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This article is about a person who is under 18 years old.
You can help by knocking down their self esteem, telling them to stay in school and to get off of the Internets until then.
This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
The subject of this article is a lolcow, and is currently ripe for milking.
You can help by trolling the shit out of them whenever you see them, then laughing at their lulz-inducing theatrics.
Your autistic overlord, in the flesh.
Pewdiepie stating the facts.
We was kingz n' shit!

Game2Winter (Jerry Yin (Chinese name: 殷晨瑄); born 27 April 2007) is a 17-year old autist supremacist of Chinese descent who resides in British Columbia, Canada. He is often rambling about his plans to become a world dictator and how he will abduct children from parents to turn them into autistic super-soldiers and completely control the lives of everyone on Earth so they must obey his (quite literally) retarded cult.

But hold up; that's a lot to take in all at once. To make it simple, let's just say that Game2Winter is an autistic (and schizophrenic) lolcow with idiosyncratic beliefs and triggers, which we hope to explain to you in the following article.

His ideology

Game2Winter's worldview seems to revolve around him being a spastic retard chink. Ever since he found out he had aspergers, he believed he was super special or something because of it. However, he rejects the term "aspergers" over the fact it was coined by a Nazi, Hans Asperger. Despite it being common knowledge that German science is the best science, G2W invented a grand conspiracy that "aspergers" was a pejorative to oppress autists (who are aksually the future evolution of mankind according to aspie supremacists) with their supposed anti-intellectual campaign. This conspiracy falls flat upon further critical thinking for many reasons:

First thing's first, it would be utterly horrifying if Chris-Chan was the future of humanity. Secondly, Hans Asperger himself is believed to have had aspergers. Heinrich Himmler probably had aspergers. Most neo-nazis are retards too. And the claim of aspergic people being the next evolution of humanity is a laughable evolutionary misunderstanding in itself. To quote RationalWiki (yes, it's rationalwiki, unfortunately), "The evolutionary superiority asserted by aspie supremacists is based on a serious (and possibly purposeful) misinterpretation of evolution. The idea that Aspies are the "next step" in human evolution is assuming that the condition is a new occurrence, despite evidence suggesting that the condition may have existed for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. The existence of autistic people is nothing new. The idea that one population is superior to another also assumes that evolution is on a linear line from inferior to superior, rather than a natural process that helps a species adapt to a particular environment". Really the only thing that having autism does for you is make it harder to form social skills and find a romantic partner and turn you into a fucking troglodyte, thus decreasing your evolutionary fitness.

However, none of this matters to G2W because he has his mind locked in an epistemology where every rebuttal goes back to another thing and so forth in a way where he can never have to deal with being wrong, despite what the facts say or how crazy his ideas are. He will always claim "aspergers" is an insult because it was coined by a nazi and thus anyone who uses the word is also a nazi. He instead opts for his condition to be called "cyan" instead. Obviously, this is retarded and no one knows why he chose cyan of all words when there are already commonly accepted terminology in the field of phycology to replace it such as "High-Functioning Autism". This may be connected to his desire to disassociate with autism altogether, believing some levels of autism to be a hindrance, while his level of autism makes him automatically hyper-intelligent. Even if one can harness their autism to be more productive and successful, G2W certainly doesn't do that and wastes his time power fantasizing about unrealistic expectations.

In fact, G2W thinks autism is so epic that he wants the government to strip parents of their children so they can be raised by nerdy government officials for the purpose of discovering the slight chance that they might have autism, where if they do, they will be put on a pedestal and given a position in the government. When in government custody, all the children will be (probably sexually assaulted and), I kid you not, be injected with mercury to "enlighten their minds". This guy wants to turn the anti-vax conspiracies into a reality. He also HATES pop culture because he sees it a distraction from focusing purely on his batshit ideology. He thinks it should be censored at all costs so people can be hyper-fixated on praising autists as gods all the time.

On top of being an aspie supremacist, he also believes the Han race is the master race, when anyone would know East Azns are merely honorary aryans; still better than nignogs and arabs, but surely not the master race. G2W likely doesn't and will never understand his Chinese ancestors anyways because he doesn't understand metaphors, something which the great Chinese historical figures and philosophers always use in their speech. So instead of long-standing, defining features of his heritage, to back up his tomfoolery he uses esoteric LGBT rhetoric regarding his postulated superiority of asexuals, aromantics and agenders to add to his bullshit. And we're not even talking about the online cult he joined yet.

His cult

The eye of the god Anu[s]. This is what G2W worships.

Game2Winter's religion (Urianism) is an obscure 90's religious cult that attempts to combobulate various incompatible religions together in a way that only someone's brain which has been ridden with schizophrenia could take seriously. Unlike new age pagan religions, Urianism does not oppose Abrahamic religions, but rather tries to combine them, as well as some ancient pagan religions too. His god is Anu of the ancient Anunnaki religion, which is something that only schizos with very wacky and reconstructionist views on the world could believe in. He is known to hate Martin Luther and PrestonPlays, presumably for their part in the division between Catholics and Protestants which is antithetical to the Urian cause.

The religion also has an emphasis on combining spirituality with science, but even its "science" is just as convoluted as its religion. On top of the odd evolutionary beliefs, G2W also believes in a fictional particle called the "maion", whatever the fuck that might be or do.

We could go on about this pantheist theology, it's founder and the 9 dimensions and shiz, but it's probably stuff nobody cares about.

Online shenanigans

Proof that no one cares about his autistic bullshit.

Game2Winter is often spotted on Reddit, Discord and other smaller communities spewing unexpected tidbits of information about his ideas and future plans of global tyranny and the awful things he would do as world dictator. When talking to him it is fairly easy to get G2W to start rambling about insane shit. He was active in the Colorful testicle community where he often talked about his self-aggrandizing hierarchy of cyans and greys and how it makes him superior and always needed to mention his crap about how Nazis invented aspergers. When the Polandball wiki was preparing to make it's shift from FANDOM to Miraheze he attempted a coup of the wiki by requesting the Polandball wiki domain to made before the actual Polandball mods could, and then upgraded a bunch people to moderator status. This lone act of lulz from him was short-lived, however, as the original Polandball mods got their domain back through collaborating with Miraheze.


Student ID card information:
  • Year: 2020/2021
  • Education: Earl Marriott Secondary School
  • Grade: 8th Grade
  • Homeroom #: Room 301
  • ID#: 1444277
  • Personal Education Number: 137626453

How to troll Game2Winter

It's fairly easy to hit Game2Winter's (more like Gay2Winter, hehe) triggers. Here are some simple ways to do so.

  • Bring up Nazis, or better yet, Hans Asperger.
  • Idolize Hans Asperger as the greatest nazi and psychologist to ever exist.
  • Implement elements of German into your speech (ex: using German suffixes).
  • Call him a cultist or say his religion is a cult, because it is.
  • Refute his supposed level of intelligence.
  • Bring up pop culture/make pop culture references. Better yet, weaponize pop culture to troll him.
  • And remember, he hates the term "aspergers syndrome" because it's used by nazis to oppress him. Use kinder, more appropriate words such as "retard", "aspie", or "spastic" instead.

See also

The ultimate conclusion of everything G2W stands for.

External links

Game2Winter is part of a series on Lolcows [JULAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYI'M PRESSING BUTTONS]

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See also: 2012 Elections2016 Presidential Elections2020 Presidential Elections2024 USA Presidential ElectionsInternet PoliticsPizzaGatePolitical communitiesRoe v. Wade

Game2Winter is part of a series on Reddit. [DownVoteUpVote]
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Fuck it's cold, eh?

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