Furious that anyone would DARE attempt to use their own methods against them, the global congress of sandniggers took revenge on the dirty, pork munching Christian kafirs for the lulzy Christchurch mosque shootings in style on Easter Sunday, 21 April 2019, with one of the most well planned and epic bomberman campaigns in modern history, the Sri Lanka 2019 Terrorist Attacks.
Unlike attacks that occur in cucked western nations like France or Britain, these attacks happened in a volatile shithole like Sri Lanka. This may well cause a huge backlash, as the majority Buddhist population of the island nation follows in the footsteps of its mainland neighbor Myanmar and might proceed to exterminate every fucking muslim too slow to hop off the island. Only time will tell (fingers crossed).
Several bombings happened in the city of Colombo in Sri Lanka killing at least 100 christfags, resulting in lulz and bawllllllz from the christfag community and facebook moms alike. The attacks were highly unexpected, which is what makes them so lulzworthy. Several locations were attacked simultaneously, including Christian churches and shrines, luxury hotels and the airport (although the attempted attack there was unsuccessful).
There was something else in that Easter Egg...
National Thowheeth Jama'ath
Nine niggers from the National Thowheeth Jama'ath (representing Team ISIS) allegedly carried out the bombings. The most notable so far is Abdul Lathief Jameel Mohamed, known for having studied in the UK, and then going to Australia for a PhD. By blowing himself up in Sri Lanka, he ensured his student debt became void. Smart move.
A few days after the attack, the glorious Islamic State released a downloadable wallpaper of the perpetrators.
Stuff actually happens in the last 30 seconds
On the 29th of April, 2019, the Sri Lankan government banned niqabs/burkas in response to this event.
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Sri Lanka 2019 Terrorist Attacksis part of a series on [GAME OVERInsert Coin]