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HappyCabbie (A.K.A. Paul Garett IRL) is a neckbearded manchild who has delusions of not just being popular and having lots of friends, but also of being a YouTube employee and a moral crusader of the interwebs, who passes his time flagging YouTube videos to get the channels that uploaded them ban hammered. Curiously during all of the many years that he has been on YouTube, he's somehow managed to avoid being banned for his own misleading channel description in that he is neither happy or a cabbie. Maybe it's because the channel name SadLonelyCunt was unavailable.
Cabbie originally started out on YouTube by making inoffensive videos about how to make giant cocks using party balloons. These videos turned out to be very popular with young children and the kinds of internet retard who like to lick their computer screen to see if it tastes like strawberries. This was probably because they all thought that he was in fact a talking balloon. Cabbie had so much initial success with this that, according to the official story, he ditched his day job, and decided to make a go at grabbing some of the Jew gold on offer by YouTube, and it had nothing at all to do with him being shitcanned from his job as a taxi driver after he was busted by the police for cruising the local red light district looking for hookers while shitfaced.
So he signed up with the [[Machinima}} network and became a Youtube partner. Unfortunately, as it turns out, there is only so much of a market for videos featuring a sad fat bastard making life size models of Transformers robots out of party balloons so his monthly slice of cake wasn't as big as he expected it to be, especially after Machinima had helped themselves to a slice first. So poor Cabbie had to go out and get himself a job because, as it turns out, huge bags of potato chips are not free, so he supplemented his income by becoming a children’s entertainer, making balloon animals at children’s parties but sadly this didn't help. As luck would have it, it was about this time that the retarded and unemployable hobo and perennial lolcow Nick Bravo, who would later come to be known as Corky, found himself homeless and so, seeing an opportunity to have someone to share the bills and the rent with, Cabbie invited Nick to come live with him. This chain of events eventually lead to one of the more hilarious perpetual YouTube dramas when the two of them fell out, and a great many lolz would ensue.
- Cabbie smokes a twix to celebrate a job well done
When Cabbie finally realised that he'd saturated the market for balloon sculpting videos, like all desperate attention whores who run out of steam and finally jump the shark (or in Cabbies case, eat the shark), he decided to get his tits out, film himself getting naked while covering himself in chocolate sauce in the shower and run around his apartment in his underwear, however jailbait he is not and what was seen by his viewers that shall never be unseen were his fat mantits, and his impersonation of a fat orca jumping up and down on a bed wearing just his stained Y-fronts which were pulled up between his asscheeks like a thong. A great many lunches were lost that day, and many young children who had clicked on the video sat in silence, before either bursting into tears or running to ask their mommy what the nice balloon man was doing.
Strangely enough the children’s party bookings seemed to dry up for some reason that Cabbie could never seem to put his fat finger on, so he decided to give balloon scuplting a rest for a while and turn his talents towards something else, so he decided to get in on the YouTube atheism drama instead. This also didn't go as well as planned either as, despite his claims that he was in constant touch and good friends with the folks at Google, the atheist community turned on him and bit him in his oversized ass, as time after time he demonstrated what an utter illiterate dumb fuck he is, and how pig headed he can be when it's pointed out that he's clearly factually incorrect.
Foot Fetish
Yes, our fat hero has a foot fetish. This is mainly because he's been unable to see his own feet since good old Ronald Reagan was in the whitehouse back in the 1980's.
The reason why FattyCabbie can't see his feet
Israel not in Asia
Last Thursday Cabbie proved that cabbies really do now where any place you care to mention can be found by telling the world that Israel is in the continent of Middle East, and that Israel couldn't be in Asia, because they look like Sand Niggers and not like Asians.
Despite numerous people telling him he was a retard who couldn't find his own ass, with both hands and a map. With others pointing to the Israeli government's own website which clearly states that their country is to be found on the Asian continent. Cabbie steadfastly refused to acknowledge that he might be mistaken. This is unsurprising as it is well known that anything with a mass the size of a supertanker will have difficulty doing a U-turn.
Naturally this incident lead a lot of people to wonder what else Cabbie knew fuckall about.
False Flagging
As an honorary YouTube employee, that is happy to be paid in assorted tat that the folks at Google occasionally find when clearing out the stationery cupboard, CrappyFlaggy is the guy to go to when you need to know about YouTube's policies and procedures, particularly when your videos get flagged down by his good friend Brett Keane.
According to Flaggy there is no such thing as a "False Flag", which on this occasion is not when a bunch of dirty Jews try to sink a US Navy warship and blame it on the sand niggers in the hope that the US will retaliate and bomb Egypt but rather when some homo flaggot decides to create some drama by reporting perfectly harmless and inoffensive videos to the YouTube moderators who will then sit down and view it, and make an informed decision as to whether it conforms to YouTube terms of service and community guidelines, before deciding if it should be removed or not and the user who uploaded it should be given a strike on their account. And it is totally not an automated process, instead of employing 25,000 Asians.
