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User:Schnookums/tpl and

Eevee Party

Eevee Party is a shitty animation created by an chinese shithead known as Asi/Yuji (I'll call him Asi for now). It was made by the same creator of SSS Warrior Cats, which stands for Stupid Sexual Sewage Warrior Cats. Made in 2004, the animation uses an art style similar to The Nutshack's, and it goes as follows: Some Teenage Eevees are partying in hell inside their "Futuristic House". There goal is to have sex with as many girls as they can my making them go to their party. Meanwhile, some foxes are preventing this from happening, which causes them to get kicked out and brutally beaten. (Eevee Party 1: (Eevee Party 2: (Eevee Party 2.5:

In the squeal, Eevee Party 2, the Eevees have a giant bottle of beer that transforms anything into an Eevee (Including the ground), which shows that Asi has a transformation fetish. They then send their booze full of expired shit to Earth to get transformed into an Eevee Planet. Now, lets talk about the Eevees themselves, they're all made by furfags who clearly must have been smoking some hardcore weed or something in this animation. He even made "Eevee Party 2.5", which is very similar to the other two.

I forgot to mention the stolen music. Here's a list of some of the songs that were stolen: Five - Let's Dance (Some Emo Song that lonely girls listened to in the 2000's) Fall Out Boy - Dance Dance (This song is as bad as Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit combined) Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart (More like "NO"! Also the only reason why it's in the animation is because of GTA Vice City which is a boring game) Asi also has a DeviantART page. Yeah, even he needs some of that fetish art too. Recently, the series has been rebooted not by Asi, but by some slutty millennial (Here's a link: This animation will forever be a cringefest full of cum thirsty teenage boys in a basement. FUCK YOU ASI, FUCK YOU DIGI (His ASSistant), AND EVERYONE ELSE THAT WAS A PART OF MAKING IT

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Identical images and (keep this one) and is original but these are the same image but smaller:

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Images restored by me, in case I forget

Kiwi Farms Archive: ILJ

In the event Kiwi Farms goes go down I'll achieve some of the key articles. *

This page is intended to archive the Kiwi Farms ILJ summary thread of similar name in the event Kiwi Farms is successfully removed from the Internet.

Aug 10, 2021

Isabella Loretta Janke aka Isabella Janke aka "Bella":

