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Selene has the potential to be an Epic Lolcow
We need your help in order to continue milking this Lol Cow

What Brit tells people she looks like...
Selene's second baby.
What she actually looks like...
You gotta feel sorry for the guy...
It's a TRAP!
Not even high contrast can erase the ugly.

Selene, AKA Lilyana, Blooddemon19, Rynn_Nicolette who's real name is Brittany Siragusa is an ugly attention whore who suffers from unwarranted self importance, believes she is a vampire, has several lovers who are trying to kill her and also claims that they have succeeded in killing two of her imaginary children. She tells people that one of her lovers is Edward Elric, and went as far as creating a MySpace for him.

She also has a major crush on Edward's voice actor, Vic Mignogna and went as far as stalking him in an Anime Con recently, where she confessed she wrote several erotica pieces with him in it.

She tried very hard to make her real friends believe her sad life. Often changing conversations to one of her daily tragedies.

I had Lestat turn Edward into a vampire, after Yuhi and The Kas'yit killed my unborn child by stabbing me in the womb. It was a hard decision, but it's the only way to keep myself alive. It's only a matter of time before Seth's people try to kill me again.


—Selene showing how batshit crazy she is

Yuhi killed my second child, at least this time I was able to give birth to her.


—9 weeks after they killed the last one

I lied about everything, and my friends were stupid enough to believe everything I told them.



The Birth of Erebus

Of course it wouldn't take long until a brave soldier noticed the potential of this lolcow and after finding out everything about her imaginary world, decided it was time to milk her for lulz. It started with anonymous text messages to her cell phone which she posted online, and soon they became e-mails from Erebus. Selene is so smart, that she immediately believed the Greek God Erebus was talking to her.

Your deepest thought, involved the desire to be protected and loved and cared for by only one, and this one, shall not ever look at another woman, for his eyes only see you, and his desire only you will keep sated. It is your deepest desire that rings the loudest my dear.


—Erebus reading minds.

I just googled Erebus for something to do. Very interesting. I knew there was another reason for not setting a challenge for you. Hard to compete with a God. lol. I seem to attract darkness and shadows.


—Brittany already in love.

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Her Polygamist Family Gets Involved

Thor and Carson, looking for polygamy candidates.
Selene and her new daddy.
They look old enough to be her parents.

While working at her great-paying job at Wal-mart she met a man named David Martin Knaphus who goes by the name Thor, and who is as batshit crazy as Selene herself. It didn't take long for Selene to convince Thor into sleeping with her. But like every good Mormon, Thor already had a girlfriend, Carson Walker, and together they decided that adding another would be AWWWRIGHT.

Of course, this posed a problem for our brave Erebus, because Brittany decided that she had met the loves of her life and did not want to continue her e-relationship with Erebus. Believing that the lolcow was dry, Erebus let it go.

However, no one expected Selene to e-mail Erebus months after he stopped caring.

I don't hear from you in 6 months and you suddenly send me a text out of the blue? And I hate that I can't reply to your texts but then again I guess its a good thing. My boyfriend would have some choice words for you. But why wait so long to reply? 6 months is quite the stretch in time for a human you know.


—Selene thinks Erebus did it.

Your manner of speaking to one such as I is... rather insulting. Revolting, underserved, and inappropriate... for you are putting blame upon me for something I have yet to do. find comfort elsewhere for I have not the patience to deal with this... regardless that I have the time. Those, my dear, are my choice of words for you.



—Well said!

Realizing that the cow could still be milked for more lulz, Erebus created a myspace for himself. Selene once again believed this was Erebus the Greek God, but because she had promised Thor to never talk to him again, she had one of her friends contact Erebus. Who in turn, sent Selene another email, once again baiting her. This time, her father Boyfriend, Thor, Contacted Erebus.