Flaggy staunchly maintains that all videos that are removed after being flagged were done so legitimately, unless of course, the video in question just happens to be one of his, in which case he gets butthurt and goes crying to YouTube begging for them to reinstate it.
Seriously Flaggy, if there is no such thing as a false flag then why do you have so many videos on your channels that are mirrored copies of videos that were at one time or another flagged down?
But in all honesty, Flaggy is indeed an expert when it comes to flagging because Youtube has given him special flagging privileges that allow him and his friends to get over 10,000 videos removed in just one night, and every one of those 10,000 flags was entirely legitimate.
The Nick Bravo drama
Because SadFatty is such a fat idle bastard, as well as a sad lonely fuck on account of nobody ever being able to ever get close to him, Fatty decided to kill two birds with one stone and get himself a dancing gimp manslave, so when the opportunity arose and Corky suddenly found himself homeless, he invited him to stay at his home so he could get him to clean the puddles of piss and piles of urine-soaked toilet-paper off the bathroom floor, where Fatty deliberately left them so that Corky had something to do while fatty was out at work molesting corpses at the local morgue.
Things worked out well at first as fatty taught Corky how to ape around in front of the camera like a trained chimp, just as long as they shared the same bedroom, separated by only a curtain, allegedly so that he could jerk off to Corky's feet should the urge arise, however that would be a physical impossibility given that fatty hasn't been able to get his hands anywhere near his own cock since the late eighties. Eventually this got too much for poor Corky, and no doubt spending each night with just a flimsy curtain between himself and the sweat covered flatulent elephant, that was less than a foot away on the other side of the curtain, sent him running for the door.
It says a lot when a man will rather live in a battered, broken down van parked up on bricks in a parking lot than spend another night in Fatty's apartment.
This only resulted in hilarious drama that is still going on to this day, yet it didn't stop fatty from feeling so bad about everything that happened that, despite not having a pot to piss in financially, he still went out and spent all his lunch money on buying Corky a brand new laptop.
SadFatty now hates Corky with a passion because he possesses Fatty's powerword and he's heard Fatty fart the theme tune to Cheers during his sleep.
Friends with Brett Keane
Besides Nick Bravo, Happy also decided to become friends with another of YouTube's most loathed and hated scum, Brett_Keane, presumably because they both had an avid interest in flagging videos and getting channels closed down. Even though Brett has attacked Happy repeatedly, Cabbie is still defending all of Brett's actions and insists that he still wants to be Brett's friend to the point of making video after video and tweeting tweet after tweet, begging him to take him back and be nice to him again.
Not surprisingly Brett's reply has so far been along the lines of "fuck that shit" as he repeatedly posts one video after another showing Cabbie being a lying bag of shit in his video site, BrettKeaneVideo.com because the truth is that all that Brett was ever interested in was getting a partnered Youtube Channel even if it meant kissing Cabbies ringpiece which means that he must have wanted that channel really badly.
Naturally, now that Cabbie managed to get Brett's channel shitcanned by using it to flag down countless channels advertising porn and get rich quick schemes, Brett suddenly has no need for Cabbie's services.
Seriously, how fucking depressed, lonely and unloved do you have to be to beg Brett Keane to be friends with you?
It must be like wishing for a turd to be tasty, in that it won't be, and either way, you'll still end up eating shit and nobody will want to come near you.
Of course, this brings us nicely to the next point...
Armed and Dangerous
Happy thinks he isn't safe with a nigger running the White House, so he got a gun to defend himself against dangerous carrots and diets.
It brings a new meaning to "Eats, Shoots and Leaves"
In reality Cabbie just wants a gun so that he can be a hero. Of course the only reason that anyone sold him one was because they misheard him and thought that he said "an hero"
Naturally in any armed confrontation, Cabbie would be more use as something to simply hide behind given that, owing to his ample bulk, any gunman that can hit the side of a house blindfolded could put a bullet in Cabbie before he could draw his weapon, even if they tried to miss as his gravitational pull would bend the projectile's trajectory towards him in the same way that the moon prevents asteroids from hitting the earth.
Seriously, the last childrens entertainer who got dressed up as a clown and made balloon animals that they allowed to own a gun was John Wayne Gacy and he went to the gas chamber when they found the decomposing corpses of thirty young men hidden under his house after he'd tied them up and buggered them to death.
Maybe Corky had a lucky escape?
Leaving YouTube
After receiving a couple of DMCA's
and phone calls that resulted in him being fired from his new trucking job Fatass, decided to take the road of honor and flee YouTube. But because nobody cared, he had to create a sock-account to wish him godspeed. Of course it only took 3 weeks before Fatass in best Brett Keane style returned to YouTube.
Of course the truth, which HappyFlaggy wouldn't know if you put it between two pieces of bread and smothered it with mayo, is that, according to Socialblade, Flaggy's subscribers are abandoning him faster than a pie with legs as he's the only YouTube partner that actually loses subscribers every time he makes a new video.