1. Disclaimer: Isabella Loretta Janke is a serial liar and manipulator. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] All of the items in this list are to be taken with a grain of salt, but are things that she has claimed about herself in leaks, are claims made by her associates and victims, or were uncovered through investigation.
This list is currently organized in chronological order of revelation (for the most part). The intention is that once novel developments begin to slow down and all of the evidence is collected for the items on this list, it will be re-organized to better reflect the real-life chronology of events, the various categories of illicit activity, as well as prominence given to the more heinous actions of Isabella Janke. In the meantime, please accept the current format as a placeholder. Thank you.
2. Potentially encouraged, groomed, or enabled Chris Chan's incestuous fantasies with his mother over the course of months, leading to multiple rapes of the likely demented octogenarian. 1a 1b 2 3 4a 4b
3. She did this for internet clout and attention, wanting to go down in history/"Christory" as the "greatest troll ever". 1 2 3 4
4. She also encouraged his delusions by communicating with fictional characters that Chris Chan believes to be real; tried to have him join a "cult". 1a 1b 2 3 4 [5]
5. Had recorded evidence of Chris Chan admitting to raping his mother regularly and did not reveal it, potentially allowing the abuse to continue. 1 2 3 4 5 6
6. Has apparently recorded other people's voice and persona on video without their consent. 1
7. Shared manipulated versions of this evidence in order to minimize her apparent involvement in the alleged crimes perpetrated by Chris Chan against his mother. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
8. Apparently, also manipulated evidence to make the alleged crimes perpetrated by Chris Chan seem even more sinister and despicable. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
9. Preemptively sought anonymity in her involvement in Chris Chan's life. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
10. Falsified claims to more public personalities in order to get them to parrot misinformation for her. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6a] [6b]
11. Manipulated two people with autism (Chris Chan and Fiona [aka Everfree Suitress]) and planned to film them having sex at a convention. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7a] [7b] [8] [9] [10]
12. Potentially coerced Chris Chan, who has consistent financial issues and is on disability, to send her $500 for a camera and to do this. [1] [2]
13. She could have possibly received some of the money that Chris Chan stole from his aforementioned mother, which violated the EPO on her. [1]
14. Potentially planned this just to "steal" Fiona from Chris Chan, because of her own sexual interest in her. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
15. Her actions have led Fiona to the point of being institutionalized and having her internet privileges revoked after Fiona revealed the incest evidence. [1] [2] [3]
16. She tried to paint Fiona as the mastermind behind this entire plan, which is part of what led to this apparent breakdown. [1] [2] [3]
17. She tried to convince Fiona to not reveal the shared evidence of Chris Chan's actions by faking a 911 phone call, claiming to have taken care of it already. [1a] [1b]
18. Claimed that Fiona was underage just to draw attention away from herself and onto Chris Chan. [1] [2]
19. Claims to have extorted Chris Chan (a mentally ill individual) for money, and/or stolen it. [1]
20. Is potentially involved in the suicide of a classmate at her university, Texas Tech. [1]
21. Was possibly trying to get Chris Chan to kill himself as well. [1] [2a] [2b]
22. Was possibly involved in breaking up the support systems that was created to help Chris Chan.
23. Has admitted to her compatriots that she tried, and eventually succeeded, in raping a woman despite physical resistance. [1] [2] [3]
24. Neglects and abuses pets; has discussed killing animals, using them for sexual gratification. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9a] [9b] [10] [11]
25. Allegedly boiled/burned/microwaved* (and possibly eaten)* multiple hamsters alive (videotaped and shared the video), one pet (RIP Max) allegedly died due to neglect. [1] *note [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9a] [9b]
26. Has thrown her associates and other innocent bystanders under the bus in order to deflect attention from herself and make them out to be the masterminds of her sick plots. [1] [2] [3] [4a] [4b] [4c] [5a] [5b] [5c] [6] [7] [8] [9]
27. Appears to be ringleader of a group of "trolls" under the guise of being a Chess Club at TTU. [1] [2] [3] [4]
28. Has threatened to dox those associates. [1]
29. Has apparently doxxed, or at least conspired to dox, the people who accused her associate of harassment on 4chan.
30. Claims to have doxxed ~90+ people. [1] [2]
31. Is a bully to those around her and others, allegedly responsible for perpetrating and organizing the sexual harassment of fellow TTU students. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
32. Has claimed to bully her cousin, who plans to work with children with special needs, evoking negative emotional responses from her family.
33. Spreads misinformation and photoshopped pictures of her victims to ostracize them and potentially lead to their suicide, accusing them of stuff like recording and perpetrating animal abuse to boot; also harasses them. [1] [2] [3]
34. Spreads information about her government-affiliated parents' drug use, psychological diagnoses, and extramarital love life. [1]
35. Spreads information about her government-affiliated father's military intervention actions in international affairs.
36. Claims that her father had shown her Native American porn. [1]
37. Claimed that her mother falsely called the police on her for allegedly beating her mother.
38. Has shota, rape, bestiality, pedophilia, fart, incest, and other fetishes which she creates (illegal) content of and has pushed onto others. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15 (File repository containing a lot of underage hentai and other depravity)] [16] [17] [18a] [18b] [19]
39. Allegedly shared videos and photos of children, including young pictures of herself, with the intention of launching sexual discussions. [1] [2]
40. Allegedly has or is worried about being caught with child pornography (CP). [1] [2] [3] [4]
41. Avoided getting in trouble at TTU by making new Discord accounts and reporting her old server where they discussed inappropriate things and posted gore* to act like they were not involved. [1] [2] [3] [4a] [4b] [5a] [5b] [6] [7]
42. To clarify the above point, it seems to have been a Title IX investigation that she and her cohorts lied their way out of, likely combined with other external factors. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
43. Has bad hygiene, leading to fungal infections on her toes (which she removes and glues back on), acne on her face, and her claiming not to know common hygiene products. [1] [2a] [2b] [3a] [3b] [4] [5a] [5b] [5c] [5d] [5e] [5f] [6] [7] [8]
44. Has shat her pants in recent history, multiple times, and was probing others for whether they do the same. [1] [2] [3]
45. Has delusions of grandeur. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5a] [5b] [5c] [6]
46. Has failed miserably at controlling the narrative and keeping her movements away from the public eye. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
47. Has claimed to be a sociopath/ASPD with ADHD. [1] [2]
48. Is an attention-seeking narcissist with a victim complex and potentially photoshops images of herself for more attention online. [1] [2a] [2b]
49. Is racist, commonly using the words "nigger" and "kike", associates with white supremacists. Also hates bisexuals*. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
50. Hates people with autism and is transphobic, allegedly harassing and emotionally abusing transgender individuals and initiating relationships with them to embarrass them. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
51. Is incredibly spoiled by her parents who send hundreds of dollars to her regularly. [1a] [1b]
52. Has pretended to be other people and otherwise disguise her identity when dealing with people online, multiple times. [1] *Note: placeholder. [2] [3] [4a] [4b] [5]
53. Has used/created "sock" or "sockpuppet" accounts on this website and elsewhere in order to spread misinformation, place blame on others, and try to prevent others from finding out the truth. [1a] [1b] [1c] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6a] [6b] [7]
54. Claims to be a hacker, gaining access to private and financial accounts of others, as well as their devices. [1a] [1b] [2] [3] [4a] [4b] [5] [6]
55. Has sold her psychiatrist-prescribed medication to others, presumably TTU students. [1] [2]
56. Does drugs and/or smokes weed. [1] [2] [3]
57. Has used others' vaccination cards to fake vaccination cards for herself and her family. [1a] [1b] [1c] [1d] [1e] [2a] [2b] [2c] [2d]
58. Has used others' legal driving licenses to create fake IDs for herself and potentially others. [1a] [1b] [1c] [1d] [1e] [2]
59. Was going to use one of the fake IDs for "government filing" (possibly to trade crypto, possibly to avoid taxes from transactions). [1a] [1b]
60. Uses devices made by her father's cybersecurity companies to assist in her online "trolling" campaigns which have negatively impacted numerous people. [1] [2]
61. Has bragged about her familial connections to Nazis. [1]
62. Allegedly stole her roommates' items and planted cameras around the domicile, presumably to record them; was allegedly evicted from her apartment complex* for this. [1] [2]
63. Planned* to steal panties from women, encouraged others to do the same. [1]
64. Heavily inferred that she is an incel (involuntarily celibate), claims to get angry when she sees women interested in men (likely due to her interest in women).
65. Wanted to be more "masculine" but not in a transgender way; wanted to dominate women. [1]
66. Took steroids in HS for wrestling, also has abnormally high testosterone levels. [1]
67. Mocks people for their physical appearance and differences. [1]
68. Claims to be excessively rude toward service staff and retail workers. [1]

