thus forever ruining your ability to fart. Unlike Internet jail, prison is an IRL friendster, and meeting people mostly involves anal penetration.

On occasion, OTI may result in prison; these offenses include, but are not limited to: slander; kiddy porn; hacking; downloading music; writing emo poetry; being a furry; blanking ED pages; trolling srsly ; and inventing new ways to fly planes into buildings.

Prison has a way of making a gay man out of a straight man and is currently making a lesbian out of Jasmine Richardson.

So what if I stole a tv? I'm still more badass than you!


—A noob at prison, aka Wigger.

So what is the deal with the yard? I mean when I was a kid my mother wanted me to play in the yard. But of

course she didn't have to worry about my next door neighbor Tommy sticking a shiv in my thigh. And what's with the lockdown? Why do we have to be locked in our cells? Are we that bad that we have to be sent to prison, in prison? You would think the weightlifting and the sodomy is enough.


—Public Enemy #1

Just remember, when you're in here your the nigger; not me


—A nigger on how white people get raped. Doesn't change the fact that he's black.

What you say mothafucker?! You wanna eat on my choad again!?


Typical Angry black man preparing dinner for a fellow inmate.

Fun Times, Exciting People

The Booty Warrior further explains


Soap Drop

In prison you can expect the following services:

Women in Prison

Not the most accurate portrayal of women's prison
If you see this man IRL, chances are you are going to prison

Women go to prison for a wide variety of crimes, including dealing drugs, not staying in the kitchen, embezzlement, being an accomplice to lesbian bed death, refusing to put out, and being a penis-punching feminazi. There's slightly less rape in female prisons historically, although the raw feel of a gristly, unshaven hairy lip against your pussy is a sensation to be avoided, not sought after.

Lady Gaga's music video accurately depicts life in a female prison:

Women in prison often are often party to the dreaded cunt punt.

Niggers in Prison

Young niggers usually get a time-out in carts.

Those who have chosen to live the black lifestyle often find themselves behind bars for various reasons. Usually, they find themselves on the wrong end of the law just for being themselves. Some people think that there are too many darkies in prison and that racial profiling is to blame. These people are almost always niggers themselves and are usually getting handcuffed for bike theft as they make said statement.

Prison niggers, however, are serious fucking business if you also happen to be in prison. And this is what most all niggers do once caught:

Jews in Prison

A Jewish prisoner, insisting on wearing the Jewish national costume

The Jews have been going to prison for as long as they can remember, starting with Egyptian prisons, since Russian and German prisons. Being a prisoner is an important part of Jewish culture and religion. Jewish national costumes hence evolved in a prison setting.

The Jews are incidentally also the current world leaders in detention techniques, followed closely by the US Army. The Jews use various methods of prisoner "rehabilitation", like Zyklon-B, which they learned during an intensive training course offered by the German government.

The Jewish state of Israel offers an award-winning service to Palestinians, where they can be detained and rehabilitated, without leaving the comfort of there own homes. You can expect much butthurt from those kind of people. But of course they can't do anything.

Join The Party

Her name is Fifi.

Ways to get in include:

And many, many moar.

How To Be The Most Popular Guy

1: Always show open mindedness when it comes to race. No one in Prison wants to be that guy. If You're white, it's very important to seek out and visit the leaders of all ethnic groups the minute you step through the door. Your ethnic group can wait, in fact - FUCK THEM! Whitey has never helped anyone and this is even more true in Prison.

2: Talk about your crime as much as possible, especially if you're a pedophile. Everyone likes a good sex story, you'll fit right in.

3: Steal. Fuck man, you're in prison. You're all criminals. Nothing says how bad ass you are then stealing from someone. Hell, prison is like the real world. If they didn't want it stole then they would have watched it better.

4: Stare as much as you can at people. Look at them long and hard. It says you want to be friends.

5: The guards are your friends too. In fact, they may be your best friend while in there because helping them can reduce your time. Remember to keep your ears open so you can hook the guards up with the primo intel. Remember, the juicier the tid bit the faster you get out of there.

6: Nothing makes friends like gambling. By gambling, you get to really know people through conversation and might even hear some info now and then. Don't worry if you ain't got no money or run out. They're your friends, they will loan it to you. If someone makes a big deal aabout the money you owe them, you can always turn them over to the guards because gambling isn't allowed in prison and the guards will be grateful to find out who is running the gambling dens.

7: Do all the drugs you can. They're like gambling. Follow number 7 when it comes to drugs.

See Also

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Prison is part of a series on Dying Alone

[DeadCry yourself to sleep]

Those Who Have Died Alone

Aaron AlexisAaron BushnellAaron SwartzAdam LanzaAlexis ArquetteAmanda ToddAmy WinehouseAnal CuntAndy KaufmanAngry GrandpaAnna Nicole SmithAnthony WarnerAsa CoonBrian AdamsBrandon CrispByuuCharmaine DragunCho Seung-HuiChris BenoitChris Harper-MercerChynaCodey PorterDavid BowieDavid CarradineDragoneerEazy-EEdaremElliot RodgerElvis PresleyGeorge SodiniGizgizGleb KorablevHappyCabbieHarambeH.P. LovecraftHeath LedgerJake DavisonJeff WeiseJewWarioJim MorrisonKate SpadeKitty0706Kurt CobainLemonade CoyoteLeelah AlcornLil PeepLiloLoki BlackfangLowtaxMia JaninMegan MeierMichael JacksonMitchell HendersonMySpaceNathan GaleNikita LytkinOtoya YamaguchiPekka-Eric AuvinenPrinceRandy StairRehtaeh ParsonsRicardo LopezRina PalenkovaRipperRobin WilliamsRonnie McNuttRudolph ZurickRyan PalmeterShawn WoolleyShayShuaibySol PaisStephen PaddockSteve StephensThomas Matthew CrooksTony48219TooDamnFilthyTyler DumstorfVester FlanaganWilliam AtchisonXXXTentacionZhao Zewei

Those Dying Alone

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