Seriously, people actually stopped unsubscribing from him when he said he was leaving and started leaving again once he came back.
AgentofDoubt Drama
Although this piece of drama wasn't as spectacular as his fallout with Corky it did have the potential to utterly destroy any last remaining vestiges of the good reputation that he may have once had.
AgentofDoubt had, by this time for over a year, produced a weekly video series where each week he listed out videos that had been flagged down for various reasons and the youtube channels that had been closed down because of those flags. For anyone with an intelligence above that of a jelly donut it was clearly obvious that AgentofDoubt was simply listing the videos and channels that had been reported to him, despite the reason for them being flagged but because Cabby's head is full or marshmallow this vital fact completely passed him by so when one week AgentofDoubt reported that a video staring his old friend Corky had been flagged and that Corky's latest youtube channel had been shitcanned (most likely because it had been flagged to fuck by Cabbie himself) Cabbie was enraged because he thought that AgentofDoubt was expressing support for Corky by treating him like a human being and just reporting the facts instead of saying that Corky deserves to be taken out into the desert and remorselessly arse-rapped by dirty mexicuns and homos until he dies.
So Cabbie hatched a plan for revenge.
This was a plan so diabolical that the only person alive that Cabbie could trust with it was his close friend and confidant, Brett Keane who is renowned across the internet for his ability to take any dirty secret you might tell him to the grave, and not use it against you at the first possible opportunity. This plan was to create a fake youtube account, then to compile and then email a long list of videos that had been flagged for kiddie porn, as well as the names of a shitpile of pedo channels that'd been ban-hammered and shitcanned, in the hope that AgentofDoubt would read them out in his video so that Cabbie could suddenly stand up and, with righteous indignation, proclaim that AgentofDoubt was endorsing pedos and kiddiefiddlers, which would incite the rest of the interwebs to collectively rise up against AgentofDoubt and pelt him with the internet equivalent of rotten fruit.
Naturally, as this cunning plan had been devised by HappyCabbie, the only person it was going to fool was Corky.
What actually happened is that When AgentofDoubt received an email from a mysterious user called Hellen906 with pages upon pages of links to videos that'd been flagged for containing kiddie porn, the first thing that went through AgentofDoubt's mind was something along the lines of "how on earth does this person know about so many channels that contain kiddie porn?" which, let’s be fair, apart from being obvious, is a really, really good question that still hasn't been answered.
Consequently, when he published the list of channels on his blog and he talked about them in his weekly video, he was very careful to mark them up separately and point out that the list of channels had been provided by somebody else.
As soon as the video uploaded, Cabbie sprang into action like a coiled viper and posted a video calling AgentofDoubt out for supporting pedos which caused the rest of youtube to collectively look at Cabbie and say "What the fuck?", given that AgentofDoubt had made it obvious that this wasn't the case.
What followed over the next week was a steady stream of videos and tweets going backwards and forwards between Cabbie and AgentofDoubt arguing about the matter until someone sat Cabbie down and explained to him, in words of few syllables that are easy to understand, that he should just sit the fuck down and STFU as he was making an ass out of himself by completely failing to understand that simply reporting on something does not mean that the person doing the reporting condones and agrees with what is being reported. At that point, the drama died down and nothing more was said about it...
...and then Brett Keane fell out with HappyCabbie.
As he stood behind Cabbie, Brett planted his size nine boot firmly on Cabbies fat arse and gave it a good push sending Cabbie reeling under a bus that just happened to be passing by by uploading a series of videos to his website claiming that Cabbie was the mastermind behind the whole plan and explaining exactly what went on. Surprisingly Cabbie refused to counter the allegations because he still wanted to be Brett's friend but what really cooked Cabbies goose was when AgentofDoubt put out a video pointing out that he kind of guessed it was Cabbie right from the start as Hellen906 was either a veteran radio and television presenter from the BBC, was the "child enthusiast" who owned the channels in question, or was the person who flagged all of those channels down.
Cabbies response was that as far as he was concerned, the issue had been resolved and the matter was now closed.
Seriously, when the lying, scheming evil cunt that is Brett Keane holds the moral high ground when discussing the things that you've done, you really need to take a good long look at yourself in the mirror (or in cabbies case, a wide look) and reassess the direction that your life is headed
Flagging doesn't apply to ME :( :(
Ohh Onision, please let me suck your cock
Flaggers beware!!
Please flag him
Caught again, Happy.
No you take the blame, no you, no you.
I will defend Brett Keane even though he has wronged everyone, but nobody shall defend Corky.
When he doesn't sucks on feet, he practices to suck cock
This is perhaps the most disgusting gif ever.
Lulz he is fat
Why can't I get slim?
Usually 1 or 2, but no less than under 5 bags of chips a day
Sending Know Your Meme a suggestion on reply girls.
Is Happy really that bad of a person?
See also
External links
Cabbies Socialblade Stats