--- Added 17:30 UTC Aug 7th, 2021 ---​

69. Encouraged, or at least disseminated information on, conducting pagan rituals using period discharge for the purposes of placing spells on people.
70. Was recently arrested for possession of some sort of weapon by the Port Authority Police Department (NYC, USA). [1a] [1b] [2]
71. In addition to targeting specific LGBTQIA+ students on TTU campus, she had made a list of known members thereof, which carries its own implications.
72. Intentionally outed transitioning transgender students to others.
73. Vandalized dormitory restrooms and others' property. [1] [2] [3] [4a] [4b] [4c]
74. Made the dormitory area inhospitable to other dorming students and guests due to the sounds and odor emanating from her dorm and into the hallway. [1]
75. Claimed to have "mild autism", potentially as a way to gain forgiveness from one of her harassment targets (note that she previously denied having autism). [1]
76. Allegedly involved in multiple suicides. Consider this an addendum to #20, 21, and 33 above. [1]
77. Has stated that she has contacted TTU police to try to blame/frame everything on her victim, the one that reported her and her associates and what led to the Title IX proceedings mentioned above in #41, 42. To put it more bluntly, she is submitting false reports to the authorities. [1a] [1b] [2] [3] [4] [5a] [5b] [6] [7]
78. Has historically, and continues to, spread misinformation about her parents' wealth and profession, in order to benefit herself and strengthen her narratives in that moment. [1a] [1b] [1c] [2]

--- Added 19:20 UTC Aug 7th, 2021 and later ---

79. Potentially tried to create a Reddit post denying everything and playing the victim card; deleted it shortly thereafter due to negative response. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
80. Seems to have created Reddit alts to continue her misinformation campaign.
81. Her and her associates in the Discord are creating/sharing "fursonas" (animated anthropomorphic versions of themselves) and associated porn. [1] [2]
82. Has allegedly bragged about using darkweb/onion sites, uses Tor browser. [1] [2]

--- Added 14:45 UTC Aug 8th, 2021 and later ---​

83. Allegedly tried to taze multiple students at TTU. [1]
84. Allegedly advocated for genocide on neo-Nazi forums and Reddit messageboards.
85. Allegedly bragged about attempting to lace other students' drinks. [1a] [1b] [1c] [1d]
86. Bragged about rolling around in someone's piss on the shower floor. [1] [2]