So it finally comes to it, Erebus and Thor. You may as well leave the "shadows" that follow you in the past. Your connection is no more, and the energy you have poisened her with will never engulf her soul again. It is interesting to me that you would bother hanging on as you have. I see she was not the only one poisened. Is it really so hard for you to let go of the past? She is no longer who she was and is now a member of my tribe and as such will not be bothered by you or anyone elses taint again. I have no desire to be rude, but I will say this, it is time to let go. Don't contact her again, she will not be talking with you anymore, nor about you. It is time to end this game.


—Thor about his wolf tribe.

I did nothing more than send her the reply to her inquiries, so before you place blame on myself for communicating with your precious kin, you need not look any further than her own intentions towards me. Her past will continue to haunt her as long as she tries to move on without redemption. Think what you may, but you will never know the deep thoughts she hides, no matter how gifted you may think you are sir David "Thor".

And really, I thought Brittany disliked her father, why find herself another is beyond my comprehension.


—Erebus insults Thor

She will not be making further inquiries concerning you. You are wrong about me not knowing what is inside her head. I know the trouble, I do. So sit there, behind your computer smug in your satisfaction of safely and mystery. You though, are not the character you have created.


—Thor, butthurt

Thor Threatens Erebus

Selene messaging Erebus again.
Thor thinks he's an Internet Tough Guy

Of course Brittany decides not to listen to Thor, and contacted Erebus again. Our brave Erebus, deciding that Brittany needed more drama, emailed her message to Thor with the following message.

Do try to keep your unpaid harlot on a leash. We agreed to stop communications, make sure she understands this simple concept.


—Erebus talking fancy.

The only thing you need worry about is watching your back.


—Thor, Internet Tough Guy

If you think you are safe behind your computer and can say whatever you wish you are wrong. I need only contact some friends of mine and I will quickly know your identity and anything else I feel like knowing about you. Every computer can be traced, every name can be referenced, and every pathetic loser hiding behind a screen can pay a heavy cost for games they play.


—Thor is going to get E-Lawyers involved!!

Of course, shaken to the core with fear Erebus consulted with a famous lawyer regarding the scary message Thor has sent.

Thor's threats are childish. There is nothing he can legally do against Erebus since he never once threatened Brittany, Stalked her, or Molested her. All the images and information were made public by her, and Erebus has the freedom of speech to use them as he wished. Thor on the other hand, has already made physically threatning comments and stated that he had illegal means to track Erebus down.


—Why Thor would be fucked if he went through with his threat.

Erebus is currently in the process of obtaining a restraining order.

Selene wants to meet Erebus

Brittany has expressed the desire to meet either Erebus, or Seth. Hopefully, a brave soldier will have the courage to go to Wal-Mart and give in to her wishes. (Refer to her contact info.)

Until that boys comes to Wal-Mart and tries to kill me well I just have to think that the Seth boy on here knows absolutely nothing about me and Erebus is full of it.


—Selene wants to be stalked.

Selene to become a mistress!

Thor and his whale got engaged...!
The engagement ring was $8... really.
How is his hand fitting in there?!
Selene is in love with this old thing?

In what appears to be another twist in Selene's dramatic life, the man she adores has decided to marry Carson The Whale, and keep Brittany as his personal Harlot. A source close to Brittany has diclosed that David will eventually marry Brit as well.

While David benefits from owning a soon to be wife and free prostitute, his and Carson's family have no idea that the bride and groom keep a little girl in their house, whom both like to play with on a nightly basis. Also, according to their wedding website they want YOU to attend their wedding.

Wedding and Reception

September 26th, 2009 - 5:00 pm Timpanogos Park (Bowery Pavillion) Provo Canyon Road - Highway 189 Orem, Utah We would like everyone to dress comfortably. Our colors are denim, green, and yellow (earthy shades). Please try to dress in our colors. If you do not have anything in our colors, please try to remain earthy and natural in your color choices. Please do not wear bright colors or red. You want to compliment the bride and groom, not disrespect them.

The ceremony and the reception are at Timpanogos Park at the Bowery Pavillion, towards Bridal Veil Falls on your left.


— The only way to compliment the Bride and Groom would be to put a paper bag over their heads.

Erebus plans to attend.



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