--- Added 17:00 UTC Aug 10th, 2021 and later ---​

87. Confirmed by a witness to have boiled and consumed a living hamster. [1] [2] [3] [4]
88. Confirmed by a co-conspirator to have repeatedly dosed a friend with estrogen. [1a] [1b] [1c] [1d]
89. Confirmed by a co-conspirator to have planned to dose a victim of harassment with estrogen.
90. The piss that she rolled around in that was on the shower floor was allegedly cat piss (#86). [1]
91. Has commissioned artists online to draw porn for her. [1a] [1b]
92. Has admitted to selling nootropics on the internet and a distaste for authorities that may punish her for this. Extension of #55. [1]
93. Allegedly sexually assaulted her female friends under the guise of helping them (foot massages, helping with a bra, etc.). [1]
94. Allegedly "moderated" 4chan threads and used them collect CP and potentially resold CP to others. [1] [2] [3]
95. Claims to have written viruses and infected others' computers. [1]
96. Claims to have raped another student at TTU. Note: Unintentional update/repeat of #23. [1] [2] [3]
97. Solicited her associates to purchase alcohol for her despite being a minor. [1]
98. Admitted to peeping/spying on others. [1] [2] [3]
99. Plagiarized articles and posted them as her own work on a website. [1a] [1b] [1c] [1d] [2a] [2b]
100. Used the website "Chegg" to share her homework so that someone else could do it for her. [1] [2]
101. Potentially involved in the Chris Chan taser ploy (tasing himself to activate the merge). [1] [2]
Some of the entries in this post could be examples of Bella and her collaborators trying to throw investigations and documentations off the trail by using a plethora of useless information, but I will continue to document everything.

  • Note: Hopefully this archive copy I am making will be similar to how Wikipedia sources its links that means there will be a sources section at the bottom that names where the links will lead and pressing a link in the body of the text will take you to the sources before you can choose to visit where a sourced page leads.


[1] Kiwi Farms attachment hacker_on_lolcow-farms.png

[2] Kiwi Farms attachment 7F652D3F-49A0-4D72-A747-E7A38F7E8439.jpeg

[3] Kiwi Farms attachments null.jpg

[4] Kiwi Farms attachment 1628004195373-png

How to color text the easy way

You're a big faggot
Eats a lot of dick

Vulpix/Sandbox is part of the following series:

Vulpix/Sandbox is part of a series on Lolcows [JULAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYI'M PRESSING BUTTONS]

AddyAdf-fuensalida/Ahuviya HarelAlexander4488Alexander JahansAlex JonesAmuriaAnailaighAngela BeesleyAngry Homo KidAnimatedJamesAnita SarkeesianAnthony 'A-Log' LoGattoAntandrusBeanBenthelooneyBikerfoxBirdieBoogie2988BroniesChasethehedgehogcheese1997CheeyevChris ForcandChris-chanChris HansenClay ClaymoreConnor CochranCopperCabCorkyCristaliCyraxxDan LiretteDalavestaDerek SavageDestinyMewDivineAngelDodgerofZionDoe DeereDogpatch PressDon HenrieDrago-draciniDragonmorphDrewTheFoxDarksydePhilDurovaDrMusic2DwarlinggirlxcoreElliot RodgerEthan KleinEthan RalphFists_The_EchidnaFurriesFuturisticHubGame2WinterGirlvinylGoddessMilleniaGorgeous GeorgegraykatHal TurnerHermanHol TigerHozupindahows00sI Dislike Cis PeopleIsabella Loretta Janke‎InSaNe-REYNARDInmendhamIntellectual CheckmateJared MiltonJerry PeetJihadunspun.comJolene JRydaJosephtheloverJoshua MoonJuggalosJustinRPGKeffalsKimmo AlmKrimpetKiwi FarmsLiart66List of lolcowsLittlefagLizzieyLolcow.farmLord FoxworthLord Rexington FearLove ShyLowti3rgodLuigispiritkeeper08LuvmonkeysMangsMariotehplumberMatrooko11MeganSpeaksMeta527IIMike MateiMikemikevMissLaVeyMisterpoetMONGOMontagraphMr.A.T.AndreiThomasMylarBalloonFanMolecularMageXDMoviebobNate SpidgewoodnathanrNeo-classic-nekoNephilimFreeNick BateNick "Corky" BravoNikocado AvocadoNihilistic SnakeObjectfagsOnideusOnigojirakaijuPatrick S. TomlinsonPixelArtGalorePixelbeePlotahedron9Prince JeremyProfessor KuhtoonsRachel CorrieRandy StairRachel CorrieRandomlaughingmanReviewTechUSARobert TraceyRobert Wayne StilessapphydracasesSammyClassicSonicFanSceptreSeleneSephirothPrincess941Shoe0nHeadSnapesnoggerSnackyCakes2008SokiTwopawSuper Minecraft KidTakedownmanTariq NasheedTawneelynneTeruchanTerry DavisTheAmazingAtheistTheft KingTheMysteriousMrEnterThe rEactorTheSpoonyOneThe Unknown AutobotThorTimboxToby J RathjenTom CruiseTom PrestonUlillilliaUltimateUKFFFanUniversalUrsweetyUTTPVonheltonValis77VideoGamePhenomWingsofRedemptionXaviawillg8686YandereDevZac BertschyZoe Quinn

Vulpix/Sandbox is part of a series on Dying Alone

[DeadCry yourself to sleep]

Those Who Have Died Alone

Aaron AlexisAaron BushnellAaron SwartzAdam LanzaAlexis ArquetteAmanda ToddAmy WinehouseAnal CuntAndy KaufmanAngry GrandpaAnna Nicole SmithAnthony WarnerAsa CoonBrian AdamsBrandon CrispByuuCharmaine DragunCho Seung-HuiChris BenoitChris Harper-MercerChynaCodey PorterDavid BowieDavid CarradineDragoneerEazy-EEdaremElliot RodgerElvis PresleyGeorge SodiniGizgizGleb KorablevHappyCabbieHarambeH.P. LovecraftHeath LedgerJake DavisonJeff WeiseJewWarioJim MorrisonKate SpadeKitty0706Kurt CobainLemonade CoyoteLeelah AlcornLil PeepLiloLoki BlackfangLowtaxMia JaninMegan MeierMichael JacksonMitchell HendersonMySpaceNathan GaleNikita LytkinOtoya YamaguchiPekka-Eric AuvinenPrinceRandy StairRehtaeh ParsonsRicardo LopezRina PalenkovaRipperRobin WilliamsRonnie McNuttRudolph ZurickRyan PalmeterShawn WoolleyShayShuaibySol PaisSteve StephensThomas Matthew CrooksTony48219TooDamnFilthyTyler DumstorfVester FlanaganWilliam AtchisonXXXTentacionZhao Zewei

Those Dying Alone

03bgood2cash2 gryphon7jackass77Adam SandlerAhuviya HarelAIDS SkrillexAkewsticRockRAlex FordAlison RappAmerica's Third PartyAmy SchumerAndrew AllansonAngry JoeAnimatedJamesAnita SarkeesianAnonymous BorgAnthony 'A-Log' LoGattoAntony AguilarApril DavisAquagirlwhitefoxArgent009Arguecat3Arin HansonArmake21AsalieriAsher2500Austin AlexanderAvantGardePonyBambifan101BarneyfagBasement DwellersBen FordBen MoynihanBenny_the_SnakeBenthelooneyBig RedBikerfoxBill9929Bill GaedeBill GatesBLACKbusterCriticBob RehahnBrandontheMovieGuyBrandon SmithBrian MuellerBrian Richard ZaigerBrianna WuBroniesButLovaByAppointmentToCarl the CuckCartoonjunkieCaseydeckerCatboyKamiCheeyevChloe SagalChris-chanChris CrockerChuck M.Clint of Rise and FallCopperCabCorey MargeraCoughlan666CrazyvideosandrantsCrinklemonCyraxxDaniel BrandtDan CilleyDane CookDani FilthDarius McCollumDarknessthecurseDarksydePhilDave ChapelleDave MustaineDavid HockeyDaxflameDBoyWheelerDeekerDeterminedToDrawUTDev-catscratchDGTrixieDiaper BoyDillon CosseyDiogo MendesDisneyFan01DisneyMasterDJ KEEMSTARDnepropetrovsk maniacsDodgerofZionDogpatch PressDon RobertsDoodletonesDoomer3868Dorian_GayDoug WalkerDrakonDrossRotzankDoomentioDustinEDP445Emer PrevostEmosEpic Fat GuyEpicKitty54Eric AbramovEric RidenourErik RibsskogErtasVideosFilthy FrankFagolescentsFanFic CriticFast EddieFat ManFaust & Pory Five Nights at Freddy's fansFlardoxFluffy teh wolfForeverKailynFriends of A-LogFurriesG-ZayGather Against FateGeorge LopezGeosheaGhostGirlvinylGlobelampGoddessMilleniaGraykatGreg MazujianGwen GaleGwen StefaniHarmful OpinionsHellkiller777I Dislike Cis PeopleI Hate EverythingIan Miles CheongIchverboticze⁴rImma-The-DeerInkBunnyIsabella Loretta JankeJamil The KingJessi SlaughterJessica LeedsJim ProfitJINXDROWNEDJoe Crusher PicklesJoekerJohn BullaJohn FieldJohn KricfalusiJohn Patrick RogersJonathan McIntoshJonmonJonTronJoseph CampJoseph8276Joshua "Null" MoonJuggalosJustinRPGKat DenningsKendall JennerKeegan SalisburyKathleen ToddKenny GlennKevin HavensKeffalsKimmo Johan AlmKingEmpoleonKingMasterReviewKrashedLaci GreenLarry the Cable GuyLauren FaustLeafyIsHereLecarickLeigh AlexanderLeisureSuitGamingLena DunhamLeonard F. Shaner Jr.Leslie JonesLifeInATentLikeicareLinkaraLittleCloudLittleKuribohLogo KidsLordelthibarLow Tier GodLucian HodobocM. ChaosA Man in BlackManchildrenMar9122MarblesMariotehplumberMarjan SiklicmasteroogwgayMatthew DavisMatthew NicholsonMcJuggerNuggetsMDetector5‎MeowbarkMeganSpeaksMichael BattonMichael FitzhywelMichael GimsonMike SandyMoleman9000Monica PunkMonkeyGameGuidesMoviebobMumkey JonesMuZemikeMylarBalloonFanMysteriousMrEnterMysticArkNaokoElric2250NawlinWikiNeckbeardsNeoGAFNick BateNick BravoNikkineko333Noah AntwilerNostalgia ChickNotchNullcherriObjectfagsOFWGKTAOnideus Mad HatterOnyx ForepawPacificoceanasiaPaigeGirlPaul FeigPaulie CalafioreParkourdude91Peter BrightPeter CoffinPhantomStrider8Phil FishPhunWithLogicPinkieponyPit ViperPixyteriPeluchin EntertainmentPMRantsPreachingthegospelQuentin TarantinoRachael MacFarlaneRandi HarperRichard ReidRicki RavenRMG ProductionsRobert StaintonRobert Wayne StilesRockosockoRomeo RoseRootbrianRose3212Ryan RouthSad FrogSammyClassicSonicFanSam PepperSarah ButtsSarahisniftySaturnDOSSceptreSchnookumsSegacampSega KidSeth MacFarlaneSethistoShadmanSimply OkamiSlowbeef & DiabetusSnapesnoggerSonic SaviorSonmanicSony-MaeSophie LabelleSpax3StormySuperlisamcbSusan BoyleTara StrongTheAmazingAtheistTheDOSFagTheSockDetectiveTim BuckleyTJ LaneTodd in the ShadowsTom PrestonToonEGuyTourneyfagsTrey Eric SeslerTrigglypuffTyciolTyler GarmanyUlillilliaThe Unknown AutobotVadeVinceintheBayWade FulpWeatherManKevinWesley!!!WoWfan4lifeWwwareaWeegeeisgoingtokillmXenuriaYandereDevYoshiwii1Youyoungbloodfantasy91Zoe QuinnZone

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Isabella Loretta Janke Eurobeat Remix

The lyrics of the once popular Isabella Loretta Janke Eurobeat Remix by YouTuber and Kiwi Farms user cerulean hydra. Isabella had this song removed from YouTube months ago and the Isabella Janke Synthwave Remix ft. Leaked Logs & Sockpuppets song removed recently.

The Lyrics

(Verse #1)

Isabella Janke, what a dirty skank

Shlicking to her own de-gen-er-a-cy

(Verse #2)

Isabella Janke, what a dirty skank

Shlicking to her own de-gen-er-a-cy

touching her pets, moaning pleasurably

(Verse #1)

Isabella Janke, what a dirty skank shits her own pants for fun but it's not just feces

She once bathed in her room-mates urine could there be a worse person than one that bathes in urine

(Verse #2)

Isabella Janke, what a dirty skank evicted for spying on her room-mates but she's done worse: sexual assault

Could there be a worse person than one that bathes in urine

(Verse #2)

Isabella Janke, what a dirty skank dealing drugs from her dorm but there's still worse She draws naked little boys and animal gore

Could there be a worse person than one that bathes in urine

(Verse #2)

Isabella Janke, the greatest troll in history she's Internet famous and everybody loves her

That's the lie she believes

(Verse #1)

Original address:

To Add to Articles

Add to Waita article in Mai-Chan's Daily Life (2003) Spawned the troll meme Baby Fuck.

This art was created by Waita (link to original file on his site is still unknown) (original title: NOU-KAN (2004) Source: (original title: MAI-chan&Mam (2000) Source: (note: POST IN ARTICLE) (original title: Autophagous Orgy(2002) Source:

The bathtub picture Original title: BATHTUB (2003) Source:

Death panda description: A long confrontation between the ultimate male creature = "despanda" who suddenly appears in the city and does his best to slaughter people and the beautiful shrine maiden sisters. The feeling of "love" that rises strangely at the same time as complete helplessness. Brutal love comedy from King of Gore. This work was published as a paper book by Sanwa Publishing in 2006, and was made into an e-book in 2013 by Ohta Publishing. (source:

Encyclopedia Dramatica has a fanboy relationship with UW. UW's art can be found twice as individual images and at least twice within a collage on the Offended page and Pain Series page.

Add to See Also for SJW movies/TV shows with gender swap characters (ie. were they take preexisting characters and flip their gender) or change the personality of an existing character significantly (generally to provide a self-insert for the creator)

Add to Shadman article

Anne Frank Let Me Be Frank by Shadman on June 13, 2012

IMAGINARY FRIEND by Shädman on May 22, 2012 at 00:01 comics - -

IMAGINARY FRIEND: PART 2 by Shädman on May 23, 2012 at 00:01 comics - -

KIMPLANTS: PAGE 1 by Shädman on July 26, 2012

KIMPLANTS: PAGE 2 by Shädman on July 28, 2012

KIMPLANTS: PAGE 3 by Shädman on July 31, 2012

KIMPLANTS: PAGE 4 by Shädman on August 2, 2012

KIMPLANTS: PAGE 5 by Shädman on August 4, 2012

KIMPLANTS: PAGE 6 by Shädman on August 7, 2012

KIMPLANTS: PAGE 7 by Shädman on August 10, 2012

KIMPLANTS: PAGE 8 by Shädman on August 16, 2012

KIMPLANTS: PAGE 9 by Shädman on August 19, 2012

KIMPLANTS PAGE: 10 by Shädman on August 22, 2012

Kimplants: Page 11 by Shädman on August 24, 2012

Kimplants: Final Page by Shädman on August 25, 2012

Elizabeth BioShock

NUI’S STICKY KITTY by Shädman on September 1, 2015

Fallout OC Stuff

Fallout 4: Vault Dwelling by Shadman on June 28, 2015 (anal)

FALLOUT 4: VAULT MEAT (and strap on) by Shädman on November 6, 2015

Overseer’s Orders! by Shadman on November 6, 2015 (pregophilia)

Emoji Movie Girl by Shädman on May 20, 2017 (that "t shirt design")

Also link to

Most sources will link to here Cloudflare goes up and down Kim Fuckable series

Kim Fuckable 1

Otaku translator

Edit note: I found a page with files never accessed by anyone (User:Gray/Smut analyisis(Archive)) with Shadbase art preserved on it which I am placing it here, if you find more Shadbase art please place here.

Where I get the images here

Wiki Resources (coding)

Mary Sue

A Mary Sue (also known as Sue; Marty Sue, Marty Stu, Mary Stu, or Gary Stu if male) is an unbelievable character that usually is just too good to be true. This is often the end result of someone becoming so obsessed with being part of a nonexistent universe that they simply had to make a character that they can project themselves on to be part of said universe. However, the character always ends up being an overcompensated, overly-perfect wish-fulfillment of the author, inflicting nothing but his or her own arrogance onto the fiction and/or fandom.

Contrary to popular belief, Mary Sues existed before the fic; they were just less identifiable back then due to the lack of accessibility to the Internet. Ironically, it's also the internet’s fault that the Sue-plague spread, as now any twat with internet-access that believes that she can write a good story has the means to show everyone unfortunate enough to find her god-awful fanfic why she hasn't.

The Many Faces of Mary Sue

Some argue that the best way to identify a Mary Sue is if they suffer no realistic consequences for their actions. For example, if your character is murdering people left and right and doesn't have the fucking military in their pursuit, then it might be time to get a new hobby besides creative writing, such as learning how to actually be fucking creative, or prostitution.

Babies r' Us Sue

This is a common Sue. They simply hook up with one of the main characters of the opposite sex and have kids (ex: Branca, Fists, Sephiroth's slave, Rose and Bonita One Prime). Oftentimes, these Sues have more than one boyfriend so they get into messes such as trying to figure out if Draco or Harry is the father of their ugly child.

Canon Sue

This Sue is a mixture of at least two different characters from one or multiple fandoms (ex: Aome Higurashi). Typically, these are what many furries fall into when they are not drawing horse-men with four penises molesting underage DD-breasted dickgirl squirrel lolis having orgies inside a giant fox's golden shower piss-filled anus.

Rapist Sue

This Sue is a homewrecker if the established character already has a romance in a book or movie.

Where sparkling jewel-eyed, porcelain-faced Mary Sues are too common and annoying as a result, Rapist Mary is as charming as (fix) getting castrated. She is nothing short of a hair-tearing, tooth-gnashing, stomach-turning, nauseating ball of horny ready to rape anything with legs. She is only welcome in parody writing, but all too often she is snuck into what is supposed to be a serious, non-Sue effort, marring it beyond redemption (ex: Snapesnogger and Tula).


At just under 450 pounds at 5'6" high, Jordie weighs significantly more than Homer Simpson (240 pounds) and Peter Griffin (270 pounds).

Rise to "fame In 2008, the financial crisis was in full swing. Jordie was not spared; and he was fired from his last job as a blast furnace operator. This gave Jordie more time to play Call of Duty; and noticing his friend uploading Call of Duty videos on JewTube, Jordie created his own JewTube channel titled "WingsofRedemption" on January 28, 2008, and began uploading his own Call of Duty videos.

The downfall Stroking his ego so big that it almost came, Jordie called out a YouTuber named Syndicate and challenged him to a 1v1 in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare on the map Bog. Unsurprisingly, he lost and broke his controller in a massive explosion of tard rage, blaming his friends who were trying to comfort him, causing them to give birth to the famous line "why the fuck you stream that shit?".

After spending some time with Woodysgamertag and FPSRussia, he got his ass banned for good, for pussying out of a survival trip and insulting them for the trip being a failure. He would never regain his reputation and his inevitable downward spiral was set in stone.


"You wanna fight with me mixed martial arts, I'm gonna stab yo ass." - PKA 68PKA

No he should not resign because he wants to get his dick hard, dude everybody wants to get their dick hard. People cheat on their wife, it's a normal thing." - PKA 56

I'm down cow, it'd be a cow." - PKA 52 via ZombieSquatch

You can't put a pussy on a pedestal, pussy is pussy dude. Jordie Jordan PKA130

Matter of fact, if they're cheating on their wife I actually trust them more." - PKA 83

"There's no such thing as homosexuality." - PKA 25

"I am no longer going to be fat after 2014, and that's the promise I made to myself."

"I do not smile. I do not laugh."

“Just because you’re overweight doesn’t mean you’re in bad health, like I was in perfect health at almost 500 pounds... other than being massively overweight.”

"How many pounds do I weigh? 455. Would I ever let a bitch sit on my face? I don't know, you ever see the type of girls I date?”

"I'm not here to conversate man."

"Ban any variation of laughter in the chat."

"Fuck you! Get banned!"

"Ban anybody who says free anybody! Fuck that shit! Get them the fuck out my chat!"

"If anyone spams anything, if they say the word (italics) the (italics) two times in a row ban them."

"Alright Shock Steve, here it is: I'm going to download Fortnite Shock Steve if I don't reach five hundred twenty subscribers within two hours I'm permabanning you."

"Go ahead and take... put the word carried on uhh restriction, please." Jordie Jordan, butthurt abouthis viewers discussing the Carried Diamond album.

New rule: Anybody who says League of Legends in any context in my chat is permabanned from this point forward. Any mod caught not upholding this rule will be permabanned.

Ban anyone who knows what I said.

Welcome to BanWorld: Never going to donate? Get the fuck out of here.

Laugh out loud is banned in here.

Cameron the banned words are just a bunch of different things like, like: the word Pepsi's banned, Richard's banned, the word surgery is banned.

I look at my chat and everybody's timed out, heh, it's like Oprah in this bitch. You get a time out, you get a time out...

Ban Prometheus

Start banning anybody who wants to talk about CS: Go just time em out just start timing em out if they come back in talking about it again just get rid of em.

We're at the point where if you mention Fortnite you get banned

How many Twitch accounts do you think you've banned? Um? Probably five-six thousand, most likely?

Let's see: why am I banned? I never say anything nasty about you I actually like you and messaged you in the past. If you guys donate to get unbanned it's... you got, you gotta leave the Gamertag.

"I don't even give a shit anymore if I get banned in Twitch I'm ready to quit this shit anyway. Ban Mix the FPS please." Jordie, before actually getting permabanned from Twitch.

Post video if Jordie listening to racist music, he vermaently denies this ever happened but he did listen to racist music.

Post video of Chris Hansen responding to Jordie's inappropriate statements.

Add gallery Add Wings Memes memes, which feature Jordie standing next to Pepsi machines. Post pictures of Liquid Richard t-shirts and merch and link where to buy on RedBubble.



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Unnecessity Blocked Pages

There was at least two Edit Wars in the year 2022 - one that happened around June to August of 2022 and another in February of 2022. The most distinguishing characteristics of these edit wars was the spamming of sockpuppet accounts to vandalize æ resulting in account creation being disabled and multiple locking (protecting) of pages. The protected pages bellow no longer need to be protected:

Talk:Encyclopedia Dramatica
Black Hole
Power Rangers
User talk:Sacho
California Fetus
Colby James/Bunny Date!
TV Tropes/Horrible FanficsI-L

Most of the protected pages by MarioMario456 during him removing -abigblueworld- from vandalizing ae are those pages that remain protected nearly one year later. Most of the unnecessary protects.